From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 0CEF2C254 for ; Fri, 17 Mar 2017 14:09:15 +0100 (CET) Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384_P384) id 15.1.961.17; Fri, 17 Mar 2017 13:09:11 +0000 Received: from (2a01:111:f400:7c0c::182) by (2603:10b6:404:4c::27) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256_P256) id 15.1.977.11 via Frontend Transport; Fri, 17 Mar 2017 13:09:11 +0000 Authentication-Results: spf=fail (sender IP is;; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;; dmarc=fail action=none; Received-SPF: Fail ( domain of does not designate as permitted sender); client-ip=;; Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_0, cipher=TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA) id 15.1.961.10 via Frontend Transport; Fri, 17 Mar 2017 13:09:11 +0000 Received: from bf-netperf1.idc ([]) by (8.14.3/8.14.0) with ESMTP id v2HD8peR021077; Fri, 17 Mar 2017 06:09:07 -0700 From: Hemant Agrawal To: CC: , , , , , Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 18:38:27 +0530 Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 1.9.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> X-EOPAttributedMessage: 0 X-Matching-Connectors: 131342297513210667; (91ab9b29-cfa4-454e-5278-08d120cd25b8); () X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; IPV:NLI; CTRY:US; EFV:NLI; SFV:NSPM; SFS:(10009020)(6009001)(336005)(2980300002)(1110001)(1109001)(339900001)(199003)(189002)(51234002)(9170700003)(86362001)(50466002)(77096006)(50226002)(81166006)(8936002)(47776003)(4326008)(575784001)(5003940100001)(8656002)(53936002)(8676002)(16200700003)(48376002)(85426001)(54906002)(81156014)(104016004)(53946003)(5890100001)(2950100002)(36756003)(189998001)(2906002)(105606002)(6916009)(106466001)(33646002)(38730400002)(2351001)(110136004)(356003)(76176999)(5660300001)(305945005)(50986999)(6666003)(2004002)(569005); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; SCL:1; SRVR:BN1PR03MB188;; FPR:; SPF:Fail; MLV:ovrnspm; A:1; MX:1; PTR:InfoDomainNonexistent; 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Ip=[]; Helo=[] X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: HybridOnPrem X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: BN1PR03MB188 Subject: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v9 05/22] net/dpaa2: add mc dpni object support X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.15 Precedence: list List-Id: DPDK patches and discussions List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 13:09:18 -0000 This patch add support for dpni object support in MC driver. DPNI represent a network interface object in DPAA2. Signed-off-by: Alex Marginean Signed-off-by: Hemant Agrawal --- drivers/net/dpaa2/Makefile | 4 + drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/dpni.c | 739 +++++++++++++++++++++ drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_dpkg.h | 184 ++++++ drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_dpni.h | 1217 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_dpni_cmd.h | 334 ++++++++++ drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_net.h | 487 ++++++++++++++ 6 files changed, 2965 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/dpni.c create mode 100644 drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_dpkg.h create mode 100644 drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_dpni.h create mode 100644 drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_dpni_cmd.h create mode 100644 drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_net.h diff --git a/drivers/net/dpaa2/Makefile b/drivers/net/dpaa2/Makefile index 3e3c8d1..db94b45 100644 --- a/drivers/net/dpaa2/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/dpaa2/Makefile @@ -43,10 +43,13 @@ else CFLAGS += -O3 CFLAGS += $(WERROR_FLAGS) endif +CFLAGS += "-Wno-strict-aliasing" CFLAGS += -I$(RTE_SDK)/drivers/net/dpaa2 +CFLAGS += -I$(RTE_SDK)/drivers/net/dpaa2/mc CFLAGS += -I$(RTE_SDK)/drivers/bus/fslmc CFLAGS += -I$(RTE_SDK)/drivers/bus/fslmc/qbman/include +CFLAGS += -I$(RTE_SDK)/drivers/bus/fslmc/mc CFLAGS += -I$(RTE_SDK)/lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal # versioning export map @@ -56,6 +59,7 @@ EXPORT_MAP := LIBABIVER := 1 SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA2_PMD) += dpaa2_ethdev.c +SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA2_PMD) += mc/dpni.c # library dependencies DEPDIRS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA2_PMD) += lib/librte_eal lib/librte_ether diff --git a/drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/dpni.c b/drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/dpni.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3330614 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/dpni.c @@ -0,0 +1,739 @@ +/*- + * This file is provided under a dual BSD/GPLv2 license. When using or + * redistributing this file, you may do so under either license. + * + * BSD LICENSE + * + * Copyright 2013-2016 Freescale Semiconductor Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2016 NXP. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * * Neither the name of the above-listed copyright holders nor the + * names of any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY + * + * ALTERNATIVELY, this software may be distributed under the terms of the + * GNU General Public License ("GPL") as published by the Free Software + * Foundation, either version 2 of that License or (at your option) any + * later version. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" + * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE + * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR + * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF + * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS + * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN + * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) + * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE + * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + */ +#include +#include +#include +#include + +int dpni_prepare_key_cfg(const struct dpkg_profile_cfg *cfg, + uint8_t *key_cfg_buf) +{ + int i, j; + int offset = 0; + int param = 1; + uint64_t *params = (uint64_t *)key_cfg_buf; + + if (!key_cfg_buf || !cfg) + return -EINVAL; + + params[0] |= mc_enc(0, 8, cfg->num_extracts); + params[0] = cpu_to_le64(params[0]); + + if (cfg->num_extracts >= DPKG_MAX_NUM_OF_EXTRACTS) + return -EINVAL; + + for (i = 0; i < cfg->num_extracts; i++) { + switch (cfg->extracts[i].type) { + case DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_HDR: + params[param] |= mc_enc(0, 8, + cfg->extracts[i].extract.from_hdr.prot); + params[param] |= mc_enc(8, 4, + cfg->extracts[i].extract.from_hdr.type); + params[param] |= mc_enc(16, 8, + cfg->extracts[i].extract.from_hdr.size); + params[param] |= mc_enc(24, 8, + cfg->extracts[i].extract. + from_hdr.offset); + params[param] |= mc_enc(32, 32, + cfg->extracts[i].extract. + from_hdr.field); + params[param] = cpu_to_le64(params[param]); + param++; + params[param] |= mc_enc(0, 8, + cfg->extracts[i].extract. + from_hdr.hdr_index); + break; + case DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_DATA: + params[param] |= mc_enc(16, 8, + cfg->extracts[i].extract. + from_data.size); + params[param] |= mc_enc(24, 8, + cfg->extracts[i].extract. + from_data.offset); + params[param] = cpu_to_le64(params[param]); + param++; + break; + case DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_PARSE: + params[param] |= mc_enc(16, 8, + cfg->extracts[i].extract. + from_parse.size); + params[param] |= mc_enc(24, 8, + cfg->extracts[i].extract. + from_parse.offset); + params[param] = cpu_to_le64(params[param]); + param++; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + params[param] |= mc_enc( + 24, 8, cfg->extracts[i].num_of_byte_masks); + params[param] |= mc_enc(32, 4, cfg->extracts[i].type); + params[param] = cpu_to_le64(params[param]); + param++; + for (offset = 0, j = 0; + j < DPKG_NUM_OF_MASKS; + offset += 16, j++) { + params[param] |= mc_enc( + (offset), 8, cfg->extracts[i].masks[j].mask); + params[param] |= mc_enc( + (offset + 8), 8, + cfg->extracts[i].masks[j].offset); + } + params[param] = cpu_to_le64(params[param]); + param++; + } + return 0; +} + +int dpni_open(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + int dpni_id, + uint16_t *token) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + int err; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_OPEN, + cmd_flags, + 0); + DPNI_CMD_OPEN(cmd, dpni_id); + + /* send command to mc*/ + err = mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); + if (err) + return err; + + /* retrieve response parameters */ + *token = MC_CMD_HDR_READ_TOKEN(cmd.header); + + return 0; +} + +int dpni_close(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_CLOSE, + cmd_flags, + token); + + /* send command to mc*/ + return mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); +} + +int dpni_create(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint16_t dprc_token, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + const struct dpni_cfg *cfg, + uint32_t *obj_id) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + int err; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_CREATE, + cmd_flags, + dprc_token); + DPNI_CMD_CREATE(cmd, cfg); + + /* send command to mc*/ + err = mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); + if (err) + return err; + + /* retrieve response parameters */ + CMD_CREATE_RSP_GET_OBJ_ID_PARAM0(cmd, *obj_id); + + return 0; +} + +int dpni_destroy(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint16_t dprc_token, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint32_t object_id) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_DESTROY, + cmd_flags, + dprc_token); + /* set object id to destroy */ + CMD_DESTROY_SET_OBJ_ID_PARAM0(cmd, object_id); + /* send command to mc*/ + return mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); +} + +int dpni_set_pools(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + const struct dpni_pools_cfg *cfg) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_SET_POOLS, + cmd_flags, + token); + DPNI_CMD_SET_POOLS(cmd, cfg); + + /* send command to mc*/ + return mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); +} + +int dpni_enable(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_ENABLE, + cmd_flags, + token); + + /* send command to mc*/ + return mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); +} + +int dpni_disable(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_DISABLE, + cmd_flags, + token); + + /* send command to mc*/ + return mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); +} + +int dpni_is_enabled(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + int *en) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + int err; + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_IS_ENABLED, cmd_flags, + token); + + /* send command to mc*/ + err = mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); + if (err) + return err; + + /* retrieve response parameters */ + DPNI_RSP_IS_ENABLED(cmd, *en); + + return 0; +} + +int dpni_reset(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_RESET, + cmd_flags, + token); + + /* send command to mc*/ + return mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); +} + +int dpni_get_attributes(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + struct dpni_attr *attr) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + int err; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_GET_ATTR, + cmd_flags, + token); + + /* send command to mc*/ + err = mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); + if (err) + return err; + + /* retrieve response parameters */ + DPNI_RSP_GET_ATTR(cmd, attr); + + return 0; +} + +int dpni_set_errors_behavior(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + struct dpni_error_cfg *cfg) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_SET_ERRORS_BEHAVIOR, + cmd_flags, + token); + DPNI_CMD_SET_ERRORS_BEHAVIOR(cmd, cfg); + + /* send command to mc*/ + return mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); +} + +int dpni_get_buffer_layout(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + enum dpni_queue_type qtype, + struct dpni_buffer_layout *layout) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + int err; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_GET_BUFFER_LAYOUT, + cmd_flags, + token); + DPNI_CMD_GET_BUFFER_LAYOUT(cmd, qtype); + + /* send command to mc*/ + err = mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); + if (err) + return err; + + /* retrieve response parameters */ + DPNI_RSP_GET_BUFFER_LAYOUT(cmd, layout); + + return 0; +} + +int dpni_set_buffer_layout(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + enum dpni_queue_type qtype, + const struct dpni_buffer_layout *layout) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_SET_BUFFER_LAYOUT, + cmd_flags, + token); + DPNI_CMD_SET_BUFFER_LAYOUT(cmd, qtype, layout); + + /* send command to mc*/ + return mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); +} + +int dpni_set_offload(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + enum dpni_offload type, + uint32_t config) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_SET_OFFLOAD, + cmd_flags, + token); + DPNI_CMD_SET_OFFLOAD(cmd, type, config); + + /* send command to mc*/ + return mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); +} + +int dpni_get_offload(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + enum dpni_offload type, + uint32_t *config) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + int err; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_GET_OFFLOAD, + cmd_flags, + token); + DPNI_CMD_GET_OFFLOAD(cmd, type); + + /* send command to mc*/ + err = mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); + if (err) + return err; + + /* retrieve response parameters */ + DPNI_RSP_GET_OFFLOAD(cmd, *config); + + return 0; +} + +int dpni_get_qdid(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + enum dpni_queue_type qtype, + uint16_t *qdid) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + int err; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_GET_QDID, + cmd_flags, + token); + DPNI_CMD_GET_QDID(cmd, qtype); + + /* send command to mc*/ + err = mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); + if (err) + return err; + + /* retrieve response parameters */ + DPNI_RSP_GET_QDID(cmd, *qdid); + + return 0; +} +int dpni_get_link_state(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + struct dpni_link_state *state) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + int err; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_GET_LINK_STATE, + cmd_flags, + token); + + /* send command to mc*/ + err = mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); + if (err) + return err; + + /* retrieve response parameters */ + DPNI_RSP_GET_LINK_STATE(cmd, state); + + return 0; +} + +int dpni_set_max_frame_length(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + uint16_t max_frame_length) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_SET_MAX_FRAME_LENGTH, + cmd_flags, + token); + DPNI_CMD_SET_MAX_FRAME_LENGTH(cmd, max_frame_length); + + /* send command to mc*/ + return mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); +} + +int dpni_get_max_frame_length(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + uint16_t *max_frame_length) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + int err; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_GET_MAX_FRAME_LENGTH, + cmd_flags, + token); + + /* send command to mc*/ + err = mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); + if (err) + return err; + + /* retrieve response parameters */ + DPNI_RSP_GET_MAX_FRAME_LENGTH(cmd, *max_frame_length); + + return 0; +} + +int dpni_set_unicast_promisc(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + int en) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_SET_UNICAST_PROMISC, + cmd_flags, + token); + DPNI_CMD_SET_UNICAST_PROMISC(cmd, en); + + /* send command to mc*/ + return mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); +} + +int dpni_get_unicast_promisc(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + int *en) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + int err; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_GET_UNICAST_PROMISC, + cmd_flags, + token); + + /* send command to mc*/ + err = mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); + if (err) + return err; + + /* retrieve response parameters */ + DPNI_RSP_GET_UNICAST_PROMISC(cmd, *en); + + return 0; +} + +int dpni_set_primary_mac_addr(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + const uint8_t mac_addr[6]) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_SET_PRIM_MAC, + cmd_flags, + token); + DPNI_CMD_SET_PRIMARY_MAC_ADDR(cmd, mac_addr); + + /* send command to mc*/ + return mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); +} + +int dpni_get_primary_mac_addr(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + uint8_t mac_addr[6]) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + int err; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_GET_PRIM_MAC, + cmd_flags, + token); + + /* send command to mc*/ + err = mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); + if (err) + return err; + + /* retrieve response parameters */ + DPNI_RSP_GET_PRIMARY_MAC_ADDR(cmd, mac_addr); + + return 0; +} + +int dpni_set_rx_tc_dist(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + uint8_t tc_id, + const struct dpni_rx_tc_dist_cfg *cfg) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_SET_RX_TC_DIST, + cmd_flags, + token); + DPNI_CMD_SET_RX_TC_DIST(cmd, tc_id, cfg); + + /* send command to mc*/ + return mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); +} + +int dpni_set_tx_confirmation_mode(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + enum dpni_confirmation_mode mode) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_SET_TX_CONFIRMATION_MODE, + cmd_flags, + token); + DPNI_CMD_SET_TX_CONFIRMATION_MODE(cmd, mode); + + /* send command to mc*/ + return mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); +} + +int dpni_get_api_version(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t *major_ver, + uint16_t *minor_ver) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + int err; + + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_GET_API_VERSION, + cmd_flags, + 0); + + err = mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); + if (err) + return err; + + DPNI_RSP_GET_API_VERSION(cmd, *major_ver, *minor_ver); + + return 0; +} + +int dpni_set_queue(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + enum dpni_queue_type qtype, + uint8_t tc, + uint8_t index, + uint8_t options, + const struct dpni_queue *queue) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_SET_QUEUE, + cmd_flags, + token); + DPNI_CMD_SET_QUEUE(cmd, qtype, tc, index, options, queue); + + /* send command to mc*/ + return mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); +} + +int dpni_get_queue(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + enum dpni_queue_type qtype, + uint8_t tc, + uint8_t index, + struct dpni_queue *queue, + struct dpni_queue_id *qid) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + int err; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_GET_QUEUE, + cmd_flags, + token); + DPNI_CMD_GET_QUEUE(cmd, qtype, tc, index); + + /* send command to mc*/ + err = mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); + if (err) + return err; + + /* retrieve response parameters */ + DPNI_RSP_GET_QUEUE(cmd, queue, qid); + + return 0; +} + +int dpni_get_statistics(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + uint8_t page, + union dpni_statistics *stat) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + int err; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_GET_STATISTICS, + cmd_flags, + token); + DPNI_CMD_GET_STATISTICS(cmd, page); + + /* send command to mc*/ + err = mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); + if (err) + return err; + + /* retrieve response parameters */ + DPNI_RSP_GET_STATISTICS(cmd, stat); + + return 0; +} + +int dpni_reset_statistics(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token) +{ + struct mc_command cmd = { 0 }; + + /* prepare command */ + cmd.header = mc_encode_cmd_header(DPNI_CMDID_RESET_STATISTICS, + cmd_flags, + token); + + /* send command to mc*/ + return mc_send_command(mc_io, &cmd); +} diff --git a/drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_dpkg.h b/drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_dpkg.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e0f4b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_dpkg.h @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +/*- + * This file is provided under a dual BSD/GPLv2 license. When using or + * redistributing this file, you may do so under either license. + * + * BSD LICENSE + * + * Copyright 2013-2015 Freescale Semiconductor Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2016 NXP. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * * Neither the name of the above-listed copyright holders nor the + * names of any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY + * + * ALTERNATIVELY, this software may be distributed under the terms of the + * GNU General Public License ("GPL") as published by the Free Software + * Foundation, either version 2 of that License or (at your option) any + * later version. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" + * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE + * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR + * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF + * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS + * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN + * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) + * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE + * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + */ +#ifndef __FSL_DPKG_H_ +#define __FSL_DPKG_H_ + +#include + +/* Data Path Key Generator API + * Contains initialization APIs and runtime APIs for the Key Generator + */ + +/** Key Generator properties */ + +/** + * Number of masks per key extraction + */ +#define DPKG_NUM_OF_MASKS 4 +/** + * Number of extractions per key profile + */ +#define DPKG_MAX_NUM_OF_EXTRACTS 10 + +/** + * enum dpkg_extract_from_hdr_type - Selecting extraction by header types + * @DPKG_FROM_HDR: Extract selected bytes from header, by offset + * @DPKG_FROM_FIELD: Extract selected bytes from header, by offset from field + * @DPKG_FULL_FIELD: Extract a full field + */ +enum dpkg_extract_from_hdr_type { + DPKG_FROM_HDR = 0, + DPKG_FROM_FIELD = 1, + DPKG_FULL_FIELD = 2 +}; + +/** + * enum dpkg_extract_type - Enumeration for selecting extraction type + * @DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_HDR: Extract from the header + * @DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_DATA: Extract from data not in specific header + * @DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_PARSE: Extract from parser-result; + * e.g. can be used to extract header existence; + * please refer to 'Parse Result definition' section in the parser BG + */ +enum dpkg_extract_type { + DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_HDR = 0, + DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_DATA = 1, + DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_PARSE = 3 +}; + +/** + * struct dpkg_mask - A structure for defining a single extraction mask + * @mask: Byte mask for the extracted content + * @offset: Offset within the extracted content + */ +struct dpkg_mask { + uint8_t mask; + uint8_t offset; +}; + +/** + * struct dpkg_extract - A structure for defining a single extraction + * @type: Determines how the union below is interpreted: + * DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_HDR: selects 'from_hdr'; + * DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_DATA: selects 'from_data'; + * DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_PARSE: selects 'from_parse' + * @extract: Selects extraction method + * @num_of_byte_masks: Defines the number of valid entries in the array below; + * This is also the number of bytes to be used as masks + * @masks: Masks parameters + */ +struct dpkg_extract { + enum dpkg_extract_type type; + /** + * union extract - Selects extraction method + * @from_hdr - Used when 'type = DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_HDR' + * @from_data - Used when 'type = DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_DATA' + * @from_parse - Used when 'type = DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_PARSE' + */ + union { + /** + * struct from_hdr - Used when 'type = DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_HDR' + * @prot: Any of the supported headers + * @type: Defines the type of header extraction: + * DPKG_FROM_HDR: use size & offset below; + * DPKG_FROM_FIELD: use field, size and offset below; + * DPKG_FULL_FIELD: use field below + * @field: One of the supported fields (NH_FLD_) + * + * @size: Size in bytes + * @offset: Byte offset + * @hdr_index: Clear for cases not listed below; + * Used for protocols that may have more than a single + * header, 0 indicates an outer header; + * Supported protocols (possible values): + * NET_PROT_VLAN (0, HDR_INDEX_LAST); + * NET_PROT_MPLS (0, 1, HDR_INDEX_LAST); + * NET_PROT_IP(0, HDR_INDEX_LAST); + * NET_PROT_IPv4(0, HDR_INDEX_LAST); + * NET_PROT_IPv6(0, HDR_INDEX_LAST); + */ + + struct { + enum net_prot prot; + enum dpkg_extract_from_hdr_type type; + uint32_t field; + uint8_t size; + uint8_t offset; + uint8_t hdr_index; + } from_hdr; + /** + * struct from_data + * Used when 'type = DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_DATA' + * @size: Size in bytes + * @offset: Byte offset + */ + struct { + uint8_t size; + uint8_t offset; + } from_data; + + /** + * struct from_parse + * Used when 'type = DPKG_EXTRACT_FROM_PARSE' + * @size: Size in bytes + * @offset: Byte offset + */ + struct { + uint8_t size; + uint8_t offset; + } from_parse; + } extract; + + uint8_t num_of_byte_masks; + struct dpkg_mask masks[DPKG_NUM_OF_MASKS]; +}; + +/** + * struct dpkg_profile_cfg - A structure for defining a full Key Generation + * profile (rule) + * @num_extracts: Defines the number of valid entries in the array below + * @extracts: Array of required extractions + */ +struct dpkg_profile_cfg { + uint8_t num_extracts; + struct dpkg_extract extracts[DPKG_MAX_NUM_OF_EXTRACTS]; +}; + +#endif /* __FSL_DPKG_H_ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_dpni.h b/drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_dpni.