
I used two servers A and B. Server A has Connect x5 and x6 DX cards while server B has Connect x6 DX card.

I have checked with Connect x5 and x6 DX cards on "server A" and I am able to get below rxq_share device capability:

testpmd> show port info all

Device capabilities: 0x14( RXQ_SHARE FLOW_SHARED_OBJECT_KEEP )

Server A setting:
# ofed_info -s

# ethtool -i enp129s0f0
driver: mlx5_core
version: 5.4-3.1.0
firmware-version: 16.32.1010 (MT_0000000080)
bus-info: 0000:81:00.0
supports-statistics: yes
supports-test: yes
supports-eeprom-access: no
supports-register-dump: no
supports-priv-flags: yes

But when I moved to server B with another Connect x6 DX card, I could not see this capability.

testpmd> show port info all

Device capabilities: 0x14( FLOW_SHARED_OBJECT_KEEP )

Server B Settings:
# ofed_info -s

# ethtool -i enp132s0f0
driver: mlx5_core
version: 5.4-3.5.8
firmware-version: 22.31.1014 (MT_0000000436)
bus-info: 0000:84:00.0
supports-statistics: yes
supports-test: yes
supports-eeprom-access: no
supports-register-dump: no
supports-priv-flags: yes

Although server B has higher versions of OFED and firmware, my question is do I need to enable/disable firmware settings? Or are there any other configurations we need to apply?
