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Subject: |FAILURE| pw122913 [PATCH v2] net/iavf: add check for mbuf
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Test-Label: loongarch-unit-testing
Test-Status: FAILURE

_Unit Testing FAIL_

Submitter: Mingjin Ye <>
Date: Thu,  2 Feb 2023 10:03:50 +0000
DPDK git baseline: Repo:dpdk-next-net-intel
  Branch: main
  CommitID: 78431f756522c72be13770aab815079671767355

122913 --> testing fail

Test environment and result as below:

|     Environment     | dpdk_unit_test |
| Loongnix-Server 8.3 | FAIL           |

Loongnix-Server 8.3
    Kernel: 4.19.190+
    Compiler: gcc 8.3

Test result details:
  1/103 DPDK:fast-tests / acl_autotest                            OK              2.83s
  2/103 DPDK:fast-tests / atomic_autotest                         OK              7.43s
  3/103 DPDK:fast-tests / bitmap_autotest                         OK              0.07s
  4/103 DPDK:fast-tests / bpf_autotest                            OK              0.07s
  5/103 DPDK:fast-tests / bpf_convert_autotest                    OK              0.07s
  6/103 DPDK:fast-tests / bitops_autotest                         OK              0.07s
  7/103 DPDK:fast-tests / byteorder_autotest                      OK              0.07s
  8/103 DPDK:fast-tests / cksum_autotest                          OK              0.07s
  9/103 DPDK:fast-tests / cmdline_autotest                        OK              0.07s
 10/103 DPDK:fast-tests / common_autotest                         OK              0.92s
 11/103 DPDK:fast-tests / cpuflags_autotest                       OK              0.07s
 12/103 DPDK:fast-tests / debug_autotest                          OK              1.37s
 13/103 DPDK:fast-tests / devargs_autotest                        OK              0.07s
 14/103 DPDK:fast-tests / eal_flags_c_opt_autotest                OK              0.57s
 15/103 DPDK:fast-tests / eal_flags_main_opt_autotest             OK              0.17s
 16/103 DPDK:fast-tests / eal_flags_n_opt_autotest                OK              0.17s
 17/103 DPDK:fast-tests / eal_flags_hpet_autotest                 OK              0.12s
 18/103 DPDK:fast-tests / eal_flags_no_huge_autotest              OK              0.17s
 19/103 DPDK:fast-tests / eal_flags_a_opt_autotest                OK              0.22s
 20/103 DPDK:fast-tests / eal_flags_b_opt_autotest                OK              0.17s
 21/103 DPDK:fast-tests / eal_flags_vdev_opt_autotest             OK              0.17s
 22/103 DPDK:fast-tests / eal_flags_r_opt_autotest                OK              0.17s
 23/103 DPDK:fast-tests / eal_flags_mem_autotest                  OK              0.52s
 24/103 DPDK:fast-tests / eal_flags_file_prefix_autotest          OK              3.23s
 25/103 DPDK:fast-tests / eal_flags_misc_autotest                 OK              0.67s
 26/103 DPDK:fast-tests / eal_fs_autotest                         OK              0.07s
 27/103 DPDK:fast-tests / errno_autotest                          OK              0.07s
 28/103 DPDK:fast-tests / ethdev_link_status                      OK              0.07s
 29/103 DPDK:fast-tests / event_ring_autotest                     OK              0.07s
 30/103 DPDK:fast-tests / fib_autotest                            OK              1.02s
 31/103 DPDK:fast-tests / fib6_autotest                           OK              1.02s
 32/103 DPDK:fast-tests / func_reentrancy_autotest                OK              8.45s
 33/103 DPDK:fast-tests / hash_autotest                           OK              1.02s
 34/103 DPDK:fast-tests / interrupt_autotest                      OK              1.37s
 35/103 DPDK:fast-tests / ipfrag_autotest                         OK              0.07s
 36/103 DPDK:fast-tests / lcores_autotest                         OK              0.92s
 37/103 DPDK:fast-tests / logs_autotest                           OK              0.07s
 38/103 DPDK:fast-tests / lpm_autotest                            OK              6.03s
 39/103 DPDK:fast-tests / lpm6_autotest                           OK              9.25s
 40/103 DPDK:fast-tests / malloc_autotest                         OK             65.30s
 41/103 DPDK:fast-tests / mbuf_autotest                           OK              6.43s
 42/103 DPDK:fast-tests / mcslock_autotest                        OK              2.87s
 43/103 DPDK:fast-tests / memcpy_autotest                         OK              6.68s
 44/103 DPDK:fast-tests / memory_autotest                         OK              0.12s
 45/103 DPDK:fast-tests / mempool_autotest                        OK              0.47s
 46/103 DPDK:fast-tests / memzone_autotest                        OK              0.17s
 47/103 DPDK:fast-tests / meter_autotest                          OK              0.07s
 48/103 DPDK:fast-tests / multiprocess_autotest                   OK              0.17s
 49/103 DPDK:fast-tests / per_lcore_autotest                      OK              0.17s
