Hello, I was experimenting with measuring the latency of DPDK applications using the rte_latencystats module. While I could eventually get it to work somehow, I noticed some issues, that led me to the following questions: 1. How to measure latency on multicore systems? I noticed that there are a lot of global variables that store intermediate results of latency calculations. Also, the documentation suggests calling rte_latencystats_update() only on a single selected lcore. 2.  What is a good value to select for the `samp_intvl` parameter of rte_latencystats_init()? It seems that this option has a significant impact on the measured application's performance. 3. How often is it recommended to call rte_latencystats_update()? The documentation says the function needs to be called periodically, but never specifies how often. Should this be done in each processing loop? 4. Is there no way to clear the statistics? I noticed that the minimum and maximum measurement typically reaches some kind of static value that does not change and does not really reflect the dynamic nature of the measured system. Looking forward to your reply, Kamil Vojanec CESNET, z.s.p.o.