|SUCCESS| pw116468 [PATCH] [v1] ethdev: add async flow connection tracking configuration
2022-09-20 16:34 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116474 [PATCH] net/iavf: fix outer checksum flags
2022-09-20 16:34 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116480-116482 [PATCH] [v4, 3/3] test/power: add unit tests for uncore API
2022-09-20 16:29 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116474 [PATCH] net/iavf: fix outer checksum flags
2022-09-20 16:27 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116468 [PATCH] [v1] ethdev: add async flow connection tracking configuration
2022-09-20 16:25 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116469 [PATCH] [v1] ethdev: add indirect action async query
2022-09-20 16:21 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116474 [PATCH] net/iavf: fix outer checksum flags
2022-09-20 16:20 UTC
|FAILURE| pw116474 [PATCH] net/iavf: fix outer checksum flags
2022-09-20 16:20 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116474 [PATCH] net/iavf: fix outer checksum flags
2022-09-20 16:15 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116474 [PATCH] net/iavf: fix outer checksum flags
2022-09-20 16:15 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116480-116482 [PATCH] [v4, 3/3] test/power: add unit tests for uncore API
2022-09-20 16:14 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116505) sid(24737) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD4243)[v2] examples/kni: remove deprecated kni example
2022-09-20 16:12 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116469 [PATCH] [v1] ethdev: add indirect action async query
2022-09-20 16:11 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116480-116482 [PATCH] [v4, 3/3] test/power: add unit tests for uncore API
2022-09-20 16:11 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116504 [PATCH] examples/kni: remove deprecated kni example
2022-09-20 16:09 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116480-116482 [PATCH] [v4, 3/3] test/power: add unit tests for uncore API
2022-09-20 16:07 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116480-116482 [PATCH] [v4, 3/3] test/power: add unit tests for uncore API
2022-09-20 16:06 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116480-116482 [PATCH] [v4, 3/3] test/power: add unit tests for uncore API
2022-09-20 16:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116483 [PATCH] [v2] net/nfp: support Corigine PCIe ID for the nfp PMD
2022-09-20 16:02 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116480-116482 [PATCH] [v4, 3/3] test/power: add unit tests for uncore API
2022-09-20 15:59 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116480-116482 [PATCH] [v4, 3/3] test/power: add unit tests for uncore API
2022-09-20 15:58 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116504 [PATCH] examples/kni: remove deprecated kni example
2022-09-20 15:56 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116506 [PATCH v2] raw/ioat: remove deprecated driver
2022-09-20 15:56 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116503 [PATCH] raw/ioat: remove deprecated driver
2022-09-20 15:55 UTC
|WARNING| pw116505 [PATCH v2] examples/kni: remove deprecated kni example
2022-09-20 15:53 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116483 [PATCH] [v2] net/nfp: support Corigine PCIe ID for the nfp PMD
2022-09-20 15:50 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116483 [PATCH] [v2] net/nfp: support Corigine PCIe ID for the nfp PMD
2022-09-20 15:49 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116503 [PATCH] raw/ioat: remove deprecated driver
2022-09-20 15:44 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116483 [PATCH] [v2] net/nfp: support Corigine PCIe ID for the nfp PMD
2022-09-20 15:44 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116483 [PATCH] [v2] net/nfp: support Corigine PCIe ID for the nfp PMD
2022-09-20 15:43 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116483 [PATCH] [v2] net/nfp: support Corigine PCIe ID for the nfp PMD
2022-09-20 15:42 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116483 [PATCH] [v2] net/nfp: support Corigine PCIe ID for the nfp PMD
2022-09-20 15:41 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116474 [PATCH] net/iavf: fix outer checksum flags
2022-09-20 15:41 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116504) sid(24736) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD4242)examples/kni: remove deprecated kni example
