Hi, are you using the latest LTS?
If so, all bug fixes were ported there by the stable branch maintainer.
I will ask the aws team to check this and update.
Can you please share your instance id and timeframe when the rx missed were observed, so we can look into our logs?

All the Best!

בתאריך 22 באפר׳ 2024 08:10,‏ Nageswara Rao <nagpen75@gmail.com> כתב:

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Hi All,

When we are the VM on AWS c5a family we are observing rx_missed errors on the interface, while receiving traffic 
We are running DPDK version 21.11 and lter version i.e. 22.11. We are not observing the issue on other AWS instance types apart from C5a.

Also, we are not observing the issue on the earlier DPDK version DPDK 18.11. 

Please let me know if there is any known issue?
