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From: Yong Liu <yong.liu@intel.com>
To: dts@dpdk.org
Subject: [dts] [PATCH 2/3] Doc: Add pf passthrough scenario picture
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2015 17:02:10 +0800	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <1442480531-12669-2-git-send-email-yong.liu@intel.com> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <1442480531-12669-1-git-send-email-yong.liu@intel.com>

From: Marvin Liu <yong.liu@intel.com>

Signed-off-by: Marvin Liu <yong.liu@intel.com>

diff --git a/doc/dts_gsg/image/scene_pf_passthrough.svg b/doc/dts_gsg/image/scene_pf_passthrough.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81a16ec
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+					transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,0.345598,1.97279)" class="st15">
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+							 L13.5 524.81 A13.4998 13.4998 -180 0 0 0 538.31 L0 598.5 A13.4998 13.4998 -180 0 0 13.5 612 Z"
+						class="st16"/>
+			</g>
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+						 L13.5 524.81 A13.4998 13.4998 -180 0 0 0 538.31 L0 598.5 A13.4998 13.4998 -180 0 0 13.5 612 Z"
+					class="st17"/>
+		</g>
+		<g id="shape101-66" v:mID="101" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(484.932,-159.458)">
+			<title>Sheet.101</title>
+			<desc>Pool (VF0)</desc>
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+						v:bulletSize="0.166667"/><v:tabList/>Pool (VF0)</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape102-69" v:mID="102" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(527.897,-159.458)">
+			<title>Sheet.102</title>
+			<desc>Pool (PF)</desc>
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+						v:bulletSize="0.166667"/><v:tabList/>Pool (PF)</text>		</g>
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+				transform="translate(-326.987,84.1026) rotate(-83.6433) scale(-1,1)">
+			<title>Curve connect 1</title>
+			<v:userDefs>
+				<v:ud v:nameU="Scale" v:val="VT0(1):26"/>
+				<v:ud v:nameU="AntiScale" v:val="VT0(1):26"/>
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+				transform="translate(899.145,608.336) rotate(-86.9713) scale(1,-1)">
+			<title>Curve connect 1.104</title>
+			<v:userDefs>
+				<v:ud v:nameU="Scale" v:val="VT0(1):26"/>
+				<v:ud v:nameU="AntiScale" v:val="VT0(1):26"/>
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+				transform="translate(-33.9697,673.669) rotate(-100.895)">
+			<title>Curve connect 1.106</title>
+			<v:userDefs>
+				<v:ud v:nameU="Scale" v:val="VT0(1):26"/>
+				<v:ud v:nameU="AntiScale" v:val="VT0(1):26"/>
+				<v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(15):26"/>
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+				transform="translate(1065.74,90.4832) rotate(84.3159)">
+			<title>Curve connect 1.107</title>
+			<v:userDefs>
+				<v:ud v:nameU="Scale" v:val="VT0(1):26"/>
+				<v:ud v:nameU="AntiScale" v:val="VT0(1):26"/>
+				<v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(15):26"/>
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+			<v:userDefs>
+				<v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(15):26"/>
+			</v:userDefs>
+			<title>1-D single</title>
+			<g id="shape109-95" v:mID="109" v:groupContext="shape">
+				<title>Sheet.109</title>
+				<g id="shadow109-96" v:groupContext="shadow" v:shadowOffsetX="0.345598" v:shadowOffsetY="-1.97279" v:shadowType="1"
+						transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,0.355,1.97112)" class="st15">
+					<path d="M-0.75 611.35 L117.34 611.35 L117.34 612 L117.98 610.7 L117.34 609.4 L117.34 610.05 L-0.75 610.05 L-0.75
+								 611.35 Z" class="st22"/>
+					<path d="M-0.75 611.35 L117.34 611.35 L117.34 612 L117.98 610.7 L117.34 609.4 L117.34 610.05 L-0.75 610.05"
+							class="st23"/>
+				</g>
+				<path d="M-0.75 611.35 L117.34 611.35 L117.34 612 L117.98 610.7 L117.34 609.4 L117.34 610.05 L-0.75 610.05 L-0.75
+							 611.35 Z" class="st24"/>
+				<path d="M-0.75 611.35 L117.34 611.35 L117.34 612 L117.98 610.7 L117.34 609.4 L117.34 610.05 L-0.75 610.05"
+						class="st25"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape110-103" v:mID="110" v:groupContext="shape">
+				<title>Sheet.110</title>
+				<path d="M0 611.35 L117.34 611.35 L117.34 612 L117.98 610.7 L117.34 609.4 L117.34 610.05 L0 610.05" class="st25"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape111-106" v:mID="111" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(-0.5,-0.899392)">
+				<title>Sheet.111</title>
+				<rect x="0" y="611.201" width="0.5" height="0.798783" class="st26"/>
+			</g>
+		</g>
+		<g id="group112-108" transform="translate(442.125,752.451) rotate(180)" v:mID="112" v:groupContext="group">
+			<v:userDefs>
+				<v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(15):26"/>
+			</v:userDefs>
+			<title>1-D single.112</title>
+			<g id="shape113-109" v:mID="113" v:groupContext="shape">
+				<title>Sheet.113</title>
+				<g id="shadow113-110" v:groupContext="shadow" v:shadowOffsetX="0.345598" v:shadowOffsetY="-1.97279"
+						v:shadowType="1" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-0.345598,-1.97279)" class="st15">
+					<path d="M-0.75 611.35 L116.63 611.35 L116.63 612 L117.27 610.7 L116.63 609.4 L116.63 610.05 L-0.75 610.05 L-0.75
+								 611.35 Z" class="st22"/>
+					<path d="M-0.75 611.35 L116.63 611.35 L116.63 612 L117.27 610.7 L116.63 609.4 L116.63 610.05 L-0.75 610.05"
+							class="st23"/>
+				</g>
+				<path d="M-0.75 611.35 L116.63 611.35 L116.63 612 L117.27 610.7 L116.63 609.4 L116.63 610.05 L-0.75 610.05 L-0.75
+							 611.35 Z" class="st27"/>
+				<path d="M-0.75 611.35 L116.63 611.35 L116.63 612 L117.27 610.7 L116.63 609.4 L116.63 610.05 L-0.75 610.05"
+						class="st28"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape114-117" v:mID="114" v:groupContext="shape">
+				<title>Sheet.114</title>
+				<path d="M0 611.35 L116.63 611.35 L116.63 612 L117.27 610.7 L116.63 609.4 L116.63 610.05 L0 610.05" class="st28"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape115-120" v:mID="115" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(-0.5,-0.899392)">
+				<title>Sheet.115</title>
+				<rect x="0" y="611.201" width="0.5" height="0.798783" class="st29"/>
+			</g>
+		</g>
+	</g>

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Thread overview: 3+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2015-09-17  9:02 [dts] [PATCH 1/3] Doc: Add DPDK Test Suite Virtualization Scenario introduction Yong Liu
2015-09-17  9:02 ` Yong Liu [this message]
2015-09-17  9:02 ` [dts] [PATCH 3/3] Doc: update doc index for virtualization scenario page Yong Liu

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