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Subject: [spp] [PATCH v3 02/13] docs: add API reference of spp-ctl
Date: Fri,  5 Oct 2018 10:37:44 +0900	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>

From: Itsuro Oda <>

Add REST API reference of spp-ctl.

Signed-off-by: Itsuro Oda <>
 docs/guides/spp-ctl/api-reference.rst | 829 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 829 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 docs/guides/spp-ctl/api-reference.rst

diff --git a/docs/guides/spp-ctl/api-reference.rst b/docs/guides/spp-ctl/api-reference.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d2a641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/spp-ctl/api-reference.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,829 @@
+..  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+    Copyright(c) 2018 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
+.. _spp_ctl_api_ref:
+API Reference
+``spp-ctl`` provides simple REST like API. It supports http only, not https.
+Request and Response
+Request body is JSON format.
+It is accepted both ``text/plain`` and ``application/json``
+for the content-type header.
+Response of ``GET`` is JSON format and the content-type is
+``application/json`` if the request success.
+If a request fails, the response is a text which shows error reason
+and the content-type is ``text/plain``.
+Error code
+``spp-ctl`` does basic syntax and lexical check of a request.
+| Error| Description                                                    |
+| 400  | Syntax or lexical error, or SPP returns error for the request. |
+| 404  | URL is not supported, or no SPP process of client-id in a URL. |
+| 500  | System error occured in ``spp-ctl``.                           |
+API independent of the process type
+GET /v1/processes
+Show the SPP processes connected to the ``spp-ctl``.
+* Normarl response codes: 200
+An array of process objects.
+process object:
+| Name      | Type    | Description                                                   |
+| type      | string  | process type. one of ``primary``, ``vf`` or ``nfv``.          |
+| client-id | integer | client id. if type is ``primary`` this member does not exist. |
+Response example
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    [
+      {
+        "type": "primary"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "vf",
+        "client-id": 1
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "nfv",
+        "client-id": 2
+      }
+    ]
+API for spp_vf
+GET /v1/vfs/{client_id}
+Get the information of the ``spp_vf`` process.
+* Normal response codes: 200
+* Error response codes: 400, 404
+| Name      | Type    | Description |
+| client_id | integer | client id.  |
+| Name             | Type    | Description                                   |
+| client-id        | integer | client id.                                    |
+| ports            | array   | an array of port ids used by the process.     |
+| components       | array   | an array of component objects in the process. |
+| classifier_table | array   | an array of classifier tables in the process. |
+component object:
+| Name    | Type    | Description                                                         |
+| core    | integer | core id running on the component                                    |
+| name    | string  | an array of port ids used by the process.                           |
+| type    | string  | an array of component objects in the process.                       |
+| rx_port | array   | an array of port objects connected to the rx side of the component. |
+| tx_port | array   | an array of port objects connected to the tx side of the component. |
+port object:
+| Name    | Type    | Description                                                   |
+| port    | string  | port id. port id is the form {interface_type}:{interface_id}. |
+| vlan    | object  | vlan operation which is applied to the port.                  |
+vlan object:
+| Name      | Type    | Description                   |
+| operation | string  | ``add``, ``del`` or ``none``. |
+| id        | integer | vlan id.                      |
+| pcp       | integer | vlan pcp.                     |
+classifier table:
+| Name      | Type   | Description                                                |
+| type      | string | ``mac`` or ``vlan``.                                       |
+| value     | string | mac_address for ``mac``, vlan_id/mac_address for ``vlan``. |
+| port      | string | port id applied to classify.                               |
+Response example
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    {
+      "client-id": 1,
+      "ports": [
+        "phy:0", "phy:1", "vhost:0", "vhost:1", "ring:0", "ring:1", "ring:2", "ring:3"
+      ],
+      "components": [
+        {
+          "core": 2,
+          "name": "forward_0_tx",
+          "type": "forward",
+          "rx_port": [
+            {
+            "port": "ring:0",
+            "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
+            }
+          ],
+          "tx_port": [
+            {
+              "port": "vhost:0",
+              "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "core": 3,
+          "type": "unuse"
+        },
+        {
+          "core": 4,
+          "type": "unuse"
+        },
+        {
+          "core": 5,
+          "name": "forward_1_rx",
+          "type": "forward",
+          "rx_port": [
+            {
+            "port": "vhost:1",
+            "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
+            }
+          ],
+          "tx_port": [
+            {
+              "port": "ring:3",
+              "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "core": 6,
+          "name": "classifier",
+          "type": "classifier_mac",
+          "rx_port": [
+            {
+              "port": "phy:0",
+              "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
+            }
+          ],
+          "tx_port": [
+            {
+              "port": "ring:0",
+              "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
+            },
+            {
+              "port": "ring:2",
+              "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "core": 7,
+          "name": "merger",
+          "type": "merge",
+          "rx_port": [
+            {
+              "port": "ring:1",
+              "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
+            },
+            {
+              "port": "ring:3",
+              "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
+            }
+          ],
+          "tx_port": [
+            {
+              "port": "phy:0",
+              "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+      ],
+      "classifier_table": [
+        {
+          "type": "mac",
+          "value": "FA:16:3E:7D:CC:35",
+          "port": "ring:0"
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+The component which type is ``unused`` is to indicate unused core.
