From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 2C06B7CB3 for ; Sat, 27 May 2017 12:18:34 +0200 (CEST) Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256_P256) id 15.1.1101.14; Sat, 27 May 2017 10:18:32 +0000 Received: from (2a01:111:f400:7c0c::134) by (2603:10b6:600::35) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256_P256) id 15.1.1124.9 via Frontend Transport; Sat, 27 May 2017 10:18:32 +0000 Authentication-Results: spf=fail (sender IP is;; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;; dmarc=fail action=none; Received-SPF: Fail ( domain of does not designate as permitted sender); client-ip=;; Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_0, cipher=TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA) id 15.1.1075.5 via Frontend Transport; Sat, 27 May 2017 10:18:32 +0000 Received: from ([]) by (8.14.3/8.14.0) with ESMTP id v4RAHYu5029968; Sat, 27 May 2017 03:18:30 -0700 From: Shreyansh Jain To: CC: , Date: Sat, 27 May 2017 15:55:15 +0530 Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.7.4 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-EOPAttributedMessage: 0 X-Matching-Connectors: 131403539124813343; (91ab9b29-cfa4-454e-5278-08d120cd25b8); () X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; IPV:NLI; CTRY:US; EFV:NLI; SFV:NSPM; SFS:(10009020)(6009001)(336005)(39860400002)(39850400002)(39400400002)(39450400003)(39410400002)(39380400002)(39840400002)(2980300002)(1110001)(1109001)(339900001)(189002)(199003)(9170700003)(105606002)(68736007)(106466001)(2351001)(498600001)(50466002)(6666003)(77096006)(2906002)(104016004)(189998001)(4326008)(2870700001)(85426001)(6306002)(76176999)(2950100002)(23676002)(305945005)(86362001)(50986999)(110136004)(38730400002)(50226002)(81166006)(8936002)(53936002)(8676002)(356003)(47776003)(54906002)(33646002)(5890100001)(5660300001)(36756003)(5820100001)(8656002)(6916009)(217873001); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; SCL:1; SRVR:CY1PR0301MB0905;; FPR:; SPF:Fail; MLV:ovrnspm; PTR:InfoDomainNonexistent; MX:1; A:1; LANG:en; X-Microsoft-Exchange-Diagnostics: 1; BY2FFO11FD047; 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24:542RCiLS/ay30pQ5lwGxUqDL1w9MHMeaG9zU/L80gbyFrUJLkk0yu1BKQ5VIOKTaaTLuwNJAVEcIy7LREZaY1bGO9uPpMClk5XKL8Z3nRfU= SpamDiagnosticOutput: 1:99 SpamDiagnosticMetadata: NSPM X-Microsoft-Exchange-Diagnostics: 1; CY1PR0301MB0905; 7:LivpF0qaLjhSBCjSe+5EqvInN1ZoOqEG5/R9FsvpXz4BtSmw3eX4yhdm5yGf5TLaeWk1/LvqLTSPHriPVuGrP9KT+jWmNnaoMnMIxqS3FxS2ttboGNQ/rTFqFdF28HFOEOs/4w/OanOqXqn9prYTw6fUG+XwGEut2qoqm7xvkHShoWNeJI56drX1iUzKlpANs5GIkmwR369mgiWIyagGK1ApwEyFoIo2vLO2I0gvTP2dhFO9Ys/yLjoAsPb/AqloCYwoco7OJSSBZkC/ujpDBB+Tjo8D95Nz26UT+A6RlC3wkI6ZfJMmDnYFrotGzLal23jNUVdthMf6lLJ/h6tDAg== X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 27 May 2017 10:18:32.2473 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 5afe0b00-7697-4969-b663-5eab37d5f47e X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalAttributedTenantConnectingIp: TenantId=5afe0b00-7697-4969-b663-5eab37d5f47e; Ip=[]; Helo=[] X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: HybridOnPrem X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: CY1PR0301MB0905 Subject: [dpdk-dev] [RFC Patch 19/39] doc: add NXP DPAA PMD documentation X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.15 Precedence: list List-Id: DPDK patches and discussions List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sat, 27 May 2017 10:18:35 -0000 Signed-off-by: Hemant Agrawal Signed-off-by: Shreyansh Jain --- MAINTAINERS | 2 + doc/guides/nics/dpaa.rst | 360 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ doc/guides/nics/features/dpaa.ini | 8 + doc/guides/nics/index.rst | 1 + 4 files changed, 371 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/guides/nics/dpaa.rst create mode 100644 doc/guides/nics/features/dpaa.ini diff --git a/MAINTAINERS b/MAINTAINERS index e39044e..e2b0415 100644 --- a/MAINTAINERS +++ b/MAINTAINERS @@ -392,6 +392,8 @@ NXP dpaa M: Hemant Agrawal M: Shreyansh Jain F: drivers/bus/dpaa/ +F: doc/guides/nics/dpaa.rst +F: doc/guides/nics/features/dpaa.ini NXP dpaa2 M: Hemant Agrawal diff --git a/doc/guides/nics/dpaa.rst b/doc/guides/nics/dpaa.