Adam from our team just raised something important about this patch and UNH CI which I missed during the RFC discussion. Presently, eal_flags_file_prefix_autotest fails on arm tx2 systems (arm people are aware of this, they think it might be a memory leak from mlx5 driver), so at their request we are disabling this unit test (on arm only) for them for the time being. This failure was discovered when we were initially standing up arm unit testing on tx2 servers earlier this year - previously there was no coverage for this. We do this filtering by going through the /app/test/ file and resetting the eal_flags_file_prefix_autotest line to an empty string. This process is broken by your patch series. Again, I'm sorry I didn't catch this concern when discussing it during the RFC. This is why you are not getting unit test results for arm64, we can't run unit tests given the changes in this patch. 

Your refactor likely means that going forward, we will no longer be able to tailor the fast test suite (or any suite) per vendor request. That might actually be a good thing. In any case, if this is merged now, it is going to put the tree in a state where our CI doesn't run any unit testing on ARM. I don't know how close this patch series is to possibly hitting mainline, but, if possible, can that be delayed, pending us figuring out how we will respond to this situation?