From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 2BA3AA09E4; Sat, 24 Apr 2021 12:39:02 +0200 (CEST) Received: from [] (localhost []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4ADB1410FA; Sat, 24 Apr 2021 12:38:47 +0200 (CEST) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id AA4834112B for ; Sat, 24 Apr 2021 12:38:42 +0200 (CEST) ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=BbYH6IBo9AcLGXUikmY8aHVmZxaTT0JmHnLmgm3Q9lPm+OCuw+v/0DsQARp41hX35msIXHyNhaz4wr3KvFJA0zA4jgQ6oXEmqDmSLI+wKQYmDk8zo4u59RO63yUTVQfk4D5tWyx3NiYuZ7AgulV+LkOSTBxHJUSxL1SZQTBYV/xo+LYR/Btg8ostkHVWBNGU/Au7TYVfLPBB8qwkjPkHJsvY3c9/0O1zaQNZV0lKMTdq1tmQiYIv/C3YlPYGwQfdLsHX5140DTEl9iRhyA1ZEtKVIvvcR+wR2Uys+djyi83JfZj+lTsoHGBy/aou1RdXwyuBJuXwQE6FynB6CA25bw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=PYHv2u0wks0nKT/q5BHY0VPqwQrM2J3oEF+48bbsfoA=; b=PTnIBCb2MbGjF9hgKcAnJjDMT40+Iuox/9WvPvH8rjqrnQhOS27AGMfdmaVQVzOWTQdfV6eZjdUugoy9mnAcQZtusk7DQK7aU5it/bpjrJaKjmIgdQPCYSxq9C9pEGaMo8g0EgBcrZ9gIuyewWOKcxGmGa48b/iq2sSMZcsEb2WhmrcZ3hwxVn+9J/cm1piXLujHXsMBVI1o7q8FUB9QJK9si9sFMXS5GbkpyNwQhvP1eMmaIlgn0y4hQgFTHc/Ch753ZWJZI4UvWFMSl/U58Sd0kbEzEPOAoirR2TISvC6ANR08tl4Zdf6el6YxOX2/6HP6GhyRVhbUQqZQFSnAww== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=PYHv2u0wks0nKT/q5BHY0VPqwQrM2J3oEF+48bbsfoA=; b=GmY0pGFPulfwIlyxbamIO6C/NWbpzOEbIsNSjD9rhX3dm7miVMpPuL+xDkYV7tcASgJw5canaeyeoFks5hU4RWaImgY2LzLMPViSEZ+b26+YfEOGBxE0mrYg+IAjmYy9Yl0ir7OM7tk8fVG1hNoKNTuk25OY3TZgr615LeBfxjQ= Authentication-Results:; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;; dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10a6:20b:22::25) by (2603:10a6:209:1a::13) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4065.25; Sat, 24 Apr 2021 10:38:41 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::ad9e:a38e:e84e:bf55]) by ([fe80::ad9e:a38e:e84e:bf55%6]) with mapi id 15.20.4065.023; Sat, 24 Apr 2021 10:38:41 +0000 From: Hemant Agrawal To:,, Cc:, Hemant Agrawal , Nipun Gupta Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2021 16:06:57 +0530 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.17.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Content-Type: text/plain X-Originating-IP: [] X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:1096:202:15::32) To (2603:10a6:20b:22::25) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-MessageSentRepresentingType: 1 Received: from ( by (2603:1096:202:15::32) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4065.21 via Frontend Transport; Sat, 24 Apr 2021 10:38:38 +0000 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 4f0f2cc2-2e8d-434d-6c1a-08d9070d202a X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: AM6PR0402MB3895: X-MS-Exchange-Transport-Forked: True X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:431; X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; 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Signed-off-by: Nipun Gupta Signed-off-by: Hemant Agrawal --- doc/guides/bbdevs/index.rst | 1 + doc/guides/bbdevs/la12xx.rst | 81 +++ doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_05.rst | 5 + drivers/baseband/la12xx/bbdev_la12xx.c | 552 ++++++++++++++++++++- drivers/baseband/la12xx/bbdev_la12xx.h | 11 +- drivers/baseband/la12xx/bbdev_la12xx_ipc.h | 189 ++++++- 6 files changed, 829 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) create mode 100644 doc/guides/bbdevs/la12xx.rst diff --git a/doc/guides/bbdevs/index.rst b/doc/guides/bbdevs/index.rst index 4445cbd1b0..cedd706fa6 100644 --- a/doc/guides/bbdevs/index.rst +++ b/doc/guides/bbdevs/index.rst @@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ Baseband Device Drivers fpga_lte_fec fpga_5gnr_fec acc100 + la12xx diff --git a/doc/guides/bbdevs/la12xx.rst b/doc/guides/bbdevs/la12xx.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3c9ac5c047 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/guides/bbdevs/la12xx.rst @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +.. