Greatings Adam,
I'm happy to hear that you're trying to bring it up.
As I understand the final goal is to run it on regular basis. So,
we need to make it properly from the very beginning.
Bring up of all features consists of 4 steps:
1. Create site-specific repository (we call it ts-rigs) which
contains information about test rigs and other site-specific
information like where to send mails, where to store logs etc. It
is required for manual execution as well, since test rigs
description is essential. I'll return to the topic below.
2. Setup logs storage for automated runs. Basically it is a disk
space plus apache2 web server with few CGI scripts which help a
lot to save disk space.
3. Setup Bublik web application which provides web interface to
view testing results. Same as
4. Setup Jenkins to run tests on regularly, save logs in log
storage (2) and import it to bublik (3).
Last few month we spent on our homework to make it simpler to
bring up automated execution using Jenkins -
Corresponding bits in dpdk-ethdev-ts will be available tomorrow.
Let's return to the step (1).
Unfortunately there is no publicly available example of the
ts-rigs repository since sensitive site-specific information is
located there. But I'm ready to help you to create it for UNH. I
see two options here:
(A) I'll ask questions and based on your answers will create the
first draft with my comments.
(B) I'll make a template/example ts-rigs repo, publish it and
you'll create UNH ts-rigs based on it.
Of course, I'll help to debug and finally bring it up in any case.
(A) is a bit simpler for me and you, but (B) is a bit more generic
and will help other potential users to bring it up.
We can combine (A)+(B). I.e. start from (A). What do you think?
On 8/17/23 15:18, Konstantin Ushakov wrote: