Hello All, On a 3 node (one controller + 2 compute), we configured Openstack Queens using OSA with OVS. On all the nodes, we defined br-mgmt as linux bridge, br-tun as private network and br-flat as external. Installation was successful and we could create networks and instances on Openstack. Below are the versions of the OVS packages used on each node. Controller :- openstack-vswitch - 2.9.0 Computes :- openstack-vswitch-dpdk - 2.9.0 (as we wanted to configure dpdk on the compute hosts) The openstack-vswitch-dpdk 2.9.0 package that we installed had dpdk version 17.11.3. When we tried to enable DPDK it failed with the below error. dpdk|ERR|DPDK not supported in this copy of Open vSwitch So, we downloaded the sources for dpdk 17.11.4 and openvswitch 2.9.2, built openvswitch with dpdk as suggested in the below official link. No issues on Openstack or OVS. http://docs.openvswitch.org/en/latest/intro/install/dpdk/ Then, we added the below parameters to OVS and everything looked ok. No issues in Openstack or OVS. $ovs-vsctl get Open_vSwitch . other_config {dpdk-extra="-n 2", dpdk-init="true", dpdk-lcore-mask="0x300000000000", dpdk-socket-mem="4096,4096", pmd-cpu-mask="0xf00003c0000", vhost-iommu-support="true"} Then on the compute node, in openvswitch_agent.ini file - OVS section, I added the below (based on the link https://docs.openstack.org/neutron/pike/contributor/internals/ovs_vhostuser.html ) and restarted neutron-openmvswitch-agent service. datapath_type=netdev vhostuser_socket_dir=/var/run/openvswitch After the above change, bridge br-flat is getting deleted from OVS. Attached are the logs after I restart the neutron-openmvswitch-agent service on the compute now. Not sure what the issue is. Can any of you please let me know if we are missing anything? Best Regards, PVMJ