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + Copyright 2021 NXP + +NXP LA12xx Poll Mode Driver +======================================= + +The BBDEV LA12xx poll mode driver (PMD) supports an implementation for +offloading High Phy processing functions like LDPC Encode / Decode 5GNR wireless +acceleration function, using PCI based LA12xx Software defined radio. + +More information can be found at `NXP Official Website +`_. + +Features +-------- + +LA12xx PMD supports the following features: + +- Maximum of 8 UL queues +- Maximum of 8 DL queues +- PCIe Gen-3 x8 Interface +- MSI-X + +Installation +------------ + +Section 3 of the DPDK manual provides instructions on installing and compiling DPDK. + +DPDK requires hugepages to be configured as detailed in section 2 of the DPDK manual. + +Initialization +-------------- + +The device can be listed on the host console with: + + +Use the following lspci command to get the multiple LA12xx processor ids. The +device ID of the LA12xx baseband processor is "1c30". + +.. code-block:: console + + sudo lspci -nn + +... +0001:01:00.0 Power PC [0b20]: Freescale Semiconductor Inc Device [1957:1c30] ( +rev 10) +... +0002:01:00.0 Power PC [0b20]: Freescale Semiconductor Inc Device [1957:1c30] ( +rev 10) + + +Prerequisites +------------- + +Currently supported by DPDK: + +- NXP LA1224 BSP **1.0+**. +- NXP LA1224 PCIe Modem card connected to ARM host. + +- Follow the DPDK :ref:`Getting Started Guide for Linux ` to setup the basic DPDK environment. + +* Use dev arg option ``modem=0`` to identify the modem instance for a given + device. This is required only if more than 1 modem cards are attached to host. + this is optional and the default value is 0. + e.g. ``--vdev=baseband_la12xx,modem=0`` + +* Use dev arg option ``max_nb_queues=x`` to specify the maximum number of queues + to be used for communication with offload device i.e. modem. default is 16. + e.g. ``--vdev=baseband_la12xx,max_nb_queues=4`` + +Enabling logs +------------- + +For enabling logs, use the following EAL parameter: + +.. code-block:: console + + ./your_bbdev_application --log-level=la12xx: + +Using ``bb.la12xx`` as log matching criteria, all Baseband PMD logs can be +enabled which are lower than logging ``level``. diff --git a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_05.rst b/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_05.rst index b3224dc332..4e0b62debb 100644 --- a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_05.rst +++ b/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_05.rst @@ -236,6 +236,11 @@ New Features the hash function used in NICs to spread the traffic among the queues. It can be used to get predictable mapping of the flows. +* **Added NXP LA12xx baseband PMD.** + + * Added a new baseband PMD driver for NXP LA12xx Software defined radio. + * See the :doc:`../bbdevs/la12xx` for more details. + * **Updated testpmd.** * Added a command line option to configure forced speed for Ethernet port. diff --git a/drivers/baseband/la12xx/bbdev_la12xx.c b/drivers/baseband/la12xx/bbdev_la12xx.c index f26f3f2a08..1fdeca279e 100644 --- a/drivers/baseband/la12xx/bbdev_la12xx.c +++ b/drivers/baseband/la12xx/bbdev_la12xx.c @@ -3,6 +3,11 @@ */ #include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include #include #include @@ -31,11 +36,549 @@ struct bbdev_la12xx_params { #define LA12XX_VDEV_MODEM_ID_ARG "modem" #define LA12XX_MAX_MODEM 4 +#define LA12XX_MAX_CORES 4 +#define LA12XX_LDPC_ENC_CORE 0 +#define LA12XX_LDPC_DEC_CORE 1 + +#define LA12XX_MAX_LDPC_ENC_QUEUES 4 +#define LA12XX_MAX_LDPC_DEC_QUEUES 4 + static const char * const bbdev_la12xx_valid_params[] = { LA12XX_MAX_NB_QUEUES_ARG, LA12XX_VDEV_MODEM_ID_ARG, }; +static const struct rte_bbdev_op_cap bbdev_capabilities[] = { + { + .type = RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_ENC, + .cap.ldpc_enc = { + .capability_flags = + RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_24A_ATTACH | + RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_24B_ATTACH, + .num_buffers_src = + RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS, + .num_buffers_dst = + RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS, + } + }, + { + .type = RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_DEC, + .cap.ldpc_dec = { + .capability_flags = + RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_TYPE_24A_CHECK | + RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_LLR_COMPRESSION | + RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_TYPE_24B_CHECK | + RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_TYPE_24B_DROP, + .num_buffers_src = + RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS, + .num_buffers_hard_out = + RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS, + } + }, + RTE_BBDEV_END_OF_CAPABILITIES_LIST() +}; + +static struct rte_bbdev_queue_conf default_queue_conf = { + .queue_size = MAX_CHANNEL_DEPTH, +}; + +/* Get device info */ +static void +la12xx_info_get(struct rte_bbdev *dev __rte_unused, + struct rte_bbdev_driver_info *dev_info) +{ + PMD_INIT_FUNC_TRACE(); + + dev_info->driver_name = RTE_STR(DRIVER_NAME); + dev_info->max_num_queues = LA12XX_MAX_QUEUES; + dev_info->queue_size_lim = MAX_CHANNEL_DEPTH; + dev_info->hardware_accelerated = true; + dev_info->max_dl_queue_priority = 0; + dev_info->max_ul_queue_priority = 0; + dev_info->default_queue_conf = default_queue_conf; + dev_info->capabilities = bbdev_capabilities; + dev_info->cpu_flag_reqs = NULL; + dev_info->min_alignment = 64; + + rte_bbdev_log_debug("got device info from %u", dev->data->dev_id); +} + +/* Release queue */ +static int +la12xx_queue_release(struct rte_bbdev *dev, uint16_t q_id) +{ + RTE_SET_USED(dev); + RTE_SET_USED(q_id); + + PMD_INIT_FUNC_TRACE(); + + /* TODO: Implement */ + + return 0; +} + +#define HUGEPG_OFFSET(A) \ + ((uint64_t) ((unsigned long) (A) \ + - ((uint64_t)ipc_priv->hugepg_start.host_vaddr))) + +static int ipc_queue_configure(uint32_t channel_id, + ipc_t instance, struct bbdev_la12xx_q_priv *q_priv) +{ + ipc_userspace_t *ipc_priv = (ipc_userspace_t *)instance; + ipc_instance_t *ipc_instance = ipc_priv->instance; + ipc_ch_t *ch; + void *vaddr; + uint32_t i = 0; + uint32_t msg_size = sizeof(struct bbdev_ipc_enqueue_op); + + PMD_INIT_FUNC_TRACE(); + + rte_bbdev_log_debug("%x %p", ipc_instance->initialized, + ipc_priv->instance); + ch = &(ipc_instance->ch_list[channel_id]); + + rte_bbdev_log_debug("channel: %u, depth: %u, msg size: %u", + channel_id, q_priv->queue_size, msg_size); + + /* Start init of channel */ + ch->md.ring_size = rte_cpu_to_be_32(q_priv->queue_size); + ch->md.pi = 0; + ch-> = 0; + ch->md.msg_size = msg_size; + for (i = 0; i < q_priv->queue_size; i++) { + vaddr = rte_malloc(NULL, msg_size, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); + if (!vaddr) + return IPC_HOST_BUF_ALLOC_FAIL; + /* Only offset now */ + ch->bd_h[i].modem_ptr = + rte_cpu_to_be_32(HUGEPG_OFFSET(vaddr)); + ch->bd_h[i].host_virt_l = lower_32_bits(vaddr); + ch->bd_h[i].host_virt_h = upper_32_bits(vaddr); + q_priv->msg_ch_vaddr[i] = vaddr; + /* Not sure use of this len may be for CRC*/ + ch->bd_h[i].len = 0; + } + ch->host_ipc_params = + rte_cpu_to_be_32(HUGEPG_OFFSET(q_priv->host_params)); + + rte_bbdev_log_debug("Channel configured"); + return IPC_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +la12xx_e200_queue_setup(struct rte_bbdev *dev, + struct bbdev_la12xx_q_priv *q_priv) +{ + struct bbdev_la12xx_private *priv = dev->data->dev_private; + ipc_userspace_t *ipc_priv = priv->ipc_priv; + struct gul_hif *mhif; + ipc_metadata_t *ipc_md; + ipc_ch_t *ch; + int instance_id = 0, i; + int ret; + + PMD_INIT_FUNC_TRACE(); + + switch (q_priv->op_type) { + case RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_ENC: + q_priv->la12xx_core_id = LA12XX_LDPC_ENC_CORE; + break; + case RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_DEC: + q_priv->la12xx_core_id = LA12XX_LDPC_DEC_CORE; + break; + default: + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Unsupported op type\n"); + return -1; + } + + mhif = (struct gul_hif *)ipc_priv->mhif_start.host_vaddr; + /* offset