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef14f85 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_dpni.h @@ -0,0 +1,1217 @@ +/*- + * This file is provided under a dual BSD/GPLv2 license. When using or + * redistributing this file, you may do so under either license. + * + * BSD LICENSE + * + * Copyright 2013-2016 Freescale Semiconductor Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2016 NXP. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * * Neither the name of the above-listed copyright holders nor the + * names of any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY + * + * ALTERNATIVELY, this software may be distributed under the terms of the + * GNU General Public License ("GPL") as published by the Free Software + * Foundation, either version 2 of that License or (at your option) any + * later version. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" + * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE + * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR + * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF + * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS + * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN + * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) + * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE + * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + */ +#ifndef __FSL_DPNI_H +#define __FSL_DPNI_H + +#include + +struct fsl_mc_io; + +/** + * Data Path Network Interface API + * Contains initialization APIs and runtime control APIs for DPNI + */ + +/** General DPNI macros */ + +/** + * Maximum number of traffic classes + */ +#define DPNI_MAX_TC 8 +/** + * Maximum number of buffer pools per DPNI + */ +#define DPNI_MAX_DPBP 8 +/** + * Maximum number of storage-profiles per DPNI + */ +#define DPNI_MAX_SP 2 + +/** + * All traffic classes considered; see dpni_set_queue() + */ +#define DPNI_ALL_TCS (uint8_t)(-1) +/** + * All flows within traffic class considered; see dpni_set_queue() + */ +#define DPNI_ALL_TC_FLOWS (uint16_t)(-1) +/** + * Generate new flow ID; see dpni_set_queue() + */ +#define DPNI_NEW_FLOW_ID (uint16_t)(-1) +/** + * Tx traffic is always released to a buffer pool on transmit, there are no + * resources allocated to have the frames confirmed back to the source after + * transmission. + */ +#define DPNI_OPT_TX_FRM_RELEASE 0x000001 +/** + * Disables support for MAC address filtering for addresses other than primary + * MAC address. This affects both unicast and multicast. Promiscuous mode can + * still be enabled/disabled for both unicast and multicast. If promiscuous mode + * is disabled, only traffic matching the primary MAC address will be accepted. + */ +#define DPNI_OPT_NO_MAC_FILTER 0x000002 +/** + * Allocate policers for this DPNI. They can be used to rate-limit traffic per + * traffic class (TC) basis. + */ +#define DPNI_OPT_HAS_POLICING 0x000004 +/** + * Congestion can be managed in several ways, allowing the buffer pool to + * deplete on ingress, taildrop on each queue or use congestion groups for sets + * of queues. If set, it configures a single congestion groups across all TCs. + * If reset, a congestion group is allocated for each TC. Only relevant if the + * DPNI has multiple traffic classes. + */ +#define DPNI_OPT_SHARED_CONGESTION 0x000008 +/** + * Enables TCAM for Flow Steering and QoS look-ups. If not specified, all + * look-ups are exact match. Note that TCAM is not available on LS1088 and its + * variants. Setting this bit on these SoCs will trigger an error. + */ +#define DPNI_OPT_HAS_KEY_MASKING 0x000010 +/** + * Disables the flow steering table. + */ +#define DPNI_OPT_NO_FS 0x000020 + +/** + * dpni_open() - Open a control session for the specified object + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @dpni_id: DPNI unique ID + * @token: Returned token; use in subsequent API calls + * + * This function can be used to open a control session for an + * already created object; an object may have been declared in + * the DPL or by calling the dpni_create() function. + * This function returns a unique authentication token, + * associated with the specific object ID and the specific MC + * portal; this token must be used in all subsequent commands for + * this specific object. + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_open(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + int dpni_id, + uint16_t *token); + +/** + * dpni_close() - Close the control session of the object + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * + * After this function is called, no further operations are + * allowed on the object without opening a new control session. + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_close(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token); + +/** + * struct dpni_cfg - Structure representing DPNI configuration + * @mac_addr: Primary MAC address + * @adv: Advanced parameters; default is all zeros; + * use this structure to change default settings + */ +struct dpni_cfg { + /** + * @options: Any combination of the following options: + * DPNI_OPT_TX_FRM_RELEASE + * DPNI_OPT_NO_MAC_FILTER + * DPNI_OPT_HAS_POLICING + * DPNI_OPT_SHARED_CONGESTION + * DPNI_OPT_HAS_KEY_MASKING + * DPNI_OPT_NO_FS + * @fs_entries: Number of entries in the flow steering table. + * This table is used to select the ingress queue for + * ingress traffic, targeting a GPP core or another. + * In addition it can be used to discard traffic that + * matches the set rule. It is either an exact match table + * or a TCAM table, depending on DPNI_OPT_ HAS_KEY_MASKING + * bit in OPTIONS field. This field is ignored if + * DPNI_OPT_NO_FS bit is set in OPTIONS field. Otherwise, + * value 0 defaults to 64. Maximum supported value is 1024. + * Note that the total number of entries is limited on the + * SoC to as low as 512 entries if TCAM is used. + * @vlan_filter_entries: Number of entries in the VLAN address filtering + * table. This is an exact match table used to filter + * ingress traffic based on VLAN IDs. Value 0 disables VLAN + * filtering. Maximum supported value is 16. + * @mac_filter_entries: Number of entries in the MAC address filtering + * table. This is an exact match table and allows both + * unicast and multicast entries. The primary MAC address + * of the network interface is not part of this table, + * this contains only entries in addition to it. This + * field is ignored if DPNI_OPT_ NO_MAC_FILTER is set in + * OPTIONS field. Otherwise, value 0 defaults to 80. + * Maximum supported value is 80. + * @num_queues: Number of Tx and Rx queues used for traffic + * distribution. This is orthogonal to QoS and is only + * used to distribute traffic to multiple GPP cores. + * This configuration affects the number of Tx queues + * (logical FQs, all associated with a single CEETM queue), + * Rx queues and Tx confirmation queues, if applicable. + * Value 0 defaults to one queue. Maximum supported value + * is 8. + * @num_tcs: Number of traffic classes (TCs), reserved for the DPNI. + * TCs can have different priority levels for the purpose + * of Tx scheduling (see DPNI_SET_TX_SELECTION), different + * BPs (DPNI_ SET_POOLS), policers. There are dedicated QM + * queues for traffic classes (including class queues on + * Tx). Value 0 defaults to one TC. Maximum supported value + * is 8. + * @qos_entries: Number of entries in the QoS classification table. This + * table is used to select the TC for ingress traffic. It + * is either an exact match or a TCAM table, depending on + * DPNI_OPT_ HAS_KEY_MASKING bit in OPTIONS field. This + * field is ignored if the DPNI has a single TC. Otherwise, + * a value of 0 defaults to 64. Maximum supported value + * is 64. + */ + uint32_t options; + uint16_t fs_entries; + uint8_t vlan_filter_entries; + uint8_t mac_filter_entries; + uint8_t num_queues; + uint8_t num_tcs; + uint8_t qos_entries; +}; + +/** + * dpni_create() - Create the DPNI object + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @dprc_token: Parent container token; '0' for default container + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @cfg: Configuration structure + * @obj_id: returned object id + * + * Create the DPNI object, allocate required resources and + * perform required initialization. + * + * The object can be created either by declaring it in the + * DPL file, or by calling this function. + * + * The function accepts an authentication token of a parent + * container that this object should be assigned to. The token + * can be '0' so the object will be assigned to the default container. + * The newly created object can be opened with the returned + * object id and using the container's associated tokens and MC portals. + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_create(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint16_t dprc_token, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + const struct dpni_cfg *cfg, + uint32_t *obj_id); + +/** + * dpni_destroy() - Destroy the DPNI object and release all its resources. + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @dprc_token: Parent container token; '0' for default container + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @object_id: The object id; it must be a valid id within the container that + * created this object; + * + * The function accepts the authentication token of the parent container that + * created the object (not the one that currently owns the object). The object + * is searched within parent using the provided 'object_id'. + * All tokens to the object must be closed before calling destroy. + * + * Return: '0' on Success; error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_destroy(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint16_t dprc_token, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint32_t object_id); + +/** + * struct dpni_pools_cfg - Structure representing buffer pools configuration + * @num_dpbp: Number of DPBPs + * @pools: Array of buffer pools parameters; The number of valid entries + * must match 'num_dpbp' value + */ +struct dpni_pools_cfg { + uint8_t num_dpbp; + /** + * struct pools - Buffer pools parameters + * @dpbp_id: DPBP object ID + * @buffer_size: Buffer size + * @backup_pool: Backup pool + */ + struct { + int dpbp_id; + uint16_t buffer_size; + int backup_pool; + } pools[DPNI_MAX_DPBP]; +}; + +/** + * dpni_set_pools() - Set buffer pools configuration + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @cfg: Buffer pools configuration + * + * mandatory for DPNI operation + * warning:Allowed only when DPNI is disabled + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_set_pools(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + const struct dpni_pools_cfg *cfg); + +/** + * dpni_enable() - Enable the DPNI, allow sending and receiving frames. + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_enable(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token); + +/** + * dpni_disable() - Disable the DPNI, stop sending and receiving frames. + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_disable(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token); + +/** + * dpni_is_enabled() - Check if the DPNI is enabled. + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @en: Returns '1' if object is enabled; '0' otherwise + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_is_enabled(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + int *en); + +/** + * dpni_reset() - Reset the DPNI, returns the object to initial state. + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_reset(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token); + +/** + * struct dpni_attr - Structure representing DPNI attributes + * @options: Any combination of the following options: + * DPNI_OPT_TX_FRM_RELEASE + * DPNI_OPT_NO_MAC_FILTER + * DPNI_OPT_HAS_POLICING + * DPNI_OPT_SHARED_CONGESTION + * DPNI_OPT_HAS_KEY_MASKING + * DPNI_OPT_NO_FS + * @num_queues: Number of Tx and Rx queues used for traffic distribution. + * @num_tcs: Number of traffic classes (TCs), reserved for the DPNI. + * @mac_filter_entries: Number of entries in the MAC address filtering + * table. + * @vlan_filter_entries: Number of entries in the VLAN address filtering + * table. + * @qos_entries: Number of entries in the QoS classification table. + * @fs_entries: Number of entries in the flow steering table. + * @qos_key_size: Size, in bytes, of the QoS look-up key. Defining a key