

Can you please share the motivation of not filling l2/l3-len fields on PMD’s RX function?

PMD already filling the mbuf with parsing info, and the l2/l3-len are also probably part of the HW descriptor, so why no propagate them as well?

The current way for application to find the l2_len (for example) is to examine the ptype using multiple if statement.

However, this may not always work if there are unknown/user headers (e.g. DSA header).
in addition, some of the examples are not checking the ptype and assumes a specific packet structure.
e.g. l3-fwd, assumes only ethernet header exist and hardcoded jump by 14B to access the IP header.
but if VLAN exist it will fail.

checking the l2_len will work in any case.



Liron Himi

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