From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 5CE154320D; Fri, 27 Oct 2023 00:27:23 +0200 (CEST) Received: from (localhost []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 1786E40295; Fri, 27 Oct 2023 00:27:23 +0200 (CEST) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id C0C1B4025E for ; Fri, 27 Oct 2023 00:27:21 +0200 (CEST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple;;; q=dns/txt; s=Intel; t=1698359241; x=1729895241; h=from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:mime-version; bh=A7Qg0z3oNTDNijA9sH9L935O+sapOPXiPZDf9fUtzQ4=; b=JNhBvogvR5d9Oaz6jzzqqRtyNMIqm/QCR5SQ8J4RwXGA1UDvmxhUiLA/ AAiqnjDGwOQuz95eQII5ionPtSyHOM75nWL99oxCM5lyM0yRDG4+7h/Xn sYem9lca8t295IJ6qCjjo+UR+gjUtjkiTAV5Nw37yUVnKV3anPCzG6OFE uH7gRE6WwT3tgEIJGCsw3wCjxxxLWhACnt7ZLxCCuMXWnSgB5Kx8WeVLs +QCcaF6+O08E/Hn2S4sLmrWm8U1MbkFqlYX578U7WLtCNrD8AHjqeNJ8b em29b9OyVPz5hgBLxiOwM5XvW33onGq9Xk9AbCxBcoCul0ST+19gP3QGw Q==; X-IronPort-AV: E=McAfee;i="6600,9927,10875"; a="386552412" X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="6.03,254,1694761200"; d="scan'208,217";a="386552412" Received: from ([]) by with ESMTP/TLS/ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384; 26 Oct 2023 15:27:20 -0700 X-ExtLoop1: 1 X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="6.03,254,1694761200"; d="scan'208,217";a="609825" Received: from ([]) by with ESMTP/TLS/AES256-GCM-SHA384; 26 Oct 2023 15:26:45 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34; Thu, 26 Oct 2023 15:27:19 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 26 Oct 2023 15:27:19 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.1.2507.32; Thu, 26 Oct 2023 15:27:17 -0700 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=QB9MCIRkk50KlEqXmdnm9v9hu4vdmE/isdW2QbhWI+7ZOCHFWj4u8CGmPkdIHBjKOBJo+RlODw3RbaKE2429HAoqwi9caX7fUL4A2ZWYSLS6dp0f5ZEy77V9QfA8uwoU6mF/DEzPD1kpkOjGljpeerU0sOoKqULUNf5qg3oxrbUsmWYXobTCkMcByYZp6LPnaELAIQ4x6LQfAmI5njR1hXk2Sg44TpfHFs3443AoTED2o+JjljtKSj0sFgFOL5gTbxRcQTY/aRD1peLtlDKGET6Rlf0jPXwRF8BeSA1SJ3aPNBOUBEl19vouY2Xy8gj5GhkNqS3pZ47dqaxur9/MeA== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=3FzVJ+dymAVLYZO+Wpj2sOOH9MeBMaCz+pU0yK/Jjro=; b=CmVMkC1zOAU+k+xN22qK+32uX8iVyf1iwvXjCJoYMJ2JK5QltyzPVp1b8LVHpFawlu0w7VHUM1EAch5SBcaRpyOEPpEgfTkZTGa9IIIC6tN1yrCEgWFwHXTLBfJmPDCwEUGke9MAEp353BPAjFruIiY0lnRf7d6Wi2ipmYWyX6x3jFuvWVFfram9fHnlUp+0eQk1VZPGOF+UOCA9zIK4xCqjg0Qy/XG2CPP6B+S2YTJ0LYQbGLuG5Rnmb2MHJcJ9uFigT4KDcwhOFLcTYD6gBBAI3W3jwryvTYrTi1/29E/c0S3v47ljw7CQWcWf+z47b7LvPqh3Zwd63rLqhnsJvQ== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none Received: from (2603:10b6:510:1bc::6) by (2603:10b6:8:db::15) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.6907.33; Thu, 26 Oct 2023 22:27:05 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::8429:b676:e631:b74c]) by ([fe80::8429:b676:e631:b74c%4]) with mapi id 15.20.6933.019; Thu, 26 Oct 2023 22:27:03 +0000 From: "Mcnamara, John" To: "" CC: "" , "Marchand, David" Subject: DPDK Release Status Meeting 2023-10-26 Thread-Topic: DPDK Release Status Meeting 2023-10-26 Thread-Index: AdoIW10hPZ0WY1GDRD2VJJB73hh0cw== Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 22:27:03 +0000 Message-ID: Accept-Language: en-US Content-Language: en-US X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: authentication-results: dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none; x-ms-publictraffictype: Email