Bug ID 1673
Summary failed to parse device "net_pcap0"
Product DPDK
Version 21.11
Hardware x86
OS Linux
Severity normal
Priority Normal
Component ethdev
Assignee dev@dpdk.org
Reporter 915768903@qq.com
Target Milestone ---

[Background Introduction]
   "I understand that the KNI feature was removed in DPDK version 23. I want
DPDK to load TAP devices to communicate with the kernel. The control-plane
packets [ICMP] received from the physical port should be handled by the TAP
devices <–vdev=net_tap0 –vdev=net_tap1>. After processing by DPDK, the
user-plane packets will be sent back to the physical port via DPDK’s TX

[To create a TAP device]
  sudo ip tuntap add dev dpdk_tap mode tap
  sudo ip link set dpdk_tap up
  sudo ip addr add dev dpdk_tap 
[To create a TAP device]
    snprintf(option[opt_num++], 128, "dpdk_tap");
    snprintf(option[opt_num++], 128, "--main-lcore=%u", dns_cfg.mx_cpu);
    snprintf(option[opt_num++], 128, "--file-prefix=dpdk_tap");
    snprintf(option[opt_num++], 128, "-c0x%016llx%016llx%016llx%016llx",
            core_mask[3], core_mask[2], core_mask[1], core_mask[0]);
    snprintf(option[opt_num++], 128, "-n4");
    snprintf(option[opt_num++], 128, "--vdev=net_pcap0,iface=dpdk_tap");
    snprintf(option[opt_num++], 128, "--log-level=lib.eal:debug");
    dpdk_opt_info_get(&opt_num, option, &dns_cfg);
    dpdk_pci_info_get(&opt_num, option);

    int ret;
    if((ret = rte_eal_init(opt_num, option)) < 0)
        printf("!error: rte_eal_init failed\n");
        return false;

[Error message"]
EAL: Detected lcore 62 as core 12 on socket 0
EAL: Detected lcore 63 as core 12 on socket 1
EAL: Maximum logical cores by configuration: 128
EAL: Detected CPU lcores: 64
EAL: Detected NUMA nodes: 2
EAL: Checking presence of .so 'librte_eal.so.22.0'
EAL: Checking presence of .so 'librte_eal.so.22'
EAL: Checking presence of .so 'librte_eal.so'
EAL: Detected static linkage of DPDK
EAL: failed to parse device "net_pcap0"
EAL: Unable to parse device 'net_pcap0,iface=dpdk_tap'

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