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From: Yong Liu <yong.liu@intel.com>
To: dts@dpdk.org
Subject: [dts] [PATCH] Add simple one stop tool for setup DTS running environment
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 09:46:28 +0800	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <1439257588-9877-1-git-send-email-yong.liu@intel.com> (raw)

From: Marvin Liu <yong.liu@intel.com>

This tool can generate DTS basic configuration file like 'crbs.cfg',
'execution.cfg', 'ixia.cfg', 'ports.cfg'. With these configuration files
ready, DTS should be able to run on crb. This tool will change input options
based on user input. So need to take care some important settings as
'Whether run performance execution' and 'Choose one of nics'.

Signed-off-by: Marvin Liu <yong.liu@intel.com>

diff --git a/tools/setup.py b/tools/setup.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7aa9e17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+import sys
+import os
+import parse_opt
+import re
+import time
+import ConfigParser
+exec_file = os.path.realpath(__file__)
+DTS_PATH = exec_file.replace('/tools/setup.py', '')
+# generate file path
+DTS_FRAMEWORK = DTS_PATH + '/framework'
+DTS_TOOLS = DTS_PATH + '/tools'
+DTS_SUITES = DTS_PATH + '/tests'
+DTS_EXECS = DTS_PATH + '/executions'
+DTS_EXEC_CFG = DTS_PATH + '/execution.cfg'
+DTS_CRBS_CFG = DTS_PATH + '/conf/crbs.cfg'
+DTS_PORTS_CFG = DTS_PATH + '/conf/ports.cfg'
+DTS_IXIA_CFG = DTS_PATH + '/conf/ixia.cfg'
+import utils
+from parse_opt import Option
+from settings import NICS
+from utils import GREEN, RED
+global def_opt
+global dut_ip
+global tester_ip
+global os_type
+global dut_pass
+global tester_pass
+global dut_user
+global ixia
+global channel
+global bypass
+global suites
+global executions
+def_opt = '0'
+dut_ip = None
+tester_ip = None
+ixia = None
+def scan_suites():
+    global suites
+    suite_reg = r'TestSuite_(.*).py$'
+    suites = []
+    files = os.listdir(DTS_SUITES)
+    for file_name in files:
+        m = re.match(suite_reg, file_name)
+        if m:
+            suites.append(m.group(1))
+    suites = sorted(suites)
+def scan_executions():
+    global executions
+    exec_reg = r'.*.cfg'
+    executions = []
+    files = os.listdir(DTS_EXECS)
+    for file_name in files:
+        m = re.match(exec_reg, file_name)
+        if m:
+            executions.append(file_name)
+def config_crbs():
+    global dut_ip
+    global tester_ip
+    global os_type
+    global dut_pass
+    global tester_pass
+    global dut_user
+    global ixia
+    global channel
+    global bypass
+    global perf_execution
+    print ('============================================================')
+    print "Setting DUT and Tester crb information"
+    ip_option = {'prompt': 'DUT IP address',
+                 'type': 'ip',
+                 'help': 'Please input ip address of DUT crb',
+                 'default': ''}
+    opt = Option(**ip_option)
+    dut_ip = opt.parse_input()
+    ip_option = {'prompt': 'Tester IP address',
+                 'type': 'ip',
+                 'help': 'Please input ip address of Tester crb',
+                 'default': dut_ip}
+    opt = Option(**ip_option)
+    tester_ip = opt.parse_input()
+    dut_user = 'root'
+    passwd_option = {'prompt': 'DUT root password',
+                     'type': 'string',
+                     'help': 'Please input password of DUT crb',
+                     'default': ''}
+    opt = Option(**passwd_option)
+    dut_pass = opt.parse_input()
+    os_option = {'prompt': 'OS type',
+                 'type': 'choice',
+                 'help': 'Please choose dut operation system type',
+                 'options': ['linux', 'freebsd'],
+                 'default': '0'}
+    opt = Option(**os_option)
+    os_type = opt.parse_input()
+    passwd_option = {'prompt': 'Tester root password',
+                     'type': 'string',
+                     'help': 'Please input password of Tester crb',
+                     'default': ''}
+    opt = Option(**passwd_option)
+    tester_pass = opt.parse_input()
+    perf_option = {'prompt': 'Whether run performance execution',
+                   'type': 'bool',
+                   'help': 'Run performance test or not',
+                   'default': 'No'}
+    opt = Option(**perf_option)
+    perf_execution = opt.parse_input()
+    if perf_execution:
+        ixia = 'ixia group0'
+    channel_option = {'prompt': 'Choice channel number',
+                      'type': 'choice',