larger + * than this when adding QoS entries will result + * in an error. + * @fs_key_size: Size, in bytes, of the flow steering look-up key. Defining a + * key larger than this when composing the hash + FS key + * will result in an error. + * @wriop_version: Version of WRIOP HW block. + * The 3 version values are stored on 6, 5, 5 bits + * respectively. + * Values returned: + * - 0x400 - WRIOP version 1.0.0, used on LS2080 and + * variants, + * - 0x421 - WRIOP version 1.1.1, used on LS2088 and + * variants, + * - 0x422 - WRIOP version 1.1.2, used on LS1088 and + * variants. + */ +struct dpni_attr { + uint32_t options; + uint8_t num_queues; + uint8_t num_tcs; + uint8_t mac_filter_entries; + uint8_t vlan_filter_entries; + uint8_t qos_entries; + uint16_t fs_entries; + uint8_t qos_key_size; + uint8_t fs_key_size; + uint16_t wriop_version; +}; + +/** + * dpni_get_attributes() - Retrieve DPNI attributes. + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @attr: Object's attributes + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_get_attributes(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + struct dpni_attr *attr); + +/** + * DPNI errors + */ + +/** + * Extract out of frame header error + */ +#define DPNI_ERROR_EOFHE 0x00020000 +/** + * Frame length error + */ +#define DPNI_ERROR_FLE 0x00002000 +/** + * Frame physical error + */ +#define DPNI_ERROR_FPE 0x00001000 +/** + * Parsing header error + */ +#define DPNI_ERROR_PHE 0x00000020 +/** + * Parser L3 checksum error + */ +#define DPNI_ERROR_L3CE 0x00000004 +/** + * Parser L3 checksum error + */ +#define DPNI_ERROR_L4CE 0x00000001 + +/** + * enum dpni_error_action - Defines DPNI behavior for errors + * @DPNI_ERROR_ACTION_DISCARD: Discard the frame + * @DPNI_ERROR_ACTION_CONTINUE: Continue with the normal flow + * @DPNI_ERROR_ACTION_SEND_TO_ERROR_QUEUE: Send the frame to the error queue + */ +enum dpni_error_action { + DPNI_ERROR_ACTION_DISCARD = 0, + DPNI_ERROR_ACTION_CONTINUE = 1, + DPNI_ERROR_ACTION_SEND_TO_ERROR_QUEUE = 2 +}; + +/** + * struct dpni_error_cfg - Structure representing DPNI errors treatment + * @errors: Errors mask; use 'DPNI_ERROR__ + * @error_action: The desired action for the errors mask + * @set_frame_annotation: Set to '1' to mark the errors in frame annotation + * status (FAS); relevant only for the non-discard action + */ +struct dpni_error_cfg { + uint32_t errors; + enum dpni_error_action error_action; + int set_frame_annotation; +}; + +/** + * dpni_set_errors_behavior() - Set errors behavior + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @cfg: Errors configuration + * + * this function may be called numerous times with different + * error masks + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_set_errors_behavior(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + struct dpni_error_cfg *cfg); + +/** + * DPNI buffer layout modification options + */ + +/** + * Select to modify the time-stamp setting + */ +#define DPNI_BUF_LAYOUT_OPT_TIMESTAMP 0x00000001 +/** + * Select to modify the parser-result setting; not applicable for Tx + */ +#define DPNI_BUF_LAYOUT_OPT_PARSER_RESULT 0x00000002 +/** + * Select to modify the frame-status setting + */ +#define DPNI_BUF_LAYOUT_OPT_FRAME_STATUS 0x00000004 +/** + * Select to modify the private-data-size setting + */ +#define DPNI_BUF_LAYOUT_OPT_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE 0x00000008 +/** + * Select to modify the data-alignment setting + */ +#define DPNI_BUF_LAYOUT_OPT_DATA_ALIGN 0x00000010 +/** + * Select to modify the data-head-room setting + */ +#define DPNI_BUF_LAYOUT_OPT_DATA_HEAD_ROOM 0x00000020 +/** + * Select to modify the data-tail-room setting + */ +#define DPNI_BUF_LAYOUT_OPT_DATA_TAIL_ROOM 0x00000040 + +/** + * struct dpni_buffer_layout - Structure representing DPNI buffer layout + * @options: Flags representing the suggested modifications to the buffer + * layout; Use any combination of 'DPNI_BUF_LAYOUT_OPT_' flags + * @pass_timestamp: Pass timestamp value + * @pass_parser_result: Pass parser results + * @pass_frame_status: Pass frame status + * @private_data_size: Size kept for private data (in bytes) + * @data_align: Data alignment + * @data_head_room: Data head room + * @data_tail_room: Data tail room + */ +struct dpni_buffer_layout { + uint32_t options; + int pass_timestamp; + int pass_parser_result; + int pass_frame_status; + uint16_t private_data_size; + uint16_t data_align; + uint16_t data_head_room; + uint16_t data_tail_room; +}; + +/** + * enum dpni_queue_type - Identifies a type of queue targeted by the command + * @DPNI_QUEUE_RX: Rx queue + * @DPNI_QUEUE_TX: Tx queue + * @DPNI_QUEUE_TX_CONFIRM: Tx confirmation queue + * @DPNI_QUEUE_RX_ERR: Rx error queue + */enum dpni_queue_type { + DPNI_QUEUE_RX, + DPNI_QUEUE_TX, + DPNI_QUEUE_TX_CONFIRM, + DPNI_QUEUE_RX_ERR, +}; + +/** + * dpni_get_buffer_layout() - Retrieve buffer layout attributes. + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @qtype: Type of queue to get the layout from + * @layout: Returns buffer layout attributes + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_get_buffer_layout(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + enum dpni_queue_type qtype, + struct dpni_buffer_layout *layout); + +/** + * dpni_set_buffer_layout() - Set buffer layout configuration. + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @qtype: Type of queue to set layout on + * @layout: Buffer layout configuration + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + * + * @warning Allowed only when DPNI is disabled + */ +int dpni_set_buffer_layout(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + enum dpni_queue_type qtype, + const struct dpni_buffer_layout *layout); + +/** + * enum dpni_offload - Identifies a type of offload targeted by the command + * @DPNI_OFF_RX_L3_CSUM: Rx L3 checksum validation + * @DPNI_OFF_RX_L4_CSUM: Rx L4 checksum validation + * @DPNI_OFF_TX_L3_CSUM: Tx L3 checksum generation + * @DPNI_OFF_TX_L4_CSUM: Tx L4 checksum generation + */ +enum dpni_offload { + DPNI_OFF_RX_L3_CSUM, + DPNI_OFF_RX_L4_CSUM, + DPNI_OFF_TX_L3_CSUM, + DPNI_OFF_TX_L4_CSUM, +}; + +/** + * dpni_set_offload() - Set DPNI offload configuration. + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @type: Type of DPNI offload + * @config: Offload configuration. + * For checksum offloads, non-zero value enables + * the offload. + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + * + * @warning Allowed only when DPNI is disabled + */ +int dpni_set_offload(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + enum dpni_offload type, + uint32_t config); + +/** + * dpni_get_offload() - Get DPNI offload configuration. + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @type: Type of DPNI offload + * @config: Offload configuration. + * For checksum offloads, a value of 1 indicates that the + * offload is enabled. + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + * + * @warning Allowed only when DPNI is disabled + */ +int dpni_get_offload(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + enum dpni_offload type, + uint32_t *config); + +/** + * dpni_get_qdid() - Get the Queuing Destination ID (QDID) that should be used + * for enqueue operations + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @qtype: Type of queue to get QDID for. For applications lookig to + * transmit traffic this should be set to DPNI_QUEUE_TX + * @qdid: Returned virtual QDID value that should be used as an argument + * in all enqueue operations + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_get_qdid(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + enum dpni_queue_type qtype, + uint16_t *qdid); + +#define DPNI_STATISTICS_CNT 7 + +union dpni_statistics { + /** + * struct page_0 - Page_0 statistics structure + * @ingress_all_frames: Ingress frame count + * @ingress_all_bytes: Ingress byte count + * @ingress_multicast_frames: Ingress multicast frame count + * @ingress_multicast_bytes: Ingress multicast byte count + * @ingress_broadcast_frames: Ingress broadcast frame count + * @ingress_broadcast_bytes: Ingress broadcast byte count + */ + struct { + uint64_t ingress_all_frames; + uint64_t ingress_all_bytes; + uint64_t ingress_multicast_frames; + uint64_t ingress_multicast_bytes; + uint64_t ingress_broadcast_frames; + uint64_t ingress_broadcast_bytes; + } page_0; + /** + * struct page_1 - Page_1 statistics structure + * @egress_all_frames: Egress frame count + * @egress_all_bytes: Egress byte count + * @egress_multicast_frames: Egress multicast frame count + * @egress_multicast_bytes: Egress multicast byte count + * @egress_broadcast_frames: Egress broadcast frame count + * @egress_broadcast_bytes: Egress broadcast byte count + */ + struct { + uint64_t egress_all_frames; + uint64_t egress_all_bytes; + uint64_t egress_multicast_frames; + uint64_t egress_multicast_bytes; + uint64_t egress_broadcast_frames; + uint64_t egress_broadcast_bytes; + } page_1; + /** + * struct page_2 - Page_2 statistics structure + * @ingress_filtered_frames: Ingress filtered frame count + * @ingress_discarded_frames: Ingress discarded frame count + * @ingress_nobuffer_discards: Ingress discarded frame count due to + * lack of buffers + * @egress_discarded_frames: Egress discarded frame count + * @egress_confirmed_frames: Egress confirmed frame count + */ + struct { + uint64_t ingress_filtered_frames; + uint64_t ingress_discarded_frames; + uint64_t ingress_nobuffer_discards; + uint64_t egress_discarded_frames; + uint64_t egress_confirmed_frames; + } page_2; + /** + * struct raw - raw statistics structure, used to index counters + */ + struct { + uint64_t counter[DPNI_STATISTICS_CNT]; + } raw; +}; + +/** + * Enable auto-negotiation + */ +#define DPNI_LINK_OPT_AUTONEG 0x0000000000000001ULL +/** + * Enable half-duplex mode + */ +#define DPNI_LINK_OPT_HALF_DUPLEX 0x0000000000000002ULL +/** + * Enable pause frames + */ +#define DPNI_LINK_OPT_PAUSE 0x0000000000000004ULL +/** + * Enable a-symmetric pause frames + */ +#define DPNI_LINK_OPT_ASYM_PAUSE 0x0000000000000008ULL + +/** + * struct dpni_link_state - Structure representing DPNI link state + * @rate: Rate + * @options: Mask of available options; use 'DPNI_LINK_OPT_' values + * @up: Link state; '0' for down, '1' for up + */ +struct dpni_link_state { + uint32_t rate; + uint64_t options; + int up; +}; + +/** + * dpni_get_link_state() - Return the link state (either up or down) + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @state: Returned link state; + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_get_link_state(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + struct dpni_link_state *state); + +/** + * dpni_set_max_frame_length() - Set the maximum received frame length. + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @max_frame_length: Maximum received frame length (in + * bytes); frame is discarded if its + * length exceeds this value + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_set_max_frame_length(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + uint16_t max_frame_length); + +/** + * dpni_get_max_frame_length() - Get the maximum received frame length. + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @max_frame_length: Maximum received frame length (in + * bytes); frame is discarded if its + * length exceeds this value + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_get_max_frame_length(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + uint16_t *max_frame_length); + + +/** + * dpni_set_unicast_promisc() - Enable/disable unicast promiscuous mode + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @en: Set to '1' to enable; '0' to disable + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_set_unicast_promisc(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + int en); + +/** + * dpni_get_unicast_promisc() - Get unicast promiscuous mode + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @en: Returns '1' if enabled; '0' otherwise + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_get_unicast_promisc(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + int *en); + +/** + * dpni_set_primary_mac_addr() - Set the primary MAC address + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @mac_addr: MAC address to set as primary address + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_set_primary_mac_addr(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + const uint8_t mac_addr[6]); + +/** + * dpni_get_primary_mac_addr() - Get the primary MAC address + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @mac_addr: Returned MAC address + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_get_primary_mac_addr(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + uint8_t mac_addr[6]); + + +/** + * dpni_get_port_mac_addr() - Retrieve MAC address associated to the physical + * port the DPNI is attached to + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @mac_addr: MAC address of the physical port, if any, otherwise 0 + * + * The primary MAC address is not modified by this