From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id CFF0A463A6; Thu, 13 Mar 2025 17:54:12 +0100 (CET) Received: from (localhost []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id BC4BF4114B; Thu, 13 Mar 2025 17:54:12 +0100 (CET) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 8336E41141 for ; Thu, 13 Mar 2025 17:54:09 +0100 (CET) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple;;; q=dns/txt; s=Intel; t=1741884852; x=1773420852; h=date:from:to:cc:subject:message-id:references: in-reply-to:mime-version; bh=pANpAGicMdInvNfM3191Y+XgZpY7AdGcd8W5aMMZ6fk=; b=TcSZyq5r1b0rNq8tO1WRm473bRRbycJJ84drxk0gjFegzk3EvSZGqqqS t2nMw9FvIED7xt5JLRJrdgnEKEvmNUYF5uNTzzFbbWS4xSPdohNA/oVqe OG9r6P9pybe1veYvzKn08ajTs4HWKLFt+tK0KdiE5KtlG0tn0uN8w5hpP 9pB8aADni2O2LcLVpz5g9Z6V679HuebCf+KiiKApS/OTXXzgUUmsOV5Do EQynjZp1d8g0/kzN6m6MyKOUDzKlHT0T89vXcmmSp0Yn7bYDiEk8ugo5S eL7AImlyhhdHsipiq2VpkAWgd1zb2MqlUlo2WgqvMioMqQcmaFpQeRb4J A==; X-CSE-ConnectionGUID: FlBhMxOsReuNad855UQfAA== X-CSE-MsgGUID: NwtYv9+8QIqI3Cdj5VUFDw== X-IronPort-AV: E=McAfee;i="6700,10204,11372"; a="42266950" X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="6.14,245,1736841600"; d="scan'208";a="42266950" Received: from ([]) by with ESMTP/TLS/ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384; 13 Mar 2025 09:54:09 -0700 X-CSE-ConnectionGUID: xT1g6nCSSOSfLKvU19m6Fg== X-CSE-MsgGUID: nopw6xQ/SVeT0iNDa7PzNw== X-ExtLoop1: 1 X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="6.14,245,1736841600"; d="scan'208";a="121062839" Received: from ([]) by with ESMTP/TLS/ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384; 13 Mar 2025 09:54:08 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.2.1544.14; Thu, 13 Mar 2025 09:54:07 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.2.1544.14 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 13 Mar 2025 09:54:07 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.1.2507.44; Thu, 13 Mar 2025 09:54:06 -0700 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector10001;; cv=none; b=L8cTKMmlihAXEau/d8qErEhQ16KjT7nAOWzOWD6tV2QS/5psUns7yCtO5cPbg4VooWjr1u0ex7+aF15rR3NWZ7Yp1FsDyj1kgT+Drq/tnpArGABepQj6ku0r7o9agUGweQNcnRk5XYhEOMQAWOEffuY0BdkumIV6WM3s3eUr7P7QxAFKx8y5QC04QamQOHj6fnXTmKo/I1B79JKc/ffFyAJCUJtY5DCvzOcJOrxWGcoWUTAWFmmvAKHT3yAwox5seZQhjN/3qys91N8Leu1r4w7b8zjBbhIPXTY9zz7N9883MCGJfHosVioEUgPRWiuZDJKJlnKg0O4lkAF58baZ2w== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector10001; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=LmslpUNBNpkWEwPKpwHB8T4agfr+5HXHLwB9bquCCt8=; b=ZwQoNaCHyTEaNESRU6gja65i5Dtv9bRZ1l0eXFMZsFIKEuMBCXUvLWrXxsuyvKXFmyGOgcsZEqpn/Q6SHz1i5CXcTaqWIF4Qa+XSEOH7/GYlZk1/xs1rcKdMsPuHel5i1Ghj6HerUUS//nucxCokhbhID0/cWk2/dPep6ffegI5btrROpzo2JK6yh3Lzn7xaYK9P2vQnGRcmplz1KmiF8jIKK9M0j9lqw6/vkP/QtPgOJU90K6qEl53UhYwCfZFOo7rS38MAU9IG0bjCyOt98kTn05khx1KEKE30citIueo4GDe3+E3twSYD2k+IdEFnxlWERYABBlgV2cvpLpZq/Q== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none Authentication-Results: dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10b6:8:13e::17) by (2603:10b6:806:236::21) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.8534.28; Thu, 13 Mar 2025 16:53:35 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::f120:cc1f:d78d:ae9b]) by ([fe80::f120:cc1f:d78d:ae9b%7]) with mapi id 15.20.8534.027; Thu, 13 Mar 2025 16:53:35 +0000 Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 16:53:30 +0000 From: Bruce Richardson To: David Marchand CC: , , , Tyler Retzlaff , Jasvinder Singh Subject: Re: [RFC v3 3/8] eal: rework function versioning macros Message-ID: References: <> <> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Disposition: inline