March 13, 2025
* Patrick Robb
* Paul Szczepanek
* Luca Vizzarro

General Discussion
* The DTS talk for Prague was accepted
   * CFP writeup: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bb-JDAGzn5BjEvypafG0azQqhVBxXuF8klFZ1xiUnmo/edit?usp=sharing
* Roadmap check in:
   * TREX/TG support is pushed to next release, but Nick is working on this currently
   * VF support has a V5 but will not be merged with this release.

Patch discussions
* Per testsuite configuration:
   * 1 monolithic testsuite config file
   * Merged
* VF port support patch and new questions:
   * 1. Can we just destroy all VFs at DTS testrun setup?
   * 2. Does creating the max number of vfs make the framework too slow?
      * Patrick should look through the existing testplans and see what the VF # requirements are (i.e. are they 1:1 with PFs in all cases)
      * Perhaps the testsuites themselves should act as the source of truth for number of VFs created
* TREX perf TG support:
   * Some of the methods in the traffic_generator class are really for capturing traffic generators - Nick is redefining the abstractions, has stubbed out methods needed for perf TGs, and is implementing those in trex.py
* Dean is refactoring some old testsuites:
   * Port stats check: done (Patrick still needs to review)
   * rx/tx_offload: Nearly done
* Ethertype:
   * Luca will no longer pick this up (Nick can do this during 25.07)
   * VLAN/TPID Filtering testcases for the ethertype testsuite cannot be run on some devices in the UNH lab due to https://bugs.dpdk.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1464
      * UNH guys will work with the Intel and Broadcom PMD maintainers to resolve these filtering issues, and then circle back to this testsuite for 25.07
* Packet capturing improvements:
   * Current implementation provides arg for filtering. We have chosen to not allow usage of packet filtering so far.
   * Luca wants to modify the sniffing so that it will run during the entire testrun instead of starting and stopping - packets can be pulled from the sniffer as needed.

Bugzilla discussions

Any other business
* Roadmap status: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1doTZOOpkv4D5P2w6K7fEJpa_CjzrlMl3mCeDBWtxnko/edit?tab=t.0
* Next meeting is Mar 13, 2025