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From: Dmitry Kozlyuk <dmitry.kozliuk@gmail.com>
To: Chengwen Feng <fengchengwen@huawei.com>
Cc: <david.marchand@redhat.com>, <mb@smartsharesystems.com>,
	<anatoly.burakov@intel.com>, <jerinjacobk@gmail.com>,
	<hofors@lysator.liu.se>, <thomas@monjalon.net>, <dev@dpdk.org>
Subject: Re: [PATCH v8 3/9] memarea: support alloc/free/update-refcnt API
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2022 18:58:19 +0300	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <20221011185819.7ac322fe@sovereign> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <20221011121720.2657-4-fengchengwen@huawei.com>

2022-10-11 12:17 (UTC+0000), Chengwen Feng:
> This patch supports rte_memarea_alloc()/rte_memarea_free()/
> rte_memarea_update_refcnt() API.
> Signed-off-by: Chengwen Feng <fengchengwen@huawei.com>
> ---
>  doc/guides/prog_guide/memarea_lib.rst |  10 ++
>  lib/memarea/memarea_private.h         |   3 +
>  lib/memarea/rte_memarea.c             | 155 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  lib/memarea/rte_memarea.h             |  56 ++++++++++
>  lib/memarea/version.map               |   3 +
>  5 files changed, 227 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/doc/guides/prog_guide/memarea_lib.rst b/doc/guides/prog_guide/memarea_lib.rst
> index 85ad57145f..a9c58dc44d 100644
> --- a/doc/guides/prog_guide/memarea_lib.rst
> +++ b/doc/guides/prog_guide/memarea_lib.rst
> @@ -33,6 +33,16 @@ returns the pointer to the created memarea or ``NULL`` if the creation failed.
>  The ``rte_memarea_destroy()`` function is used to destroy a memarea.
> +The ``rte_memarea_alloc()`` function is used to alloc one memory object from
> +the memarea.
> +
> +The ``rte_memarea_free()`` function is used to free one memory object which
> +allocated by ``rte_memarea_alloc()``.
> +
> +The ``rte_memarea_update_refcnt()`` function is used to update the memory
> +object's reference count, if the count reaches zero, the memory object will
> +be freed to memarea.
> +
>  Reference
>  ---------
> diff --git a/lib/memarea/memarea_private.h b/lib/memarea/memarea_private.h
> index 59be9c1d00..f5accf2987 100644
> --- a/lib/memarea/memarea_private.h
> +++ b/lib/memarea/memarea_private.h
> @@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ struct rte_memarea {
>  	void                    *area_addr;
>  	struct memarea_elem_list elem_list;
>  	struct memarea_elem_list free_list;
> +
> +	uint64_t alloc_fails;
> +	uint64_t refcnt_check_fails;
>  } __rte_cache_aligned;
>  #endif /* MEMAREA_PRIVATE_H */
> diff --git a/lib/memarea/rte_memarea.c b/lib/memarea/rte_memarea.c
> index 85975029e2..8ad1c0acb5 100644
> --- a/lib/memarea/rte_memarea.c
> +++ b/lib/memarea/rte_memarea.c
> @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
>  #include <stdio.h>
>  #include <stdlib.h>
> +#include <sys/queue.h>
>  #include <rte_common.h>
>  #include <rte_log.h>
> @@ -94,6 +95,8 @@ memarea_alloc_area(const struct rte_memarea_param *init)
>  		ptr = memarea_alloc_from_libc(init->total_sz);
>  	else if (init->source == RTE_MEMAREA_SOURCE_USER)
>  		ptr = init->user_addr;
> +	else if (init->source == RTE_MEMAREA_SOURCE_MEMAREA)
> +		ptr = rte_memarea_alloc(init->src_memarea, init->total_sz, 0);
>  	if (ptr == NULL)
>  		RTE_LOG(ERR, MEMAREA, "memarea: %s alloc memory area fail!\n", init->name);
> @@ -146,6 +149,8 @@ memarea_free_area(struct rte_memarea *ma)
>  		rte_free(ma->area_addr);
>  	else if (ma->init.source == RTE_MEMAREA_SOURCE_LIBC)
>  		free(ma->area_addr);
> +	else if (ma->init.source == RTE_MEMAREA_SOURCE_MEMAREA)
> +		rte_memarea_free(ma->init.src_memarea, ma->area_addr);
>  }
>  void
> @@ -156,3 +161,153 @@ rte_memarea_destroy(struct rte_memarea *ma)
>  	memarea_free_area(ma);
>  	rte_free(ma);
>  }
> +
> +static inline void
> +memarea_lock(struct rte_memarea *ma)