2022-09-20 15:37 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116483 [PATCH] [v2] net/nfp: support Corigine PCIe ID for the nfp PMD
2022-09-20 15:37 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116484 [PATCH] [v4] usertools: rewrite pmdinfo
2022-09-20 15:36 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116484 [PATCH] [v4] usertools: rewrite pmdinfo
2022-09-20 15:33 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116474 [PATCH] net/iavf: fix outer checksum flags
2022-09-20 15:33 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116484 [PATCH] [v4] usertools: rewrite pmdinfo
2022-09-20 15:32 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116487-116491 [PATCH] [v2, 6/6] doc: add some extended features in procinfo guide
2022-09-20 15:28 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116480-116482 [PATCH] [v4, 3/3] test/power: add unit tests for uncore API
2022-09-20 15:28 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116484 [PATCH] [v4] usertools: rewrite pmdinfo
2022-09-20 15:25 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116484 [PATCH] [v4] usertools: rewrite pmdinfo
2022-09-20 15:23 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116484 [PATCH] [v4] usertools: rewrite pmdinfo
2022-09-20 15:21 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116480-116482 [PATCH] [v4, 3/3] test/power: add unit tests for uncore API
2022-09-20 15:18 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116504 [PATCH] examples/kni: remove deprecated kni example
2022-09-20 15:18 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116487-116491 [PATCH] [v2, 6/6] doc: add some extended features in procinfo guide
2022-09-20 15:17 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116483 [PATCH] [v2] net/nfp: support Corigine PCIe ID for the nfp PMD
2022-09-20 15:15 UTC
|WARNING| pw116503 [PATCH] raw/ioat: remove deprecated driver
2022-09-20 15:14 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116484 [PATCH] [v4] usertools: rewrite pmdinfo
2022-09-20 15:13 UTC
|WARNING| pw116478 [PATCH] [v3] net/iavf: enable inner and outer Tx checksum offload
2022-09-20 15:12 UTC
|FAILURE| pw116487-116491 [PATCH] [v2, 6/6] doc: add some extended features in procinfo guide
2022-09-20 15:11 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116484 [PATCH] [v4] usertools: rewrite pmdinfo
2022-09-20 15:11 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116487-116491 [PATCH] [v2, 6/6] doc: add some extended features in procinfo guide
2022-09-20 15:10 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116483 [PATCH] [v2] net/nfp: support Corigine PCIe ID for the nfp PMD
2022-09-20 15:06 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116487-116491 [PATCH] [v2, 6/6] doc: add some extended features in procinfo guide
2022-09-20 15:02 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116484 [PATCH] [v4] usertools: rewrite pmdinfo
2022-09-20 15:02 UTC
|FAILURE| pw116493-116502 [PATCH] [10/10] net/mlx5: translation of rte flow send to kernel action
2022-09-20 15:00 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116487-116491 [PATCH] [v2, 6/6] doc: add some extended features in procinfo guide
2022-09-20 14:57 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116484 [PATCH] [v4] usertools: rewrite pmdinfo
2022-09-20 14:54 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116487-116491 [PATCH] [v2, 6/6] doc: add some extended features in procinfo guide
2022-09-20 14:48 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116487-116491 [PATCH] [v2, 6/6] doc: add some extended features in procinfo guide
2022-09-20 14:44 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116487-116491 [PATCH] [v2, 6/6] doc: add some extended features in procinfo guide
2022-09-20 14:42 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116487-116491 [PATCH] [v2, 6/6] doc: add some extended features in procinfo guide
2022-09-20 14:41 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116502 [PATCH 10/10] net/mlx5: translation of rte flow send to kernel action
2022-09-20 14:39 UTC (2+ messages)
|FAILURE| pw116493-116502 [PATCH] [10/10] net/mlx5: translation of rte flow send to kernel action
2022-09-20 14:37 UTC
|FAILURE| pw116493-116502 [PATCH] [10/10] net/mlx5: translation of rte flow send to kernel action
2022-09-20 14:33 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116502) sid(24734) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD4240)[10/10] net/mlx5: translation of rte flow send to kernel action
