Apply Errors in Dashboard: 1. Ferruh has analyzed all the failures, see the attached excel for details. Went through all the failures one by one. 2. DOC patches have been excluded. It should be fine in future. 3. Wrong tree, Intel build would poll all the sub-trees and find one sub-tree can build, then build. It can work for build, but consider doing the performance test, so we will not 4. Dependency to other patchset, this dependency is difficult to detect automatically since patchset has no strict format for the dependency patches. The solution is not urgent requested, and can be put aside. MLX performance public status: Erez got the confirmation about the disclaimers from legal and Ali is working on the configuration documents and targeted to send the link to Jeremy by end of this week. Jeremy's update on dashboard: The graph to show the performance data is almost done. Jermey will send out the sample screenshot following the mail. Good progress. And next Jeremy will check the apply errors related CI.