Hello all.

My name is Aditya Ambadipudi. I work at Arm. I and my boss (Honnappa Nagarahalli) have been working on the Deque library that he talked about earlier in another email several weeks/months ago.

Essentially, he wrote out all the functions signatures and stuff. He also implemented a few of these functions. I was tasked with implementing the remaining features.

We were wondering what the best way would be to mail all of these changes. Locally we have two commits. The one that my boss created and the one that I created.

I was wondering if it was possible to mail this whole thing as two separate patches. If we squash both of our commits together it can only have a single author name.

Both of us have individually written a lot of code for this project. I have written around 2000 lines so far and my boss has written close to a 1000.  What is the best way to mail these patches such that both of us are recognized for the work we have done.

Thank you,
Aditya Ambadipudi.