Hi all,
I am using async template API to install flow rules to perform actions on packets to achieve IP(v4)inIP(v6) tunnelling. Currently I am facing an issue where I cannot perform incoming traffic matching with finer granularity. The test-pmd commands in use are as following:
port stop all
flow configure 0 queues_number 4 queues_size 64 counters_number 0 aging_counters_number 0 meters_number 0 flags 0 # PF0
flow configure 1 queues_number 4 queues_size 64 counters_number 0 aging_counters_number 0 meters_number 0 flags 0
flow configure 2 queues_number 4 queues_size 64 counters_number 0 aging_counters_number 0 meters_number 0 flags 0
flow configure 3 queues_number 4 queues_size 64 counters_number 0 aging_counters_number 0 meters_number 0 flags 0 # PF1V0
port start all
set verbose 1
flow pattern_template 0 create transfer relaxed no pattern_template_id 10 template represented_port ethdev_port_id is 0 / eth / ipv6 / ipv4 / icmp / end
set raw_decap 0 eth / ipv6 / end_set
set raw_encap 0 eth src is 11:22:33:44:55:66 dst is 66:9d:a7:fd:fb:43 type is 0x0800 / end_set
flow actions_template 0 create transfer actions_template_id 10 template raw_decap index 0 / raw_encap index 0 / represented_port / end mask raw_decap index 0 / raw_encap index 0 / represented_port / end
flow template_table 0 create group 0 priority 0 transfer wire_orig table_id 5 rules_number 8 pattern_template 10 actions_template 10
flow queue 0 create 0 template_table 5 pattern_template 0 actions_template 0 postpone no pattern represented_port ethdev_port_id is 0 / eth / ipv6 / ipv4 / icmp / end actions raw_decap index 0 / raw_encap index 0 / represented_port ethdev_port_id 3 / end
flow push 0 queue 0
Once I remove matching patterns for the inner packet headers( ipv4 / icmp) as following, I can see the processed packets inside VMs using tcpdump.
flow pattern_template 0 create transfer relaxed no pattern_template_id 10 template represented_port ethdev_port_id is 0 / eth / ipv6 / end
flow queue 0 create 0 template_table 5 pattern_template 0 actions_template 0 postpone no pattern represented_port ethdev_port_id is 0 / eth / ipv6 / end actions raw_decap index 0 / raw_encap index 0 / represented_port ethdev_port_id 3 / end
Similar combination works when using the synchronous rte_flow API. Any comment or suggestion on this issue is much appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
Best regards,