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3548922 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/guides/nics/dpaa.rst @@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ +.. BSD LICENSE + Copyright 2017 NXP. + All rights reserved. + + Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + are met: + + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in + the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + distribution. + * Neither the name of NXP nor the names of its + contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived + from this software without specific prior written permission. + + THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + +DPAA Poll Mode Driver +===================== + +The DPAA NIC PMD (**librte_pmd_dpaa**) provides poll mode driver +support for the inbuilt NIC found in the **NXP DPAA** SoC family. + +More information can be found at `NXP Official Website +`_. + +NXP DPAA (Data Path Acceleration Architecture - Gen 1) +------------------------------------------------------ + +This section provides an overview of the NXP DPAA architecture +and how it is integrated into the DPDK. + +Contents summary + +- DPAA overview +- DPAA driver architecture overview + +.. _dpaa_overview: + +DPAA Overview +~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Reference: `FSL DPAA Architecture `_. + +The QorIQ Data Path Acceleration Architecture (DPAA) is a set of hardware +components on specific QorIQ series multicore processors. This architecture +provides the infrastructure to support simplified sharing of networking +interfaces and accelerators by multiple CPU cores, and the accelerators +themselves. + +DPAA includes: + +- Cores +- Network and packet I/O +- Hardware offload accelerators +- Infrastructure required to facilitate flow of packets between the components above + +Infrastructure components are: + +- The Queue Manager (QMan) is a hardware accelerator that manages frame queues. + It allows CPUs and other accelerators connected to the SoC datapath to + enqueue and dequeue ethernet frames, thus providing the infrastructure for + data exchange among CPUs and datapath accelerators. +- The Buffer Manager (BMan) is a hardware buffer pool management block that + allows software and accelerators on the datapath to acquire and release + buffers in order to build frames. + +Hardware accelerators are: + +- SEC - Cryptographic accelerator +- PME - Pattern matching engine + +The Network and packet I/O component: + +- The Frame Manager (FMan) is a key component in the DPAA and makes use of the + DPAA infrastructure (QMan and BMan). FMan is responsible for packet + distribution and policing. Each frame can be parsed, classified and results + may be attached to the frame. This meta data can be used to select + particular QMan queue, which the packet is forwarded to. + + +DPAA DPDK - Poll Mode Driver Overview +------------------------------------- + +This section provides an overview of the drivers for DPAA: + +* Bus driver and associated "DPAA infrastructure" drivers +* Functional object drivers (such as Ethernet). + +Brief description of each driver is provided in layout below as well as +in the following sections. + +.. code-block:: console + + +------------+ + | DPDK DPAA | + | PMD | + +-----+------+ + | + +-----+------+ +---------------+ + : Ethernet :.......| DPDK DPAA | + . . . . . . . . . : (FMAN) : | Mempool driver| + . +---+---+----+ | (BMAN) | + . ^ | +-----+---------+ + . | | . + . | | . + . +---+---V----+ . + . . . . . . . . . . .: Portal drv : . + . . : : . + . . +-----+------+ . + . . : QMAN : . + . . : Driver : . + +----+------+-------+ +-----+------+ . + | DPDK DPAA Bus | | . + | driver |....................