> +{
> +	if (ma->init.mt_safe)
> +		rte_spinlock_lock(&ma->lock);
> +}
> +
> +static inline void
> +memarea_unlock(struct rte_memarea *ma)
> +{
> +	if (ma->init.mt_safe)
> +		rte_spinlock_unlock(&ma->lock);
> +}
> +
> +static inline bool
> +memarea_whether_add_node(size_t free_size, size_t need_size)
> +{
> +	size_t align_size = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(need_size, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
> +	return free_size > align_size && (free_size - align_size) > sizeof(struct memarea_elem);
> +}
> +
> +static inline void
> +memarea_add_node(struct rte_memarea *ma, struct memarea_elem *elem, size_t need_size)
> +{
> +	size_t align_size = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(need_size, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
> +	struct memarea_elem *new_elem;
> +	new_elem = (struct memarea_elem *)RTE_PTR_ADD(elem, sizeof(struct memarea_elem) +
> +							    align_size);
> +	new_elem->size = elem->size - align_size - sizeof(struct memarea_elem);
> +	new_elem->magic = MEMAREA_AVAILABLE_ELEM_MAGIC;
> +	new_elem->cookie = MEMAREA_AVAILABLE_ELEM_COOKIE;
> +	new_elem->refcnt = 0;
> +	TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&ma->elem_list, elem, new_elem, elem_node);
> +	TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&ma->free_list, elem, new_elem, free_node);
> +	elem->size = align_size;
> +}
> +
> +void *
> +rte_memarea_alloc(struct rte_memarea *ma, size_t size, uint32_t cookie)
> +{
> +	struct memarea_elem *elem;
> +	void *ptr = NULL;
> +
> +	if (unlikely(ma == NULL || size == 0))
> +		return NULL;
> +
> +	memarea_lock(ma);
> +	TAILQ_FOREACH(elem, &ma->free_list, free_node) {
> +		if (unlikely(elem->magic != MEMAREA_AVAILABLE_ELEM_MAGIC))
> +			break;
> +		if (elem->size < size)
> +			continue;
> +		if (memarea_whether_add_node(elem->size, size))
> +			memarea_add_node(ma, elem, size);
> +		elem->cookie = cookie;
> +		elem->refcnt = 1;
> +		TAILQ_REMOVE(&ma->free_list, elem, free_node);
> +		ptr = RTE_PTR_ADD(elem, sizeof(struct memarea_elem));
> +		break;
> +	}
> +	if (unlikely(ptr == NULL))
> +		ma->alloc_fails++;
> +	memarea_unlock(ma);
> +
> +	return ptr;
> +}
> +
> +void
> +rte_memarea_free(struct rte_memarea *ma, void *ptr)
> +{
> +	rte_memarea_update_refcnt(ma, ptr, -1);
> +}
> +
> +static inline void
> +memarea_merge_node(struct rte_memarea *ma, struct memarea_elem *curr,
> +		   struct memarea_elem *next, bool del_next_from_free,
> +		   bool add_curr_to_free)
> +{
> +	curr->size += next->size + sizeof(struct memarea_elem);
> +	next->size = 0;
> +	next->magic = 0;
> +	next->cookie = 0;
> +	TAILQ_REMOVE(&ma->elem_list, next, elem_node);
> +	if (del_next_from_free)
> +		TAILQ_REMOVE(&ma->free_list, next, free_node);
> +	if (add_curr_to_free) {
> +		TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ma->free_list, curr, free_node);
> +	}
> +}
> +
> +static inline void
> +memarea_free_elem(struct rte_memarea *ma, struct memarea_elem *elem)
> +{
> +	struct memarea_elem *prev, *next;
> +	bool merged = false;
> +	prev = TAILQ_PREV(elem, memarea_elem_list, elem_node);
> +	next = TAILQ_NEXT(elem, elem_node);
> +	if (prev != NULL && prev->refcnt == 0) {
> +		memarea_merge_node(ma, prev, elem, false, false);
> +		elem = prev;
> +		merged = true;
> +	}
> +	if (next != NULL && next->refcnt == 0) {
> +		memarea_merge_node(ma, elem, next, true, !merged);
> +		merged = true;
> +	}
> +	if (!merged) {
> +		TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ma->free_list, elem, free_node);
> +	}
> +}
> +
> +void
> +rte_memarea_update_refcnt(struct rte_memarea *ma, void *ptr, int16_t value)
> +{
> +	struct memarea_elem *elem = (struct memarea_elem *)RTE_PTR_SUB(ptr,
> +							    sizeof(struct memarea_elem));
> +
> +	if (unlikely(ma == NULL || ptr == NULL))
> +		return;

