Thank you Konstantin for the reply, Adding back the comments as it is not reflected the mail thread


diff --git a/app/test-dma-perf/benchmark.c b/app/test-dma-perf/benchmark.c
index 9b1f58c78c..b6d0dbe4c0 100644
--- a/app/test-dma-perf/benchmark.c
+++ b/app/test-dma-perf/benchmark.c
@@ -311,9 +311,14 @@ setup_memory_env(struct test_configure *cfg, struct rte_mbuf ***srcs,
      uint32_t nr_buf = cfg->nr_buf;

      nr_sockets = rte_socket_count();
-     if (cfg->src_numa_node >= nr_sockets ||
-             cfg->dst_numa_node >= nr_sockets) {
-             printf("Error: Source or destination numa exceeds the acture numa nodes.\n");
+     bool isSrcNumaIncorrect = (cfg->src_numa_node >= nr_sockets);
+     bool isDstNumaIncorrect = (cfg->dst_numa_node >= nr_sockets);
The naming style needs to be adjusted, how about
bool is_src_numa_exceed, is_dst_numa_exceed;

Ok, the naming convention used by me is `CamelCase`. One suggested from your end is `snake_case`.

Does DPDK has a constrain it can not use CamelCase.


Please refer to:

In particular:
1.5.4. Variable Declarations
In declarations, do not put any whitespace between asterisks and adjacent tokens, except for tokens that are identifiers related to types. (These identifiers are the names of basic types, type qualifiers, and typedef-names other than the one being declared.) Separate these identifiers from asterisks using a single space.
For example:
int *x;         /* no space after asterisk */
int * const x;  /* space after asterisk when using a type qualifier */
·         All externally-visible variables should have an rte_ prefix in the name to avoid namespace collisions.
·         Do not use uppercase letters - either in the form of ALL_UPPERCASE, or CamelCase - in variable names. Lower-case letters and underscores only.

[VV] Thank you for the clarification, I mistook this is applicable only to `All externally-visible variables`and not for `static` functions.