Hi There,
I am new to the DPDK example and having issue with using  --vdev options for DPDK example and it is throwing the below error.

./dpdk-l3fwd --log-level *:debug -c f -n 4 -- -p 0x3 --vdev 'net_pcap0,rx_pcap=input.pcap,tx_pcap=output.pcap'

iavf_check_api_version(): Peer is supported PF host
iavf_read_msg_from_pf(): Can't read msg from AQ
iavf_read_msg_from_pf(): AQ from pf carries opcode 3, retval 0
iavf_dev_alarm_handler(): ICR01_ADMINQ is reported
iavf_handle_pf_event_msg(): VIRTCHNL_EVENT_LINK_CHANGE event
iavf_handle_virtchnl_msg(): adminq response is received, opcode = 26
EAL: lib.telemetry log level changed from disabled to debug
TELEMETRY: Attempting socket bind to path '/var/run/dpdk/rte/dpdk_telemetry.v2'
TELEMETRY: Socket creation and binding ok
TELEMETRY: Telemetry initialized ok
TELEMETRY: No legacy callbacks, legacy socket not created
./dpdk-l3fwd: unrecognized option '--vdev'
./dpdk-l3fwd [EAL options] -- -p PORTMASK [-P] [--lookup] --config (port,queue,lcore)[,(port,queue,lcore)] [--rx-queue-size NPKTS] [--tx-queue-size NPKTS] [--eth-dest=X,MM:MM:MM:MM:MM:MM] [--max-pkt-len PKTLEN] [--no-numa] [--hash-entry-num] [--ipv6] [--parse-ptype] [--per-port-pool] [--mode] [--eventq-sched] [--event-vector [--event-vector-size SIZE] [--event-vector-tmo NS]] [-E] [-L]

please let me know if I am missing some options that need to be added with --vdev 

Dinesh Kumar