operation. + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_get_port_mac_addr(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + uint8_t mac_addr[6]); + +/** + * enum dpni_dist_mode - DPNI distribution mode + * @DPNI_DIST_MODE_NONE: No distribution + * @DPNI_DIST_MODE_HASH: Use hash distribution; only relevant if + * the 'DPNI_OPT_DIST_HASH' option was set at DPNI creation + * @DPNI_DIST_MODE_FS: Use explicit flow steering; only relevant if + * the 'DPNI_OPT_DIST_FS' option was set at DPNI creation + */ +enum dpni_dist_mode { + DPNI_DIST_MODE_NONE = 0, + DPNI_DIST_MODE_HASH = 1, + DPNI_DIST_MODE_FS = 2 +}; + +/** + * enum dpni_fs_miss_action - DPNI Flow Steering miss action + * @DPNI_FS_MISS_DROP: In case of no-match, drop the frame + * @DPNI_FS_MISS_EXPLICIT_FLOWID: In case of no-match, use explicit flow-id + * @DPNI_FS_MISS_HASH: In case of no-match, distribute using hash + */ +enum dpni_fs_miss_action { + DPNI_FS_MISS_DROP = 0, + DPNI_FS_MISS_EXPLICIT_FLOWID = 1, + DPNI_FS_MISS_HASH = 2 +}; + +/** + * struct dpni_fs_tbl_cfg - Flow Steering table configuration + * @miss_action: Miss action selection + * @default_flow_id: Used when 'miss_action = DPNI_FS_MISS_EXPLICIT_FLOWID' + */ +struct dpni_fs_tbl_cfg { + enum dpni_fs_miss_action miss_action; + uint16_t default_flow_id; +}; + +/** + * dpni_prepare_key_cfg() - function prepare extract parameters + * @cfg: defining a full Key Generation profile (rule) + * @key_cfg_buf: Zeroed 256 bytes of memory before mapping it to DMA + * + * This function has to be called before the following functions: + * - dpni_set_rx_tc_dist() + * - dpni_set_qos_table() + */ +int dpni_prepare_key_cfg(const struct dpkg_profile_cfg *cfg, + uint8_t *key_cfg_buf); + +/** + * struct dpni_rx_tc_dist_cfg - Rx traffic class distribution configuration + * @dist_size: Set the distribution size; + * supported values: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,12,14,16,24,28,32,48,56,64,96, + * 112,128,192,224,256,384,448,512,768,896,1024 + * @dist_mode: Distribution mode + * @key_cfg_iova: I/O virtual address of 256 bytes DMA-able memory filled with + * the extractions to be used for the distribution key by calling + * dpni_prepare_key_cfg() relevant only when + * 'dist_mode != DPNI_DIST_MODE_NONE', otherwise it can be '0' + * @fs_cfg: Flow Steering table configuration; only relevant if + * 'dist_mode = DPNI_DIST_MODE_FS' + */ +struct dpni_rx_tc_dist_cfg { + uint16_t dist_size; + enum dpni_dist_mode dist_mode; + uint64_t key_cfg_iova; + struct dpni_fs_tbl_cfg fs_cfg; +}; + +/** + * dpni_set_rx_tc_dist() - Set Rx traffic class distribution configuration + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @tc_id: Traffic class selection (0-7) + * @cfg: Traffic class distribution configuration + * + * warning: if 'dist_mode != DPNI_DIST_MODE_NONE', call dpni_prepare_key_cfg() + * first to prepare the key_cfg_iova parameter + * + * Return: '0' on Success; error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_set_rx_tc_dist(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + uint8_t tc_id, + const struct dpni_rx_tc_dist_cfg *cfg); + +/** + * enum dpni_dest - DPNI destination types + * @DPNI_DEST_NONE: Unassigned destination; The queue is set in parked mode and + * does not generate FQDAN notifications; user is expected to + * dequeue from the queue based on polling or other user-defined + * method + * @DPNI_DEST_DPIO: The queue is set in schedule mode and generates FQDAN + * notifications to the specified DPIO; user is expected to dequeue + * from the queue only after notification is received + * @DPNI_DEST_DPCON: The queue is set in schedule mode and does not generate + * FQDAN notifications, but is connected to the specified DPCON + * object; user is expected to dequeue from the DPCON channel + */ +enum dpni_dest { + DPNI_DEST_NONE = 0, + DPNI_DEST_DPIO = 1, + DPNI_DEST_DPCON = 2 +}; + + +/** + * struct dpni_queue - Queue structure + * @user_context: User data, presented to the user along with any frames + * from this queue. Not relevant for Tx queues. + */ +struct dpni_queue { + /** + * struct destination - Destination structure + * @id: ID of the destination, only relevant if DEST_TYPE is > 0. + * Identifies either a DPIO or a DPCON object. + * Not relevant for Tx queues. + * @type: May be one of the following: + * 0 - No destination, queue can be manually + * queried, but will not push traffic or + * notifications to a DPIO; + * 1 - The destination is a DPIO. When traffic + * becomes available in the queue a FQDAN + * (FQ data available notification) will be + * generated to selected DPIO; + * 2 - The destination is a DPCON. The queue is + * associated with a DPCON object for the + * purpose of scheduling between multiple + * queues. The DPCON may be independently + * configured to generate notifications. + * Not relevant for Tx queues. + * @hold_active: Hold active, maintains a queue scheduled for longer + * in a DPIO during dequeue to reduce spread of traffic. + * Only relevant if queues are + * not affined to a single DPIO. + */ + struct { + uint16_t id; + enum dpni_dest type; + char hold_active; + uint8_t priority; + } destination; + uint64_t user_context; + /** + * struct flc - FD FLow Context structure + * @value: FLC value to set + * @stash_control: Boolean, indicates whether the 6 lowest + * significant bits are used for stash control. + */ + struct { + uint64_t value; + char stash_control; + } flc; +}; + +/** + * struct dpni_queue_id - Queue identification, used for enqueue commands + * or queue control + * @fqid: FQID used for enqueueing to and/or configuration of this + * specific FQ + * @qdbin: Queueing bin, used to enqueue using QDID, DQBIN, QPRI. + * Only relevant for Tx queues. + */ +struct dpni_queue_id { + uint32_t fqid; + uint16_t qdbin; +}; + +/** + * enum dpni_confirmation_mode - Defines DPNI options supported for Tx + * confirmation + * @DPNI_CONF_AFFINE: For each Tx queue set associated with a sender there is + * an affine Tx Confirmation queue + * @DPNI_CONF_SINGLE: All Tx queues are associated with a single Tx + * confirmation queue + * @DPNI_CONF_DISABLE: Tx frames are not confirmed. This must be associated + * with proper FD set-up to have buffers release to a Buffer Pool, otherwise + * buffers will be leaked + */ +enum dpni_confirmation_mode { + DPNI_CONF_AFFINE, + DPNI_CONF_SINGLE, + DPNI_CONF_DISABLE, +}; + +/** + * dpni_set_tx_confirmation_mode() - Tx confirmation mode + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @mode: Tx confirmation mode + * + * This function is useful only when 'DPNI_OPT_TX_CONF_DISABLED' is not + * selected at DPNI creation. + * Calling this function with 'mode' set to DPNI_CONF_DISABLE disables all + * transmit confirmation (including the private confirmation queues), regardless + * of previous settings; Note that in this case, Tx error frames are still + * enqueued to the general transmit errors queue. + * Calling this function with 'mode' set to DPNI_CONF_SINGLE switches all + * Tx confirmations to a shared Tx conf queue. The ID of the queue when + * calling dpni_set/get_queue is -1. + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_set_tx_confirmation_mode(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + enum dpni_confirmation_mode mode); + +/** + * dpni_get_api_version() - Get Data Path Network Interface API version + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @major_ver: Major version of data path network interface API + * @minor_ver: Minor version of data path network interface API + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_get_api_version(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t *major_ver, + uint16_t *minor_ver); + +/** + * Set User Context + */ +#define DPNI_QUEUE_OPT_USER_CTX 0x00000001 + +/** + * Set queue destination configuration + */ +#define DPNI_QUEUE_OPT_DEST 0x00000002 + +/** + * Set FD[FLC] configuration for traffic on this queue. Note that FLC values + * set with dpni_add_fs_entry, if any, take precedence over values per queue. + */ +#define DPNI_QUEUE_OPT_FLC 0x00000004 + +/** + * Set the queue to hold active mode. This prevents the queue from being + * rescheduled between DPIOs while it carries traffic and is active on one + * DPNI. Can help reduce reordering when servicing one queue on multiple + * CPUs, but the queue is also less likely to push data to multiple CPUs + * especially when congested. + */ +#define DPNI_QUEUE_OPT_HOLD_ACTIVE 0x00000008 + +/** + * dpni_set_queue() - Set queue parameters + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @qtype: Type of queue - all queue types are supported, although + * the command is ignored for Tx + * @tc: Traffic class, in range 0 to NUM_TCS - 1 + * @index: Selects the specific queue out of the set + * allocated for the same TC.Value must be in + * range 0 to NUM_QUEUES - 1 + * @options: A combination of DPNI_QUEUE_OPT_ values that control + * what configuration options are set on the queue + * @queue: Queue configuration structure + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_set_queue(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + enum dpni_queue_type qtype, + uint8_t tc, + uint8_t index, + uint8_t options, + const struct dpni_queue *queue); + +/** + * dpni_get_queue() - Get queue parameters + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @qtype: Type of queue - all queue types are supported + * @tc: Traffic class, in range 0 to NUM_TCS - 1 + * @index: Selects the specific queue out of the set allocated + * for the same TC. Value must be in range 0 to + * NUM_QUEUES - 1 + * @queue: Queue configuration structure + * @qid: Queue identification + * + * This function returns current queue configuration which can be changed by + * calling dpni_set_queue, and queue identification information. + * Returned qid.fqid and/or qid.qdbin values can be used to: + * - enqueue traffic for Tx queues, + * - perform volatile dequeue for Rx and, if applicable, Tx confirmation + * clean-up, + * - retrieve queue state. + * + * All these operations are supported through the DPIO run-time API. + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_get_queue(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + enum dpni_queue_type qtype, + uint8_t tc, + uint8_t index, + struct dpni_queue *queue, + struct dpni_queue_id *qid); + +/** + * dpni_get_statistics() - Get DPNI statistics + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * @page: Selects the statistics page to retrieve, see + * DPNI_GET_STATISTICS output. + * Pages are numbered 0 to 2. + * @stat: Structure containing the statistics + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_get_statistics(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token, + uint8_t page, + union dpni_statistics *stat); + +/** + * dpni_reset_statistics() - Clears DPNI statistics + * @mc_io: Pointer to MC portal's I/O object + * @cmd_flags: Command flags; one or more of 'MC_CMD_FLAG_' + * @token: Token of DPNI object + * + * Return: '0' on Success; Error code otherwise. + */ +int dpni_reset_statistics(struct fsl_mc_io *mc_io, + uint32_t cmd_flags, + uint16_t token); + +#endif /* __FSL_DPNI_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_dpni_cmd.h b/drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_dpni_cmd.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb92ea8 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_dpni_cmd.h @@ -0,0 +1,334 @@ +/*- + * This file is provided under a dual BSD/GPLv2 license. When using or + * redistributing this file, you may do so under either license. + * + * BSD LICENSE + * + * Copyright 2013-2016 Freescale Semiconductor Inc. + * Copyright (c) 2016 NXP. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * * Neither the name of the above-listed copyright holders nor the + * names of any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY + * + * ALTERNATIVELY, this software may be distributed under the terms of the + * GNU General Public License ("GPL") as published by the Free Software + * Foundation, either version 2 of that License or (at your option) any + * later version. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" + * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE + * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR + * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF + * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS + * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN + * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) + * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE + * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + */ +#ifndef _FSL_DPNI_CMD_H +#define _FSL_DPNI_CMD_H + +/* DPNI Version */ +#define DPNI_VER_MAJOR 7 +#define DPNI_VER_MINOR 0 + +/* Command IDs */ +#define DPNI_CMDID_OPEN ((0x801 << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_CLOSE ((0x800 << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_CREATE ((0x901 << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_DESTROY ((0x981 << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_GET_API_VERSION ((0xa01 << 4) | (0x1)) + +#define DPNI_CMDID_ENABLE ((0x002 << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_DISABLE ((0x003 << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_GET_ATTR ((0x004 << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_RESET ((0x005 << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_IS_ENABLED ((0x006 << 4) | (0x1)) + +#define DPNI_CMDID_SET_POOLS ((0x200 << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_SET_ERRORS_BEHAVIOR ((0x20B << 4) | (0x1)) + +#define DPNI_CMDID_GET_QDID ((0x210 << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_GET_LINK_STATE ((0x215 << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_SET_MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ((0x216 << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_GET_MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ((0x217 << 4) | (0x1)) + +#define DPNI_CMDID_SET_UNICAST_PROMISC ((0x222 << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_GET_UNICAST_PROMISC ((0x223 << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_SET_PRIM_MAC ((0x224 << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_GET_PRIM_MAC ((0x225 << 4) | (0x1)) + +#define DPNI_CMDID_SET_RX_TC_DIST ((0x235 << 4) | (0x1)) + +#define DPNI_CMDID_GET_STATISTICS ((0x25D << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_RESET_STATISTICS ((0x25E << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_GET_QUEUE ((0x25F << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_SET_QUEUE ((0x260 << 4) | (0x1)) + +#define DPNI_CMDID_GET_PORT_MAC_ADDR ((0x263 << 4) | (0x1)) + +#define DPNI_CMDID_GET_BUFFER_LAYOUT ((0x264 << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_SET_BUFFER_LAYOUT ((0x265 << 4) | (0x1)) + +#define DPNI_CMDID_GET_OFFLOAD ((0x26B << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_SET_OFFLOAD ((0x26C << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_SET_TX_CONFIRMATION_MODE ((0x266 << 4) | (0x1)) +#define DPNI_CMDID_GET_TX_CONFIRMATION_MODE ((0x26D << 4) | (0x1)) + +/* cmd, param, offset, width, type, arg_name */ +#define DPNI_CMD_OPEN(cmd, dpni_id) \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 32, int, dpni_id) + +/* cmd, param, offset, width, type, arg_name */ +#define DPNI_CMD_CREATE(cmd, cfg) \ +do { \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 32, uint32_t, (cfg)->options); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 32, 8, uint8_t, (cfg)->num_queues); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 40, 8, uint8_t, (cfg)->num_tcs); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 48, 8, uint8_t, (cfg)->mac_filter_entries); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 1, 0, 8, uint8_t, (cfg)->vlan_filter_entries); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 1, 16, 8, uint8_t, (cfg)->qos_entries); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 1, 32, 16, uint16_t, (cfg)->fs_entries); \ +} while (0) + +/* cmd, param, offset, width, type, arg_name */ +#define DPNI_CMD_SET_POOLS(cmd, cfg) \ +do { \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 8, uint8_t, cfg->num_dpbp); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 8, 1, int, cfg->pools[0].backup_pool); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 9, 1, int, cfg->pools[1].backup_pool); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 10, 1, int, cfg->pools[2].backup_pool); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 11, 1, int, cfg->pools[3].backup_pool); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 12, 1, int, cfg->pools[4].backup_pool); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 13, 1, int, cfg->pools[5].backup_pool); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 14, 1, int, cfg->pools[6].backup_pool); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 15, 1, int, cfg->pools[7].backup_pool); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 32, 32, int, cfg->pools[0].dpbp_id); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 4, 32, 16, uint16_t, cfg->pools[0].buffer_size);\ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 1, 0, 32, int, cfg->pools[1].dpbp_id); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 4, 48, 16, uint16_t, cfg->pools[1].buffer_size);\ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 1, 32, 32, int, cfg->pools[2].dpbp_id); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 5, 0, 16, uint16_t, cfg->pools[2].buffer_size);\ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 2, 0, 32, int, cfg->pools[3].dpbp_id); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 5, 16, 16, uint16_t, cfg->pools[3].buffer_size);\ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 2, 32, 32, int, cfg->pools[4].dpbp_id); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 5, 32, 16, uint16_t, cfg->pools[4].buffer_size);\ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 3, 0, 32, int, cfg->pools[5].dpbp_id); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 5, 48, 16, uint16_t, cfg->pools[5].buffer_size);\ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 3, 32, 32, int, cfg->pools[6].dpbp_id); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 6, 0, 16, uint16_t, cfg->pools[6].buffer_size);\ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 4, 0, 32, int, cfg->pools[7].dpbp_id); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 6, 16, 16, uint16_t, cfg->pools[7].buffer_size);\ +} while (0) + +/* cmd, param, offset, width, type, arg_name */ +#define DPNI_RSP_IS_ENABLED(cmd, en) \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 1, int, en) + +/* DPNI_CMD_GET_ATTR is not used, no input parameters */ + +#define DPNI_RSP_GET_ATTR(cmd, attr) \ +do { \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 32, uint32_t, (attr)->options); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 32, 8, uint8_t, (attr)->num_queues); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 40, 8, uint8_t, (attr)->num_tcs); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 48, 8, uint8_t, (attr)->mac_filter_entries); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 1, 0, 8, uint8_t, (attr)->vlan_filter_entries); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 1, 16, 8, uint8_t, (attr)->qos_entries); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 1, 32, 16, uint16_t, (attr)->fs_entries); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 2, 0, 8, uint8_t, (attr)->qos_key_size); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 2, 8, 8, uint8_t, (attr)->fs_key_size); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 2, 16, 16, uint16_t, (attr)->wriop_version); \ +} while (0) + +/* cmd, param, offset, width, type, arg_name */ +#define DPNI_CMD_SET_ERRORS_BEHAVIOR(cmd, cfg) \ +do { \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 32, uint32_t, cfg->errors); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 32, 4, enum dpni_error_action, cfg->error_action); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 36, 1, int, cfg->set_frame_annotation); \ +} while (0) + +#define DPNI_CMD_GET_BUFFER_LAYOUT(cmd, qtype) \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 8, enum dpni_queue_type, qtype) + +#define DPNI_RSP_GET_BUFFER_LAYOUT(cmd, layout) \ +do { \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 48, 1, char, (layout)->pass_timestamp); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 49, 1, char, (layout)->pass_parser_result); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 50, 1, char, (layout)->pass_frame_status); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 1, 0, 16, uint16_t, (layout)->private_data_size); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 1, 16, 16, uint16_t, (layout)->data_align); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 1, 32, 16, uint16_t, (layout)->data_head_room); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 1, 48, 16, uint16_t, (layout)->data_tail_room); \ +} while (0) + +#define DPNI_CMD_SET_BUFFER_LAYOUT(cmd, qtype, layout) \ +do { \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 8, enum dpni_queue_type, qtype); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 32, 16, uint16_t, (layout)->options); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 48, 1, char, (layout)->pass_timestamp); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 49, 1, char, (layout)->pass_parser_result); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 50, 1, char, (layout)->pass_frame_status); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 1, 0, 16, uint16_t, (layout)->private_data_size); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 1, 16, 16, uint16_t, (layout)->data_align); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 1, 32, 16, uint16_t, (layout)->data_head_room); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 1, 48, 16, uint16_t, (layout)->data_tail_room); \ +} while (0) + +#define DPNI_CMD_SET_OFFLOAD(cmd, type, config) \ +do { \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 24, 8, enum dpni_offload, type); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 32, 32, uint32_t, config); \ +} while (0) + +#define DPNI_CMD_GET_OFFLOAD(cmd, type) \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 24, 8, enum dpni_offload, type) + +#define DPNI_RSP_GET_OFFLOAD(cmd, config) \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 32, 32, uint32_t, config) + +#define DPNI_CMD_GET_QDID(cmd, qtype) \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 8, enum dpni_queue_type, qtype) + +/* cmd, param, offset, width, type, arg_name */ +#define DPNI_RSP_GET_QDID(cmd, qdid) \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 16, uint16_t, qdid) + + +/* cmd, param, offset, width, type, arg_name */ +#define DPNI_CMD_GET_STATISTICS(cmd, page) \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 8, uint8_t, page) + +#define DPNI_RSP_GET_STATISTICS(cmd, stat) \ +do { \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 64, uint64_t, (stat)->raw.counter[0]); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 1, 0, 64, uint64_t, (stat)->raw.counter[1]); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 2, 0, 64, uint64_t, (stat)->raw.counter[2]); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 3, 0, 64, uint64_t, (stat)->raw.counter[3]); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 4, 0, 64, uint64_t, (stat)->raw.counter[4]); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 5, 0, 64, uint64_t, (stat)->raw.counter[5]); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 6, 0, 64, uint64_t, (stat)->raw.counter[6]); \ +} while (0) + +/* cmd, param, offset, width, type, arg_name */ +#define DPNI_RSP_GET_LINK_STATE(cmd, state) \ +do { \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 32, 1, int, state->up);\ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 1, 0, 32, uint32_t, state->rate);\ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 2, 0, 64, uint64_t, state->options);\ +} while (0) + +/* cmd, param, offset, width, type, arg_name */ +#define DPNI_CMD_SET_MAX_FRAME_LENGTH(cmd, max_frame_length) \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 16, uint16_t, max_frame_length) + +/* cmd, param, offset, width, type, arg_name */ +#define DPNI_RSP_GET_MAX_FRAME_LENGTH(cmd, max_frame_length) \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 16, uint16_t, max_frame_length) + +/* cmd, param, offset, width, type, arg_name */ +#define DPNI_CMD_SET_UNICAST_PROMISC(cmd, en) \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 1, int, en) + +/* cmd, param, offset, width, type, arg_name */ +#define DPNI_RSP_GET_UNICAST_PROMISC(cmd, en) \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 1, int, en) + +/* cmd, param, offset, width, type, arg_name */ +#define DPNI_CMD_SET_PRIMARY_MAC_ADDR(cmd, mac_addr) \ +do { \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 16, 8, uint8_t, mac_addr[5]); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 24, 8, uint8_t, mac_addr[4]); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 32, 8, uint8_t, mac_addr[3]); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 40, 8, uint8_t, mac_addr[2]); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 48, 8, uint8_t, mac_addr[1]); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 56, 8, uint8_t, mac_addr[0]); \ +} while (0) + +/* cmd, param, offset, width, type, arg_name */ +#define DPNI_RSP_GET_PRIMARY_MAC_ADDR(cmd, mac_addr) \ +do { \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 16, 8, uint8_t, mac_addr[5]); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 24, 8, uint8_t, mac_addr[4]); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 32, 8, uint8_t, mac_addr[3]); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 40, 8, uint8_t, mac_addr[2]); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 48, 8, uint8_t, mac_addr[1]); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 56, 8, uint8_t, mac_addr[0]); \ +} while (0) + + +/* cmd, param, offset, width, type, arg_name */ +#define DPNI_CMD_SET_RX_TC_DIST(cmd, tc_id, cfg) \ +do { \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 