+                      'help': 'Please input channel number',
+                      'options': ['4', '3', '2', '1'],
+                      'default': '0'}
+    opt = Option(**channel_option)
+    channel = opt.parse_input()
+    bypass_option = {'prompt': 'Whether bypass core0',
+                     'type': 'bool',
+                     'help': 'If need bypass input "yes", ' +
+                             'otherwise input "No"',
+                     'default': 'Yes'}
+    opt = Option(**bypass_option)
+    bypass = opt.parse_input()
+def write_crbs_cfg():
+    separator = '\n'
+    content = ''
+    section = '[%s]' % dut_ip
+    content += section
+    content += separator
+    crb_conf = [('dut_ip', dut_ip),
+                ('dut_user', dut_user),
+                ('dut_passwd', dut_pass),
+                ('os', os_type),
+                ('tester_ip', tester_ip),
+                ('tester_passwd', tester_pass),
+                ('ixia_group', ixia),
+                ('channels', channel),
+                ('bypass_core0', bypass)]
+    for conf in crb_conf:
+        key, value = conf
+        conf_str = '%s=%s' % (key, value)
+        content += conf_str
+        content += separator
+    with open(DTS_CRBS_CFG, "w") as f:
+        f.write(content)
+def load_execution(file_name):
+    global perf_execution
+    global target
+    global suites
+    global nic_type
+    config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
+    config.read(file_name)
+    section = config.sections()[0]
+    parameters = config.get(section, 'parameters').split(':')
+    paramDict = dict()
+    for param in parameters:
+        (key, _, value) = param.partition('=')
+        paramDict[key] = value
+    targets = [target.strip()
+               for target in config.get(section, 'targets').split(',')]
+    target = targets[0]
+    suites = [suite.strip()
+              for suite in config.get(section, 'test_suites').split(',')]
+    # remove useless suite
+    for suite in suites:
+        if suite == '':
+            suites.remove(suite)
+    nic_type = [_.strip() for _ in paramDict['nic_type'].split(',')][0]
+def config_execution():
+    global driver_name
+    global suites
+    global target
+    global nic_type
+    print ('============================================================')
+    print "Setting execution plan"
+    if not dut_ip:
+        print RED("Need to configure 'DUT&Tester crb' first!!!")
+        return False
+    # default execution
+    driver_name = 'igb_uio'
+    target = 'x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc'
+    targets = ['x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc', 'x86_64-native-linuxapp-icc',
+               'i686-native-linuxapp-gcc', 'i686-native-linuxapp-icc',
+               'x86_64-native-bsdapp-gcc', 'x86_64-native-bsdapp-clang']
+    nic_type = 'cfg'
+    exec_option = {'prompt': 'Choose default or manually',
+                   'type': 'choice',
+                   'help': 'Gernerate execution file base on default or ' +
+                           'manually configured',
+                   'options': ['default execution file',
+                               'manually configure execution file'],
+                   'default': '0'}
+    opt = Option(**exec_option)
+    opt.parse_input()
+    index = opt.choice
+    if index == 0:
+        autoexec_option = {'prompt': 'Choose one of them',
+                           'type': 'choice',
+                           'help': 'Choose one of below reference ' +
+                                   'configuration file',
+                           'options': executions,
+                           'default': '3'}
+        opt = Option(**autoexec_option)
+        auto_execution = opt.parse_input()
+        load_execution('executions/' + auto_execution)
+    else:
+        suites_option = {'prompt': 'Choose suites to run',
+                         'type': 'multichoice',
+                         'help': 'Suites in DTS',
+                         'options': suites,
+                         'default': 'all'}
+        opt = Option(**suites_option)
+        suites = opt.parse_input()
+        nics = ['cfg']
+        nics += NICS.keys()
+        nic_option = {'prompt': 'Choose one of nics',
+                      'type': 'choice',
+                      'help': 'Choose one of dpdk support NIC',
+                      'options': nics,
+                      'default': '0'}
+        opt = Option(**nic_option)
+        nic_type = opt.parse_input()
