DPDK CI discussions
 help / color / mirror / Atom feed
From: Adam Hassick <ahassick@iol.unh.edu>
To: ci@dpdk.org
Cc: Adam Hassick <ahassick@iol.unh.edu>
Subject: [PATCH v3 1/3] tools: Add script to create artifacts
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:41:18 -0500	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <20240118234120.29256-2-ahassick@iol.unh.edu> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <20240118234120.29256-1-ahassick@iol.unh.edu>

This script takes in a URL to a series on Patchwork and emits a
tarball which may be used for running tests.

Signed-off-by: Adam Hassick <ahassick@iol.unh.edu>
 tools/create_series_artifact.py | 468 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 468 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 tools/create_series_artifact.py

diff --git a/tools/create_series_artifact.py b/tools/create_series_artifact.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..235896c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/create_series_artifact.py
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright (c) 2024 University of New Hampshire
+import argparse
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+import os
+from git_pw import api as pw_api
+import pathlib
+import pygit2
+import requests
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import tarfile
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
+import yaml
+HELP = """This script will create an artifact given a URL to a Patchwork series.
+Much of the information provided is acquired by this script through the use of a configuration file.
+This configuration file can be found with the other script configs in the config directory of the CI repo.
+This default file is located at "config/artifacts.yml" in the dpdk-ci repository.
+More detail and examples can be found in the doc for this script.
+Example usage:
+./create_series_artifact.py ../configs/artifacts.yml https://patches.dpdk.org/api/1.3/series/12345/
+# Map the outputs of pw_maintainers_cli to the names of branches on the
+# GitHub mirror. This is temporary, and should be moved elsewhere in
+# the future.
+    "next-baseband": "next-baseband-for-main",
+    "next-crypto": "next-crypto-for-main",
+    "next-eventdev": "next-eventdev-for-main",
+    "next-net": "next-net-for-main",
+    "next-net-intel": "next-net-intel-for-next-net",
+    "next-net-brcm": "next-net-brcm-for-next-net",
+    "next-net-mlx": "next-net-mlx-for-next-net",
+    "next-net-mrvl": "next-net-mrvl-for-main",
+    "next-virtio": "next-virtio-for-next-net",
+class CreateSeriesParameters(object):
+    pw_server: str
+    pw_project: str
+    pw_token: str
+    git_user: str
+    git_email: str
+    series_url: str
+    patch_ids: List[int]
+    labels: List[str]
+    config: Dict
+    series: Dict
+    pw_mcli_script: pathlib.Path
+    patch_parser_script: pathlib.Path
+    patch_parser_cfg: pathlib.Path
+    lzma: bool
+    output_tarball: pathlib.Path
+    output_properties: pathlib.Path
+    no_depends: bool
+    docs_only: bool
+class ProjectTree(object):
+    artifact_path: pathlib.Path
+    tree: str
+    commit_id: str
+    path: pathlib.Path
+    log_file_path: pathlib.Path
+    props_file_path: pathlib.Path
+    data: CreateSeriesParameters
+    repo: pygit2.Repository
+    log_buf: List[str]
+    properties: Dict[str, Any]
+    def log(self, msg: str):
+        print(msg)
+        self.log_buf.append(msg)
+    def write_log(self):
+        with open(self.log_file_path, "w") as log_file:
+            log_file.write("\n".join([msg for msg in self.log_buf]))
+    def write_properties(self):
+        with open(self.props_file_path, "w") as prop_file:
+            for key, value in self.properties.items():
+                prop_file.write(f"{key}={value}\n")
+    def move_logs(self):
+        shutil.move(self.log_file_path, pathlib.Path(os.getcwd(), "log.txt"))
+        shutil.move(
+            self.props_file_path, pathlib.Path(os.getcwd(), self.data.output_properties)
+        )
+    def __init__(self, data: CreateSeriesParameters):
+        self.data = data
+        self.path = pathlib.Path(os.curdir, "dpdk").absolute()
+        self.log_buf = []
+        self.log_file_path = pathlib.Path(self.path, "log.txt")
+        self.props_file_path = pathlib.Path(self.path, data.output_properties)
+        self.tree = "main"
+        self.properties = {}
+        self.artifact_path = data.output_tarball
+        # Set properties related to the patch data.
+        self.set_properties(
+            patchset_range=f"{data.patch_ids[0]}-{data.patch_ids[-1]}",
+            tags=" ".join(data.labels),
+            is_docs_only=str(data.docs_only),
+        )
+        if not self.path.exists():
+            # Find the URL to clone from based on the tree name.
+            repo_url = self.data.config["repo_url"]
+            # Pull down the git repo we found.
+            for i in range(1, 4):
+                self.log(f"Cloning the DPDK mirror at: {repo_url} (Attempt {i} of 3)")
+                try:
+                    repo = pygit2.clone_repository(repo_url, self.path)
+                    break
+                except pygit2.GitError as e:
+                    self.log(f"Failed! Reason: {e}")
+            else:
+                self.log("Failed to clone from the upstream repository.")
+                exit(1)
+        else:
+            # Fetch any new changes.
+            repo = pygit2.Repository(self.path)
+            origin = repo.remotes["origin"]
