[dts] [PATCH V1 1/2] tests/userspace_ethtool: modify dts script to support 82599 NIC
2023-01-06 11:28 UTC (2+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH V1 2/2] test_plans/userspace_ethtool: add note
[dts][PATCH V2 1/2] test_plans/vf_pf_reset: add new case and plan for pf_reset_trigger_vf_reset
2023-01-06 10:27 UTC (2+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V2 2/2] tests/vf_pf_reset: "
[dts] [PATCH V2 0/7] add cases to test vf bonding
2023-01-06 9:32 UTC (8+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH V2 1/7] tests/vf_pmd_bonded: add case "
` [dts] [PATCH V2 2/7] test_plans/vf_pmd_bonded: add test plan for "
` [dts] [PATCH V2 3/7] tests/vf_pmd_bonded_8023ad: add case to test "
` [dts] [PATCH V2 4/7] test_plans/vf_pmd_bonded_8023ad: add test plan for "
` [dts] [PATCH V2 5/7] tests/vf_pmd_stacked_bonded: add cases to test "
` [dts] [PATCH V2 6/7] test_plans/vf_pmd_stacked_bonded: add test plan for "
` [dts] [PATCH V2 7/7] test_plans/index: add 3 suite
[dts][PATCH V1] test_plans/loopback_multi_queues: add new case description
2023-01-06 6:22 UTC
[dts][PATCH V3] tests/vm2vm_virtio_pmd: optimization testsuite
2023-01-06 3:31 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 1/2] test_plans/kernelpf_iavf: remove duplicate cases
2023-01-06 2:12 UTC (4+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V1 2/2] tests/kernelpf_iavf: "
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/ice_enable_basic_hqos_on_pf:add new testcases about hqos
2023-01-05 16:53 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 1/2] vf_pf_reset/pf_reset_trigger_Vf_reset: add new case and plan for pf_reset_trigger_vf_reset
2023-01-05 16:25 UTC (2+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V1 2/2] "
[dts] [PATCH V1 1/2] tests/ice_iavf_fdir: add sctp packets
2023-01-05 15:39 UTC (2+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH V1 2/2] test_plans/ice_iavf_fdir: "
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/virtio_user_for_container_networking: modify hard code
2023-01-05 14:30 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/dpdk_gro_lib: optimize bonding NIC ports step
2023-01-05 14:29 UTC (2+ messages)
[DTS][PATCH V3 0/3] add packets count, super-long packets and random payload to the case
2023-01-05 14:26 UTC (6+ messages)
` [DTS][PATCH V3 1/3] test_plans/vf_offload: fix wrong example packets
` [DTS][PATCH V3 2/3] test_plans/vf_offload: add packets count, super-long packets and random payload to the case
` [DTS][PATCH V3 3/3] tests/vf_offload: implement packets count, super-long packet and random payload
[dts][PATCH V2] test*: Add ieee1588_enable on ICE
2023-01-05 14:26 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V2] test*: remove --pkt-filter-mode sync dpdk change
2023-01-05 14:25 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1 0/9]test_plans: add perf test plans
2023-01-05 14:25 UTC (12+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V1 1/9]test_plans: add l3fwd_lpm_ipv4_rfc2544 test plan
` [dts][PATCH V1 2/9]test_plans: add l3fwd_lpm_ipv6 "
` [dts][PATCH V1 3/9]test_plans: add testpmd_perf "
` [dts][PATCH V1 4/9]test_plans: add vf_l3fwd_em_kernelpf "
` [dts][PATCH V1 5/9]test_plans: add vf_l3fwd_kernelpf "
` [dts][PATCH V1 6/9]test_plans: add vf_l3fwd_lpm_ipv4_kernelpf "
` [dts][PATCH V1 7/9]test_plans: add vf_l3fwd_lpm_ipv4_rfc2544_kernelpf "
` [dts][PATCH V1 8/9]test_plans: add vf_l3fwd_lpm_ipv6_kernelpf "
` [dts][PATCH V1 9/9]test_plans: add the index of "
[dts][PATCH V1 1/2] test_plans/vf_pf_reset: add new cases according to testplan
2023-01-05 11:34 UTC (2+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V1 2/2] tests/vf_pf_reset: "
[dts] [PATCH V1 0/7] add cases to test vf bonding