 50/103 DPDK:fast-tests / pflock_autotest                         OK              0.87s
 51/103 DPDK:fast-tests / prefetch_autotest                       OK              0.07s
 52/103 DPDK:fast-tests / rcu_qsbr_autotest                       OK              0.57s
 53/103 DPDK:fast-tests / pie_autotest                            OK              0.07s
 54/103 DPDK:fast-tests / rib_autotest                            OK             43.57s
 55/103 DPDK:fast-tests / rib6_autotest                           OK             43.82s
 56/103 DPDK:fast-tests / ring_autotest                           OK              0.12s
 57/103 DPDK:fast-tests / rwlock_test1_autotest                   OK              0.82s
 58/103 DPDK:fast-tests / rwlock_rda_autotest                     OK              5.07s
 59/103 DPDK:fast-tests / rwlock_rds_wrm_autotest                 OK              5.07s
 60/103 DPDK:fast-tests / rwlock_rde_wro_autotest                 OK              5.07s
 61/103 DPDK:fast-tests / sched_autotest                          OK              0.07s
 62/103 DPDK:fast-tests / security_autotest                       OK              0.07s
 63/103 DPDK:fast-tests / seqlock_autotest                        OK              2.07s
 64/103 DPDK:fast-tests / spinlock_autotest                       OK              0.17s
 65/103 DPDK:fast-tests / stack_autotest                          OK              0.87s
 66/103 DPDK:fast-tests / stack_lf_autotest                       SKIP            0.07s   exit status 77
 67/103 DPDK:fast-tests / string_autotest                         OK              0.07s
 68/103 DPDK:fast-tests / tailq_autotest                          OK              0.07s
 69/103 DPDK:fast-tests / ticketlock_autotest                     OK              0.22s
 70/103 DPDK:fast-tests / timer_autotest                          OK              3.87s
 71/103 DPDK:fast-tests / user_delay_us                           OK              0.07s
 72/103 DPDK:fast-tests / version_autotest                        OK              0.07s
 73/103 DPDK:fast-tests / crc_autotest                            OK              0.07s
 74/103 DPDK:fast-tests / distributor_autotest                    OK              1.22s
 75/103 DPDK:fast-tests / eventdev_common_autotest                OK              0.07s
 76/103 DPDK:fast-tests / fbarray_autotest                        OK              0.07s
 77/103 DPDK:fast-tests / hash_readwrite_func_autotest            OK              6.49s
 78/103 DPDK:fast-tests / ipsec_autotest                          SKIP            0.07s   exit status 77
 79/103 DPDK:fast-tests / kni_autotest                            SKIP            0.07s   exit status 77
 80/103 DPDK:fast-tests / kvargs_autotest                         OK              0.07s
 81/103 DPDK:fast-tests / member_autotest                         OK              1.37s
 82/103 DPDK:fast-tests / power_cpufreq_autotest                  SKIP            0.07s   exit status 77
 83/103 DPDK:fast-tests / power_autotest                          OK              0.07s
 84/103 DPDK:fast-tests / power_kvm_vm_autotest                   SKIP            0.07s   exit status 77
 85/103 DPDK:fast-tests / power_intel_uncore_autotest             SKIP            0.07s   exit status 77
 86/103 DPDK:fast-tests / reorder_autotest                        OK              0.12s
 87/103 DPDK:fast-tests / service_autotest                        OK              3.32s
 88/103 DPDK:fast-tests / thash_autotest                          OK              0.07s
 89/103 DPDK:fast-tests / threads_autotest                        OK              0.22s
 90/103 DPDK:fast-tests / trace_autotest                          OK              0.07s
 91/103 DPDK:fast-tests / trace_autotest_with_traces              OK              0.12s
 92/103 DPDK:fast-tests / metrics_autotest                        OK              0.07s
 93/103 DPDK:fast-tests / telemetry_json_autotest                 OK              0.07s
 94/103 DPDK:fast-tests / telemetry_data_autotest                 OK              0.07s
 95/103 DPDK:fast-tests / table_autotest                          FAIL            0.57s   exit status 255
 96/103 DPDK:fast-tests / ring_pmd_autotest                       OK              0.07s
 97/103 DPDK:fast-tests / event_eth_tx_adapter_autotest           OK              1.47s
 98/103 DPDK:fast-tests / bitratestats_autotest                   OK              0.07s
 99/103 DPDK:fast-tests / latencystats_autotest                   OK              0.07s
100/103 DPDK:fast-tests / pdump_autotest                          OK              5.17s
101/103 DPDK:fast-tests / vdev_autotest                           OK              0.07s
102/103 DPDK:fast-tests / compressdev_autotest                    SKIP            0.07s   exit status 77
103/103 DPDK:fast-tests / telemetry_all                           OK             14.69s

