Hi Kevin,

The FIPS and crypto (ZUC / SNOW) testing shouldn't be running on the older LTS branches, because they don't include the required patches that were released as part of 22.11. So, you can ignore those failures.  We'll make sure those tests are excluded from future runs on the older staging branches.

In terms of the two runs, I'm not sure of the cause and we'll have to look into that.  


On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 5:04 AM Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com> wrote:

I have a question about UNH CI periodic runs. I had 2x runs of CI on
21.11-staging on the same commit, a few days apart.

The issue I see is that the first test run came back all green, so I
assume good and I can push to 21.11 branch. However, the second run
comes back with additional tests that showed failures.

So I'm wondering why there are additional tests in the second run? and
if/how skipped tests are being reported?

At least with the fips tests I have seen previously so I don't think
they are all newly enabled tests in the days in-between.

Details below.


Initial test run:

Second test run:

Additional tests in the second run:
Ubuntu 20.04 VM - dpdk_fips_validation (warning, not reported in dashboard?)
NA NA (Linux container host) 10000 Mbps - cryptodev_sw_zuc_autotest (fail)
NA NA (Linux container host) 10000 Mbps - cryptodev_sw_snow3g_autotest
Arm Intel XL710-QDA2 4000 Mbps - lpm_autotest, unit_tests_mbuf
Arm Broadcom 25000 Mbps - unit_tests_mbuf,nic_single_core_tests
Ubuntu 20.04 ARM GCC Cross compile - dpdk_meson_compile
Ubuntu 20.04 ARM SVE - lpm_autotest

Lincoln Lavoie
Principal Engineer, Broadband Technologies
21 Madbury Rd., Ste. 100, Durham, NH 03824
+1-603-674-2755 (m)