is from start of PEB */ + ipc_md = (ipc_metadata_t *)((uint64_t)ipc_priv->peb_start.host_vaddr + + mhif->ipc_regs.ipc_mdata_offset); + ch = &ipc_md->instance_list[instance_id].ch_list[q_priv->q_id]; + + if (q_priv->q_id < priv->num_valid_queues) { + ipc_br_md_t *md = &(ch->md); + + q_priv->feca_blk_id = rte_cpu_to_be_32(ch->feca_blk_id); + q_priv->feca_blk_id_be32 = ch->feca_blk_id; + q_priv->host_pi = rte_be_to_cpu_32(md->pi); + q_priv->host_ci = rte_be_to_cpu_32(md->ci); + q_priv->host_params = (host_ipc_params_t *) + (rte_be_to_cpu_32(ch->host_ipc_params) + + ((uint64_t)ipc_priv->hugepg_start.host_vaddr)); + + for (i = 0; i < q_priv->queue_size; i++) { + uint32_t h, l; + + h = ch->bd_h[i].host_virt_h; + l = ch->bd_h[i].host_virt_l; + q_priv->msg_ch_vaddr[i] = (void *)join_32_bits(h, l); + } + + rte_bbdev_log(WARNING, + "Queue [%d] already configured, not configuring again", + q_priv->q_id); + return 0; + } + + rte_bbdev_log_debug("setting up queue %d", q_priv->q_id); + + /* Call ipc_configure_channel */ + ret = ipc_queue_configure(q_priv->q_id, ipc_priv, q_priv); + if (ret) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Unable to setup queue (%d) (err=%d)", + q_priv->q_id, ret); + return ret; + } + + /* Set queue properties for LA12xx device */ + switch (q_priv->op_type) { + case RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_ENC: + if (priv->num_ldpc_enc_queues >= LA12XX_MAX_LDPC_ENC_QUEUES) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, + "num_ldpc_enc_queues reached max value"); + return -1; + } + ch->la12xx_core_id = + rte_cpu_to_be_32(LA12XX_LDPC_ENC_CORE); + ch->feca_blk_id = rte_cpu_to_be_32(priv->num_ldpc_enc_queues++); + break; + case RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_DEC: + if (priv->num_ldpc_dec_queues >= LA12XX_MAX_LDPC_DEC_QUEUES) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, + "num_ldpc_dec_queues reached max value"); + return -1; + } + ch->la12xx_core_id = + rte_cpu_to_be_32(LA12XX_LDPC_DEC_CORE); + ch->feca_blk_id = rte_cpu_to_be_32(priv->num_ldpc_dec_queues++); + break; + default: + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Not supported op type\n"); + return -1; + } + ch->op_type = rte_cpu_to_be_32(q_priv->op_type); + ch->depth = rte_cpu_to_be_32(q_priv->queue_size); + + /* Store queue config here */ + q_priv->feca_blk_id = rte_cpu_to_be_32(ch->feca_blk_id); + q_priv->feca_blk_id_be32 = ch->feca_blk_id; + + return 0; +} + +/* Setup a queue */ +static int +la12xx_queue_setup(struct rte_bbdev *dev, uint16_t q_id, + const struct rte_bbdev_queue_conf *queue_conf) +{ + struct bbdev_la12xx_private *priv = dev->data->dev_private; + struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data; + struct bbdev_la12xx_q_priv *q_priv; + int ret; + + PMD_INIT_FUNC_TRACE(); + + /* Move to setup_queues callback */ + q_data = &dev->data->queues[q_id]; + q_data->queue_private = rte_zmalloc(NULL, + sizeof(struct bbdev_la12xx_q_priv), 0); + if (!q_data->queue_private) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Memory allocation failed for qpriv"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + q_priv = q_data->queue_private; + q_priv->q_id = q_id; + q_priv->bbdev_priv = dev->data->dev_private; + q_priv->queue_size = queue_conf->queue_size; + q_priv->op_type = queue_conf->op_type; + + ret = la12xx_e200_queue_setup(dev, q_priv); + if (ret) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "e200_queue_setup failed for qid: %d", + q_id); + return ret; + } + + /* Store queue config here */ + priv->num_valid_queues++; + + return 0; +} + +static int +la12xx_start(struct rte_bbdev *dev) +{ + struct bbdev_la12xx_private *priv = dev->data->dev_private; + ipc_userspace_t *ipc_priv = priv->ipc_priv; + int ready = 0; + struct gul_hif *hif_start; + + PMD_INIT_FUNC_TRACE(); + + hif_start = (struct gul_hif *)ipc_priv->mhif_start.host_vaddr; + + /* Set Host Read bit */ + SET_HIF_HOST_RDY(hif_start, HIF_HOST_READY_IPC_APP); + + /* Now wait for modem ready bit */ + while (!ready) + ready = CHK_HIF_MOD_RDY(hif_start, HIF_MOD_READY_IPC_APP); + + return 0; +} + +static const struct rte_bbdev_ops pmd_ops = { + .info_get = la12xx_info_get, + .queue_setup = la12xx_queue_setup, + .queue_release = la12xx_queue_release, + .start = la12xx_start +}; +static struct hugepage_info * +get_hugepage_info(void) +{ + struct hugepage_info *hp_info; + struct rte_memseg *mseg; + + PMD_INIT_FUNC_TRACE(); + + /* TODO - find a better way */ + hp_info = rte_malloc(NULL, sizeof(struct hugepage_info), 0); + if (!hp_info) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Unable to allocate on local heap"); + return NULL; + } + + mseg = rte_mem_virt2memseg(hp_info, NULL); + hp_info->vaddr = mseg->addr; + hp_info->paddr = rte_mem_virt2phy(mseg->addr); + hp_info->len = mseg->len; + + return hp_info; +} + +static int open_ipc_dev(int modem_id) +{ + char dev_initials[16], dev_path[PATH_MAX]; + struct dirent *entry; + int dev_ipc = 0; + DIR *dir; + + dir = opendir("/dev/"); + if (!dir) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Unable to open /dev/"); + return -1; + } + + sprintf(dev_initials, "gulipcgul%d", modem_id); + + while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { + if (!strncmp(dev_initials, entry->d_name, + sizeof(dev_initials) - 1)) + break; + } + + if (!entry) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Error: No gulipcgul%d device", modem_id); + return -1; + } + + sprintf(dev_path, "/dev/%s", entry->d_name); + dev_ipc = open(dev_path, O_RDWR); + if (dev_ipc < 0) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Error: Cannot open %s", dev_path); + return -errno; + } + + return dev_ipc; +} + +static int +setup_la12xx_dev(struct rte_bbdev *dev) +{ + struct bbdev_la12xx_private *priv = dev->data->dev_private; + ipc_userspace_t *ipc_priv = priv->ipc_priv; + struct hugepage_info *hp = NULL; + ipc_channel_us_t *ipc_priv_ch = NULL; + int dev_ipc = 0, dev_mem = 0, i; + ipc_metadata_t *ipc_md; + struct gul_hif *mhif; + uint32_t phy_align = 0; + int ret; + + PMD_INIT_FUNC_TRACE(); + + if (!ipc_priv) { + /* TODO - get a better way */ + /* Get the hugepage info against it */ + hp = get_hugepage_info(); + if (!hp) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Unable to get hugepage info"); + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto err; + } + + rte_bbdev_log_debug("%lx %p %lx", + hp->paddr, hp->vaddr, hp->len); + + ipc_priv = rte_zmalloc(0, sizeof(ipc_userspace_t), 0); + if (ipc_priv == NULL) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, + "Unable to allocate memory for ipc priv"); + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto err; + } + + for (i = 0; i < IPC_MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT; i++) { + ipc_priv_ch = rte_zmalloc(0, + sizeof(ipc_channel_us_t), 0); + if (ipc_priv_ch == NULL) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, + "Unable to allocate memory for channels"); + ret = -ENOMEM; + } + ipc_priv->channels[i] = ipc_priv_ch; + } + + dev_mem = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR); + if (dev_mem < 0) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Error: Cannot open /dev/mem"); + ret = -errno; + goto err; + } + + ipc_priv->instance_id = 0; + ipc_priv->dev_mem = dev_mem; + + rte_bbdev_log_debug("hugepg input %lx %p %lx", + hp->paddr, hp->vaddr, hp->len); + + ipc_priv->sys_map.hugepg_start.host_phys = hp->paddr; + ipc_priv->sys_map.hugepg_start.size = hp->len; + + ipc_priv->hugepg_start.host_phys = hp->paddr; + ipc_priv->hugepg_start.host_vaddr = hp->vaddr; + ipc_priv->hugepg_start.size = hp->len; + + rte_free(hp); + } + + dev_ipc = open_ipc_dev(priv->modem_id); + if (dev_ipc < 0) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Error: open_ipc_dev failed"); + goto err; + } + ipc_priv->dev_ipc = dev_ipc; + + ret = ioctl(ipc_priv->dev_ipc, IOCTL_GUL_IPC_GET_SYS_MAP, + &ipc_priv->sys_map); + if (ret) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, + "IOCTL_GUL_IPC_GET_SYS_MAP ioctl failed"); + goto err; + } + + phy_align = (ipc_priv->sys_map.mhif_start.host_phys % 