+        target_option = {'prompt': 'Choose target for execution',
+                         'type': 'choice',
+                         'help': 'Choose one of dpdk targets',
+                         'options': targets,
+                         'default': '0'}
+        opt = Option(**target_option)
+        target = opt.parse_input()
+    driver_option = {'prompt': 'Choose one of them',
+                     'type': 'choice',
+                     'help': 'Choose one of dpdk support driver',
+                     'options': ['igb_uio', 'vfio-pci'],
+                     'default': '0'}
+    opt = Option(**driver_option)
+    driver_name = opt.parse_input()
+    return True
+def write_exec_cfg():
+    separator = '\n'
+    content = ''
+    section = '[%s]' % dut_ip
+    content += section
+    content += separator
+    crb_conf = [('crbs', dut_ip),
+                ('drivername', driver_name)]
+    for conf in crb_conf:
+        key, value = conf
+        conf_str = '%s=%s' % (key, value)
+        content += conf_str
+        content += separator
+    content += 'test_suites='
+    content += separator
+    for suite in suites:
+        content += '    %s,' % suite
+        content += separator
+    content += 'targets='
+    content += separator
+    content += '    %s' % target
+    content += separator
+    content += 'parameters='
+    content += 'nic_type=%s:' % nic_type
+    if perf_execution:
+        content += 'perf=true'
+    else:
+        content += 'func=true'
+    with open(DTS_EXEC_CFG, "w") as f:
+        f.write(content)
+def config_ixia():
+    global version
+    global ixia_ip
+    global ixia_ports
+    print ('============================================================')
+    print 'Setting IXIA port for performance validation'
+    ixia_ports = []
+    if ixia is None or ixia == '':
+        print RED("Performance request configure IXIA group in "
+                  "'DUT&Tester crb' first!!!")
+        return False
+    version_option = {'prompt': 'IXIA Server version',
+                      'type': 'string',
+                      'help': 'Please input version of IxServer',
+                      'default': '6.62'}
+    opt = Option(**version_option)
+    version = opt.parse_input()
+    ixiaip_option = {'prompt': 'IXIA ip address',
+                     'type': 'ip',
+                     'help': 'Please input ip address of IXIA',
+                     'default': ''}
+    opt = Option(**ixiaip_option)
+    ixia_ip = opt.parse_input()
+    ixiaport_option = {'prompt': 'IXIA ports which are members of this ' +
+                                 'ports group',
+                       'type': 'string',
+                       'help': 'Please input IXIA ports, format is ' +
+                               'card1.port1,card2.port2',
+                       'default': ''}
+    opt = Option(**ixiaport_option)
+    port_opt = opt.parse_input()
+    ports = port_opt.split(',')
+    for port in ports:
+        ixia_port = port.split('.')
+        if len(ixia_port) == 2:
+            ixia_ports.append((ixia_port[0], ixia_port[1]))
+    return True
+def write_ixia_cfg():
+    separator = '\n'
+    content = ''
+    section = '[%s]' % ixia
+    content += section
+    content += separator
+    content += 'ixia_version=%s' % version
+    content += separator
+    content += 'ixia_ip=%s' % ixia_ip
+    content += separator
+    content += 'ixia_ports='
+    content += separator
+    for ixia_port in ixia_ports:
+        card, port = ixia_port
+        content += '    card=%s,port=%s;' % (card, port)
+        content += separator
+    with open(DTS_IXIA_CFG, "w") as f:
+        f.write(content)
+def config_ports():
+    global dut_ports
+    dut_ports = []
+    add_more = True
+    pci_regex = "([\da-f]{2}:[\da-f]{2}.\d{1})$"
+    ixia_regex = r'(\d).(\d)'
+    print ('============================================================')
+    print ("Manually configure DUT port mapping")
+    if not dut_ip:
+        print RED("Need to configuure 'DUT&Tester crb' first!!!")
+        return False
+    while add_more:
+        pci_option = {'prompt': 'DUT port pci address',
+                      'type': 'string',
+                      'help': 'Please input DUT pci address xx:xx.x',
+                      'default': ''}
+        opt = Option(**pci_option)
+        dut_addr = opt.parse_input()
+        m = re.match(pci_regex, dut_addr)
+        if not m:
+            print RED("Pci address should follow BDF format!!!")