Ok:                 95
Expected Fail:      0
Fail:               1
Unexpected Pass:    0
Skipped:            7
Timeout:            0

Test logs for failed test cases:
DPDK:fast-tests / table_autotest: FAIL
Getting/Creating the mempool ...

************Pipeline tests************
Added default entry to table id 0 with action 0
Added default entry to table id 1 with action 0
Pipeline Consistency OK!
Got no objects from ring 0 - error code 0
Got no objects from ring 1 - error code 0
Added default entry to table id 0 with action 1
Added default entry to table id 1 with action 1
Pipeline Consistency OK!
Got 2 object(s) from ring 0!
Object: at [0x7005691d40], len=0
Object: at [0x7005692680], len=0
Got 2 object(s) from ring 1!
Object: at [0x7005690ac0], len=0
Object: at [0x7005691400], len=0
Added default entry to table id 0 with action 1
Added default entry to table id 1 with action 1
Pipeline Consistency OK!
STUB Table Action Miss - setting mask to 0x1
STUB Table Action Miss - setting mask to 0x1
Got 1 object(s) from ring 0!
Object: at [0x7005692680], len=0
Got 1 object(s) from ring 1!
Object: at [0x7005691400], len=0
Added default entry to table id 0 with action 1
Added default entry to table id 1 with action 1
Pipeline Consistency OK!
STUB Table Action Miss - setting mask to 0x2
STUB Table Action Miss - setting mask to 0x2
Got 1 object(s) from ring 0!
Object: at [0x7005690ac0], len=0
Got 1 object(s) from ring 1!
Object: at [0x7005692680], len=0
Added default entry to table id 0 with action 1
Added default entry to table id 1 with action 1
Pipeline Consistency OK!
STUB Table Action Miss - setting mask to 0x3
STUB Table Action Miss - setting mask to 0x3
Got 2 object(s) from ring 0!
Object: at [0x7005691d40], len=0
Object: at [0x7005691400], len=0
Got 2 object(s) from ring 1!
Object: at [0x7005692680], len=0
Object: at [0x7005690ac0], len=0
Setting first table to output to next table
Added default entry to table id 0 with action 3
Setting second table to output to port
Added default entry to table id 0 with action 1
Setting first table to output to next table
Added default entry to table id 2 with action 3
Setting second table to output to port
Added default entry to table id 2 with action 1
Pipeline Consistency OK!
Got 2 object(s) from ring 0!
Object: at [0x7005691400], len=0
Object: at [0x7005691d40], len=0
Got 2 object(s) from ring 1!
Object: at [0x7005690ac0], len=0
Object: at [0x7005692680], len=0
TEST - two tables, hitmask override to 0x01
Setting first table to output to next table
Added default entry to table id 0 with action 3
Setting second table to output to port
Added default entry to table id 0 with action 1
Setting first table to output to next table
Added default entry to table id 2 with action 3
Setting second table to output to port
Added default entry to table id 2 with action 1
Pipeline Consistency OK!
STUB Table Action Miss - setting mask to 0x1
STUB Table Action Miss - setting mask to 0x1
STUB Table Action Miss - setting mask to 0x1
STUB Table Action Miss - setting mask to 0x1
Got 1 object(s) from ring 0!
Object: at [0x7005691d40], len=0
Got 1 object(s) from ring 1!
Object: at [0x7005692680], len=0