2023-01-05 11:07 UTC (8+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH V1 1/7] tests/vf_pmd_bonded: add case "
` [dts] [PATCH V1 2/7] test_plans/vf_pmd_bonded: "
` [dts] [PATCH V1 3/7] tests/vf_pmd_bonded_8023ad: "
` [dts] [PATCH V1 4/7] test_plans/vf_pmd_bonded_8023ad: add cases "
` [dts] [PATCH V1 5/7] tests/vf_pmd_stacked_bonded: "
` [dts] [PATCH V1 6/7] test_plans/vf_pmd_stacked_bonded: "
` [dts] [PATCH V1 7/7] test_plans/index: add 3 suite
[dts] [PATCH V1 0/7] add cases to test vf bonding
2023-01-05 10:40 UTC (8+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH V1 1/7] tests/vf_pmd_bonded: add case "
` [dts] [PATCH V1 2/7] test_plans/vf_pmd_bonded: "
` [dts] [PATCH V1 3/7] tests/vf_pmd_bonded_8023ad: "
` [dts] [PATCH V1 4/7] test_plans/vf_pmd_bonded_8023ad: add cases "
` [dts] [PATCH V1 5/7] tests/vf_pmd_stacked_bonded: "
` [dts] [PATCH V1 6/7] test_plans/vf_pmd_stacked_bonded: "
` [dts] [PATCH V1 7/7] test_plans/index: add 3 suite
[dts] [PATCH V1] test_plans/multiprocess: optimize the testplan format
2023-01-04 11:29 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts] [PATCH V2 1/2] tests/ice_advanced_iavf_rss_vlan_esp_ah_l2tp_pfcp: add new cases according to testplan
2023-01-04 10:02 UTC (2+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH V2 2/2] test_plans/ice_advanced_iavf_rss_vlan_esp_ah_l2tp_pfcp: add 9 subcase
[dts][PATCH V1 0/2] Add new suite and plan for vf_l2fwd
2023-01-04 1:46 UTC (6+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V1 1/2] test_plans/vf_l2fwd: add vf_l2fwd test plan
` [dts][PATCH V1 2/2] tests/vf_l2fwd: add vf_l2fwd test script
[dts][PATCH V1 2/2] tests/virtio_event_idx_interrupt_cbdma: modify case1&3 rerun times from 10 to 100
2023-01-04 1:40 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1 2/2] tests/vm2vm_virtio_net_perf_dsa: upload testsuite
2023-01-04 1:40 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1] test_plans/vswitch_sample_dsa: delete testplan
2023-01-04 1:39 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1] test_plans/pvp_vhost_dsa: delete testplan
2023-01-04 1:38 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/vhost_event_idx_interrupt_cbdma: delete bind NIC ports step
2023-01-04 1:36 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1] test_plans/perf_virtio_user_loopback: optimize case description
2023-01-04 1:36 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/loopback_virtio_user_server_mode: remove command unbind ports
2023-01-04 1:35 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V2] tests/loopback_multi_queues: add new case and optimize scripts to be consistent with testplan
2023-01-04 1:35 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1 1/2] test_plans/ice_iavf_fdir: add new cases according to testplan
2023-01-04 1:34 UTC (3+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V1 2/2] tests/ice_iavf_fdir: "
[dts][PATCH V2 1/3] framework/settings: enable ICE_25G-E823C_QSFP supported cases
2023-01-04 1:33 UTC (4+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V2 2/3] conf/test_case*: "
` [dts][PATCH V2 3/3] tests/*: "
[dts] [PATCH V3 1/2] tests/multiprocess_iavf: add new case according to testplan
2023-01-04 1:33 UTC (4+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH V3 2/2] test_plans/multiprocess_iavf: add 1 case
[dts] [PATCH V3 1/2] tests/multiprocess: add new case according to testplan
2023-01-04 1:32 UTC (4+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH V3 2/2] test_plans/multiprocess: add 1 case
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/ieee1588: Add this test on ICE
2023-01-04 1:27 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/ice_1pps_signal: remove suite and test plan due to dpdk22.11 changes
