June 8, 2023

1. Patrick Robb
2. Ali Alnubani
3. Juraj Linkeš
4. Lijuan Tu
5. Adam Hassick
6. Aaron Conole
7. Jeremy Spewock

1. General Announcements
2. CI Status
3. DTS Improvements & Test Development
4. Any other business


General Announcements
* DPDK Userspace: Sept 12-13 in Dublin Ireland - Gibson Hotel
* There is a discussion ongoing on the ci mailing list regarding setting up an email based re-testing request framework. Maintainers and submittors would be able to send an email in an agreed upon format to trigger a retest of their patch series.
   * Format could be a key phrase + a list of comma separated list of context to retest, so like “^Recheck-request: ([a-zA-Z-],? ?)” as proposed by aaron
   * How do we keep track of recheck requests we’ve already handled? Message IDs? Or can we just track the patch series and cap the amount of retests allowed?
   * Best approach is to use patchwork instead of monitoring the mailing list
   * Need to avoid overloading the patchwork server with requests
      * Upstream patchwork has events API support for requesting comments. This may solve this problem. Ali is going to talk to Thomas about this possibility.
   * Agreement needed regarding how long we wait between checking for retests, how we indicate we’ve done this, other common protocol regarding our use of patchwork.
      * There is basically a consensus for the ^Recheck-request: ([a-zA-Z-],? ?) format for retest requests

CI Status

UNH-IOL Community Lab
* The lab has moved from testing Fedora35 and 36, to Fedora37 and 38.
   * Ccache is not working on our fedora38 clang container, significantly slowing down reporting lag this week. We are currently investigating this issue.
* We need to re-enable compile test reporting for our windows environment, which has been posting to our dashboard but not reporting to patchwork.
   * We had some failures yesterday since a patch breaking windows build was merged into CI since we failed to report the failure to patchwork.
   * Will initiate reruns after this meeting
* We have observed a couple incorrect apply patchset failures in the past month. After investigating it, it appears that under some circumstances we were overwriting the output of the pw_maintainers_cli.py (guess git tree) script and applying to main incorrectly, causing failures.
* Adam has submitted a v6 of the DPDK CI Container build system, having run it through a spellchecker and linter.
   * To be upstreamed to the dpdk-ci repo: https://git.dpdk.org/tools/dpdk-ci/
   * Makefiles build dockerfiles based on templates according to a set of env variables set by the user
   * Uses oci manifests to utilize arm and x86 images in CI
   * Commits across patches which affect the same files have been squashed together
* Going to take one more look at isolating cores for the Intel-40G x86 test bed at UNH. If this does not reduce the nic_single_core_perf test variance below that normal 0-5% we are seeing, we will change the agreed upon performance variance threshold for a failure to 6% and bring this test bed back online

Intel Lab
* Storage is full on a system at Intel Lab which has interrupted CI. This has been resolved and more storage has been allocated for this system.
   * Retests have been put in
   * Back to normal

Loongarch Lab
* none

Github Actions
* Working on upgrades which will facilitate deployment of features like retest framework
   * New teammember brought in who is working on CI processes with Michael Santana
DTS Improvements & Test Development
* Jeremy submitted RFC for DTS smoke tests and utilizing paramiko for ssh + interactive DPDK apps.
* Juraj is going to be doing traffic gen abstraction work in the immediate future, and he will review the smoke tests patch when time becomes available
* Juraj is going to be sharing 23.07 roadmap patches with Lijuan so she can review and provide comments

Any other business
* Next meeting is June 22


Patrick Robb

Technical Service Manager

UNH InterOperability Laboratory

21 Madbury Rd, Suite 100, Durham, NH 03824
