April 22, 2021


1. Lincoln Lavoie
2. Thomas Monjalon
3. Ali Alnubani
4. Brandon Lo
5. Aaron Conole
6. David Liu
7. Juraj Linkeš
8. Michael Santana
9. Owen Hilyard
10. Lijuan Tu
11. Ashley Weltz


1. Performance Testing Metrics (Percentage)
2. Requesting Retests
3. Testing Coverage
4. CI Status
5. Bugzilla Status
6. Test Development
7. Any other business


Performance Testing Metrics (Percentage)

* Ali opened a couple of issues with the TRex project, one has been resolved, one is still pending.  Remaining issue is blocking.  https://bugs.dpdk.org/show_bug.cgi?id=670
* Need to look into this next week, to evaluate if it can be deployed.
* Merge on the changes to DTS are also waiting on the TRex issues identified by Ali. Once we can confirm the TRex fix, DTS team can merge.

Requesting Retests

* Proposal being discussed on the mailing list.
* Allow self service retesting to the community.
* Current process requires lab operators to manually insert the request into the queues.  This is looking to automate the process.
* Proposed process: Email comment to the patch list, patchwork archives these, and they can be queries could be polled.
* Open Question: Who can use retest, are we worried about abuse? Accidental retests could also happen with bad quoting in the email. Agreed to start with anyone can make the request, will limit it if necessary, except for UMN.
* Agreed to limit retests to 1 time per patch set reversion.
* Agreed to retest should be added to the front / top of the test queue to run as soon as possible.
* The retest can request a specific check (i.e. the test name in patchwork), where each of these can be rerun 1 time.  
* Aaron Conole to create a bugzilla ticket

Test Coverage

* Request to add Alpine linux for testing coverage, compile / unit / ABI testing.
* Need to confirm all Windows systems are running compile testing with the warnings as errors to catch failures.
* Windows coverage needs to expand support for multiple compilers
* UNH-IOL Community Lab is running Windows Server 2019, .
* Intel is running Windows 10 with CLang compiler.
* Need to create a coverage matrix, maintained on the website. Lincoln will work on the first patch.  Matrix should also indicate which mode (debug or release) was used during the compile.

CI Status


* Should apply (i.e. git patch failed to apply) errors be reported as failures or warnings?  Group agreed these should be reported back as warnings to patchwork. Intel will also update to report warnings. Lincoln will create bugzilla item to track this change

UNH-IOL Community Lab

* ABI failures should be fixed, missed update Friday afternoon to the correct version of libabigail (v1.8)
* All other OSes will have ABI tests online later today, this is running in the same containers as the compile testing.  Each time the container image is created, it should pull the latest available libabigail at that time.
* DTS failures caused by timeouts should be resolved.
* Arm cross compile jobs, Dockerfiles were sent along, need to verify these on the runner 3.  Pending a fix for the sudo access.

Intel Lab

* Preparing for the 21.05 release testing.
* Working on CI testing for the DTS project.  Found some issues with the DTS testing, working on some improvements to test scripts.  Working on getting testing stable, before re-enabling reports.

Travis CI / GitHub Actions / OBS

* Still working on the OBS, Aaron got pulled onto other work last week.  Working to get some additional OSes CentOS / RHEL / Fedora.
* Still some transient issues with Travis CI.

Bugzilla Status

* Out of time.

Test Development

* Collecting feedback on DTS for improvements and future development, here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c5S0_mZzFvzZfYkqyORLT2-qNvUb-fBdjA6DGusy4yM/edit
* Need meeting to review the feedback is April 28, 9am EDT(1pm UTC), Location: https://meet.jit.si/DPDK
* During that meeting, the plan is to review the input, identify common trends that could be used to develop the first action items / development items / bugs.
* Community Lab SOW
** Lincoln to create epics to track the SOW items for 2021 in bugzilla.
** Lincoln / Ashley to share SOW deliverable items to the CI mailing list (formatted for text).

Any other business

* Next Meeting: May 6, 2021
* Lincoln will be out of the office for this call, Aaron volunteered to to lead the call.

Lincoln Lavoie
Principal Engineer, Broadband Technologies
21 Madbury Rd., Ste. 100, Durham, NH 03824
+1-603-674-2755 (m)