2023-01-04 1:24 UTC (3+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/vf_interrupt_pmd: Optimize scripts to increase the number of packets sent
2023-01-04 1:13 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V2] test_plans/dual_vlan: optimize the test steps in the test plan
2023-01-04 1:13 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V4] tests/stats_checks: optimized and add more test points
2023-01-04 1:12 UTC (2+ messages)
[DTS][PATCH V3 0/5] Improve checksum validate and tso packet counting
2023-01-04 1:08 UTC (9+ messages)
` [DTS][PATCH V3 1/5] tests/vf_offload: Improve checksum_validate method
` [DTS][PATCH V3 2/5] tests/vf_offload: Remove redundant variable used
` [DTS][PATCH V3 3/5] tests/vf_offload: Use modified checksum_validate to replace checksum_validate_tunnel
` [DTS][PATCH V3 4/5] tests/vf_offload: Improve tcpdump_analyse_sniff method
` [DTS][PATCH V3 5/5] tests/vf_offload: Replace the tcpdump implementation to a packet reading implementation
[dts][PATCH V2 1/2] test_plans/ice_advanced_rss_vlan_esp_ah_l2tp_pfcp: add PF new cases according to testplan
2023-01-04 1:00 UTC (5+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V2 2/2] tests/ice_advanced_rss_vlan_esp_ah_l2tp_pfcp: "
[V1] framework: add docker container support
2023-01-04 0:59 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/perf_virtio_user_loopback: optimize script code to be consistent with test plan
2023-01-04 0:58 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1 3/3]conf: add ice_header_split_perf configuration file
2023-01-04 0:58 UTC (3+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V2] tests/vm2vm_virtio_pmd: optimization testsuite
2023-01-03 8:05 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/ice_1pps_signal: remove suite and test plan due to dpdk22.11 changes
2023-01-03 5:45 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts] [PATCH V3 1/2] tests/multiprocess: add new case according to testplan
2022-12-30 18:20 UTC (2+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH V3 2/2] test_plans/multiprocess: add 1 case
[dts] [PATCH V3 1/2] tests/multiprocess: add new case according to testplan
2022-12-30 17:37 UTC (2+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH V3 2/2] test_plans/multiprocess: add 1 cases
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/dpdk_gso_lib: optimize code to get NIC driver name
2022-12-30 10:06 UTC
[dts] [PATCH V1 1/2] tests/ice_advanced_iavf_rss_vlan_esp_ah_l2tp_pfcp: add new cases according to testplan
2022-12-30 5:52 UTC (4+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH V1 2/2] test_plans/ice_advanced_iavf_rss_vlan_esp_ah_l2tp_pfcp: add 9 subcase
[dts][PATCH V1] test_plans/*: remove --pkt-filter-mode sync dpdk change
2022-12-29 7:12 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1] test_plans/dual_vlan: optimize the test steps in the test plan
2022-12-28 9:35 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 1/2] test_plans/virtio_event_idx_interrupt_cbdma: modify case1&3 rerun times from 10 to 100
2022-12-28 9:15 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 0/2] modify case1&3 rerun times from 10 to 100
2022-12-28 9:15 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 1/2] test_plans/vm2vm_virtio_net_perf_dsa: modify the dmas prameter
2022-12-28 9:03 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 0/2] modify dmas prameter and upload testsuite
2022-12-28 9:03 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/vm2vm_virtio_pmd: modify testcase name
2022-12-28 8:21 UTC
[DTS][PATCH V2 0/5] Improve checksum validate and tso packet counting
2022-12-28 5:08 UTC (6+ messages)
` [DTS][PATCH V2 1/5] tests/vf_offload: Improve checksum_validate method
