Hi there, We've a DPDK based application from which we need to take packet dumps from time to time when problems arise. We are planning to use librte_pdump functions and the dpdk-dumppcap tool. I've few questions in related to the pdump functionality which we want to use: - Is calling `rte_pdump_init` at the startup of the main application causing some overhead for the packet processing during its run if there is no actual packet capturing enabled by the dpdk-dumppcap tool? I suppose there should be some check in place but is it something like a single `if` condition on a boolean flag or something heavier? - Is it possible then to call `rte_pdump_init` during the runtime of the main application only when I know that I'm about to start the dpdk-dumppcap tool? I mean, is it supported and safe to call `rte_pdump_init` and `rte_pdump_uninit` while the main application is running and processing packets or these functions are supposed to be called only at application startup and application stop. Thanks in advance, Pavel.