+            continue
+        if ixia and ixia != '':
+            pci_option = {'prompt': 'Choose Tester IXIA port',
+                          'type': 'choice',
+                          'options': ixia_ports,
+                          'help': 'Please choice IXIA port',
+                          'default': '0'}
+            opt = Option(**pci_option)
+            test_addr = opt.parse_input()
+            card, port = test_addr
+            test_addr = 'IXIA%s.%s' % (card, port)
+        else:
+            pci_option = {'prompt': 'Tester port pci address',
+                          'type': 'string',
+                          'help': 'Please input tester pci address xx:xx.x',
+                          'default': ''}
+            opt = Option(**pci_option)
+            test_addr = opt.parse_input()
+            m = re.match(pci_regex, test_addr)
+            if not m:
+                print RED("Pci address should follow BDF format!!!")
+                continue
+        dut_port = {}
+        dut_port[dut_addr] = test_addr
+        dut_ports.append(dut_port)
+        add_option = {'prompt': 'Whether configure another dut port',
+                      'type': 'bool',
+                      'help': 'If need more port input "Yes", otherwise ' +
+                              'input "No"',
+                      'default': 'No'}
+        opt = Option(**add_option)
+        add_more = opt.parse_input()
+        if not add_more:
+            continue
+    return True
+def write_ports_cfg():
+    separator = '\n'
+    content = ''
+    section = '[%s]' % dut_ip
+    content += section
+    content += separator
+    content += 'ports='
+    content += separator
+    for port in dut_ports:
+        pci_addr = port.keys()[0]
+        test_addr = port[pci_addr]
+        content += '    pci=%s,peer=%s;' % (pci_addr, test_addr)
+        content += separator
+    with open(DTS_PORTS_CFG, "w") as f:
+        f.write(content)
+def get_next_opt():
+    global nic_type
+    global def_opt
+    if def_opt == '0':
+        def_opt = '1'
+    elif def_opt == '1':
+        if perf_execution:
+            def_opt = '2'
+        else:
+            if nic_type == 'cfg':
+                def_opt = '3'
+            else:
+                def_opt = '4'
+    elif def_opt == '2':
+        if nic_type == 'cfg':
+            def_opt = '3'
+        else:
+            def_opt = '4'
+    elif def_opt == '3':
+        def_opt = '4'
+def run_dts():
+    print ('============================================================')
+    print "Ready to run DTS"
+    git_option = {'prompt': 'Whether pull latest git code',
+                  'type': 'bool',
+                  'help': 'If need input "Yes", otherwise ' +
+                          'input "No"',
+                  'default': 'No'}
+    opt = Option(**git_option)
+    git_pull = opt.parse_input()
+    skip_option = {'prompt': 'Whether skip setup dpdk',
+                   'type': 'bool',
+                   'help': 'If need input "Yes", otherwise ' +
+                   'input "No"',
+                   'default': 'No'}
+    opt = Option(**skip_option)
+    skip_setup = opt.parse_input()
+    debug_option = {'prompt': 'Whether enable debug option',
+                    'type': 'bool',
+                    'help': 'If need input "Yes", otherwise ' +
+                    'input "No"',
+                    'default': 'No'}
+    opt = Option(**debug_option)
+    debug_dts = opt.parse_input()
+    cmd = './dts'
+    if git_pull:
+        cmd += ' --git=master'
+    if skip_setup:
+        cmd += '  --skip-setup'
+    if debug_dts:
+        cmd += ' --debug'
+    os.system(cmd)
+def main():
+    config_done = False
+    scan_suites()
+    scan_executions()
+    while not config_done:
+        config_option = {'prompt': 'Choose preparation steps for running dts',
+                         'type': 'choice',
+                         'help': 'Running DTS request preparation few ' +
+                                 'configurations',
+                         'options': ['DUT&Tester crb', 'execution plan',
+                                     'ixia port for performance',
+                                     'port config for manually assgin ports',
+                                     'start running DTS'],
+                         'default': def_opt}
+        opt = Option(**config_option)
+        choice = opt.parse_input()
+        index = opt.choice
+        if index == 0:
+            config_crbs()
+            write_crbs_cfg()
+        elif index == 1:
+            if not config_execution():
+                continue
+            write_exec_cfg()
+        elif index == 2:
+            if not config_ixia():
+                continue
+            write_ixia_cfg()
+        elif index == 3:
+            if not config_ports():
+                continue
+            write_ports_cfg()
+        elif index == 4:
+            config_done = True
+            run_dts()
+        print GREEN("Waiting for preparation ready...")
+        time.sleep(2)
+        get_next_opt()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

                 reply	other threads:[~2015-08-11  1:46 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: [no followups] expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed

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