In-Reply-To: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:10a6:10:46a::19) To (2603:10b6:8:13e::17) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: DS0PR11MB7309:EE_|SA1PR11MB5827:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 209f2249-8cb4-40b7-539c-08dd624f9866 X-LD-Processed: 46c98d88-e344-4ed4-8496-4ed7712e255d,ExtAddr X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0;ARA:13230040|366016|1800799024|376014|7053199007; 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RTE_VERSION_EXPERIMENTAL_SYMBOL), for > keeping an old implementation code under a versioned function (resp. > experimental function), > - RTE_DEFAULT_SYMBOL, for declaring the new default versioned function, > and handling the static link special case, instead of > BIND_DEFAULT_SYMBOL + MAP_STATIC_SYMBOL, > > Update lib/net accordingly. > > Signed-off-by: David Marchand > --- A few review comments on the docs inline below. See nothing wrong from initial review of code changes. /Bruce > Changes since RFC v2: > > Changes since RFC v1: > - renamed and prefixed macros, > - reindented in prevision of second patch, > > --- > doc/guides/contributing/abi_versioning.rst | 165 +++++---------------- > lib/eal/include/rte_function_versioning.h | 96 +++++------- > lib/net/net_crc.h | 15 -- > lib/net/rte_net_crc.c | 28 +--- > 4 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 227 deletions(-) > > diff --git a/doc/guides/contributing/abi_versioning.rst b/doc/guides/contributing/abi_versioning.rst > index 7afd1c1886..88dd776b4c 100644 > --- a/doc/guides/contributing/abi_versioning.rst > +++ b/doc/guides/contributing/abi_versioning.rst > @@ -138,27 +138,20 @@ macros are used in conjunction with the ```` file for > a given library to allow multiple versions of a symbol to exist in a shared > library so that older binaries need not be immediately recompiled. > > -The macros exported are: > +The macros are: > > -* ``VERSION_SYMBOL(b, e, n)``: Creates a symbol version table entry binding > - versioned symbol ``b@DPDK_n`` to the internal function ``be``. > +* ``RTE_VERSION_SYMBOL(ver, type, name, args``: Creates a symbol version table Missing closing brace .........................^ here > + entry binding symbol ``@DPDK_`` to the internal function name > + ``_v``. > > -* ``BIND_DEFAULT_SYMBOL(b, e, n)``: Creates a symbol version entry instructing > - the linker to bind references to symbol ``b`` to the internal symbol > - ``be``. > +* ``RTE_DEFAULT_SYMBO(ver, type, name, args)``: Creates a symbol version entry s/SYMBO/SYMBOL/ > + instructing the linker to bind references to symbol ```` to the internal > + symbol ``_v``. > > -* ``MAP_STATIC_SYMBOL(f, p)``: Declare the prototype ``f``, and map it to the > - fully qualified function ``p``, so that if a symbol becomes versioned, it > - can still be mapped back to the public symbol name. > - > -* ``__vsym``: Annotation to be used in a declaration of the internal symbol > - ``be`` to signal that it is being used as an implementation of a particular > - version of symbol ``b``. > - > -* ``VERSION_SYMBOL_EXPERIMENTAL(b, e)``: Creates a symbol version table entry > - binding versioned symbol ``b@EXPERIMENTAL`` to the internal function ``be``. > - The macro is used when a symbol matures to become part of the stable ABI, to > - provide an alias to experimental until the next major ABI version. > +* ``RTE_VERSION_EXPERIMENTAL_SYMBOL(type, name, args)``: Similar to RTE_VERSION_SYMBOL > + but for experimental API symbols. The macro is used when a symbol matures > + to become part of the stable ABI, to provide an alias to experimental > + until the next major ABI version. Just to clarify - this is where