
Thank you for your email. I am already compiling the application that has the tracepoint register code with -DALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_API but still am running into this issue. Are there any other possible causes for this behaviour? Thanks again.

Sanjit Kumar

On Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 1:11 AM David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com> wrote:

Copying trace framework maintainers.

On Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 9:48 AM Sanjit Kumar
<sanjit.kumar@aviznetworks.com> wrote:
> I am trying to test the usage of the DPDK trace library. I have run into the same issue as recounted here - https://mails.dpdk.org/archives/users/2020-December/005266.html  - where I am able to build and run my DPDK application where I have created and registered my custom trace point (verified via rte_trace_dump(stdout) which says my traces are 'enabled' - i see the right trace buffer size, trace file destination etc). The trace point creation and registration are identical to what is mentioned in the program guide using RTE_TRACE_POINT in a header file and registering it in my dpdk application via RTE_TRACE_POINT_REGISTER macro.
> What I notice are as follows:
> 1. The program builds and runs as intended.
> 2. The trace files are generated in the correct destination directory.
> 3. On using trace=.*  ----> I see a huge list of traces on viewing the trace file with babeltrace - but do not see my custom trace point. I also do not see any trace output from my dpdk application if I reuse DPDK library traces ( eg: rte_eal_trace_thread_lcore_ready ) instead of defining my own custom traces.
> 4. On using trace=<regex for traces used in my application> i do not see any trace output just used inside my application.
> I think the above observations suggest that the issue might be in configuring my DPDK application to recognize and create trace output properly. However the rte_trace_dump output suggests that trace is enabled here.
> What I would like to know is similar to utkarsh's question:
> Is there anything I am missing in configuring my application to recognize traces? If so can you please point it out?

I think a hint was posted later, about this topic.
Did you compile your application tracepoint register code with

If you confirm it solves your issue, we need to enhance the trace
framework documentation.

David Marchand