December 5, 2024
* Patrick Robb
* Paul Szczepanek
* Luca Vizzarro


General Discussion
* CI Testing labs discussion:
   * ABI testing can begin again
      * UNH is rebuilding its container images with the new v25 ABI reference.
   * Still debugging some issues with cryptodev device creation on the Marvell CN10K device. Going to rebuild the Marvell SDK with version 12 and reflash the board.
   * AMD donated servers have been rack mounted, provisioned with ubuntu 24.04 and DTS/DPDK dependencies.
   * ARM Grace server delivery date is 12/23
* Patrick and Aaron had a call with AWS about setting up a CI “Lab” for AWS which would do per patch testing for the test-report mailing list
* xSightLabs got a DTS demo from Patrick - they are using both legacy DTS and new DTS in parallel
* December 26 CI meeting is cancelled
* January 2 DTS meeting is cancelled
* DPDK 24.11 has been released
* 25.03 roadmap status: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1doTZOOpkv4D5P2w6K7fEJpa_CjzrlMl3mCeDBWtxnko/edit

Patch discussions
* Ruff:
   * The default rules are too minimal, but we don’t need to use literally every rule. Luca will look for a recommended set of rules to use online
* Flow rule dataclass v5 series is submitted
* Bugzilla discussions

Any other business
* Patrick will invite the Microsoft Azure testers to the DTS meetings
   * mamcgove@microsoft.com
* Next meeting Dec 19, 2024