we create two names/aliases for the one function, so it can be found either as an experimental version or a stable one, right? In that way it's actually quite different from RTE_VERSION_SYMBOL which is used to define a *NEW" version of an existing function, i.e. two functions rather than one function with two names. > > .. _example_abi_macro_usage: > > @@ -277,49 +270,36 @@ list of exported symbols when DPDK is compiled as a shared library. > > Next, we need to specify in the code which function maps to the rte_acl_create > symbol at which versions. First, at the site of the initial symbol definition, > -we need to update the function so that it is uniquely named, and not in conflict > -with the public symbol name > +we wrap the function with ``RTE_VERSION_SYMBOL``, passing the current ABI version, > +the function return type, and the function name and its arguments. > > .. code-block:: c > > -struct rte_acl_ctx * > -rte_acl_create(const struct rte_acl_param *param) > - +struct rte_acl_ctx * __vsym > - +rte_acl_create_v21(const struct rte_acl_param *param) > + +RTE_VERSION_SYMBOL(21, struct rte_acl_ctx *, rte_acl_create, (const struct rte_acl_param *param)) > { > size_t sz; > struct rte_acl_ctx *ctx; > ... > - > -Note that the base name of the symbol was kept intact, as this is conducive to > -the macros used for versioning symbols and we have annotated the function as > -``__vsym``, an implementation of a versioned symbol . That is our next step, > -mapping this new symbol name to the initial symbol name at version node 21. > -Immediately after the function, we add the VERSION_SYMBOL macro. > - > -.. code-block:: c > - > - #include > - > - ... > - VERSION_SYMBOL(rte_acl_create, _v21, 21); > + } > > Remembering to also add the rte_function_versioning.h header to the requisite c > file where these changes are being made. The macro instructs the linker to > create a new symbol ``rte_acl_create@DPDK_21``, which matches the symbol created > -in older builds, but now points to the above newly named function. We have now > -mapped the original rte_acl_create symbol to the original function (but with a > -new name). > +in older builds, but now points to the above newly named function ``rte_acl_create_v21``. > +We have now mapped the original rte_acl_create symbol to the original function > +(but with a new name). > > Please see the section :ref:`Enabling versioning macros > ` to enable this macro in the meson/ninja build. > -Next, we need to create the new ``v22`` version of the symbol. We create a new > -function name, with the ``v22`` suffix, and implement it appropriately. > +Next, we need to create the new version of the symbol. We create a new > +function name and implement it appropriately, then wrap it in a call to ``RTE_DEFAULT_SYMBOL``. > > .. code-block:: c > > - struct rte_acl_ctx * __vsym > - rte_acl_create_v22(const struct rte_acl_param *param, int debug); > + RTE_DEFAULT_SYMBOL(22, struct rte_acl_ctx *, rte_acl_create, (const struct rte_acl_param *param, > + int debug)) Not directly relevant to the changes in this patch, but since this is documentation which doesn't actually need to be based on a real-life example, we should maybe come up with example functions which are short and don't need line wrapping. This example would be just as effective/instructive with a return value of "int" and parameter type without a "const" qualifier. :-) > { > struct rte_acl_ctx *ctx = rte_acl_create_v21(param); > > @@ -328,35 +308,9 @@ function name, with the ``v22`` suffix, and implement it appropriately. > return ctx; > } > > -This code serves as our new API call. Its the same as our old call, but adds the > -new