0x1000); + ipc_priv->mhif_start.host_vaddr = + mmap(0, ipc_priv->sys_map.mhif_start.size + phy_align, + (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE), MAP_SHARED, ipc_priv->dev_mem, + (ipc_priv->sys_map.mhif_start.host_phys - phy_align)); + if (ipc_priv->mhif_start.host_vaddr == MAP_FAILED) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "MAP failed:"); + ret = -errno; + goto err; + } + + ipc_priv->mhif_start.host_vaddr = (void *) ((uint64_t) + (ipc_priv->mhif_start.host_vaddr) + phy_align); + + phy_align = (ipc_priv->sys_map.peb_start.host_phys % 0x1000); + ipc_priv->peb_start.host_vaddr = + mmap(0, ipc_priv->sys_map.peb_start.size + phy_align, + (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE), MAP_SHARED, ipc_priv->dev_mem, + (ipc_priv->sys_map.peb_start.host_phys - phy_align)); + if (ipc_priv->peb_start.host_vaddr == MAP_FAILED) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "MAP failed:"); + ret = -errno; + goto err; + } + + ipc_priv->peb_start.host_vaddr = (void *)((uint64_t) + (ipc_priv->peb_start.host_vaddr) + phy_align); + + phy_align = (ipc_priv->sys_map.modem_ccsrbar.host_phys % 0x1000); + ipc_priv->modem_ccsrbar.host_vaddr = + mmap(0, ipc_priv->sys_map.modem_ccsrbar.size + phy_align, + (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE), MAP_SHARED, ipc_priv->dev_mem, + (ipc_priv->sys_map.modem_ccsrbar.host_phys - phy_align)); + if (ipc_priv->modem_ccsrbar.host_vaddr == MAP_FAILED) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "MAP failed:"); + ret = -errno; + goto err; + } + + ipc_priv->modem_ccsrbar.host_vaddr = (void *)((uint64_t) + (ipc_priv->modem_ccsrbar.host_vaddr) + phy_align); + + ipc_priv->hugepg_start.modem_phys = + ipc_priv->sys_map.hugepg_start.modem_phys; + + ipc_priv->mhif_start.host_phys = + ipc_priv->sys_map.mhif_start.host_phys; + ipc_priv->mhif_start.size = ipc_priv->sys_map.mhif_start.size; + ipc_priv->peb_start.host_phys = ipc_priv->sys_map.peb_start.host_phys; + ipc_priv->peb_start.size = ipc_priv->sys_map.peb_start.size; + + rte_bbdev_log(INFO, "peb %lx %p %x", + ipc_priv->peb_start.host_phys, + ipc_priv->peb_start.host_vaddr, + ipc_priv->peb_start.size); + rte_bbdev_log(INFO, "hugepg %lx %p %x", + ipc_priv->hugepg_start.host_phys, + ipc_priv->hugepg_start.host_vaddr, + ipc_priv->hugepg_start.size); + rte_bbdev_log(INFO, "mhif %lx %p %x", + ipc_priv->mhif_start.host_phys, + ipc_priv->mhif_start.host_vaddr, + ipc_priv->mhif_start.size); + mhif = (struct gul_hif *)ipc_priv->mhif_start.host_vaddr; + + /* offset is from start of PEB */ + ipc_md = (ipc_metadata_t *)((uint64_t)ipc_priv->peb_start.host_vaddr + + mhif->ipc_regs.ipc_mdata_offset); + + if (sizeof(ipc_metadata_t) != mhif->ipc_regs.ipc_mdata_size) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, + "ipc_metadata_t =%lx, mhif->ipc_regs.ipc_mdata_size=%x", + sizeof(ipc_metadata_t), mhif->ipc_regs.ipc_mdata_size); + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "--> mhif->ipc_regs.ipc_mdata_offset= %x", + mhif->ipc_regs.ipc_mdata_offset); + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "gul_hif size=%lx", sizeof(struct gul_hif)); + return IPC_MD_SZ_MISS_MATCH; + } + + ipc_priv->instance = (ipc_instance_t *) + (&ipc_md->instance_list[ipc_priv->instance_id]); + + rte_bbdev_log_debug("finish host init"); + + priv->ipc_priv = ipc_priv; + + return 0; + +err: + rte_free(hp); + rte_free(ipc_priv); + rte_free(ipc_priv_ch); + if (dev_mem) + close(dev_mem); + if (dev_ipc) + close(dev_ipc); + + return ret; +} + static inline int parse_u16_arg(const char *key, const char *value, void *extra_args) { @@ -123,6 +666,7 @@ la12xx_bbdev_create(struct rte_vdev_device *vdev, struct rte_bbdev *bbdev; const char *name = rte_vdev_device_name(vdev); struct bbdev_la12xx_private *priv; + int ret; PMD_INIT_FUNC_TRACE(); @@ -152,7 +696,13 @@ la12xx_bbdev_create(struct rte_vdev_device *vdev, rte_bbdev_log(INFO, "Setting Up %s: DevId=%d, ModemId=%d", name, bbdev->data->dev_id, priv->modem_id); - bbdev->dev_ops = NULL; + ret = setup_la12xx_dev(bbdev); + if (ret) { + rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "IPC Setup failed for %s", name); + rte_free(bbdev->data->dev_private); + return ret; + } + bbdev->dev_ops = &pmd_ops; bbdev->device = &vdev->device; bbdev->data->socket_id = 0; bbdev->intr_handle = NULL; diff --git a/drivers/baseband/la12xx/bbdev_la12xx.h b/drivers/baseband/la12xx/bbdev_la12xx.h index 5228502331..49c37fe2fe 100644 --- a/drivers/baseband/la12xx/bbdev_la12xx.h +++ b/drivers/baseband/la12xx/bbdev_la12xx.h @@ -5,16 +5,10 @@ #ifndef __BBDEV_LA12XX_H__ #define __BBDEV_LA12XX_H__ -#define BBDEV_IPC_ENC_OP_TYPE 1 -#define BBDEV_IPC_DEC_OP_TYPE 2 - -#define MAX_LDPC_ENC_FECA_QUEUES 4 -#define MAX_LDPC_DEC_FECA_QUEUES 4 - #define MAX_CHANNEL_DEPTH 16 /* private data structure */ struct bbdev_la12xx_private { - void *ipc_priv; + ipc_userspace_t *ipc_priv; uint8_t num_valid_queues; uint8_t max_nb_queues; uint8_t num_ldpc_enc_queues; @@ -52,5 +46,6 @@ struct bbdev_la12xx_q_priv { #define lower_32_bits(x) ((uint32_t)((uint64_t)x)) #define upper_32_bits(x) ((uint32_t)(((uint64_t)(x) >> 16) >> 16)) - +#define join_32_bits(upper, lower) \ + ((size_t)(((uint64_t)(upper) << 32) | (uint32_t)(lower))) #endif diff --git a/drivers/baseband/la12xx/bbdev_la12xx_ipc.h b/drivers/baseband/la12xx/bbdev_la12xx_ipc.h index 9aa5562981..5f613fb087 100644 --- a/drivers/baseband/la12xx/bbdev_la12xx_ipc.h +++ b/drivers/baseband/la12xx/bbdev_la12xx_ipc.h @@ -4,9 +4,182 @@ #ifndef __BBDEV_LA12XX_IPC_H__ #define __BBDEV_LA12XX_IPC_H__ +#define LA12XX_MAX_QUEUES 20 +#define HOST_RX_QUEUEID_OFFSET LA12XX_MAX_QUEUES + +/** No. of max channel per instance */ +#define IPC_MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT (64) + /** No. of max channel per instance */ #define IPC_MAX_DEPTH (16) +/** No. of max IPC instance per modem */ +#define IPC_MAX_INSTANCE_COUNT (1) + +/** Error codes */ +#define IPC_SUCCESS (0) /** IPC operation success */ +#define IPC_INPUT_INVALID (-1) /** Invalid input to API */ +#define IPC_CH_INVALID (-2) /** Channel no is invalid */ +#define IPC_INSTANCE_INVALID (-3) /** Instance no is invalid */ +#define IPC_MEM_INVALID (-4) /** Insufficient memory */ +#define IPC_CH_FULL (-5) /** Channel is full */ +#define IPC_CH_EMPTY (-6) /** Channel is empty */ +#define IPC_BL_EMPTY (-7) /** Free buffer list is empty */ +#define IPC_BL_FULL (-8) /** Free buffer list is full */ +#define IPC_HOST_BUF_ALLOC_FAIL (-9) /** DPDK malloc fail */ +#define IPC_MD_SZ_MISS_MATCH (-10) /** META DATA size in mhif miss matched*/ +#define IPC_MALLOC_FAIL (-11) /** system malloc fail */ +#define IPC_IOCTL_FAIL (-12) /** IOCTL call failed */ +#define IPC_MMAP_FAIL (-14) /** MMAP fail */ +#define IPC_OPEN_FAIL (-15) /** OPEN fail */ +#define IPC_EVENTFD_FAIL (-16) /** eventfd initialization failed */ +#define IPC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED (-17) /** IPC feature is not implemented yet*/ + +#define SET_HIF_HOST_RDY(hif, RDY_MASK) (hif->host_ready |= RDY_MASK) +#define CHK_HIF_MOD_RDY(hif, RDY_MASK) (hif->mod_ready & RDY_MASK) + +/* Host Ready bits */ +#define HIF_HOST_READY_HOST_REGIONS (1 << 0) +#define HIF_HOST_READY_IPC_LIB (1 << 12) +#define HIF_HOST_READY_IPC_APP (1 << 13) +#define HIF_HOST_READY_FECA (1 << 14) + +/* Modem Ready bits */ +#define HIF_MOD_READY_IPC_LIB (1 << 5) +#define HIF_MOD_READY_IPC_APP (1 << 6) +#define HIF_MOD_READY_FECA (1 << 7) + +typedef void *ipc_t; + +struct ipc_msg { + int chid; + void *addr; + uint32_t len; + uint8_t flags; +}; + +typedef struct { + uint64_t host_phys; + uint32_t modem_phys; + void *host_vaddr; + uint32_t size; +} mem_range_t; + +#define GUL_IPC_MAGIC 'R' + +#define IOCTL_GUL_IPC_GET_SYS_MAP _IOW(GUL_IPC_MAGIC, 1, struct ipc_msg *) +#define IOCTL_GUL_IPC_CHANNEL_REGISTER _IOWR(GUL_IPC_MAGIC, 4, struct ipc_msg *) +#define IOCTL_GUL_IPC_CHANNEL_DEREGISTER \ + _IOWR(GUL_IPC_MAGIC, 5, struct ipc_msg *) +#define IOCTL_GUL_IPC_CHANNEL_RAISE_INTERRUPT _IOW(GUL_IPC_MAGIC, 6, int *) + +/** buffer ring common metadata */ +typedef struct ipc_bd_ring_md { + volatile