Test-Label: iol-aarch64-unit-testing Test-Status: SUCCESS http://dpdk.org/patch/108245 _Testing PASS_ Submitter: Rakesh Kudurumalla Date: Thursday, February 24 2022 08:35:28 DPDK git baseline: Repo:dpdk Branch: master CommitID:ee05a93e1e6633d0fdec409faf09f12a2e05b991 108245 --> testing pass Test environment and result as below: +-------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Environment | dpdk_unit_test | lpm_autotest | +===============================+================+==============+ | Ubuntu 20.04 ARM GCC Native | PASS | SKIPPED | +-------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Ubuntu 20.04 ARM Clang Native | PASS | SKIPPED | +-------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Ubuntu 20.04 ARM SVE | SKIPPED | PASS | +-------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ Ubuntu 20.04 ARM GCC Native Kernel: 5.4.0-53-generic Compiler: gcc 9.3 Ubuntu 20.04 ARM Clang Native Kernel: 5.4.0-53-generic Compiler: clang 10.0.0-4ubuntu1 Ubuntu 20.04 ARM SVE Kernel: 5.4.0-80-generic Compiler: gcc 10.3.0 (Ubuntu 10.3.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) To view detailed results, visit: https://lab.dpdk.org/results/dashboard/patchsets/21242/ UNH-IOL DPDK Community Lab To manage your email subscriptions, visit: https://lab.dpdk.org/results/dashboard/preferences/subscriptions/