parameter in place. Next we need to map this function to the new default > -symbol ``rte_acl_create@DPDK_22``. To do this, immediately after the function, > -we add the BIND_DEFAULT_SYMBOL macro. > - > -.. code-block:: c > - > - #include > - > - ... > - BIND_DEFAULT_SYMBOL(rte_acl_create, _v22, 22); > - > The macro instructs the linker to create the new default symbol > -``rte_acl_create@DPDK_22``, which points to the above newly named function. > - > -We finally modify the prototype of the call in the public header file, > -such that it contains both versions of the symbol and the public API. > - > -.. code-block:: c > - > - struct rte_acl_ctx * > - rte_acl_create(const struct rte_acl_param *param); > - > - struct rte_acl_ctx * __vsym > - rte_acl_create_v21(const struct rte_acl_param *param); > - > - struct rte_acl_ctx * __vsym > - rte_acl_create_v22(const struct rte_acl_param *param, int debug); > - > +``rte_acl_create@DPDK_22``, which points to the function named ``rte_acl_create_v22`` > +(declared by the macro). > > And that's it, on the next shared library rebuild, there will be two versions of > rte_acl_create, an old DPDK_21 version, used by previously built applications, > @@ -365,43 +319,10 @@ and a new DPDK_22 version, used by future built applications. > .. note:: > > **Before you leave**, please take care reviewing the sections on > - :ref:`mapping static symbols `, > :ref:`enabling versioning macros `, > and :ref:`ABI deprecation `. > > > -.. _mapping_static_symbols: > - > -Mapping static symbols > -______________________ > - > -Now we've taken what was a public symbol, and duplicated it into two uniquely > -and differently named symbols. We've then mapped each of those back to the > -public symbol ``rte_acl_create`` with different version tags. This only applies > -to dynamic linking, as static linking has no notion of versioning. That leaves > -this code in a position of no longer having a symbol simply named > -``rte_acl_create`` and a static build will fail on that missing symbol. > - > -To correct this, we can simply map a function of our choosing back to the public > -symbol in the static build with the ``MAP_STATIC_SYMBOL`` macro. Generally the > -assumption is that the most recent version of the symbol is the one you want to > -map. So, back in the C file where, immediately after ``rte_acl_create_v22`` is > -defined, we add this > - > - > -.. code-block:: c > - > - struct rte_acl_ctx * __vsym > - rte_acl_create_v22(const struct rte_acl_param *param, int debug) > - { > - ... > - } > - MAP_STATIC_SYMBOL(struct rte_acl_ctx *rte_acl_create(const struct rte_acl_param *param, int debug), rte_acl_create_v22); > - > -That tells the compiler that, when building a static library, any calls to the > -symbol ``rte_acl_create`` should be linked to ``rte_acl_create_v22`` > - > - > .. _enabling_versioning_macros: > > Enabling versioning macros > @@ -519,26 +440,17 @@ and ``DPDK_22`` version nodes. > * Create an acl context object for apps to > * manipulate > */ > - struct rte_acl_ctx * > - rte_acl_create(const struct rte_acl_param *param) > + RTE_DEFAULT_SYMBOL(22, struct rte_acl_ctx *, rte_acl_create, > + (const struct rte_acl_param *param)) > { > ... > } > > - __rte_experimental > - struct rte_acl_ctx * > - rte_acl_create_e(const struct rte_acl_param *param) > - { > - return rte_acl_create(param); > - } > - VERSION_SYMBOL_EXPERIMENTAL(rte_acl_create, _e); > - > - struct rte_acl_ctx * > - rte_acl_create_v22(const struct rte_acl_param *param) > + RTE_VERSION_EXPERIMENTAL_SYMBOL(struct rte_acl_ctx *, rte_acl_create, > + (const struct rte_acl_param *param)) > { > return