Hi Kaiwenx
I came across the below DPDK iavf error message during the initialization of X710 NICs in ESX. It seems the functionality works fine, but with below error messages.
DPDK Version: 22.11.2
2023-12-08T09:58:00.901 |9322| MSG [NET] dpdk_port_configure:1717 Configure port eth3/1. lsc_intr=1, rxq/txq=1/1, (rss_enabled=1) rss_hf=0x0000000000000c30 tx_ol=0x00000000000006 rx_ol=0x00000000080007
2023-12-08T09:58:00.906 |9322| MSG [NET] dpdk_log_write:107 iavf_execute_vf_cmd(): Return failure -4 for cmd 27
2023-12-08T09:58:00.906 |9322| MSG [NET] dpdk_log_write:107 iavf_enable_vlan_strip(): Failed to execute command of OP_ENABLE_VLAN_STRIPPING
2023-12-08T09:58:00.906 |9322| MSG [NET] dpdk_log_write:107 iavf_dev_init_vlan(): Failed to update vlan offload
2023-12-08T09:58:00.906 |9322| MSG [NET] dpdk_log_write:107 iavf_dev_configure(): configure VLAN failed: -5
2023-12-08T09:58:01.156 |9322| MSG [NET] dpdk_log_write:107 iavf_execute_vf_cmd(): Return failure -5 for cmd 14
On search, I came across your above patch. I am not able to make out properly from the description. Could you please help elaborate the root cause/fix for my understanding and kindly confirm if this patch would fix the above issue. Thanks in advance.