March 2, 2022
1. Lincoln Lavoie
2. Brandon Lo
3. Aaron Conole
4. Liang-min "Larry" Wang
5. Michael Santana
6. Lijaun Tu
1. General Announcements
2. CI Status
3. Test Development
4. Any other business
General Announcements
* Nothing specific for this meeting
CI Status
UNH-IOL Community Lab
* Working on deploying test coverage measurements (lcov / gcov) for the unit testing. First need to get this running stable within the test, then work on a solution to parse / store metrics to track over time.
* FIPS work is continuing, working with members from Intel to get all other algorithms working with the ACVP API.
* RTE Flow & VirtIO should be deployed.
* VirtIO can only be run on the Intel NIC x86_64 systems until DTS upgrades generalize the required test topology.
* RTE Flow is running periodically, until some failures can be addressed. Emails are being sent to RTE flow maintainers.
* SOW for 2022 is going to the governing board for final review on March 8.
Intel Lab
* Removed the icc_build for cntx modules in the CI.
* Found some issues with patches that were missing the Series ID.
* Seems like there might be a bug in patchworks.
* An Example: * It seems like, without the Series ID, all testing and checks are missing the patch, including the check patch scripts.
* Lincoln to reach out to Ali Alnubani about the issue, will copy Lijuan and Aaron.
* Around the RC1, there will be a lot of patches to be tested / queued. Intel is receiving a 502 error from the server sometimes (fairly frequently).
* May be caused by polling vs event subscription. Can try to lower the frequency or change the back off time.
* Aaron confirmed the github action scripts see that occur sometimes and have a recovery built into wait and then try again.
Github Actions & OBS
* No updates, maintainers tied up in other products for the time-being.
Test Development
* DTS improvements work is still ongoing, aiming to migrate DTS test suite into the DPDK repo for the 22.07 release
* Work is in progress to fix test suites that directly modify DPDK source code before compile / test run.
* Working on tool chains for developers, including lint and static analysis for python (DTS’ language).
* Dropping / removing redundant test suites (there was an ABI test and some calls to unit testing).
* Next Meeting: March 9, 2022
* * Notes:
* =====================================================================
Any other business
* Next Meeting: March 17, 2022
* Note, Lincoln will be on vacation during this week
* Aaron will be chairing the meeting.