This check is probably not needed:
the user is only supposed to change refcnt of a valid object.
Since rte_memarea_free(ma, NULL) must be a no-op, the check should be there.

> +
> +	memarea_lock(ma);
> +	if (unlikely(elem->magic != MEMAREA_ALLOCATED_ELEM_MAGIC)) {
> +		RTE_LOG(ERR, MEMAREA, "memarea: %s magic: 0x%x check fail!\n",
> +			ma->init.name, elem->magic);

Element pointer might be useful here,
because cookie will likely not be unique for each object.

> +		memarea_unlock(ma);
> +		return;
> +	}
> +
> +	if (unlikely(elem->refcnt <= 0 || elem->refcnt + value < 0)) {
> +			"memarea: %s cookie: 0x%x curr refcnt: %d update refcnt: %d check fail!\n",
> +			ma->init.name, elem->cookie, elem->refcnt, value);

Same as above.

> +		ma->refcnt_check_fails++;
> +		if (elem->refcnt > 0)
> +			elem->refcnt += value;

This may change refcnt of some unrelated block allocated concurrently,
producing another bug on top of the bug that has lead to this branch
(the case is different from the race described below).

> +		memarea_unlock(ma);
> +		return;
> +	}
> +
> +	elem->refcnt += value;
> +	if (elem->refcnt == 0)
> +		memarea_free_elem(ma, elem);
> +	memarea_unlock(ma);
> +}

This is not thread-safe:

1. Thread A wants to decrement refnct and takes the lock.
2. Thread B wants to increment refcnt and waits for the lock.
3. Thread C wants to allocate and waits for the lock.
4. Thread A decrements refcnt, frees the object, and releases the lock.
5. Thread C takes the lock, allocates the same element, and releases the lock.
6. Thread B takes the lock and increments refcnt of the new element allocated
by thread C and not the old element it had a pointer to in the beginning.

Probably some memarea generation counter could solve this.

I still tend to think that reference counting is too usage-specific
to be a part of a generic memory management library,
though others don't seem to object.

> diff --git a/lib/memarea/rte_memarea.h b/lib/memarea/rte_memarea.h
> index ac2d63a4d3..f866fa7b67 100644
> --- a/lib/memarea/rte_memarea.h
> +++ b/lib/memarea/rte_memarea.h
> @@ -129,6 +129,62 @@ struct rte_memarea *rte_memarea_create(const struct rte_memarea_param *init);
>  __rte_experimental
>  void rte_memarea_destroy(struct rte_memarea *ma);
> +/**
> + * @warning
> + * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
> + *
> + * Allocate memory from memarea.
> + *
> + * Allocate one memory object from the memarea.
> + *
> + * @param ma
> + *   The pointer of memarea.
> + * @param size
> + *   The memory size to be allocated.
> + * @param cookie
> + *   User-provided footprint which could used to debug memory leak.
> + *
> + * @return
> + *   Non-NULL on success. Otherwise NULL is returned.

Also NULL when size == 0 (OK, like malloc) or when ma == NULL (not obvious).

> + */
> +__rte_experimental
> +void *rte_memarea_alloc(struct rte_memarea *ma, size_t size, uint32_t cookie);
> +
> +/**
> + * @warning
> + * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
> + *
> + * Free memory to memarea.
> + *
> + * Free one memory object to the memarea.

Not really if refcnt > 1.
Should it assert somehow that refcnt <= 1?

