Hello everybody,

It's the first time that I'm posting on this mailing list so I hope it's the correct place for my questions.
Otherwise please correct me.

I'm trying to generate some traffic using Pktgen-DPDK and sending it to BBDev.
Following what is described in: https://doc.dpdk.org/guides/sample_app_ug/bbdev_app.html
But I'm facing some issues. Mostly because I'm new to DPDK in general and I'm learning
how to use this tools.

I've installed and configured all the software without much problems and when I run the
following command I can see the statistics from BBDev displayed on video:
"sudo -E ./dpdk-23.11/build/examples/dpdk-bbdev_app --log-level lib.eal:debug \
--vdev='baseband_turbo_sw,max_nb_queues=8,socket_id=0' \
--vdev=net_tap0,iface=foo0 \
-c 0x38 --file-prefix=bbdev -- -e 0x10 -d 0x20"

I've substituted the "-a <NIC0PCIADDR>" from the tutorial with a virtual interface because
I don't have other nic cards that DPDK can acquire.

On the other side I run Pktgen-DPDK as suggested in the guidelines, again swapping
"<NIC1PCIADDR>" with a virtual one, as follows:
"sudo -E ./Builddir/app/pktgen -c 0x3 --file-prefix=pg --vdev=net_tap1,iface=foo1 -- -m 1.0 -P -T"

But now I do not understand how I can generate traffic towards BBDev.
I've looked into the documentation of both BBDev and PktGen but I cannot wrap my head
around it.
I would really appreciate any kind of suggestion, also material and references to look into
that can help me to connect this two components.

Thanks in advance for the help, best regards,