Ayuj and Jogarao you might also be interested to look at this one.

On 1 December 2017 at 22:20, Radoslaw Biernacki <radoslaw.biernacki@linaro.org> wrote:
Asking for link speed for ThunderX Ethernet controller is not reliable
since driver report error when the link is down. In fact we dont need
to ask for link speed as Ethernet controllers can be easily identified
by device name from lspci. The mapping will fuhrer filter out the PF
and VF interfaces which does not have the interface name assigned.

Fixes: 150716d93f5e ("framework crb: Appending only 10G devices for cavium")

Signed-off-by: Radoslaw Biernacki <radoslaw.biernacki@linaro.org>
 framework/crb.py | 11 ++---------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/framework/crb.py b/framework/crb.py
index dd29a8b..36b1ffe 100644
--- a/framework/crb.py
+++ b/framework/crb.py
@@ -268,20 +268,13 @@ class Crb(object):
         Look for the NIC's information (PCI Id and card type).
         out = self.send_expect(
-            "lspci -Dnn | grep -i eth", "# ", alt_session=True)
+            "lspci -Dnn | grep -i 'Ethernet controller'", "# ", alt_session=True)
         rexp = r"([\da-f]{4}:[\da-f]{2}:[\da-f]{2}.\d{1}) .*Eth.*?ernet .*?([\da-f]{4}:[\da-f]{4})"
         pattern = re.compile(rexp)
         match = pattern.findall(out)
         self.pci_devices_info = []
         for i in range(len(match)):
-            #check if device is cavium and check its linkspeed, append only if it is 10G
-            if "177d:" in match[i][1]:
-                linkspeed = "10000"
-                nic_linkspeed = self.send_command("cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/net/*/speed" % match[i][0])
-                if nic_linkspeed == linkspeed:
-                    self.pci_devices_info.append((match[i][0], match[i][1]))
-            else:
-                self.pci_devices_info.append((match[i][0], match[i][1]))
+            self.pci_devices_info.append((match[i][0], match[i][1]))

     def pci_devices_information_uncached_freebsd(self):