The second sentence adds nothing to the first.

> + *
> + * @param ma
> + *   The pointer of memarea.
> + * @param ptr
> + *   The pointer of memory object which need be freed.
> + */
> +__rte_experimental
> +void rte_memarea_free(struct rte_memarea *ma, void *ptr);

  reply	other threads:[~2022-10-11 15:58 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 223+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2022-07-21  4:46 [RFC] memarea: introduce memory area library Chengwen Feng
2022-07-21 15:22 ` Stephen Hemminger
2022-08-04  6:36 ` Jerin Jacob
2022-08-30 12:41 ` Dmitry Kozlyuk
2022-09-20  3:46 ` [PATCH 0/8] introduce memarea library Chengwen Feng
2022-09-20  3:46   ` [PATCH 1/8] memarea: introduce memory area library Chengwen Feng
2022-09-20 11:30     ` Dmitry Kozlyuk
2022-09-20 11:31       ` Dmitry Kozlyuk
2022-09-20 12:06       ` fengchengwen
2022-09-20  3:46   ` [PATCH 2/8] test/memarea: support memarea test Chengwen Feng
2022-09-20  3:46   ` [PATCH 3/8] memarea: support alloc/free/update-refcnt API Chengwen Feng
2022-09-20  3:46   ` [PATCH 4/8] test/memarea: support alloc/free/update-refcnt test Chengwen Feng
2022-09-20  3:46   ` [PATCH 5/8] memarea: support dump API Chengwen Feng
2022-09-20  3:46   ` [PATCH 6/8] test/memarea: support dump test Chengwen Feng
2022-09-20  3:46   ` [PATCH 7/8] memarea: support backup memory mechanism Chengwen Feng
2022-09-20  3:46   ` [PATCH 8/8] test/memarea: support backup memory test Chengwen Feng
2022-09-21  3:12 ` [PATCH v2 0/9] introduce memarea library Chengwen Feng
2022-09-21  3:12   ` [PATCH v2 1/9] memarea: introduce memory area library Chengwen Feng
2022-09-21  3:12   ` [PATCH v2 2/9] test/memarea: support memarea test Chengwen Feng
2022-09-21  3:12   ` [PATCH v2 3/9] memarea: support alloc/free/update-refcnt API Chengwen Feng
2022-09-21  3:12   ` [PATCH v2 4/9] test/memarea: support alloc/free/update-refcnt test Chengwen Feng
2022-09-21  3:12   ` [PATCH v2 5/9] memarea: support dump API Chengwen Feng
2022-09-21  3:12   ` [PATCH v2 6/9] test/memarea: support dump test Chengwen Feng
2022-09-21  3:12   ` [PATCH v2 7/9] memarea: support backup memory mechanism Chengwen Feng
2022-09-21  3:12   ` [PATCH v2 8/9] test/memarea: support backup memory test Chengwen Feng
2022-09-21  3:12   ` [PATCH v2 9/9] test/memarea: support no MT-safe test Chengwen Feng
2022-09-24  7:49 ` [PATCH v3 00/10] introduce memarea library Chengwen Feng
2022-09-24  7:49   ` [PATCH v3 01/10] memarea: " Chengwen Feng
2022-09-24  7:49   ` [PATCH v3 02/10] test/memarea: support memarea test Chengwen Feng
2022-09-24  7:49   ` [PATCH v3 03/10] memarea: support alloc/free/update-refcnt API Chengwen Feng
2022-09-24  7:49   ` [PATCH v3 04/10] test/memarea: support alloc/free/update-refcnt test Chengwen Feng
2022-09-24  7:49   ` [PATCH v3 05/10] memarea: support dump API Chengwen Feng
2022-09-24  7:49   ` [PATCH v3 06/10] test/memarea: support dump test Chengwen Feng
2022-09-24  7:49   ` [PATCH v3 07/10] memarea: support backup memory mechanism Chengwen Feng
2022-09-24  7:49   ` [PATCH v3 08/10] test/memarea: support backup memory test Chengwen Feng
2022-09-24  7:49   ` [PATCH v3 09/10] memarea: detect memory corruption based on magic Chengwen Feng
2022-09-24  7:49   ` [PATCH v3 10/10] test/memarea: support no MT-safe test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-03  7:42   ` [PATCH v3 00/10] introduce memarea library David Marchand
2022-10-05  4:19     ` datshan
2022-10-05  3:38 ` [PATCH v4 " datshan