` [DTS][PATCH V2 2/5] tests/vf_offload: Remove redundant variable used
` [DTS][PATCH V2 3/5] tests/vf_offload: Use modified checksum_validate to replace checksum_validate_tunnel
` [DTS][PATCH V2 4/5] tests/vf_offload: Improve tcpdump_analyse_sniff method
` [DTS][PATCH V2 5/5] tests/vf_offload: Replace the tcpdump implementation to a packet reading implementation
[dts] [PATCH v2 1/2] tests/multiprocess: add new cases according to testplan
2022-12-28 3:32 UTC (3+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH v2 2/2] test_plans/multiprocess: add 2 cases
[dts] [PATCH V2 1/2] tests/multiprocess_iavf: add new cases according to testplan
2022-12-28 3:28 UTC (3+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH V2 2/2] test_plans/multiprocess_iavf: add 2 cases
[dts] [PATCH v2 1/2] tests/multiprocess: add new cases according to testplan
2022-12-27 17:33 UTC (2+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH v2 2/2] test_plans/multiprocess: add 2 cases
[dts] [PATCH V1 1/2] tests/multiprocess_iavf: add new cases according to testplan
2022-12-27 15:30 UTC (2+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH V1 2/2] test_plans/multiprocess_iavf: add 2 cases
[dts] [PATCH V1 1/2] tests/multiprocess: add new cases according to testplan
2022-12-27 15:20 UTC (2+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH V1 2/2] test_plans/multiprocess: add 2 cases
[DTS][PATCH V1 0/5] Improve checksum validate and tso packet counting
2022-12-27 10:21 UTC (6+ messages)
` [DTS][PATCH V1 1/5] tests/vf_offload: Improve checksum_validate method
` [DTS][PATCH V1 2/5] tests/vf_offload: Remove redundant variable used
` [DTS][PATCH V1 3/5] tests/vf_offload: Use modified checksum_validate to replace checksum_validate_tunnel
` [DTS][PATCH V1 4/5] tests/vf_offload: Improve tcpdump_analyse_sniff method
` [DTS][PATCH V1 5/5] tests/vf_offload: Replace the tcpdump implementation to a packet reading implementation
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/multiprocess_iavf: the optimization script sorts the result check list
2022-12-27 7:56 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 1/2] test_plans/ice_advanced_rss_vlan_esp_ah_l2tp_pfcp: add PF new cases according to testplan
2022-12-27 5:56 UTC (2+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V1 2/2] tests/ice_advanced_rss_vlan_esp_ah_l2tp_pfcp: "
[dts][PATCH V1] test_plans/perf_virtio_user_loopback: optimize case description
2022-12-26 9:39 UTC
[V1] framework/*.py: dts adaptation container]
2022-12-26 7:53 UTC
[dts][PATCH V3] tests/stats_checks: optimized and add more test points
2022-12-26 6:57 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 2/3]tests: add ice_header_split_perf test script
2022-12-26 6:55 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 1/3]test_plans: add ice_header_split_perf test plan
2022-12-26 6:55 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 0/3] add ice_header_split_perf test suite
2022-12-26 6:54 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 1/3] framework/settings: enable ICE_25G-E823C_QSFP supported cases
2022-12-26 6:18 UTC (3+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V1 2/3] conf/test_case*: "
` [dts][PATCH V1 3/3] tests/*: "
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/loopback_multi_queues add new test case and optimize script code to be consistent with test plan
2022-12-26 6:08 UTC
[PATCH] framework: fix umount ahead of mount
2022-12-26 5:26 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1 1/3] framework/settings: enable icxd support cases
2022-12-26 5:05 UTC (3+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V1 2/3] conf/test_case*: "
` [dts][PATCH V1 3/3] tests/*: "
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