rte_acl_create(param); > } > - BIND_DEFAULT_SYMBOL(rte_acl_create, _v22, 22); > > In the map file, we map the symbol to both the ``EXPERIMENTAL`` > and ``DPDK_22`` version nodes. > @@ -564,13 +476,6 @@ and ``DPDK_22`` version nodes. > rte_acl_create; > }; > > -.. note:: > - > - Please note, similar to :ref:`symbol versioning `, > - when aliasing to experimental you will also need to take care of > - :ref:`mapping static symbols `. > - > - > .. _abi_deprecation: > > Deprecating part of a public API > @@ -616,10 +521,10 @@ Next remove the corresponding versioned export. > > .. code-block:: c > > - -VERSION_SYMBOL(rte_acl_create, _v21, 21); > + -RTE_VERSION_SYMBOL(21, struct rte_acl_ctx *, rte_acl_create, (const struct rte_acl_param *param)) > > > -Note that the internal function definition could also be removed, but its used > +Note that the internal function definition must also be removed, but its used its -> it's (or "it is" if you want the longer version). > in our example by the newer version ``v22``, so we leave it in place and declare > it as static. This is a coding style choice. > > @@ -663,16 +568,18 @@ In the case of our map above, it would transform to look as follows > local: *; > }; > > -Then any uses of BIND_DEFAULT_SYMBOL that pointed to the old node should be > +Then any uses of RTE_DEFAULT_SYMBOL that pointed to the old node should be > updated to point to the new version node in any header files for all affected > symbols. > > .. code-block:: c > > - -BIND_DEFAULT_SYMBOL(rte_acl_create, _v21, 21); > - +BIND_DEFAULT_SYMBOL(rte_acl_create, _v22, 22); > + -RTE_DEFAULT_SYMBOL(21, struct rte_acl_ctx *, rte_acl_create, (const struct rte_acl_param *param, > + int debug)) > + -RTE_DEFAULT_SYMBOL(22, struct rte_acl_ctx *, rte_acl_create, (const struct rte_acl_param *param, > + int debug)) > > -Lastly, any VERSION_SYMBOL macros that point to the old version nodes > +Lastly, any RTE_VERSION_SYMBOL macros that point to the old version nodes > should be removed, taking care to preserve any code that is shared > with the new version node. > > diff --git a/lib/eal/include/rte_function_versioning.h b/lib/eal/include/rte_function_versioning.h > index eb6dd2bc17..0020ce4885 100644 > --- a/lib/eal/include/rte_function_versioning.h > +++ b/lib/eal/include/rte_function_versioning.h > @@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ > #error Use of function versioning disabled, is "use_function_versioning=true" in > #endif > > -#ifdef RTE_BUILD_SHARED_LIB > - > /* > * Provides backwards compatibility when updating exported functions. > * When a symbol is exported from a library to provide an API, it also provides a > @@ -20,80 +18,54 @@ > * arguments, etc. On occasion that function may need to change to accommodate > * new functionality, behavior, etc. When that occurs, it is desirable to > * allow for backwards compatibility for a time with older binaries that are > - * dynamically linked to the dpdk. To support that, the __vsym and > - * VERSION_SYMBOL macros are created. They, in conjunction with the > - * file for a given library allow for multiple versions of > - * a symbol to exist in a shared library so that older binaries need not be > - * immediately recompiled. > - * > - * Refer to the guidelines document in the docs subdirectory for details on the > - * use of these macros > + * dynamically linked to the dpdk. > */ > > -/* > - * Macro Parameters: > - * b - function base name > - * e - function version extension, to be concatenated with base name > - * n - function symbol version string to be applied > - * f - function prototype > - * p - full function symbol name > - */ > +#ifdef RTE_BUILD_SHARED_LIB > > /* > - * VERSION_SYMBOL > - * Creates a symbol version table entry binding symbol @DPDK_ to the internal > - * function name > + * RTE_VERSION_SYMBOL > + * Creates a symbol version table entry binding symbol @DPDK_ to the internal > + * function name _v. > */ > -#define VERSION_SYMBOL(b, e, n) __asm__(".symver " RTE_STR(b) RTE_STR(e) ", " RTE_STR(b) "@DPDK_" RTE_STR(n)) > +#define RTE_VERSION_SYMBOL(ver, type, name, args) \ > +__asm__(".symver " RTE_STR(name) "_v" RTE_STR(ver) ", " RTE_STR(name) "@DPDK_" RTE_STR(ver)); \ > +__rte_used type name ## _v ## ver args; \ > +type name ## _v ## ver args > > /* > - * VERSION_SYMBOL_EXPERIMENTAL > - * Creates a symbol version table entry binding the symbol @EXPERIMENTAL to the internal > - * function name . The macro is used when a symbol matures to become part of the stable ABI, > - * to provide an alias to experimental for some time. > + * RTE_VERSION_EXPERIMENTAL_SYMBOL > + * Similar to RTE_VERSION_SYMBOL but for experimental API symbols. > + * This is mainly used for keeping compatibility for symbols that get promoted to stable ABI. > */ > -#define VERSION_SYMBOL_EXPERIMENTAL(b, e) __asm__(".symver " RTE_STR(b) RTE_STR(e) ", " RTE_STR(b) "@EXPERIMENTAL") > +#define RTE_VERSION_EXPERIMENTAL_SYMBOL(type, name, args) \ > +__asm__(".symver " RTE_STR(name) "_exp, " RTE_STR(name) "@EXPERIMENTAL") \ > +__rte_used type name ## _exp args; \ > +type name ## _exp args > > /* > - * BIND_DEFAULT_SYMBOL > + * RTE_DEFAULT_SYMBOL > * Creates a symbol version entry instructing the linker to bind references to > - * symbol to the internal symbol > + * symbol to the internal symbol _v. > */ > -#define BIND_DEFAULT_SYMBOL(b, e, n) __asm__(".symver " RTE_STR(b) RTE_STR(e) ", " RTE_STR(b) "@@DPDK_" RTE_STR(n)) > +#define RTE_DEFAULT_SYMBOL(ver, type, name, args) \ > +__asm__(".symver " RTE_STR(name) "_v" RTE_STR(ver) ", " RTE_STR(name) "@@DPDK_" RTE_STR(ver)); \ > +__rte_used type name ## _v ## ver args; \ > +type name ## _v ## ver args > > -/* > - * __vsym > - * Annotation to be used in declaration of the internal symbol to signal > - * that it is being used as an implementation of a particular version of symbol > - * . > - */ > -#define __vsym __rte_used > +#else /* !RTE_BUILD_SHARED_LIB */ > > -/* > - * MAP_STATIC_SYMBOL > - * If a function has been bifurcated into multiple versions, none of which > - * are defined as the exported symbol name in the map file, this macro can be > - * used to alias a specific version of the symbol to its exported name. For > - * example, if you have 2 versions of a function foo_v1 and foo_v2, where the > - * former is mapped to foo@DPDK_1 and the latter is mapped to foo@DPDK_2 when > - * building a shared library, this macro can be used to map either foo_v1 or > - * foo_v2 to the symbol foo when building a static library, e.g.: > - * MAP_STATIC_SYMBOL(void foo(), foo_v2); > - */ > -#define MAP_STATIC_SYMBOL(f, p) > +#define RTE_VERSION_SYMBOL(ver, type, name, args) \ > +type name ## _v ## ver args; \ > +type name ## _v ## ver args > > -#else > -/* > - * No symbol versioning in use > - */ > -#define VERSION_SYMBOL(b, e, n) > -#define VERSION_SYMBOL_EXPERIMENTAL(b, e) > -#define __vsym > -#define BIND_DEFAULT_SYMBOL(b, e, n) > -#define MAP_STATIC_SYMBOL(f, p) f __attribute__((alias(RTE_STR(p)))) > -/* > - * RTE_BUILD_SHARED_LIB=n > - */ > -#endif > +#define RTE_VERSION_EXPERIMENTAL_SYMBOL(type, name, args) \ > +type name ## _exp args; \ > +type name ## _exp args > + > +#define RTE_DEFAULT_SYMBOL(ver, type, name, args) \ > +type name args > + > +#endif /* RTE_BUILD_SHARED_LIB */ > > #endif /* _RTE_FUNCTION_VERSIONING_H_ */ Changes to this file look ok to me.