uint32_t pi; /**< Producer index and flag (MSB) + * which flip for each Ring wrapping + */ + volatile uint32_t ci; /**< Consumer index and flag (MSB) + * which flip for each Ring wrapping + */ + uint32_t ring_size; /**< depth (Used to roll-over pi/ci) */ + uint32_t msg_size; /**< Size of the each buffer */ +} __rte_packed ipc_br_md_t; + +/** IPC buffer descriptor */ +typedef struct ipc_buffer_desc { + union { + uint64_t host_virt; /**< msg's host virtual address */ + struct { + uint32_t host_virt_l; + uint32_t host_virt_h; + }; + }; + uint32_t modem_ptr; /**< msg's modem physical address */ + uint32_t len; /**< msg len */ +} __rte_packed ipc_bd_t; + +typedef struct ipc_channel { + uint32_t ch_id; /**< Channel id */ + ipc_br_md_t md; /**< Metadata for BD ring */ + ipc_bd_t bd_h[IPC_MAX_DEPTH]; /**< Buffer Descriptor on Host */ + ipc_bd_t bd_m[IPC_MAX_DEPTH]; /**< Buffer Descriptor on Modem */ + uint32_t op_type; /**< Type of the BBDEV operation + * supported on this channel + */ + uint32_t depth; /**< Channel depth */ + uint32_t feca_blk_id; /**< FECA Transport Block ID for processing */ + uint32_t la12xx_core_id;/**< LA12xx core ID on which this will be + * scheduled + */ + uint32_t feca_input_circ_size; /**< FECA transport block input + * circular buffer size + */ + uint32_t host_ipc_params; /**< Address for host IPC parameters */ +} __rte_packed ipc_ch_t; + +typedef struct ipc_instance { + uint32_t instance_id; /**< instance id, use to init this + * instance by ipc_init API + */ + uint32_t initialized; /**< Set in ipc_init */ + ipc_ch_t ch_list[IPC_MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT]; + /**< Channel descriptors in this instance */ +} __rte_packed ipc_instance_t; + +typedef struct ipc_metadata { + uint32_t ipc_host_signature; /**< IPC host signature, Set by host/L2 */ + uint32_t ipc_geul_signature; /**< IPC geul signature, Set by modem */ + ipc_instance_t instance_list[IPC_MAX_INSTANCE_COUNT]; +} __rte_packed ipc_metadata_t; + +typedef struct ipc_channel_us_priv { + int32_t eventfd; + uint32_t channel_id; + /* In flight packets status for buffer list. */ + uint8_t bufs_inflight[IPC_MAX_DEPTH]; +} ipc_channel_us_t; + +typedef struct { + uint64_t host_phys; + uint32_t modem_phys; + uint32_t size; +} mem_strt_addr_t; + +typedef struct { + mem_strt_addr_t modem_ccsrbar; + mem_strt_addr_t peb_start; /* PEB meta data */ + mem_strt_addr_t mhif_start; /* MHIF meta daat */ + mem_strt_addr_t hugepg_start; /* Modem to access hugepage */ +} sys_map_t; + +typedef struct ipc_priv_t { + int instance_id; + int dev_ipc; + int dev_mem; + sys_map_t sys_map; + mem_range_t modem_ccsrbar; + mem_range_t peb_start; + mem_range_t mhif_start; + mem_range_t hugepg_start; + ipc_channel_us_t *channels[IPC_MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT]; + ipc_instance_t *instance; + ipc_instance_t *instance_bk; +} ipc_userspace_t; + +/** Structure specifying enqueue operation (enqueue at LA1224) */ +struct bbdev_ipc_enqueue_op { + /** Status of operation that was performed */ + int32_t status; + /** CRC Status of SD operation that was performed */ + int32_t crc_stat_addr; + /** HARQ Output buffer memory length for Shared Decode. + * Filled by LA12xx. + */ + uint32_t out_len; + /** Reserved (for 8 byte alignment) */ + uint32_t rsvd; +}; + /* This shared memory would be on the host side which have copy of some * of the parameters which are also part of Shared BD ring. Read access * of these parameters from the host side would not be over PCI. @@ -14,7 +187,21 @@ typedef struct host_ipc_params { volatile uint32_t pi; volatile uint32_t ci; - volatile uint32_t modem_ptr[IPC_MAX_DEPTH]; + volatile uint32_t bd_m_modem_ptr[IPC_MAX_DEPTH]; } __rte_packed host_ipc_params_t; +struct hif_ipc_regs { + uint32_t ipc_mdata_offset; + uint32_t ipc_mdata_size; +} __rte_packed; + +struct gul_hif { + uint32_t ver; + uint32_t hif_ver; + uint32_t status; + volatile uint32_t host_ready; + volatile uint32_t mod_ready; + struct hif_ipc_regs ipc_regs; +} __rte_packed; + #endif -- 2.17.1