+Equivalent CLI command
+.. code-block:: console
+    sec {client_id};status
+POST /v1/vfs/{client_id}/components
+Start the component.
+* Normal response codes: 204
+* Error response codes: 400, 404
+| Name      | Type    | Description |
+| client_id | integer | client id.  |
+| Name      | Type    | Description                                                          |
+| name      | string  | component name. must be unique in the process.                       |
+| core      | integer | core id.                                                             |
+| type      | string  | component type. one of ``forward``, ``merge`` or ``classifier_mac``. |
+Request example
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    {
+      "name": "forwarder1",
+      "core": 12,
+      "type": "forward"
+    }
+There is no body content for the response of a successful ``POST`` request.
+Equivalent CLI command
+.. code-block:: console
+    sec {client_id};component start {name} {core} {type}
+DELETE /v1/vfs/{sec id}/components/{name}
+Stop the component.
+* Normal response codes: 204
+* Error response codes: 400, 404
+| Name      | Type    | Description     |
+| client_id | integer | client id.      |
+| name      | string  | component name. |
+There is no body content for the response of a successful ``POST`` request.
+Equivalent CLI command
+.. code-block:: console
+    sec {client_id};component stop {name}
+PUT /v1/vfs/{client_id}/components/{name}/ports
+Add or Delete port to the component.
+* Normal response codes: 204
+* Error response codes: 400, 404
+| Name      | Type    | Description     |
+| client_id | integer | client id.      |
+| name      | string  | component name. |
+| Name    | Type    | Description                                                     |
+| action  | string  | ``attach`` or ``detach``.                                       |
+| port    | string  | port id. port id is the form {interface_type}:{interface_id}.   |
+| dir     | string  | ``rx`` or ``tx``.                                               |
+| vlan    | object  | vlan operation which is applied to the port. it can be omitted. |
+vlan object:
+| Name      | Type    | Description                                              |
+| operation | string  | ``add``, ``del`` or ``none``.                            |
+| id        | integer | vlan id. ignored when operation is ``del`` or ``none``.  |
+| pcp       | integer | vlan pcp. ignored when operation is ``del`` or ``none``. |
+Request example
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    {
+      "action": "attach",
+      "port": "vhost:1",
+      "dir": "rx",
+      "vlan": {
+        "operation": "add",
+        "id": 677,
+        "pcp": 0
+      }
+    }
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    {
+      "action": "detach",
+      "port": "vhost:0",
+      "dir": "tx"
+    }
+There is no body content for the response of a successful ``PUT`` request.
+Equivalent CLI command
+action is ``attach``
+.. code-block:: console
+    sec {client_id};port add {port} {dir} {name} [add_vlantag {id} {pcp} | del_vlantag]
+action is ``detach``
+.. code-block:: console
+    sec {client_id};port del {port} {dir} {name}
+PUT /v1/vfs/{sec id}/classifier_table
+Set or Unset classifier table.