************Port tests************

************Table tests************

Table test number 3 failed (-7).
Test Failed
EAL: Detected CPU lcores: 32
EAL: Detected NUMA nodes: 8
EAL: Detected static linkage of DPDK
EAL: Multi-process socket /var/run/dpdk/table_autotest/mp_socket
EAL: Selected IOVA mode 'PA'
TELEMETRY: No legacy callbacks, legacy socket not created
APP: HPET is not enabled, using TSC as default timer
PIPELINE: setup_pipeline: **** Setting up Stub test
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: **** Running Stub test
PIPELINE: rte_pipeline_flush: pipeline parameter NULL
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 0
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 0
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 1
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 1
PIPELINE: setup_pipeline: **** Setting up Stub test
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: **** Running Stub test
PIPELINE: rte_pipeline_flush: pipeline parameter NULL
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 0
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 0
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 1
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 1
PIPELINE: setup_pipeline: **** Setting up Stub test
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: **** Running Stub test
PIPELINE: rte_pipeline_flush: pipeline parameter NULL
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 0
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 0
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 1
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 1
PIPELINE: setup_pipeline: **** Setting up Stub test
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: **** Running Stub test
PIPELINE: rte_pipeline_flush: pipeline parameter NULL
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 0
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 0
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 1
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 1
PIPELINE: setup_pipeline: **** Setting up Stub test
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: **** Running Stub test
PIPELINE: rte_pipeline_flush: pipeline parameter NULL
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 0
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 0
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 1
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 1
PIPELINE: setup_pipeline: **** Setting up Stub test
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: **** Running Stub test
PIPELINE: rte_pipeline_flush: pipeline parameter NULL
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 0
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 0
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 1
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 1
PIPELINE: setup_pipeline: **** Setting up Stub test
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: **** Running Stub test
PIPELINE: rte_pipeline_flush: pipeline parameter NULL
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 0
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 0
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 1
PIPELINE: test_pipeline_single_filter: Enqueue onto ring 1
PIPELINE: rte_pipeline_check_params: Incorrect value for parameter params
PIPELINE: rte_pipeline_create: Pipeline params check failed (-22)
PIPELINE: rte_pipeline_check_params: Incorrect value for parameter name
PIPELINE: rte_pipeline_create: Pipeline params check failed (-22)
PIPELINE: rte_pipeline_check_params: Incorrect value for parameter socket_id
PIPELINE: rte_pipeline_create: Pipeline params check failed (-22)
PIPELINE: rte_pipeline_create: Pipeline memory allocation failed
PIPELINE: rte_pipeline_check: pipeline parameter NULL
PORT: rte_port_ring_reader_create_internal: Invalid Parameters
PORT: rte_port_ring_reader_free: port is NULL
PORT: rte_port_ring_writer_create_internal: Invalid Parameters
PORT: rte_port_ring_writer_free: Port is NULL
PORT: rte_port_ring_writer_create_internal: Invalid Parameters
PORT: rte_port_ring_writer_create_internal: Invalid Parameters
TABLE: rte_table_array_free: table parameter is NULL
TABLE: rte_table_array_entry_add: table parameter is NULL
TABLE: rte_table_array_entry_add: entry parameter is NULL
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_create: NULL input parameters
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_create: Table name is NULL
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_create: Invalid n_rules
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_create: Invalid entry_unique_size
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_create: Invalid entry_unique_size
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_free: table parameter is NULL
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_entry_add: table parameter is NULL
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_entry_add: ip_prefix parameter is NULL
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_entry_add: entry parameter is NULL
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_entry_add: invalid depth (0)
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_entry_add: invalid depth (33)
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_entry_delete: table parameter is NULL
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_entry_delete: ip_prefix parameter is NULL
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_entry_delete: invalid depth (0)
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_entry_delete: invalid depth (33)
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_ipv6_create: NULL input parameters
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_ipv6_create: Table name is NULL
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_ipv6_create: Invalid n_rules
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_ipv6_create: Invalid n_rules
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_ipv6_create: Invalid entry_unique_size
TABLE: rte_table_lpm_ipv6_create: Invalid entry_unique_size
HASH: buckets memory allocation failed
LPM: LPM rules hash table allocation failed: No such file or directory (2)TABLE: Unable to create low-level LPM IPv6 table