Dear DPDK Community Members, I am writing on behalf of the DPDK governing board to share a high level summary of the 2024 project budget, as approved by the governing board members. This is a new practice that we are establishing to provide visibility to the community on where the project budget is being spent and how it is being used to support and grow the DPDK project. Some notes about the budget summary, explaining the formatting, content and context are below, followed by the budget summary table. Budget Summary Notes: 1. Below is a summarised view of the DPDK project budget, highlighting income and expenditure against major categories (the "Category" column) 2. The numerical values shown in each budget category are aggregated from underlying individual budget line items that LF accounting and the DPDK project treasurer maintain. The main contributors to these aggregations are summarised out in the "Content" column 3. Figures in the "Income" and "Expenditure" columns are rounded to nearest $5K for summarisation purposes 4. Total income and anticipated expenditure for calendar year 2024 are indicated in the final row DPDK Project Budget 2024 (in USD thousands): Category Content Income Expenditure Project Income DPDK membership dues, Account interest 575 Linux Foundation Expenses LF membership, program manager, IT services 85 DPDK Summit Events DPDK Asia Summit, DPDK North America Summit, Staff travel 270 Community Lab UNH lab, DTS developers, Updated server equipment 245 Community and Marketing Lead marketing contractor, Tech writer 170 Totals 575 770 Providing some FAQ to pre-empt questions that community members may have: 1. Why are we using this summary format? * As this is the first time the project is publishing its budget summary, we have chosen a simple table to make the information easy to understand. We welcome feedback on the format for future iterations 2. Why is DPDK project expenditure greater than income in 2024? * There are a couple of reasons. In recent past, the global situation (eg pandemic restricting travel to summit events) has meant that the project's yearly running cost has been lower than income, meaning that the project account has a baseline of existing cash available. Furthermore, the project has some required spend in 2024 to upgrade in several areas (eg purchasing new server equipment for the lab, DTS framework development, tech writer to update DPDK documentation). We are therefore taking this opportunity to spend some of the available cash in 2024 and address the latent spend 3. Who sets and approves the DPDK budget? * The DPDK governing board treasurer is responsible for setting the project budget and managing any changes * The governing board approves the baseline budget on an annual basis and also approves material changes to this baseline throughout the year * For more information regarding the DPDK governing board membership, please refer to this page: 4. If there are further questions, we will be happy to add them to the FAQ Kind Regards, Robin Giller DPDK Governing Board Treasurer & Vice Chair On Behalf of the DPDK Governing Board -------------------------------------------------------------- Intel Research and Development Ireland Limited Registered in Ireland Registered Office: Collinstown Industrial Park, Leixlip, County Kildare Registered Number: 308263 This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential material for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Any review or distribution by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and delete all copies.