New hardware: - Jeremy is working with NXP on setting up their hardware. - Broadcom have also provided hardware. SPDK Tests: - The SPDK team want to make sure that new DPDK changes don't break SPDK. - Want compile testing with different operating systems. This will be added to the UNH backlog. - They would also like unit tests to be run for functions like memory allocation. Need to figure out if tests already exist, and if not then who could help develop these tests. We'll need to meet with the SPDK team to discuss this further. OVS Tests: - Tests are running on the Intel hardware. - Jeremy has figured out the problem with the Mellanox hardware. CI: - Zhaoyan has done some work on CI improvement. Have enabled virtio and crypto test cases internally. Can replicate some of these in the community lab. Shipping a couple more servers to UNH is not an issue. We'll work on a plan for this. - Have also integrated SPDK build testing. If Jeremy has issues with SPDK, Zhaoyan can help. - Have also enabled Windows build testing internally. DPDK Userspace Event: - Aaron has a talk accepted for the Userspace event and will cover CI. He'll work with others offline to include their input. - Ali has a talk on services offered by Unit Test: - Improvements have been made to the Unit Test suite. We should look at enabling these in UNH. UNH IOL Website: - UNH would like to include detail on the lab in their website - testbeds, companies that are participating, types of testing performed etc. We agreed that this is a good idea and nobody had any objections. UNH Priority Order: 1. Get OVS tests running on Mellanox hardware 2. New hardware setup (NXP & Broadcom) 3. Compilation testing 4. Unit testing