16, uint16_t, cfg->dist_size); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 16, 8, uint8_t, tc_id); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 24, 4, enum dpni_dist_mode, cfg->dist_mode); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 28, 4, enum dpni_fs_miss_action, \ + cfg->fs_cfg.miss_action); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 48, 16, uint16_t, cfg->fs_cfg.default_flow_id); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 6, 0, 64, uint64_t, cfg->key_cfg_iova); \ +} while (0) + +#define DPNI_CMD_GET_QUEUE(cmd, qtype, tc, index) \ +do { \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 8, enum dpni_queue_type, qtype); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 8, 8, uint8_t, tc); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 16, 8, uint8_t, index); \ +} while (0) + +#define DPNI_RSP_GET_QUEUE(cmd, queue, queue_id) \ +do { \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 1, 0, 32, uint32_t, (queue)->; \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 1, 48, 8, uint8_t, (queue)->destination.priority); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 1, 56, 4, enum dpni_dest, (queue)->destination.type); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 1, 62, 1, char, (queue)->flc.stash_control); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 1, 63, 1, char, (queue)->destination.hold_active); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 2, 0, 64, uint64_t, (queue)->flc.value); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 3, 0, 64, uint64_t, (queue)->user_context); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 4, 0, 32, uint32_t, (queue_id)->fqid); \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 4, 32, 16, uint16_t, (queue_id)->qdbin); \ +} while (0) + +#define DPNI_CMD_SET_QUEUE(cmd, qtype, tc, index, options, queue) \ +do { \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 8, enum dpni_queue_type, qtype); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 8, 8, uint8_t, tc); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 16, 8, uint8_t, index); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 24, 8, uint8_t, options); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 1, 0, 32, uint32_t, (queue)->; \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 1, 48, 8, uint8_t, (queue)->destination.priority); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 1, 56, 4, enum dpni_dest, (queue)->destination.type); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 1, 62, 1, char, (queue)->flc.stash_control); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 1, 63, 1, char, (queue)->destination.hold_active); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 2, 0, 64, uint64_t, (queue)->flc.value); \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 3, 0, 64, uint64_t, (queue)->user_context); \ +} while (0) + +/* cmd, param, offset, width, type, arg_name */ +#define DPNI_RSP_GET_API_VERSION(cmd, major, minor) \ +do { \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 0, 16, uint16_t, major);\ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 16, 16, uint16_t, minor);\ +} while (0) + + +#define DPNI_CMD_SET_TX_CONFIRMATION_MODE(cmd, mode) \ + MC_CMD_OP(cmd, 0, 32, 8, enum dpni_confirmation_mode, mode) + +#define DPNI_RSP_GET_TX_CONFIRMATION_MODE(cmd, mode) \ + MC_RSP_OP(cmd, 0, 32, 8, enum dpni_confirmation_mode, mode) + +#endif /* _FSL_DPNI_CMD_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_net.h b/drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_net.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef7e4da --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_net.h @@ -0,0 +1,487 @@ +/*- + * This file is provided under a dual BSD/GPLv2 license. When using or + * redistributing this file, you may do so under either license. + * + * BSD LICENSE + * + * Copyright 2013-2015 Freescale Semiconductor Inc. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * * Neither the name of the above-listed copyright holders nor the + * names of any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY + * + * ALTERNATIVELY, this software may be distributed under the terms of the + * GNU General Public License ("GPL") as published by the Free Software + * Foundation, either version 2 of that License or (at your option) any + * later version. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" + * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE + * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR + * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF + * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS + * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN + * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) + * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE + * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + */ +#ifndef __FSL_NET_H +#define __FSL_NET_H + +#define LAST_HDR_INDEX 0xFFFFFFFF + +/*****************************************************************************/ +/* Protocol fields */ +/*****************************************************************************/ + +/************************* Ethernet fields *********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_ETH_DA (1) +#define NH_FLD_ETH_SA (NH_FLD_ETH_DA << 1) +#define NH_FLD_ETH_LENGTH (NH_FLD_ETH_DA << 2) +#define NH_FLD_ETH_TYPE (NH_FLD_ETH_DA << 3) +#define NH_FLD_ETH_FINAL_CKSUM (NH_FLD_ETH_DA << 4) +#define NH_FLD_ETH_PADDING (NH_FLD_ETH_DA << 5) +#define NH_FLD_ETH_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_ETH_DA << 6) - 1) + +#define NH_FLD_ETH_ADDR_SIZE 6 + +/*************************** VLAN fields ***********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_VLAN_VPRI (1) +#define NH_FLD_VLAN_CFI (NH_FLD_VLAN_VPRI << 1) +#define NH_FLD_VLAN_VID (NH_FLD_VLAN_VPRI << 2) +#define NH_FLD_VLAN_LENGTH (NH_FLD_VLAN_VPRI << 3) +#define NH_FLD_VLAN_TYPE (NH_FLD_VLAN_VPRI << 4) +#define NH_FLD_VLAN_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_VLAN_VPRI << 5) - 1) + +#define NH_FLD_VLAN_TCI (NH_FLD_VLAN_VPRI | \ + NH_FLD_VLAN_CFI | \ + NH_FLD_VLAN_VID) + +/************************ IP (generic) fields ******************************/ +#define NH_FLD_IP_VER (1) +#define NH_FLD_IP_DSCP (NH_FLD_IP_VER << 2) +#define NH_FLD_IP_ECN (NH_FLD_IP_VER << 3) +#define NH_FLD_IP_PROTO (NH_FLD_IP_VER << 4) +#define NH_FLD_IP_SRC (NH_FLD_IP_VER << 5) +#define NH_FLD_IP_DST (NH_FLD_IP_VER << 6) +#define NH_FLD_IP_TOS_TC (NH_FLD_IP_VER << 7) +#define NH_FLD_IP_ID (NH_FLD_IP_VER << 8) +#define NH_FLD_IP_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_IP_VER << 9) - 1) + +#define NH_FLD_IP_PROTO_SIZE 1 + +/***************************** IPV4 fields *********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_VER (1) +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_HDR_LEN (NH_FLD_IPV4_VER << 1) +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_TOS (NH_FLD_IPV4_VER << 2) +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_TOTAL_LEN (NH_FLD_IPV4_VER << 3) +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_ID (NH_FLD_IPV4_VER << 4) +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_FLAG_D (NH_FLD_IPV4_VER << 5) +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_FLAG_M (NH_FLD_IPV4_VER << 6) +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_OFFSET (NH_FLD_IPV4_VER << 7) +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_TTL (NH_FLD_IPV4_VER << 8) +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_PROTO (NH_FLD_IPV4_VER << 9) +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_CKSUM (NH_FLD_IPV4_VER << 10) +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_SRC_IP (NH_FLD_IPV4_VER << 11) +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_DST_IP (NH_FLD_IPV4_VER << 12) +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_OPTS (NH_FLD_IPV4_VER << 13) +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_OPTS_COUNT (NH_FLD_IPV4_VER << 14) +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_IPV4_VER << 15) - 1) + +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_ADDR_SIZE 4 +#define NH_FLD_IPV4_PROTO_SIZE 1 + +/***************************** IPV6 fields *********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_IPV6_VER (1) +#define NH_FLD_IPV6_TC (NH_FLD_IPV6_VER << 1) +#define NH_FLD_IPV6_SRC_IP (NH_FLD_IPV6_VER << 2) +#define NH_FLD_IPV6_DST_IP (NH_FLD_IPV6_VER << 3) +#define NH_FLD_IPV6_NEXT_HDR (NH_FLD_IPV6_VER << 4) +#define NH_FLD_IPV6_FL (NH_FLD_IPV6_VER << 5) +#define NH_FLD_IPV6_HOP_LIMIT (NH_FLD_IPV6_VER << 6) +#define NH_FLD_IPV6_ID (NH_FLD_IPV6_VER << 7) +#define NH_FLD_IPV6_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_IPV6_VER << 8) - 1) + +#define NH_FLD_IPV6_ADDR_SIZE 16 +#define NH_FLD_IPV6_NEXT_HDR_SIZE 1 + +/***************************** ICMP fields *********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_ICMP_TYPE (1) +#define NH_FLD_ICMP_CODE (NH_FLD_ICMP_TYPE << 1) +#define NH_FLD_ICMP_CKSUM (NH_FLD_ICMP_TYPE << 2) +#define NH_FLD_ICMP_ID (NH_FLD_ICMP_TYPE << 3) +#define NH_FLD_ICMP_SQ_NUM (NH_FLD_ICMP_TYPE << 4) +#define NH_FLD_ICMP_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_ICMP_TYPE << 5) - 1) + +#define NH_FLD_ICMP_CODE_SIZE 1 +#define NH_FLD_ICMP_TYPE_SIZE 1 + +/***************************** IGMP fields *********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_IGMP_VERSION (1) +#define NH_FLD_IGMP_TYPE (NH_FLD_IGMP_VERSION << 1) +#define NH_FLD_IGMP_CKSUM (NH_FLD_IGMP_VERSION << 2) +#define NH_FLD_IGMP_DATA (NH_FLD_IGMP_VERSION << 3) +#define NH_FLD_IGMP_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_IGMP_VERSION << 4) - 1) + +/***************************** TCP fields **********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_TCP_PORT_SRC (1) +#define NH_FLD_TCP_PORT_DST (NH_FLD_TCP_PORT_SRC << 1) +#define NH_FLD_TCP_SEQ (NH_FLD_TCP_PORT_SRC << 2) +#define NH_FLD_TCP_ACK (NH_FLD_TCP_PORT_SRC << 3) +#define NH_FLD_TCP_OFFSET (NH_FLD_TCP_PORT_SRC << 4) +#define NH_FLD_TCP_FLAGS (NH_FLD_TCP_PORT_SRC << 5) +#define NH_FLD_TCP_WINDOW (NH_FLD_TCP_PORT_SRC << 6) +#define NH_FLD_TCP_CKSUM (NH_FLD_TCP_PORT_SRC << 7) +#define NH_FLD_TCP_URGPTR (NH_FLD_TCP_PORT_SRC << 8) +#define NH_FLD_TCP_OPTS (NH_FLD_TCP_PORT_SRC << 9) +#define NH_FLD_TCP_OPTS_COUNT (NH_FLD_TCP_PORT_SRC << 10) +#define NH_FLD_TCP_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_TCP_PORT_SRC << 11) - 1) + +#define NH_FLD_TCP_PORT_SIZE 2 + +/***************************** UDP fields **********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_UDP_PORT_SRC (1) +#define NH_FLD_UDP_PORT_DST (NH_FLD_UDP_PORT_SRC << 1) +#define NH_FLD_UDP_LEN (NH_FLD_UDP_PORT_SRC << 2) +#define NH_FLD_UDP_CKSUM (NH_FLD_UDP_PORT_SRC << 3) +#define NH_FLD_UDP_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_UDP_PORT_SRC << 4) - 1) + +#define NH_FLD_UDP_PORT_SIZE 2 + +/*************************** UDP-lite fields *******************************/ +#define NH_FLD_UDP_LITE_PORT_SRC (1) +#define NH_FLD_UDP_LITE_PORT_DST (NH_FLD_UDP_LITE_PORT_SRC << 1) +#define NH_FLD_UDP_LITE_ALL_FIELDS \ + ((NH_FLD_UDP_LITE_PORT_SRC << 2) - 1) + +#define NH_FLD_UDP_LITE_PORT_SIZE 2 + +/*************************** UDP-encap-ESP fields **************************/ +#define NH_FLD_UDP_ENC_ESP_PORT_SRC (1) +#define NH_FLD_UDP_ENC_ESP_PORT_DST (NH_FLD_UDP_ENC_ESP_PORT_SRC << 1) +#define NH_FLD_UDP_ENC_ESP_LEN (NH_FLD_UDP_ENC_ESP_PORT_SRC << 2) +#define NH_FLD_UDP_ENC_ESP_CKSUM (NH_FLD_UDP_ENC_ESP_PORT_SRC << 3) +#define NH_FLD_UDP_ENC_ESP_SPI (NH_FLD_UDP_ENC_ESP_PORT_SRC << 4) +#define NH_FLD_UDP_ENC_ESP_SEQUENCE_NUM (NH_FLD_UDP_ENC_ESP_PORT_SRC << 5) +#define NH_FLD_UDP_ENC_ESP_ALL_FIELDS \ + ((NH_FLD_UDP_ENC_ESP_PORT_SRC << 6) - 1) + +#define NH_FLD_UDP_ENC_ESP_PORT_SIZE 2 +#define NH_FLD_UDP_ENC_ESP_SPI_SIZE 4 + +/***************************** SCTP fields *********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_SCTP_PORT_SRC (1) +#define NH_FLD_SCTP_PORT_DST (NH_FLD_SCTP_PORT_SRC << 1) +#define NH_FLD_SCTP_VER_TAG (NH_FLD_SCTP_PORT_SRC << 2) +#define NH_FLD_SCTP_CKSUM (NH_FLD_SCTP_PORT_SRC << 3) +#define NH_FLD_SCTP_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_SCTP_PORT_SRC << 4) - 1) + +#define NH_FLD_SCTP_PORT_SIZE 2 + +/***************************** DCCP fields *********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_DCCP_PORT_SRC (1) +#define NH_FLD_DCCP_PORT_DST (NH_FLD_DCCP_PORT_SRC << 1) +#define NH_FLD_DCCP_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_DCCP_PORT_SRC << 2) - 1) + +#define NH_FLD_DCCP_PORT_SIZE 2 + +/***************************** IPHC fields *********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_IPHC_CID (1) +#define NH_FLD_IPHC_CID_TYPE (NH_FLD_IPHC_CID << 1) +#define NH_FLD_IPHC_HCINDEX (NH_FLD_IPHC_CID << 2) +#define NH_FLD_IPHC_GEN (NH_FLD_IPHC_CID << 3) +#define NH_FLD_IPHC_D_BIT (NH_FLD_IPHC_CID << 4) +#define NH_FLD_IPHC_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_IPHC_CID << 5) - 1) + +/***************************** SCTP fields *********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_TYPE (1) +#define NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_FLAGS (NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_TYPE << 1) +#define NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_LENGTH (NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_TYPE << 2) +#define NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_TSN (NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_TYPE << 3) +#define NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_STREAM_ID (NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_TYPE << 4) +#define NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_STREAM_SQN (NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_TYPE << 5) +#define NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_PAYLOAD_PID (NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_TYPE << 6) +#define NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_UNORDERED (NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_TYPE << 7) +#define NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_BEGINNING (NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_TYPE << 8) +#define NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_END (NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_TYPE << 9) +#define NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_ALL_FIELDS \ + ((NH_FLD_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA_TYPE << 10) - 1) + +/*************************** L2TPV2 fields *********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV2_TYPE_BIT (1) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV2_LENGTH_BIT (NH_FLD_L2TPV2_TYPE_BIT << 1) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV2_SEQUENCE_BIT (NH_FLD_L2TPV2_TYPE_BIT << 2) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV2_OFFSET_BIT (NH_FLD_L2TPV2_TYPE_BIT << 3) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV2_PRIORITY_BIT (NH_FLD_L2TPV2_TYPE_BIT << 4) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV2_VERSION (NH_FLD_L2TPV2_TYPE_BIT << 5) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV2_LEN (NH_FLD_L2TPV2_TYPE_BIT << 6) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV2_TUNNEL_ID (NH_FLD_L2TPV2_TYPE_BIT << 7) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV2_SESSION_ID (NH_FLD_L2TPV2_TYPE_BIT << 8) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV2_NS (NH_FLD_L2TPV2_TYPE_BIT << 9) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV2_NR (NH_FLD_L2TPV2_TYPE_BIT << 10) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV2_OFFSET_SIZE (NH_FLD_L2TPV2_TYPE_BIT << 11) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV2_FIRST_BYTE (NH_FLD_L2TPV2_TYPE_BIT << 12) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV2_ALL_FIELDS \ + ((NH_FLD_L2TPV2_TYPE_BIT << 13) - 1) + +/*************************** L2TPV3 fields *********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_TYPE_BIT (1) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_LENGTH_BIT (NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_TYPE_BIT << 1) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_SEQUENCE_BIT (NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_TYPE_BIT << 2) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_VERSION (NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_TYPE_BIT << 3) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_LENGTH (NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_TYPE_BIT << 4) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_CONTROL (NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_TYPE_BIT << 5) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_SENT (NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_TYPE_BIT << 6) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_RECV (NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_TYPE_BIT << 7) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_FIRST_BYTE (NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_TYPE_BIT << 8) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_ALL_FIELDS \ + ((NH_FLD_L2TPV3_CTRL_TYPE_BIT << 9) - 1) + +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV3_SESS_TYPE_BIT (1) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV3_SESS_VERSION (NH_FLD_L2TPV3_SESS_TYPE_BIT << 1) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV3_SESS_ID (NH_FLD_L2TPV3_SESS_TYPE_BIT << 2) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV3_SESS_COOKIE (NH_FLD_L2TPV3_SESS_TYPE_BIT << 3) +#define NH_FLD_L2TPV3_SESS_ALL_FIELDS \ + ((NH_FLD_L2TPV3_SESS_TYPE_BIT << 4) - 1) + +/**************************** PPP fields ***********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_PPP_PID (1) +#define NH_FLD_PPP_COMPRESSED (NH_FLD_PPP_PID << 1) +#define NH_FLD_PPP_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_PPP_PID << 2) - 1) + +/************************** PPPoE fields ***********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_PPPOE_VER (1) +#define NH_FLD_PPPOE_TYPE (NH_FLD_PPPOE_VER << 1) +#define NH_FLD_PPPOE_CODE (NH_FLD_PPPOE_VER << 2) +#define NH_FLD_PPPOE_SID (NH_FLD_PPPOE_VER << 3) +#define NH_FLD_PPPOE_LEN (NH_FLD_PPPOE_VER << 4) +#define NH_FLD_PPPOE_SESSION (NH_FLD_PPPOE_VER << 5) +#define NH_FLD_PPPOE_PID (NH_FLD_PPPOE_VER << 6) +#define NH_FLD_PPPOE_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_PPPOE_VER << 7) - 1) + +/************************* PPP-Mux fields **********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_PPPMUX_PID (1) +#define NH_FLD_PPPMUX_CKSUM (NH_FLD_PPPMUX_PID << 1) +#define NH_FLD_PPPMUX_COMPRESSED (NH_FLD_PPPMUX_PID << 2) +#define NH_FLD_PPPMUX_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_PPPMUX_PID << 3) - 1) + +/*********************** PPP-Mux sub-frame fields **************************/ +#define NH_FLD_PPPMUX_SUBFRM_PFF (1) +#define NH_FLD_PPPMUX_SUBFRM_LXT (NH_FLD_PPPMUX_SUBFRM_PFF << 1) +#define NH_FLD_PPPMUX_SUBFRM_LEN (NH_FLD_PPPMUX_SUBFRM_PFF << 2) +#define NH_FLD_PPPMUX_SUBFRM_PID (NH_FLD_PPPMUX_SUBFRM_PFF << 3) +#define NH_FLD_PPPMUX_SUBFRM_USE_PID (NH_FLD_PPPMUX_SUBFRM_PFF << 4) +#define NH_FLD_PPPMUX_SUBFRM_ALL_FIELDS \ + ((NH_FLD_PPPMUX_SUBFRM_PFF << 5) - 1) + +/*************************** LLC fields ************************************/ +#define NH_FLD_LLC_DSAP (1) +#define NH_FLD_LLC_SSAP (NH_FLD_LLC_DSAP << 1) +#define NH_FLD_LLC_CTRL (NH_FLD_LLC_DSAP << 2) +#define NH_FLD_LLC_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_LLC_DSAP << 3) - 1) + +/*************************** NLPID fields **********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_NLPID_NLPID (1) +#define NH_FLD_NLPID_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_NLPID_NLPID << 1) - 1) + +/*************************** SNAP fields ***********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_SNAP_OUI (1) +#define NH_FLD_SNAP_PID (NH_FLD_SNAP_OUI << 1) +#define NH_FLD_SNAP_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_SNAP_OUI << 2) - 1) + +/*************************** LLC SNAP fields *******************************/ +#define NH_FLD_LLC_SNAP_TYPE (1) +#define NH_FLD_LLC_SNAP_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_LLC_SNAP_TYPE << 1) - 1) + +#define NH_FLD_ARP_HTYPE (1) +#define NH_FLD_ARP_PTYPE (NH_FLD_ARP_HTYPE << 1) +#define NH_FLD_ARP_HLEN (NH_FLD_ARP_HTYPE << 2) +#define NH_FLD_ARP_PLEN (NH_FLD_ARP_HTYPE << 3) +#define NH_FLD_ARP_OPER (NH_FLD_ARP_HTYPE << 4) +#define NH_FLD_ARP_SHA (NH_FLD_ARP_HTYPE << 5) +#define NH_FLD_ARP_SPA (NH_FLD_ARP_HTYPE << 6) +#define NH_FLD_ARP_THA (NH_FLD_ARP_HTYPE << 7) +#define NH_FLD_ARP_TPA (NH_FLD_ARP_HTYPE << 8) +#define NH_FLD_ARP_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_ARP_HTYPE << 9) - 1) + +/*************************** RFC2684 fields ********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_RFC2684_LLC (1) +#define NH_FLD_RFC2684_NLPID (NH_FLD_RFC2684_LLC << 1) +#define NH_FLD_RFC2684_OUI (NH_FLD_RFC2684_LLC << 2) +#define NH_FLD_RFC2684_PID (NH_FLD_RFC2684_LLC << 3) +#define NH_FLD_RFC2684_VPN_OUI (NH_FLD_RFC2684_LLC << 4) +#define NH_FLD_RFC2684_VPN_IDX (NH_FLD_RFC2684_LLC << 5) +#define NH_FLD_RFC2684_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_RFC2684_LLC << 6) - 1) + +/*************************** User defined fields ***************************/ +#define NH_FLD_USER_DEFINED_SRCPORT (1) +#define NH_FLD_USER_DEFINED_PCDID (NH_FLD_USER_DEFINED_SRCPORT << 1) +#define NH_FLD_USER_DEFINED_ALL_FIELDS \ + ((NH_FLD_USER_DEFINED_SRCPORT << 2) - 1) + +/*************************** Payload fields ********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_PAYLOAD_BUFFER (1) +#define NH_FLD_PAYLOAD_SIZE (NH_FLD_PAYLOAD_BUFFER << 1) +#define NH_FLD_MAX_FRM_SIZE (NH_FLD_PAYLOAD_BUFFER << 2) +#define NH_FLD_MIN_FRM_SIZE (NH_FLD_PAYLOAD_BUFFER << 3) +#define NH_FLD_PAYLOAD_TYPE (NH_FLD_PAYLOAD_BUFFER << 4) +#define NH_FLD_FRAME_SIZE (NH_FLD_PAYLOAD_BUFFER << 5) +#define NH_FLD_PAYLOAD_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_PAYLOAD_BUFFER << 6) - 1) + +/*************************** GRE fields ************************************/ +#define NH_FLD_GRE_TYPE (1) +#define NH_FLD_GRE_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_GRE_TYPE << 1) - 1) + +/*************************** MINENCAP fields *******************************/ +#define NH_FLD_MINENCAP_SRC_IP (1) +#define NH_FLD_MINENCAP_DST_IP (NH_FLD_MINENCAP_SRC_IP << 1) +#define NH_FLD_MINENCAP_TYPE (NH_FLD_MINENCAP_SRC_IP << 2) +#define NH_FLD_MINENCAP_ALL_FIELDS \ + ((NH_FLD_MINENCAP_SRC_IP << 3) - 1) + +/*************************** IPSEC AH fields *******************************/ +#define NH_FLD_IPSEC_AH_SPI (1) +#define NH_FLD_IPSEC_AH_NH (NH_FLD_IPSEC_AH_SPI << 1) +#define NH_FLD_IPSEC_AH_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_IPSEC_AH_SPI << 2) - 1) + +/*************************** IPSEC ESP fields ******************************/ +#define NH_FLD_IPSEC_ESP_SPI (1) +#define NH_FLD_IPSEC_ESP_SEQUENCE_NUM (NH_FLD_IPSEC_ESP_SPI << 1) +#define NH_FLD_IPSEC_ESP_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_IPSEC_ESP_SPI << 2) - 1) + +#define NH_FLD_IPSEC_ESP_SPI_SIZE 4 + +/*************************** MPLS fields ***********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_MPLS_LABEL_STACK (1) +#define NH_FLD_MPLS_LABEL_STACK_ALL_FIELDS \ + ((NH_FLD_MPLS_LABEL_STACK << 1) - 1) + +/*************************** MACSEC fields *********************************/ +#define NH_FLD_MACSEC_SECTAG (1) +#define NH_FLD_MACSEC_ALL_FIELDS ((NH_FLD_MACSEC_SECTAG << 1) - 1) + +/*************************** GTP fields ************************************/ +#define NH_FLD_GTP_TEID (1) + +/* Protocol options */ + +/* Ethernet options */ +#define NH_OPT_ETH_BROADCAST 1 +#define NH_OPT_ETH_MULTICAST 2 +#define NH_OPT_ETH_UNICAST 3 +#define NH_OPT_ETH_BPDU 4 + +#define NH_ETH_IS_MULTICAST_ADDR(addr) (addr[0] & 0x01) +/* also applicable for broadcast */ + +/* VLAN options */ +#define NH_OPT_VLAN_CFI 1 + +/* IPV4 options */ +#define NH_OPT_IPV4_UNICAST 1 +#define NH_OPT_IPV4_MULTICAST 2 +#define NH_OPT_IPV4_BROADCAST 3 +#define NH_OPT_IPV4_OPTION 4 +#define NH_OPT_IPV4_FRAG 5 +#define NH_OPT_IPV4_INITIAL_FRAG 6 + +/* IPV6 options */ +#define NH_OPT_IPV6_UNICAST 1 +#define NH_OPT_IPV6_MULTICAST 2 +#define NH_OPT_IPV6_OPTION 3 +#define NH_OPT_IPV6_FRAG 4 +#define NH_OPT_IPV6_INITIAL_FRAG 5 + +/* General IP options (may be used for any version) */ +#define NH_OPT_IP_FRAG 1 +#define NH_OPT_IP_INITIAL_FRAG 2 +#define NH_OPT_IP_OPTION 3 + +/* Minenc. options */ +#define NH_OPT_MINENCAP_SRC_ADDR_PRESENT 1 + +/* GRE. options */ +#define NH_OPT_GRE_ROUTING_PRESENT 1 + +/* TCP options */ +#define NH_OPT_TCP_OPTIONS 1 +#define NH_OPT_TCP_CONTROL_HIGH_BITS 2 +#define NH_OPT_TCP_CONTROL_LOW_BITS 3 + +/* CAPWAP options */ +#define NH_OPT_CAPWAP_DTLS 1 + +enum net_prot { + NET_PROT_NONE = 0, + NET_PROT_PAYLOAD, + NET_PROT_ETH, + NET_PROT_VLAN, + NET_PROT_IPV4, + NET_PROT_IPV6, + NET_PROT_IP, + NET_PROT_TCP, + NET_PROT_UDP, + NET_PROT_UDP_LITE, + NET_PROT_IPHC, + NET_PROT_SCTP, + NET_PROT_SCTP_CHUNK_DATA, + NET_PROT_PPPOE, + NET_PROT_PPP, + NET_PROT_PPPMUX, + NET_PROT_PPPMUX_SUBFRM, + NET_PROT_L2TPV2, + NET_PROT_L2TPV3_CTRL, + NET_PROT_L2TPV3_SESS, + NET_PROT_LLC, + NET_PROT_LLC_SNAP, + NET_PROT_NLPID, + NET_PROT_SNAP, + NET_PROT_MPLS, + NET_PROT_IPSEC_AH, + NET_PROT_IPSEC_ESP, + NET_PROT_UDP_ENC_ESP, /* RFC 3948 */ + NET_PROT_MACSEC, + NET_PROT_GRE, + NET_PROT_MINENCAP, + NET_PROT_DCCP, + NET_PROT_ICMP, + NET_PROT_IGMP, + NET_PROT_ARP, + NET_PROT_CAPWAP_DATA, + NET_PROT_CAPWAP_CTRL, + NET_PROT_RFC2684, + NET_PROT_ICMPV6, + NET_PROT_FCOE, + NET_PROT_FIP, + NET_PROT_ISCSI, + NET_PROT_GTP, + NET_PROT_USER_DEFINED_L2, + NET_PROT_USER_DEFINED_L3, + NET_PROT_USER_DEFINED_L4, + NET_PROT_USER_DEFINED_L5, + NET_PROT_USER_DEFINED_SHIM1, + NET_PROT_USER_DEFINED_SHIM2, + + NET_PROT_DUMMY_LAST +}; + +/*! IEEE8021.Q */ +#define NH_IEEE8021Q_ETYPE 0x8100 +#define NH_IEEE8021Q_HDR(etype, pcp, dei, vlan_id) \ + ((((uint32_t)(etype & 0xFFFF)) << 16) | \ + (((uint32_t)(pcp & 0x07)) << 13) | \ + (((uint32_t)(dei & 0x01)) << 12) | \ + (((uint32_t)(vlan_id & 0xFFF)))) + +#endif /* __FSL_NET_H */ -- 1.9.1