     [not found] ` <20221005033848.2241-1-datshan@qq.com>
2022-10-05  3:38   ` [PATCH v4 01/10] memarea: " datshan
2022-10-05  3:38   ` [PATCH v4 02/10] test/memarea: support memarea test datshan
2022-10-05  3:38   ` [PATCH v4 03/10] memarea: support alloc/free/update-refcnt API datshan
2022-10-05  3:38   ` [PATCH v4 04/10] test/memarea: support alloc/free/update-refcnt test datshan
2022-10-05  3:38   ` [PATCH v4 05/10] memarea: support dump API datshan
2022-10-05  3:38   ` [PATCH v4 06/10] test/memarea: support dump test datshan
2022-10-05  3:38   ` [PATCH v4 07/10] memarea: support backup memory mechanism datshan
2022-10-05  3:38   ` [PATCH v4 08/10] test/memarea: support backup memory test datshan
2022-10-05  3:38   ` [PATCH v4 09/10] memarea: detect memory corruption based on magic datshan
2022-10-05  3:38   ` [PATCH v4 10/10] test/memarea: support no MT-safe test datshan
2022-10-05  4:09 ` [PATCH v5 00/10] introduce memarea library datshan
     [not found] ` <20221005040952.8166-1-datshan@qq.com>
2022-10-05  4:09   ` [PATCH v5 01/10] memarea: " datshan
2022-10-06 20:15     ` Mattias Rönnblom
2022-10-08  7:53       ` fengchengwen
2022-10-10 16:53         ` Mattias Rönnblom
2022-10-10 23:33           ` fengchengwen
2022-10-11 15:35             ` Mattias Rönnblom
2022-10-05  4:09   ` [PATCH v5 02/10] test/memarea: support memarea test datshan
2022-10-05  4:09   ` [PATCH v5 03/10] memarea: support alloc/free/update-refcnt API datshan
2022-10-06 19:43     ` Mattias Rönnblom
2022-10-08  8:02       ` fengchengwen
2022-10-05  4:09   ` [PATCH v5 04/10] test/memarea: support alloc/free/update-refcnt test datshan
2022-10-05  4:09   ` [PATCH v5 05/10] memarea: support dump API datshan
2022-10-05  4:09   ` [PATCH v5 06/10] test/memarea: support dump test datshan
2022-10-05  4:09   ` [PATCH v5 07/10] memarea: support backup memory mechanism datshan
2022-10-06 19:53     ` Mattias Rönnblom
2022-10-08  7:56       ` fengchengwen
2022-10-05  4:09   ` [PATCH v5 08/10] test/memarea: support backup memory test datshan
2022-10-05  4:09   ` [PATCH v5 09/10] memarea: detect memory corruption based on magic datshan
2022-10-05  4:09   ` [PATCH v5 10/10] test/memarea: support no MT-safe test datshan
2022-10-08 11:33 ` [PATCH v6 00/10] introduce memarea library Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:33   ` [PATCH v6 01/10] memarea: " Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:33   ` [PATCH v6 02/10] test/memarea: support memarea test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:33   ` [PATCH v6 03/10] memarea: support alloc/free/update-refcnt API Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:33   ` [PATCH v6 04/10] test/memarea: support alloc/free/update-refcnt test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:33   ` [PATCH v6 05/10] memarea: support dump API Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:33   ` [PATCH v6 06/10] test/memarea: support dump test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:33   ` [PATCH v6 07/10] memarea: support backup memory mechanism Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:33   ` [PATCH v6 08/10] test/memarea: support backup memory test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:33   ` [PATCH v6 09/10] memarea: detect memory corruption based on magic Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:33   ` [PATCH v6 10/10] test/memarea: support no MT-safe test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:58 ` [PATCH v7 00/10] introduce memarea library Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:58   ` [PATCH v7 01/10] memarea: " Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:58   ` [PATCH v7 02/10] test/memarea: support memarea test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:58   ` [PATCH v7 03/10] memarea: support alloc/free/update-refcnt API Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:58   ` [PATCH v7 04/10] test/memarea: support alloc/free/update-refcnt test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:58   ` [PATCH v7 05/10] memarea: support dump API Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:58   ` [PATCH v7 06/10] test/memarea: support dump test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:58   ` [PATCH v7 07/10] memarea: support backup memory mechanism Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:58   ` [PATCH v7 08/10] test/memarea: support backup memory test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:58   ` [PATCH v7 09/10] memarea: detect memory corruption based on magic Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 11:58   ` [PATCH v7 10/10] test/memarea: support no MT-safe test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-08 12:14   ` [PATCH v7 00/10] introduce memarea library fengchengwen
2022-10-11 12:17 ` [PATCH v8 0/9] " Chengwen Feng
2022-10-11 12:17   ` [PATCH v8 1/9] memarea: " Chengwen Feng
2022-10-11 15:58     ` Dmitry Kozlyuk
2022-10-12  4:06       ` fengchengwen
2022-10-13 10:45         ` fengchengwen
2022-10-11 12:17   ` [PATCH v8 2/9] test/memarea: support memarea test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-11 12:17   ` [PATCH v8 3/9] memarea: support alloc/free/update-refcnt API Chengwen Feng
2022-10-11 15:58     ` Dmitry Kozlyuk [this message]
2022-10-12  7:28       ` fengchengwen
2022-10-11 12:17   ` [PATCH v8 4/9] test/memarea: support alloc/free/update-refcnt test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-11 12:17   ` [PATCH v8 5/9] memarea: support dump API Chengwen Feng
2022-10-11 12:17   ` [PATCH v8 6/9] test/memarea: support dump test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-11 12:17   ` [PATCH v8 7/9] memarea: support backup memory mechanism Chengwen Feng
2022-10-11 15:58     ` Dmitry Kozlyuk
2022-10-11 20:26       ` Mattias Rönnblom
2022-10-12  8:23         ` fengchengwen
2022-10-12  7:57       ` fengchengwen
2022-10-11 12:17   ` [PATCH v8 8/9] test/memarea: support backup memory test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-11 12:17   ` [PATCH v8 9/9] app/test: add memarea to malloc-perf-autotest Chengwen Feng
2022-10-11 15:58     ` Dmitry Kozlyuk
2022-10-12  8:03       ` fengchengwen
2022-10-12 10:47 ` [PATCH v9 0/7] introduce memarea library Chengwen Feng
2022-10-12 10:47   ` [PATCH v9 1/7] memarea: " Chengwen Feng
2022-10-12 10:48   ` [PATCH v9 2/7] test/memarea: support memarea test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-12 10:48   ` [PATCH v9 3/7] memarea: support alloc/free/refcnt-update API Chengwen Feng
2022-10-12 10:48   ` [PATCH v9 4/7] test/memarea: support alloc/free/refcnt-update test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-12 10:48   ` [PATCH v9 5/7] memarea: support dump API Chengwen Feng
2022-10-12 10:48   ` [PATCH v9 6/7] test/memarea: support dump test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-12 10:48   ` [PATCH v9 7/7] app/test: add memarea to malloc-perf-autotest Chengwen Feng
2022-10-17  3:40 ` [PATCH v10 0/7] introduce memarea library Chengwen Feng
2022-10-17  3:40   ` [PATCH v10 1/7] memarea: " Chengwen Feng