x-ms-traffictypediagnostic: PH8PR11MB6804:EE_|DS7PR11MB7806:EE_ x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id: 606316b4-88d4-43db-7554-08dbd672ae1d x-ld-processed: 46c98d88-e344-4ed4-8496-4ed7712e255d,ExtAddr x-ms-exchange-senderadcheck: 1 x-ms-exchange-antispam-relay: 0 x-microsoft-antispam: BCL:0; x-microsoft-antispam-message-info: 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 x-forefront-antispam-report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM;; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(13230031)(346002)(39860400002)(376002)(396003)(136003)(366004)(230922051799003)(451199024)(1800799009)(64100799003)(186009)(55016003)(83380400001)(54906003)(5660300002)(7696005)(966005)(86362001)(66446008)(66946007)(41300700001)(64756008)(66556008)(76116006)(66476007)(478600001)(6506007)(9686003)(6916009)(316002)(122000001)(2906002)(52536014)(8676002)(71200400001)(8936002)(33656002)(4326008)(4001150100001)(38100700002)(26005)(82960400001)(38070700009); DIR:OUT; SFP:1102; x-ms-exchange-antispam-messagedata-chunkcount: 1 x-ms-exchange-antispam-messagedata-0: =?us-ascii?Q?ZotgrTQVyAYa6T3DZivgo3KkHhD8Jl2ndNT2siGtfpqGbNlboPkbT8Gdoh/a?= =?us-ascii?Q?Rb3ID47P9BawpmeRo0jCIrAp6DVDnH24R2jLsTMCYBLovvhiqVe9dlxAy0E2?= =?us-ascii?Q?myuwRM69b1SVHJbRdFoVp+RLmSTo+Hlcy8hp/SGlAWIT+Y+Ke5OOZikSeK2r?= =?us-ascii?Q?Gak2pkd62ajHNgSXUbxXqttn+jVvS5Qie7rt+aIdBhowp5gdEK0zwwZPjO5n?= =?us-ascii?Q?pCQByfStvNP5mXAIQo3P9jwzqXvwfea5/zV0gXnJl3WHPNFBxLlhTA8tupJm?= =?us-ascii?Q?u2HOZ1PXdAp/ZYelpkfZHsg5HOzW306icFaAP8RIRDtMUAU4L6RgGoxS64bj?= =?us-ascii?Q?wQ0NiBQRiGqxWFoolA01URD5xvAQ7LRH55Psv9Czrrp8Zf3EmIw3G0Ms4SMh?= =?us-ascii?Q?P/ozxRz66AYrPLlhKYVNEkVfqrTHpPov/+U1WoZlVJ0uvGKFSgki3AAgu8Qx?= =?us-ascii?Q?ldLMgY9s0nYnLGPIDzC1i11kVqAeEEViXlrT89bRTF5i2rbUq0XiwA2tlnkC?= =?us-ascii?Q?nyySooQt17pLarXRFuPaUQUQQju+avwoHrfknHwecgH5O/28MCbIZR7x5P/o?= =?us-ascii?Q?vgLLW0yffuxBHJXx3y57JekVW0voTI2935l5EuyYPHQjluUccmuL7kC0RDr+?= =?us-ascii?Q?HlDSVidGct7SsYAqUxIzUlDw+C87CxAhavtbmNQm5lRg0V+dm4vxG9fuCzzL?= =?us-ascii?Q?qn7HDoHQMi/KTFvC+UXUJghLsulOrf5laiXj0kWdMiO9aAInPaZaLzRGEbQ4?= =?us-ascii?Q?0pA7G2+Je1nShvw2KuWF6nP0766CNzqeOSCtFtLnanMswfQtIqFtq4Yg74Ch?= =?us-ascii?Q?b1u9S2qhetIOdQxtGuXUKYr5TiZDIcONsBFlZDpEs1gRFzaEC1tHBrjIC/98?= =?us-ascii?Q?P/4b1JQzCftS0mK0Y2WpV7sFDuj/40OEbE1PrmqGYG0QmOlXXee/E/7CZuim?= =?us-ascii?Q?5NrNgQatXQ8sGQY2Yy30+UBguk8iPVEedPkeg6bFIhlGkz0Z2S7YOJfCKO0C?= =?us-ascii?Q?I8Pv1f5xmaRLVPqsBEQ8MwsyUEVu30ppChChLc2U+aUMs7tNHWUGHKmKoKkD?= =?us-ascii?Q?GKdP/5SgQSh08Xn0kNFX847sxPJey02ZK9uttihNgkIUqocShF9RN8aRce3y?= =?us-ascii?Q?Pji6MfdRGLR0TevdUypPW26X+NtsMFDaAzr6JuTOLiQ3tbWOLo1tXLjCz7XT?= =?us-ascii?Q?QMvnix50zIJec/1RtyKNNiacFQNm7tLqq0MWACs1XkFUE1vOiUKjF217ddsX?= =?us-ascii?Q?fgIdq38hk595tmKPPjk4lIYJSaxFqNiPcXR82TPH6ZL0alIAQj51MO2pl/2h?= =?us-ascii?Q?hPiFECRgaZEJHAx94xSYeqLnCRwU3P1qUL4LlJBTAbt99zv6fW9s0Gmvq4Li?= =?us-ascii?Q?b5w9lK4+o0CW1pf/fhKFHZRZK2lK+2tHKAwPLvxYT3c/88CGh7SiomNBzg54?= =?us-ascii?Q?mx0iyDubFcVBLbbkCf1A2Pc3kZcuYx9Wrjr8F+XZTFD6b9Nvmadk+wP78yn+?= =?us-ascii?Q?DduWjWtZoNPZ4YXbrNlqH11HwFhsrlz7ssOtnAd1Zlkw3ohC8Qn/7vtwBPJZ?= =?us-ascii?Q?OqdU3tlsee1gVtq08nbrD2LlBv9dd/po/W3QC5Gj?= Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_PH8PR11MB68049C847C98524540D1A858FCDDAPH8PR11MB6804namp_" MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 606316b4-88d4-43db-7554-08dbd672ae1d X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-originalarrivaltime: 26 Oct 2023 22:27:03.8719 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-fromentityheader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id: 46c98d88-e344-4ed4-8496-4ed7712e255d X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-mailboxtype: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-userprincipalname: C9kZm23bGalROeYLGwPnvosCX/1N35g1TUxtdYRoWKz3QKmAmUXo+FSKdQwfz7HIhYuluKrXOSDE06iQ5DFHDg== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: DS7PR11MB7806 X-OriginatorOrg: X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.29 Precedence: list List-Id: DPDK patches and discussions List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , Errors-To: --_000_PH8PR11MB68049C847C98524540D1A858FCDDAPH8PR11MB6804namp_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Release status meeting minutes 2023-10-26 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Agenda: * Release Dates * Subtrees * Roadmaps * LTS * Defects * Opens Participants: * AMD * ARM * Intel * Marvell * Nvidia * Red Hat Release Dates ------------- The following are the current working dates for 23.11: * V1: 12 August 2023 * RC1: 11 October 2023 * RC2: 27 October 2023 - Trending to 1 November * RC3: 3 November 2023 * Release: 15 November 2023 Subtrees -------- * next-net * Eth_dev patches need to be finalized for RC2. * 3 new drivers - not merged yet. * Napatech driver will probably be in the next release * next-net-intel * Some fixes merged. * next-net-mlx * Some patches merged. * ~45 patches for RC2 * next-net-mvl * Prepping for RC2. * next-eventdev * Prepping for RC2. * next-baseband * Some patches ready * Patches for new FPGA variant * next-virtio * Some fixes added and ready for pull. * next-crypto * ~10 patches in RC2 backlog. * Merging in progress. * main * Looking at Windows patches. * Series that need acks/reviews: * Series to mark experimental APIs as stable. Request for maintainers to review an APIs that will move to stable. * Regression in bitops API in RC1 - Fix merged. * Reviews in progress for some of applications like DMA perf and ML dev t= est, and Pipeline. * RC2 trending to November 1st. Proposed Schedule for 2023 -------------------------- See also 23.11 * Proposal deadline (RFC/v1 patches): 12 August 2023 * API freeze (-rc1): 11 October 2023 * PMD features freeze (-rc2): 27 October 2023 - Trending to 1 November * Builtin applications features freeze (-rc3): 3 November 2023 * Release: 15 November 2023 LTS --- LTS in the current cycle have been released. * 22.11.2 - Released * 21.11.5 - Released * 20.11.9 - Released * 19.11.15 * Will only be updated with CVE and critical fixes. * Distros * v22.11 in Debian 12 * Ubuntu 22.04-LTS contains 21.11 * Ubuntu 23.04 contains 22.11 Defects ------- * Bugzilla links, 'Bugs', added for hosted projects * DPDK Release Status Meetings ---------------------------- The DPDK Release Status Meeting is intended for DPDK Committers to discuss = the status of the master tree and sub-trees, and for project managers to track progress or milestone dates. The meeting occurs on every Thursday at 9:30 UTC over Jitsi on https://meet= You don't need an invite to join the meeting but if you want a calendar rem= inder just send an email to "John McNamara" for the invite. --_000_PH8PR11MB68049C847C98524540D1A858FCDDAPH8PR11MB6804namp_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Release status = meeting minutes 2023-10-26