+* Normal response codes: 204
+* Error response codes: 400, 404
+| Name      | Type    | Description |
+| client_id | integer | client id.  |
+| Name        | Type            | Description                                        |
+| action      | string          | ``add`` or ``del``.                                |
+| type        | string          | ``mac`` or ``vlan``.                               |
+| vlan        | integer or null | vlan id for ``vlan``. null or omitted for ``mac``. |
+| mac_address | string          | mac address.                                       |
+| port        | string          | port id.                                           |
+Request example
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    {
+      "action": "add",
+      "type": "mac",
+      "mac_address": "FA:16:3E:7D:CC:35",
+      "port": "ring:0"
+    }
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    {
+      "action": "del",
+      "type": "vlan",
+      "vlan": 475,
+      "mac_address": "FA:16:3E:7D:CC:35",
+      "port": "ring:0"
+    }
+There is no body content for the response of a successful ``PUT`` request.
+Equivalent CLI command
+type is ``mac``
+.. code-block:: console
+    classifier_table {action} mac {mac_address} {port}
+type is ``vlan``
+.. code-block:: console
+    classifier_table {action} vlan {vlan} {mac_address} {port}
+API for spp_nfv/spp_vm
+GET /v1/nfvs/{client_id}
+Get the information of the ``spp_nfv`` or ``spp_vm`` process.
+* Normal response codes: 200
+* Error response codes: 400, 404
+| Name      | Type    | Description |
+| client_id | integer | client id.  |
+| Name      | Type    | Description                               |
+| client-id | integer | client id.                                |
+| status    | string  | ``Running`` or ``Idle``.                  |
+| ports     | array   | an array of port ids used by the process. |
+| patches   | array   | an array of patches.                      |
+patch objest
+| Name | Type   | Description          |
+| src  | string | source port id.      |
+| dst  | string | destination port id. |
+Response example
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    {
+      "client-id": 1,
+      "status": "Running",
+      "ports": [
+        "phy:0", "phy:1", "vhost:0", "vhost:1", "ring:0", "ring:1", "ring:2", "ring:3"
+      ],
+      "patches": [
+        {
+          "src": "vhost:0", "dst": "ring:0"
+        },
+        {
+          "src": "ring:1", "dst": "vhost:1"
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+Equivalent CLI command
+.. code-block:: console
+    sec {client_id};status
+PUT /v1/nfvs/{client_id}/forward
+Start or Stop forwarding.
+* Normal response codes: 204
+* Error response codes: 400, 404
+| Name      | Type    | Description |
+| client_id | integer | client id.  |
+| Name   | Type   | Description            |
+| action | string | ``start`` or ``stop``. |
+Request example
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    {"action": "start"}
+There is no body content for the response of a successful ``PUT`` request.
+Equivalent CLI command
+action is ``start``
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    sec {client_id};forward
+action is ``stop``
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    sec {client_id};stop
+PUT /v1/nfvs/{client_id}/ports
+Add or Delete port.
+* Normal response codes: 204
+* Error response codes: 400, 404
+| Name      | Type    | Description |
+| client_id | integer | client id.  |
+| Name   | Type   | Description                                                   |
+| action | string | ``add`` or ``del``.                                           |
+| port   | string | port id. port id is the form {interface_type}:{interface_id}. |
+Request example
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    {"action": "add", "port": "vhost:0"}
+There is no body content for the response of a successful ``PUT`` request.
+Equivalent CLI command
+.. code-block:: console
+    sec {client_id};{action} {interface_type} {interface_id}
+PUT /v1/nfvs/{client_id}/patches
+Add a patch.
+* Normal response codes: 204
+* Error response codes: 400, 404
+| Name      | Type    | Description |
+| client_id | integer | client id.  |
+| Name | Type   | Description          |
+| src  | string | source port id.      |
+| dst  | string | destination port id. |
+Request example
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    {"src": "vhost:0", "dst": "ring:0"}
+There is no body content for the response of a successful ``PUT`` request.
+Equivalent CLI command
+.. code-block:: console
+    sec {client_id};patch {src} {dst}
+DELETE /v1/nfvs/{client_id}/patches
+Reset patches.
+* Normal response codes: 204
+* Error response codes: 400, 404
+| Name      | Type    | Description |
+| client_id | integer | client id.  |
+There is no body content for the response of a successful ``DELETE`` request.
