Hi Dmitry,

Those failures are the result of a known issue with that machine. Those tests were disabled on that machine shortly after you submitted that patch. I've re-run the patch.

Owen Hilyard

On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 12:48 PM Dmitry Kozlyuk <dmitry.kozliuk@gmail.com> wrote:
2021-06-09 12:01 (UTC-0400), Lincoln Lavoie:
> Hi Dmitry,
> If the failing test is the unit test func_reentrancy_autotest, that is
> being looked into , as it seems like the test case does not reliably run.
> It passes / fails between different systems running both on bare metal and
> in virtual environments, on different OSes and architectures.
> Do you have a link to your patch in patchworks or the lab dashboard?

Hi Lincoln,

Yes, this is func_reentrancy_autotest failure.
Dashboard link:
MTU and stats can hardly be affected by this patch.