=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D



* Release Dates=

* Subtrees=

* Roadmaps=


* Defects<= /o:p>

* Opens





* Intel

* Marvell<= /o:p>

* Nvidia

* Red Hat<= /o:p>


Release Dates



The following a= re the current working dates for 23.11:


* V1: &nbs= p;    12 August 2023

* RC1: &nb= sp;   11 October 2023

* RC2: &nb= sp;   27 October 2023 - Trending to 1 November<= /p>

* RC3: &nb= sp;    3 November 2023

* Release: 15 N= ovember 2023






* next-net=

  * Eth_de= v patches need to be finalized for RC2.

  * 3 new = drivers - not merged yet.

  &nb= sp; * Napatech driver will probably be in the next release


* next-net-inte= l

  * Some f= ixes merged.


* next-net-mlx<= o:p>

  * Some p= atches merged.

  * ~45 pa= tches for RC2


* next-net-mvl<= o:p>

  * Preppi= ng for RC2.


* next-eventdev=

  * Preppi= ng for RC2.


* next-baseband=

  * Some p= atches ready

  * Patche= s for new FPGA variant


* next-virtio

  * Some f= ixes added and ready for pull.


* next-crypto

  * ~10 pa= tches in RC2 backlog.

  * Mergin= g in progress.


* main

  * Lookin= g at Windows patches.

  * S= eries that need acks/reviews:

  &nb= sp;

  * Series= to mark experimental APIs as stable. Request for maintainers to=

  &nb= sp; review an APIs that will move to stable.

  * Regres= sion in bitops API in RC1 - Fix merged.

  * Review= s in progress for some of applications like DMA perf and ML dev test, and P= ipeline.

  * RC2 tr= ending to November 1st.



Proposed Schedu= le for 2023

---------------= -----------


See also http:/= /




  * Propos= al deadline (RFC/v1 patches): 12 August 2023

  * API fr= eeze (-rc1): 11 October 2023

  * PMD fe= atures freeze (-rc2): 27 October 2023 - Trending to 1 November

  * Builti= n applications features freeze (-rc3): 3 November 2023

  * Releas= e: 15 November 2023



LTS<= /span>

---<= /span>


LTS in the curr= ent cycle have been released.


* 22.11.2 - Rel= eased

* 21.11.5 - Rel= eased

* 20.11.9 - Rel= eased

* 19.11.15=

  * Will o= nly be updated with CVE and critical fixes.



* Distros<= /o:p>

  * v22.11= in Debian 12

  * Ubuntu= 22.04-LTS contains 21.11

  * Ubuntu= 23.04 contains 22.11





* Bugzilla link= s, 'Bugs',  added for hosted projects

  * https:= //




DPDK Release St= atus Meetings

---------------= -------------


The DPDK Releas= e Status Meeting is intended for DPDK Committers to discuss the<= /span>

status of the m= aster tree and sub-trees, and for project managers to track

progress or mil= estone dates.


The meeting occ= urs on every Thursday at 9:30 UTC over Jitsi on


You don't need = an invite to join the meeting but if you want a calendar reminder just=

send an email t= o "John McNamara" for the invite.

