On Fri, 3 Jun 2022 11:13:27 +0500
"Muhammad Siddique ." <181212@students.au.edu.pk> wrote:
> Hello, I hope this email finds you well, and you are doing well.
> I'm approaching you out there, in a situation where I'm a student of Cyber
> Security and have my final Semester, I have to Install DPDK for Packet
> processing and then Deep Packet inspection Can you please help me out
> there, I have already Installed DPDK and Configure it a little bit, but I
> can use it for DPI
> Kindly help me I'm poorly stuck, please.😪🙏
DPDK is a way to get and process packets.
What is done with those packets is up to the application.
There is a small but limited set of examples that just forward packets.
Doing full DPI requires a whole lot more code which is not in DPDK.
You might find an open source DPI project somewhere else.