+            origin.fetch()
+            self.log("Cleaning repository state...")
+            repo.state_cleanup()
+        # Initially, check out to main.
+        self.repo = repo
+        self.checkout("main")
+        self.log(f"Done: {self.tree} commit {self.commit_id}")
+    def checkout(self, branch: str) -> Optional[str]:
+        """
+        Check out to some branch.
+        Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
+        """
+        git_branch = self.repo.lookup_branch(
+            f"origin/{branch}", pygit2.GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE
+        )
+        if not git_branch:
+            self.log(f"Tried to checkout to non-existant branch: {branch}")
+            return None
+        self.log(f"Trying to checkout branch: {git_branch.branch_name}")
+        reference = self.repo.resolve_refish(git_branch.branch_name)
+        self.commit_id = str(reference[0].id)
+        self.repo.reset(reference[0].id, pygit2.GIT_RESET_HARD)
+        self.repo.checkout(reference[1])
+        self.tree = branch
+        self.log(f"Checked out to {branch} ({self.commit_id})")
+        return branch
+    def guess_git_tree(self) -> Optional[str]:
+        """
+        Run pw_maintainers_cli to guess the git tree of the patch series we are applying.
+        Returns None if the pw_maintainers_cli failed.
+        """
+        if "id" not in self.data.series:
+            raise Exception("ID was not found in the series JSON")
+        result = subprocess.run(
+            [
+                self.data.pw_mcli_script,
+                "--type",
+                "series",
+                "--pw-server",
+                self.data.pw_server,
+                "--pw-project",
+                self.data.pw_project,
+                "list-trees",
+                str(self.data.series["id"]),
+            ],
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+            cwd=self.path,
+            env={
+                "PW_TOKEN": self.data.pw_token,
+            },
+        )
+        if result.returncode == 0:
+            branch = result.stdout.decode().strip()
+            if branch in ["main", "dpdk"]:
+                branch = "main"
+            else:
+                if branch.startswith("dpdk-"):
+                    branch = branch[5:]
+                branch = BRANCH_NAME_MAP.get(branch)
+            return self.checkout(branch)
+        else:
+            self.log("Failed to guess git tree. Output from pw_maintainers_cli:")
+            self.log(result.stdout.decode())
+            self.log(result.stderr.decode())
+            return None
+    def set_properties(self, **kwargs):
+        for key, value in kwargs.items():
+            self.properties[key] = value
+    def apply_patch_series(self) -> bool:
+        self.set_properties(applied_commit_id=self.commit_id, tree=self.tree)
+        # Run git-pw to apply the series.
+        # Configure the tree to point at the given patchwork server and project
+        self.repo.config["pw.server"] = self.data.pw_server
+        self.repo.config["pw.project"] = self.data.pw_project
+        self.repo.config["user.email"] = self.data.git_email
+        self.repo.config["user.name"] = self.data.git_user
+        result = subprocess.run(
+            ["git", "pw", "series", "apply", str(self.data.series["id"])],
+            cwd=self.path,
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+        )
+        # Write the log from the apply process to disk.
+        self.log("Applying patch...")
+        self.log(result.stdout.decode())
+        self.log(result.stderr.decode())
+        # Store whether there was an error, and return the flag.
+        error = result.returncode != 0
+        self.set_properties(apply_error=error)
+        return not error
+    def test_build(self) -> bool:
+        ninja_result: Optional[subprocess.CompletedProcess] = None
+        meson_result: subprocess.CompletedProcess = subprocess.run(
+            ["meson", "setup", "build"],
+            cwd=self.path,
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+        )
+        build_error = meson_result.returncode != 0
+        self.log("Running test build...")
+        self.log(meson_result.stdout.decode())
+        if not build_error:
+            ninja_result = subprocess.run(
+                ["ninja", "-C", "build"],
+                cwd=self.path,
+                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+            )
+            build_error = build_error or ninja_result.returncode != 0
+            shutil.rmtree(pathlib.Path(self.path, "build"))
+            self.log(ninja_result.stdout.decode())
+            self.log(ninja_result.stderr.decode())
+        self.log(meson_result.stderr.decode())
+        if build_error:
+            self.log("Test build failed.")
+        self.set_properties(build_error=build_error)
+        return not build_error
+    def create_tarball(self):
+        # Copy the logs into the artifact tarball.
+        self.write_log()
+        self.write_properties()
+        # Create a tar archive containing the DPDK sources.
+        with tarfile.open(
+            self.artifact_path, mode="w:xz" if self.data.lzma else "w:gz"
+        ) as tar_file:
+            tar_file.add(self.path, "dpdk", recursive=True)
+        # Move the log file out of the working directory.
+        self.move_logs()
+        return True
+def get_tags(
+    patch_parser_script: pathlib.Path,
+    patch_parser_cfg: pathlib.Path,
