Hi Zhoumin, I wanted to reach out to you about the possibility of adding the Loongson lab to the group of labs supporting the email based retest framework. Currently, the UNH Community Lab and also the GitHub Robot are supporting patch retest requests from emails, and we would like to extend that to all the publicly reporting CI labs, if possible. For context, the original announcement: https://inbox.dpdk.org/ci/CAC-YWqiXqBYyzPsc4UD7LbUHKha_Vb3=Aot+dQomuRLojy2hvA@mail.gmail.com/ Aaron announcing support for the github robot: https://inbox.dpdk.org/ci/f7tedfooq6k.fsf@redhat.com/ And the retest framework definition on the dpdk.org testing page: https://core.dpdk.org/testing/#requesting-a-patch-retest So a format like: Recheck-request: iol-compile-amd64-testing, iol-broadcom-Performance, iol-unit-arm64-testing, github-robot Is current accepted, and it would be great if we could add Loongson support to the list too. What we are supporting right now is doing retesting on the original DPDK artifact created for a patch when that patch was submitted. But we are also thinking of adding in rebasing off of tip of branch as a v2 feature. Does this sound possible for the Loonson lab? I know you are leveraging the dpdk-ci repo for standing up your CI testing, but I don't know specifically whether that lends itself well towards doing retests later, or if that would be a big technical challenge. Let me know! If it is possible for the Loongson lab, maybe we can discuss in the March 7 CI Testing meeting?