From mboxrd@z Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
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In-Reply-To: <1653640.BMqFjXm9Gv@xps>
To: Thomas Monjalon <>
From: "Vivian Kong" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2019 13:09:17 -0400
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Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [RFC 00/12] introduce s390x architecture
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Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your comments.  Please see my answers to your questions below.

> First question: What is the use case of DPDK on s390x?

IBM would like to use DPDK in our new IBM cloud offering on Z.

> Second question: How is it tested? Do you have any CI?

We ran the tests by "make tests".  We don't have CI set up at the moment
but this is definitely something we are looking into adding.

> Third question: Do you have time to dedicate to DPDK?

After this initial port, we do plan to keep currency base on need but how
frequent will be determined by usage.

> If yes, why not helping with IBM Power?

Our work is specific to Z offering, we'll be interested to run CI for Z
also which will help maintaining our currency.

How is CI set up on the platforms currently supported in DPDK?  It looks
like a build gets run after a patch is submitted.  Wondering if there are
any documentation on how this is set up?



Vivian Kong
Linux on IBM Z Open Source Ecosystem
IBM Canada Toronto Lab

Thomas Monjalon <> wrote on 2019/04/09 04:25:30 PM:

> From: Thomas Monjalon <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Date: 2019/04/09 04:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [RFC 00/12] introduce s390x architecture
> 09/04/2019 21:06, Vivian Kong:
> > To build and run DPDK on Linux on IBM Z (s390x), big endian support
> > is added and s390x vector intrinics are used in the implementation
> > of DPDK libraries.
> >
> > I appreciate your feedback.
> I understand you worked on it during some time and you reveal it just
> I must say thank you for the work.
> It would have been better to notify the community in advance so we would
> have discussed about the need for this work before you start.
> First question: What is the use case of DPDK on s390x?
> Second question: How is it tested? Do you have any CI?
> Third question: Do you have time to dedicate to DPDK?
> If yes, why not helping with IBM Power?
> The reason for this last question is that the support for IBM Power
> is still beta. I feel unconfortable merging one more IBM arch while
> the first one does not receive enough support and testing.
> I think running a CI for IBM Power would be a good first step.

From mboxrd@z Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
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MIME-Version: 1.0
In-Reply-To: <1653640.BMqFjXm9Gv@xps>
To: Thomas Monjalon <>
From: "Vivian Kong" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2019 13:09:17 -0400
References: <>
X-KeepSent: 495F7964:F702F3D5-852583D8:005CBD7C;
 type=4; name=$KeepSent
X-Mailer: IBM Notes Release 9.0.1EXT SHF993 September 20, 2018
X-LLNOutbound: False
X-Disclaimed: 49907
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x-cbid: 19041017-7093-0000-0000-00000AD5FB5F
X-IBM-SpamModules-Scores: BY=0.293454; FL=0; FP=0; FZ=0; HX=0; KW=0; PH=0;
 SC=0.417846; ST=0; TS=0; UL=0; ISC=; MB=0.201631
X-IBM-SpamModules-Versions: BY=3.00010903; HX=3.00000242; KW=3.00000007;
 PH=3.00000004; SC=3.00000284; SDB=6.01187145; UDB=6.00621811; IPR=6.00967909; 
 BA=6.00006280; NDR=6.00000001; ZLA=6.00000005; ZF=6.00000009; ZB=6.00000000;
 ZP=6.00000000; ZH=6.00000000; ZU=6.00000002; MB=3.00026379; XFM=3.00000015;
 UTC=2019-04-10 17:09:47
X-IBM-AV-DETECTION: SAVI=unsuspicious REMOTE=unsuspicious XFE=unused
X-IBM-AV-VERSION: SAVI=2019-04-10 16:38:24 - 6.00009787
x-cbparentid: 19041017-7094-0000-0000-000071A52FDB
X-Proofpoint-Virus-Version: vendor=fsecure engine=2.50.10434:, ,
 definitions=2019-04-10_08:, , signatures=0
X-Proofpoint-Spam-Reason: safe
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
X-Content-Filtered-By: Mailman/MimeDel 2.1.15
Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [RFC 00/12] introduce s390x architecture
X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.15
Precedence: list
List-Id: DPDK patches and discussions <>
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Message-ID: <20190410170917.71omTfOW5IbGGcrvtO5Hd1RRIPUmiaDdOF-bGY8Ue_4@z>

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your comments.  Please see my answers to your questions below.

> First question: What is the use case of DPDK on s390x?

IBM would like to use DPDK in our new IBM cloud offering on Z.

> Second question: How is it tested? Do you have any CI?

We ran the tests by "make tests".  We don't have CI set up at the moment
but this is definitely something we are looking into adding.

> Third question: Do you have time to dedicate to DPDK?

After this initial port, we do plan to keep currency base on need but how
frequent will be determined by usage.

> If yes, why not helping with IBM Power?

Our work is specific to Z offering, we'll be interested to run CI for Z
also which will help maintaining our currency.

How is CI set up on the platforms currently supported in DPDK?  It looks
like a build gets run after a patch is submitted.  Wondering if there are
any documentation on how this is set up?



Vivian Kong
Linux on IBM Z Open Source Ecosystem
IBM Canada Toronto Lab

Thomas Monjalon <> wrote on 2019/04/09 04:25:30 PM:

> From: Thomas Monjalon <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Date: 2019/04/09 04:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [RFC 00/12] introduce s390x architecture
> 09/04/2019 21:06, Vivian Kong:
> > To build and run DPDK on Linux on IBM Z (s390x), big endian support
> > is added and s390x vector intrinics are used in the implementation
> > of DPDK libraries.
> >
> > I appreciate your feedback.
> I understand you worked on it during some time and you reveal it just
> I must say thank you for the work.
> It would have been better to notify the community in advance so we would
> have discussed about the need for this work before you start.
> First question: What is the use case of DPDK on s390x?
> Second question: How is it tested? Do you have any CI?
> Third question: Do you have time to dedicate to DPDK?
> If yes, why not helping with IBM Power?
> The reason for this last question is that the support for IBM Power
> is still beta. I feel unconfortable merging one more IBM arch while
> the first one does not receive enough support and testing.
> I think running a CI for IBM Power would be a good first step.