+    series: Dict,
+) -> List[str]:
+    series_filename = f"{series['id']}.patch"
+    # Pull down the patch series as a single file.
+    pw_api.download(series["mbox"], None, series_filename)
+    # Call the patch parser script to obtain the tags
+    parse_result = subprocess.run(
+        [patch_parser_script, patch_parser_cfg, series_filename],
+        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+        stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+    )
+    # Assert that patch parser succeeded.
+    parse_result.check_returncode()
+    # Return the output
+    return parse_result.stdout.decode().splitlines()
+def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
+    """
+    Parses the arguments and returns an instance of a dataclass containing parameters
+    and some derived information.
+    """
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+        description=HELP,
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "config",
+        type=argparse.FileType(),
+        help="The config file to load. Must be a path to a YAML file.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument("series_url", type=str, help="The URL to a Patchwork series.")
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-t",
+        "--pw-token",
+        dest="pw_token",
+        type=str,
+        help="The Patchwork token to use",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-l",
+        "--lzma",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="When set, use LZMA compression rather than GNU zip compression.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-nd",
+        "--no-depends",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="When set, does not acknowledge the Depends-on label.",
+    )
+    return parser.parse_args()
+def collect_series_info(args: argparse.Namespace) -> CreateSeriesParameters:
+    # Read the configuration file.
+    with args.config as config_file:
+        config = yaml.safe_load(config_file)
+    pw_server = config["patchwork"]["server"]
+    pw_project = config["patchwork"]["project"]
+    pw_token = args.pw_token or config["patchwork"].get("token")
+    if not pw_token:
+        print("Failed to obtain the Patchworks token.")
+        exit(1)
+    pw_mcli_script = pathlib.Path(config["pw_maintainers_cli"]["path"]).absolute()
+    git_user = config["git"]["user"]
+    git_email = config["git"]["email"]
+    patch_parser_script = pathlib.Path(config["patch_parser"]["path"]).absolute()
+    patch_parser_cfg = pathlib.Path(config["patch_parser"]["config"]).absolute()
+    if args.lzma:
+        tarball_name = "dpdk.tar.xz"
+    else:
+        tarball_name = "dpdk.tar.gz"
+    output_tarball = pathlib.Path(tarball_name)
+    output_properties = pathlib.Path(f"{tarball_name}.properties")
+    # Pull the series JSON down.
+    resp = requests.get(args.series_url)
+    resp.raise_for_status()
+    series = resp.json()
+    # Get the labels using the patch parser.
+    labels = get_tags(patch_parser_script, patch_parser_cfg, series)
+    # See if this is a documentation-only patch.
+    docs_only = len(labels) == 1 and labels[0] == "documentation"
+    # Get the patch ids in this patch series.
+    patch_ids = list(map(lambda x: int(x["id"]), series["patches"]))
+    patch_ids.sort()
+    return CreateSeriesParameters(
+        pw_server=pw_server,
+        pw_project=pw_project,
+        pw_token=pw_token,
+        git_user=git_user,
+        git_email=git_email,
+        series_url=args.series_url,
+        patch_ids=patch_ids,
+        labels=labels,
+        config=config,
+        series=series,
+        pw_mcli_script=pw_mcli_script,
+        patch_parser_script=patch_parser_script,
+        patch_parser_cfg=patch_parser_cfg,
+        lzma=args.lzma,
+        output_tarball=output_tarball,
+        output_properties=output_properties,
+        no_depends=args.no_depends,
+        docs_only=docs_only,
+    )
+def try_to_apply(tree: ProjectTree) -> bool:
+    return tree.apply_patch_series() and tree.test_build() and tree.create_tarball()
+def main() -> int:
+    data = collect_series_info(parse_args())
+    # Pull down the DPDK mirror.
+    tree = ProjectTree(data)
+    # Try to guess the Git tree for this patchset.
+    guessed_tree = tree.guess_git_tree()
+    if not guessed_tree:
+        print("Failed to guess git tree.")
+        return 1
+    # Try to apply this patch.
+    if not (
+        try_to_apply(tree)  # First, try to apply on the guessed tree.
+        or guessed_tree != "main"  # If that fails, and the guessed tree was not main
+        and tree.checkout("main")  # Checkout to main, then
+        and try_to_apply(tree)  # Try to apply on main
+    ):
+        tree.write_log()
+        tree.write_properties()
+        tree.move_logs()
+        print("FAILURE")
+        return 1
+    return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    exit(main())

  reply	other threads:[~2024-01-18 23:42 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 5+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2024-01-18 23:41 [PATCH v3 0/3] Add a script to create series artifacts Adam Hassick
2024-01-18 23:41 ` Adam Hassick [this message]
2024-01-18 23:41 ` [PATCH v3 2/3] config: Add example config file Adam Hassick
2024-01-18 23:41 ` [PATCH v3 3/3] doc: Add documentation Adam Hassick
2024-02-22 19:25 ` [PATCH v3 0/3] Add a script to create series artifacts Aaron Conole

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