2022-10-17  3:40   ` [PATCH v10 2/7] test/memarea: support memarea test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-17  3:40   ` [PATCH v10 3/7] memarea: support alloc/free/refcnt-update API Chengwen Feng
2022-10-17  3:40   ` [PATCH v10 4/7] test/memarea: support alloc/free/refcnt-update test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-17  3:40   ` [PATCH v10 5/7] memarea: support dump API Chengwen Feng
2022-10-17  3:40   ` [PATCH v10 6/7] test/memarea: support dump test Chengwen Feng
2022-10-17  3:40   ` [PATCH v10 7/7] app/test: add memarea to malloc-perf-autotest Chengwen Feng
2022-12-13  9:13 ` [PATCH v11 0/6] introduce memarea library Chengwen Feng
2022-12-13  9:13   ` [PATCH v11 1/6] memarea: " Chengwen Feng
2022-12-13  9:13   ` [PATCH v11 2/6] test/memarea: support memarea test Chengwen Feng
2022-12-13  9:13   ` [PATCH v11 3/6] memarea: support alloc/free/refcnt-update API Chengwen Feng
2023-01-10  2:16     ` Dongdong Liu
2022-12-13  9:13   ` [PATCH v11 4/6] test/memarea: support alloc/free/refcnt-update test Chengwen Feng
2022-12-13  9:13   ` [PATCH v11 5/6] memarea: support dump API Chengwen Feng
2022-12-13  9:13   ` [PATCH v11 6/6] test/memarea: support dump test Chengwen Feng
2023-01-10  2:21   ` [PATCH v11 0/6] introduce memarea library Dongdong Liu
2023-01-14 11:49 ` [PATCH v12 " Chengwen Feng
2023-01-14 11:49   ` [PATCH v12 1/6] memarea: " Chengwen Feng
2023-01-15  7:58     ` Morten Brørup
2023-01-20  8:20       ` fengchengwen
2023-01-20  9:05         ` Morten Brørup
2023-01-14 11:49   ` [PATCH v12 2/6] test/memarea: support memarea test Chengwen Feng
2023-01-14 11:49   ` [PATCH v12 3/6] memarea: support alloc and free API Chengwen Feng
2023-01-14 11:49   ` [PATCH v12 4/6] test/memarea: support alloc and free API test Chengwen Feng
2023-01-14 11:49   ` [PATCH v12 5/6] memarea: support dump API Chengwen Feng
2023-01-14 11:49   ` [PATCH v12 6/6] test/memarea: support dump API test Chengwen Feng
2023-02-08  8:24 ` [PATCH v13 0/6] introduce memarea library Chengwen Feng
2023-02-08  8:24   ` [PATCH v13 1/6] memarea: " Chengwen Feng
2023-02-09  0:04     ` Stephen Hemminger
2023-02-09  6:48       ` fengchengwen
2023-02-08  8:24   ` [PATCH v13 2/6] test/memarea: support memarea test Chengwen Feng
2023-02-08  8:24   ` [PATCH v13 3/6] memarea: support alloc and free API Chengwen Feng
2023-02-08  8:24   ` [PATCH v13 4/6] test/memarea: support alloc and free API test Chengwen Feng
2023-02-08  8:24   ` [PATCH v13 5/6] memarea: support dump API Chengwen Feng
2023-02-08  8:24   ` [PATCH v13 6/6] test/memarea: support dump API test Chengwen Feng
2023-02-08  8:43   ` [PATCH v13 0/6] introduce memarea library Morten Brørup
2023-02-09  6:36 ` [PATCH v14 " Chengwen Feng
2023-02-09  6:36   ` [PATCH v14 1/6] memarea: " Chengwen Feng
2023-06-21 10:52     ` Burakov, Anatoly
2023-06-21 12:05     ` Burakov, Anatoly
2023-02-09  6:36   ` [PATCH v14 2/6] test/memarea: support memarea test Chengwen Feng
2023-06-21 11:00     ` Burakov, Anatoly
2023-02-09  6:36   ` [PATCH v14 3/6] memarea: support alloc and free API Chengwen Feng
2023-06-22 15:29     ` Burakov, Anatoly
2023-02-09  6:36   ` [PATCH v14 4/6] test/memarea: support alloc and free API test Chengwen Feng
2023-02-09  6:36   ` [PATCH v14 5/6] memarea: support dump API Chengwen Feng
2023-06-22 15:55     ` Burakov, Anatoly
2023-06-28  1:25       ` fengchengwen
2023-06-28  1:39         ` Thomas Monjalon
2023-06-28  1:48           ` fengchengwen
2023-07-03 10:29           ` Burakov, Anatoly
