Hi Liang, 

Thank you so much for your response.
I would like to convert our in-house tool into a high performance traffic generator and it is written in Python.
Is it possible to use any of the user space TCP stack by compiling into shared libraries and access it via Python using ctypes?
Could you please let me know any viable solution to make use of user space TCP stack compatible with Python?


On Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 3:48 PM Liang Ma <liangma@liangbit.com> wrote:
On Fri, Jan 20, 2023 at 01:41:56PM +0530, Sam Kirubakaran wrote:
> Hi team,
> My name is Sam and I am a Software Engineer.
> Currently, we are trying to improve the performance of proprietary in-house
> tools by using DPDK but we are not sure whether DPDK has support for TCP
> stack.
> If yes, could you please point me to the link of apis alone. I will take it
> from there.
> Could you please guide me on this? Your response would be highly
> appreciated!
DPDK itself has no TCP stack. However, there are some userspace TCP
stack project which support DPDK. TPDK/Seastar/fullstack etc.
> Regards,
> Sam