Hi Andrew,

The runner machine was missing a dependency for one of the scripts, "pixz". After installing that, it appears to have worked. I can see the results listed on the ts-factory Bublik instance.
In the latest revision of ts-rigs, there appears to be a syntax error at line 42 within the script located at "ts-rigs/scripts/publish_logs/prj/ts-factory/publish", within the if condition. I fixed it locally to get it to run.

Taking a quick look at a comparison against your most recent X710 run, it looks like we're NOK on around ~400 more test cases. By percentage of tests, we're 1% off, however, it looks like whole subsets of the test suite that contain low numbers of tests are failing. I wonder if this is due to differences between the Intel X710 and XL710 or issues in our dev testbed.


On Tue, Nov 7, 2023 at 11:58 AM Andrew Rybchenko <andrew.rybchenko@oktetlabs.ru> wrote:
Hi Adam,

I see no attempt to publish logs, so I guess something went wrong. Please, let me know if you need any help from me. Hopefully there is no need to rerun tests and publish could be debugged using ./scripts/publish_logs.


On 11/7/23 02:16, Adam Hassick wrote:
Hi Andrew,

I've started a test run, it should finish at some point overnight. I tested the authentication and it seems to work, fingers crossed that we see some results appear tomorrow.


On Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 3:13 PM Andrew Rybchenko <andrew.rybchenko@oktetlabs.ru> wrote:
Hi Adam,

fresh ts-rigs-sample has all required bindings to publish logs to ts-factory.io. See the top-most commit.
So, you just need tune SSH to use correct user, port and key for ts-factory.io. You  can add below settings
to corresponding user .ssh/config or add corresponding options to sftp command in scripts/publish_logs/prj/ts-factory/publish:

Host ts-factory.io
        User unh-iol
        Port 56777
        IdentitiesOnly yes
        IdentityFile <path-to-private-key>

The publishing is asynchronous in ts-factory case. i.e. user puts logs and cron job checks incoming directory every 10 minutes and publish found logs.

You can request publishing when you start testing using --publish option or publish previous run testing results using ./scripts/publish_logs from dpdk-ethdev-ts sources. PWD should be the directory you run tests from.

Please, let me know how it goes.


(dropped history, since it became too big and require moderation)