|..................... + | /bus/dpaa | | + +-------------------+ | + | + ========================== HARDWARE =====|======================== + PHY + =========================================|======================== + +In the above representation, solid lines represent components which interface +with DPDK RTE Framework and dotted lines represent DPAA internal components. + +DPAA Bus driver +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +The DPAA bus driver is a ``rte_bus`` driver which scans the platform like bus. +Key functions include: + +- Scanning and parsing the various objects and adding them to their respective + device list. +- Performing probe for available drivers against each scanned device +- Creating necessary ethernet instance before passing control to the PMD + +DPAA NIC Driver (PMD) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +DPAA PMD is traditional DPDK PMD which provides necessary interface between +RTE framework and DPAA internal components/drivers. + +- Once devices have been identified by DPAA Bus, each device is associated + with the PMD +- PMD is responsible for implementing necessary glue layer between RTE APIs + and lower level QMan and FMan blocks. + The Ethernet driver is bound to a FMAN port and implements the interfaces + needed to connect the DPAA network interface to the network stack. + Each FMAN Port corresponds to a DPDK network interface. + + +Features +^^^^^^^^ + + Features of the DPAA PMD are: + + - Multiple queues for TX and RX + - Receive Side Scaling (RSS) + - Packet type information + - Checksum offload + - Promiscuous mode + +DPAA Mempool Driver +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +DPAA has a hardware offloaded buffer pool manager, called BMan, or Buffer +Manager. + +- Using standard Mempools operations RTE API, the mempool driver interfaces + with RTE to service each mempool creation, deletion, buffer allocation and + deallocation requests. +- Each FMAN instance has a BMan pool attached to it during initialization. + Each Tx frame can be automatically released by hardware, if allocated from + this pool. + + +Supported DPAA SoCs +------------------- + +- LS1043A/LS1023A +- LS1046A/LS1026A + +Prerequisites +------------- + +There are three main pre-requisities for executing DPAA PMD on a DPAA +compatible board: + +1. **ARM 64 Tool Chain** + + For example, the `*aarch64* Linaro Toolchain `_. + +2. **Linux Kernel** + + It can be obtained from `NXP's Github hosting `_. + +3. **Rootfile system** + + Any *aarch64* supporting filesystem can be used. For example, + Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily) or 16.04 LTS (Xenial) userland which can be obtained + from `here `_. + +As an alternative method, DPAA PMD can also be executed using images provided +as part of SDK from NXP. The SDK includes all the above prerequisites necessary +to bring up a DPAA board. + +The following dependencies are not part of DPDK and must be installed +separately: + +- **NXP Linux SDK** + + NXP Linux software development kit (SDK) includes support for family + of QorIQ® ARM-Architecture-based system on chip (SoC) processors + and corresponding boards. + + It includes the Linux board support packages (BSPs) for NXP SoCs, + a fully operational tool chain, kernel and board specific modules. + + SDK and related information can be obtained from: `NXP QorIQ SDK `_. + +- **DPDK Extra Scripts** + + DPAA based resources can be configured easily with the help of ready scripts + as provided in the DPDK Extra repository. + + `DPDK Helper Scripts `_. + +Currently supported by DPDK: + +- NXP SDK **2.0+**. +- Supported architectures: **arm64 LE**. + +- Follow the DPDK :ref:`Getting Started Guide for Linux ` + to setup the basic DPDK environment. + +.. note:: + + Some part of dpaa bus code (qbman and fman - library) routines are + dual licensed (BSD & GPLv2). + +Pre-Installation Configuration +------------------------------ + +Config File Options +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +The following options can be modified in the ``config`` file. +Please note that