+Equivalent CLI command
+.. code-block:: console
+    sec {client_id};patch reset
+API for spp_primary
+GET /v1/primary/status
+Show statistical information.
+* Normal response codes: 200
+There is no data at the moment. The statistical information will be returned
+when ``spp_primary`` implements it.
+DELETE /v1/primary/status
+Clear statistical information.
+* Normal response codes: 204
+There is no body content for the response of a successful ``PUT`` request.

  parent reply	other threads:[~2018-10-05  1:37 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 33+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2018-09-12 23:25 [spp] [PATCH] spp-ctl: SPP controller with Web API Itsuro ODA
2018-09-18 10:00 ` Yasufumi Ogawa
2018-09-18 21:40   ` Itsuro ODA
2018-10-05  1:37 ` [spp] [PATCH v3 00/13] " oda
2018-10-05  1:37   ` [spp] [PATCH v3 01/13] docs: add overview of spp-ctl oda
2018-10-05  1:37   ` oda [this message]
2018-10-05  1:37   ` [spp] [PATCH v3 03/13] docs: add index " oda
2018-10-05  1:37   ` [spp] [PATCH v3 04/13] project: add requirements.txt for spp-ctl oda
2018-10-05  1:37   ` [spp] [PATCH v3 05/13] docs: add spp-ctl to index of doc root oda
2018-10-05  1:37   ` [spp] [PATCH v3 06/13] spp-ctl: add entry point oda
2018-10-05  1:37   ` [spp] [PATCH v3 07/13] spp-ctl: add Controller class oda
2018-10-05  1:37   ` [spp] [PATCH v3 08/13] spp-ctl: add web API handler oda
2018-10-05  1:37   ` [spp] [PATCH v3 09/13] spp-ctl: add spp command interfaces oda
2018-10-05  1:37   ` [spp] [PATCH v3 10/13] spp-ctl: update parsing spp_nfv status oda
2018-10-05  1:37   ` [spp] [PATCH v3 11/13] docs: add request examples of spp-ctl oda
2018-10-05  1:37   ` [spp] [PATCH v3 12/13] docs: correct directives " oda
2018-10-05  1:37   ` [spp] [PATCH v3 13/13] docs: add labels and captions for tables oda
2018-10-05  3:57 ` [spp] [PATCH v4 00/14] spp-ctl: SPP controller with Web API oda
2018-10-05  3:57   ` [spp] [PATCH v4 01/14] docs: add overview of spp-ctl oda
2018-10-05  3:57   ` [spp] [PATCH v4 02/14] docs: add API reference " oda
2018-10-05  3:57   ` [spp] [PATCH v4 03/14] docs: add index " oda
2018-10-05  3:57   ` [spp] [PATCH v4 04/14] project: add requirements.txt for spp-ctl oda
2018-10-05  3:57   ` [spp] [PATCH v4 05/14] docs: add spp-ctl to index of doc root oda
2018-10-05  3:57   ` [spp] [PATCH v4 06/14] spp-ctl: add entry point oda
2018-10-05  3:57   ` [spp] [PATCH v4 07/14] spp-ctl: add Controller class oda
2018-10-05  3:57   ` [spp] [PATCH v4 08/14] spp-ctl: add web API handler oda
2018-10-05  3:57   ` [spp] [PATCH v4 09/14] spp-ctl: add spp command interfaces oda
2018-10-05  3:57   ` [spp] [PATCH v4 10/14] spp-ctl: update parsing spp_nfv status oda
2018-10-05  3:57   ` [spp] [PATCH v4 11/14] docs: add request examples of spp-ctl oda
2018-10-05  3:57   ` [spp] [PATCH v4 12/14] docs: correct directives " oda
2018-10-05  3:57   ` [spp] [PATCH v4 13/14] docs: add labels and captions for tables oda
2018-10-05  3:57   ` [spp] [PATCH v4 14/14] spp-ctl: fix incorrect URL oda
2018-10-09  2:01   ` [spp] [PATCH v4 00/14] spp-ctl: SPP controller with Web API Yasufumi Ogawa

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