
Ive been trying to set up the dpdk replay to test my application in the distributor configuration. But I cannot seem to get it running, neither can I find the object file under build/examples or build/usertools. Im on DPDK version 22.07. can you provide me with the necessary steps I should follow to reach my objective?
These I the steps I followed up until now.

lasal@lasal:~$ wget http://fast.dpdk.org/rel/dpdk-22.07.tar.xz

lasal@lasal:~$ tar xf dpdk-22.07.tar.xz

lasal@lasal:~$ sudo apt install build-essential meson python3-pyelftools libnuma-dev pkgconf

lasal@lasal:~$ cd dpdk-22.07

lasal@lasal:~/dpdk-22.07$ meson -Dexamples=all build

lasal@lasal:~/dpdk-22.07$ cd build

lasal@lasal:~/dpdk-22.07$ ninja -C build

lasal@lasal:~/dpdk-22.07$ cd build