Hi, I am using *DPDK-18.02.02* in my application where we have created hash table with the following parameters, /**DPDK hash table configuration parameters */* *rte_hash_parameters flowHashParams = {* * .name = "Hash Table for FLOW",* * .entries = 128000,* * .key_len = sizeof(ipv4_flow_key_t), /* Key size - number of bytes */* * .hash_func = ipv4_flow_hash_crc, /* Function which creates the Key */* * .hash_func_init_val = 0,* * .extra_flag = RTE_HASH_EXTRA_FLAGS_MULTI_WRITER_ADD,* * /* FLAG - Multiple thread can use this HT */* *};* While adding and deleting an entry in hash table in DPDK-18.02.2, everything works well. While moving on with *DPDK-19.11.13*(latest stable version), we are facing a crash at *rte_hash_del_key()*. If we remove that extra_flag, *RTE_HASH_EXTRA_FLAGS_MULTI_WRITER_ADD *in the hash table parameters, we did not face any crash at rte_hash_del_key(). In my application, one thread adds entry to the hash table, another one thread reads those information and delete the entry in the hash table. How can we add that multiwriter support for the hash table? Is there any alternative to enable that support? Thanks, Gokilavani A