enabling debugging options may affect system performance. + +- ``CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA_BUS`` (default ``n``) + + By default it is enabled only for defconfig_arm64-dpaa-* config. + Toggle compilation of the ``librte_bus_dpaa`` driver. + +- ``CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA_PMD`` (default ``n``) + + By default it is enabled only for defconfig_arm64-dpaa-* config. + Toggle compilation of the ``librte_pmd_dpaa`` driver. + +- ``CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA_DEBUG_DRIVER`` (default ``n``) + + Toggle display of generic debugging messages + +- ``CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA_DEBUG_INIT`` (default ``n``) + + Toggle display of initialization related messages. + +- ``CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA_DEBUG_RX`` (default ``n``) + + Toggle display of receive fast path run-time message + +- ``CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA_DEBUG_TX`` (default ``n``) + + Toggle display of transmit fast path run-time message + +- ``CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA_DEBUG_TX_FREE`` (default ``n``) + + Toggle display of transmit fast path buffer free run-time message + +- ``CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA_DEBUG_DRIVER_DISPLAY`` (default ``n``) + + Toggle display of each Tx/Rx frame contents (dump) + +- ``CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA_CHECKING`` (default ``n``) + + Toggle lower level driver validations (asserts) + +- ``CONFIG_RTE_MBUF_DEFAULT_MEMPOOL_OPS`` (default ``dpaa``) + + This is not a DPAA specific configuration - it is a generic RTE config. + For optimal performance and hardware utilization, it is expected that DPAA + Mempool driver is used for mempools. For that, this configuration needs to + enabled. + +Driver compilation and testing +------------------------------ + +Refer to the document :ref:`compiling and testing a PMD for a NIC ` +for details. + +#. Running testpmd: + + Follow instructions available in the document + :ref:`compiling and testing a PMD for a NIC ` + to run testpmd. + + Example output: + + .. code-block:: console + + ./arm64-dpaa-linuxapp-gcc/testpmd -c 0xff -n 1 \ + -- -i --portmask=0x3 --nb-cores=1 --no-flush-rx + + ..... + EAL: Registered [pci] bus. + EAL: Registered [dpaa] bus. + EAL: Detected 4 lcore(s) + ..... + EAL: dpaa: Bus scan completed + ..... + Configuring Port 0 (socket 0) + Port 0: 00:00:00:00:00:01 + Configuring Port 1 (socket 0) + Port 1: 00:00:00:00:00:02 + ..... + Checking link statuses... + Port 0 Link Up - speed 10000 Mbps - full-duplex + Port 1 Link Up - speed 10000 Mbps - full-duplex + Done + testpmd> + +Limitations +----------- + +Platform Requirement +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +DPAA drivers for DPDK can only work on NXP SoCs as listed in the +``Supported DPAA SoCs``. + +Maximum packet length +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +The DPAA SoC family support a maximum of a 10240 jumbo frame. The value +is fixed and cannot be changed. So, even when the ``rxmode.max_rx_pkt_len`` +member of ``struct rte_eth_conf`` is set to a value lower than 10240, frames +up to 10240 bytes can still reach the host interface. diff --git a/doc/guides/nics/features/dpaa.ini b/doc/guides/nics/features/dpaa.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e8befc --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/guides/nics/features/dpaa.ini @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +; +; Supported features of the 'dpaa' network poll mode driver. +; +; Refer to default.ini for the full list of available PMD features. +; +[Features] +ARMv8 = Y +Usage doc = Y diff --git a/doc/guides/nics/index.rst b/doc/guides/nics/index.rst index 240d082..6fc8eaf 100644 --- a/doc/guides/nics/index.rst +++ b/doc/guides/nics/index.rst @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ Network Interface Controller Drivers bnx2x bnxt cxgbe + dpaa dpaa2 e1000em ena -- 2.7.4