February 20, 2025
. Patrick Robb
. Paul Szczepanek
. Roman Epo
. Andre Muezerie
. Aaron Conole
. Luca Vizzarro


General Announcements
* DPDK 25.03 RC2 is scheduled for February 28
* CFP is open for DPDK Summit Prague: May 8-9

CI Status

UNH-IOL Community Lab
* ARM Grace:
   * Honnappa/Wathsala gave us some more performance tuning tips for Grace:
   * Sent them the latest raw MPPS metrics for E810 on Grace, and indicated we would enable saving/reporting to patchwork this week if there isn’t any more system tuning to be done (this appears to be the case)
* New DTS in CI testing:
   * Started publishing CI results to the dashboard last week for the mac filter testsuite only - this has been stable
   * Will extend the test matrix since everything has gone fine over the past week
* Depends on:
   * Adam submitted his latest version, and aaron ACKed
   * Adam also submitted the git-pw patch which allows people to use the new depends-on updates for patchwork
* Intel E810 failures:
   * This series improved the single core forwarding performance for ICE/E810: https://patchwork.dpdk.org/project/dpdk/list/?series=34444&state=*
   * When this happened, the TG send throughput was overtaken by testpmd’s “throughput,” making the TG the bottleneck. Usually this is avoided by sending at line rate from the TG - but in this case we are having trouble hitting line rate with our TG. Patrick is seeing if the TG config can be updated to boost the throughput. Otherwise, we will have to sub in a different TG NIC which we know can send at a higher rate.

Intel Lab
* None

Github Actions
* Cirrus CI:
   * Worked on the cirrus yaml file for FreeBSD
   * There are some environmental and code issues with running the testing. It may be a major effort to resolve these issues. It’s not immediately clear to Aaron how he could resolve this alone.
      * If testing with FreeBSD isn’t possible, this reduces the usefulness of Cirrus overall, particularly given that GHA now supports Windows
   * Can we run a subset of the meson unit tests?
      * It is possible to do this: https://doc.dpdk.org/guides/prog_guide/meson_ut.html

* They are working on rolling their own test-report email templating/sending script
* After this, they will enable build and meson test pipelines for x86_64 and ARM Graviton

Loongarch Lab
* None

DTS Improvements & Test Development
* The “revamp framework” topology patch was merged
* Add VFs to framework:
   * https://patchwork.dpdk.org/project/dpdk/list/?series=33109
* SUT cleanup patch: https://git.dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-dts/commit/?id=c79f7084ae45e5bbe9553e0efb323d232a46feaf
* Verbose output: The testpmd patch which adds l4 port # to testpmd verbose output is staged on next-net currently
* Dean is updating a few of Jeremy’s old testsuites, like rx/tx offload, port_stats.
* Fix dts-check-format:
   * dts: grab linter return value
   * Linter results were not being included in the “test” result

Any other business
* Next Meeting Mar 6, 2025