2023-02-09  6:36   ` [PATCH v14 6/6] test/memarea: support dump API test Chengwen Feng
2023-06-12 13:53   ` [PATCH v14 0/6] introduce memarea library Ferruh Yigit
2023-06-13  9:50     ` fengchengwen
2023-06-13 11:04       ` Burakov, Anatoly
2023-06-13 12:46         ` fengchengwen
2023-07-09 13:00 ` [PATCH v15 " Chengwen Feng
2023-07-09 13:00   ` [PATCH v15 1/6] memarea: " Chengwen Feng
2023-07-09 19:46     ` Stephen Hemminger
2023-07-09 13:00   ` [PATCH v15 2/6] test/memarea: support memarea test Chengwen Feng
2023-07-09 13:00   ` [PATCH v15 3/6] memarea: support alloc and free API Chengwen Feng
2023-07-09 13:00   ` [PATCH v15 4/6] test/memarea: support alloc and free API test Chengwen Feng
2023-07-09 13:00   ` [PATCH v15 5/6] memarea: support dump API Chengwen Feng
2023-07-09 13:00   ` [PATCH v15 6/6] test/memarea: support dump API test Chengwen Feng
2023-07-10  6:49 ` [PATCH v16 0/6] introduce memarea library Chengwen Feng
2023-07-10  6:49   ` [PATCH v16 1/6] memarea: " Chengwen Feng
2023-07-17 13:19     ` Burakov, Anatoly
2023-07-10  6:49   ` [PATCH v16 2/6] test/memarea: support memarea test Chengwen Feng
2023-07-17 13:22     ` Burakov, Anatoly
2023-07-10  6:49   ` [PATCH v16 3/6] memarea: support alloc and free API Chengwen Feng
2023-07-17 13:33     ` Burakov, Anatoly
2023-07-10  6:49   ` [PATCH v16 4/6] test/memarea: support alloc and free API test Chengwen Feng
2023-07-17 13:57     ` Burakov, Anatoly
2023-07-18  2:49       ` fengchengwen
2023-07-10  6:49   ` [PATCH v16 5/6] memarea: support dump API Chengwen Feng
2023-07-10  6:49   ` [PATCH v16 6/6] test/memarea: support dump API test Chengwen Feng
2023-07-19 12:09     ` Burakov, Anatoly
2023-07-20  9:35       ` fengchengwen
2023-07-18  2:40 ` [PATCH v17 0/6] introduce memarea library Chengwen Feng
2023-07-18  2:40   ` [PATCH v17 1/6] memarea: " Chengwen Feng
2023-07-18  2:40   ` [PATCH v17 2/6] test/memarea: support memarea test Chengwen Feng
2023-07-18  2:40   ` [PATCH v17 3/6] memarea: support alloc and free API Chengwen Feng
2023-07-18  2:40   ` [PATCH v17 4/6] test/memarea: support alloc and free API test Chengwen Feng
2023-07-18  2:40   ` [PATCH v17 5/6] memarea: support dump API Chengwen Feng
2023-07-18  2:40   ` [PATCH v17 6/6] test/memarea: support dump API test Chengwen Feng
2023-07-18 13:46 ` [PATCH v18 0/6] introduce memarea library Chengwen Feng
2023-07-18 13:46   ` [PATCH v18 1/6] memarea: " Chengwen Feng
2023-07-18 13:46   ` [PATCH v18 2/6] test/memarea: support memarea test Chengwen Feng
2023-07-18 13:46   ` [PATCH v18 3/6] memarea: support alloc and free API Chengwen Feng
2023-07-18 13:46   ` [PATCH v18 4/6] test/memarea: support alloc and free API test Chengwen Feng
2023-07-18 13:46   ` [PATCH v18 5/6] memarea: support dump API Chengwen Feng
2023-07-18 13:46   ` [PATCH v18 6/6] test/memarea: support dump API test Chengwen Feng
2023-07-20  9:22 ` [PATCH v19 0/6] introduce memarea library Chengwen Feng
2023-07-20  9:22   ` [PATCH v19 1/6] memarea: " Chengwen Feng
2025-02-10 20:27     ` Stephen Hemminger
2023-07-20  9:22   ` [PATCH v19 2/6] test/memarea: support memarea test Chengwen Feng
2023-07-20  9:22   ` [PATCH v19 3/6] memarea: support alloc and free API Chengwen Feng
2023-07-20  9:22   ` [PATCH v19 4/6] test/memarea: support alloc and free API test Chengwen Feng
2023-07-20  9:22   ` [PATCH v19 5/6] memarea: support dump API Chengwen Feng
2023-07-20  9:22   ` [PATCH v19 6/6] test/memarea: support dump API test Chengwen Feng

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