2022-09-20 14:23 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116497 [PATCH 04/10] net/mlx5: add function to create send to kernel action
2022-09-20 14:07 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116496 [PATCH 05/10] net/mlx5: introduce new mlx5 action flag
2022-09-20 14:07 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116498 [PATCH 06/10] net/mlx5: introduce new mlx5 flow fate
2022-09-20 14:07 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116499 [PATCH 07/10] net/mlx5: get priority to send traffic to kernel
2022-09-20 14:07 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116500 [PATCH 08/10] net/mlx5: expose table resource release function
2022-09-20 14:07 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116501 [PATCH 09/10] net/mlx5: add send to kernel action resource holder
2022-09-20 14:07 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116493 [PATCH 01/10] common/mlx5: update meson build file
2022-09-20 14:06 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116494 [PATCH 02/10] net/mlx5: disable send to kernel action in HW streering
2022-09-20 14:06 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116495 [PATCH 03/10] common/mlx5: new glue callback for send to kernel action
2022-09-20 14:05 UTC
[dts-test-report] |FAILURE| pw(116320) sid(24669) job(DTS_AUTO_1637) [1/1] test_plans/af_xdp_test_plan.rst: Add test plan for AF_XDP
2022-09-20 13:48 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116320) sid(24669) job(DTS_AUTO_1637) [1/1] test_plans/af_xdp_test_plan.rst: Add test plan for AF_XDP
2022-09-20 13:47 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116320) sid(24669) job(DTS_AUTO_1637) [1/1] test_plans/af_xdp_test_plan.rst: Add test plan for AF_XDP
2022-09-20 13:29 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116320) sid(24669) job(DTS_AUTO_1637) [1/1] test_plans/af_xdp_test_plan.rst: Add test plan for AF_XDP
2022-09-20 13:28 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116320) sid(24669) job(DTS_AUTO_1637) [1/1] test_plans/af_xdp_test_plan.rst: Add test plan for AF_XDP
2022-09-20 13:27 UTC
[dts-test-report] |FAILURE| pw(116320) sid(24669) job(DTS_AUTO_1635) [1/1] test_plans/af_xdp_test_plan.rst: Add test plan for AF_XDP
2022-09-20 13:24 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116320) sid(24669) job(DTS_AUTO_1635) [1/1] test_plans/af_xdp_test_plan.rst: Add test plan for AF_XDP
2022-09-20 13:23 UTC
[dts-test-report] |FAILURE| pw(116320) sid(24669) job(DTS_AUTO_1635) [1/1] test_plans/af_xdp_test_plan.rst: Add test plan for AF_XDP
2022-09-20 13:22 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116320) sid(24669) job(DTS_AUTO_1635) [1/1] test_plans/af_xdp_test_plan.rst: Add test plan for AF_XDP
2022-09-20 13:04 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116320) sid(24669) job(DTS_AUTO_1635) [1/1] test_plans/af_xdp_test_plan.rst: Add test plan for AF_XDP
2022-09-20 13:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116491 [PATCH v2 6/6] doc: add some extended features in procinfo guide
2022-09-20 12:00 UTC (2+ messages)
|WARNING| pw116484 [PATCH v4] usertools: rewrite pmdinfo
2022-09-20 11:59 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts-test-report] |FAILURE| pw(116076-116077) sid(24606) job(DTS_AUTO_1634) [V2, 2/2] test_plans/dual_vlan: optimize dual_vlan test plan
2022-09-20 11:58 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116076-116077) sid(24606) job(DTS_AUTO_1634) [V2, 2/2] test_plans/dual_vlan: optimize dual_vlan test plan
2022-09-20 11:46 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116076-116077) sid(24606) job(DTS_AUTO_1634) [V2, 2/2] test_plans/dual_vlan: optimize dual_vlan test plan
2022-09-20 11:45 UTC
|WARNING| pw116483 [PATCH v2] net/nfp: support Corigine PCIe ID for the nfp PMD
2022-09-20 11:39 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116076-116077) sid(24606) job(DTS_AUTO_1634) [V2, 2/2] test_plans/dual_vlan: optimize dual_vlan test plan
2022-09-20 11:31 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116076-116077) sid(24606) job(DTS_AUTO_1634) [V2, 2/2] test_plans/dual_vlan: optimize dual_vlan test plan
2022-09-20 11:29 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116076-116077) sid(24606) job(DTS_AUTO_1634) [V2, 2/2] test_plans/dual_vlan: optimize dual_vlan test plan
2022-09-20 11:29 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116475-116476) sid(24727) job(DTS_AUTO_1633) [V2, 2/2] tests/ice_dcf_switch_filter_pppoe: optimization script
2022-09-20 11:24 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116482 [PATCH v4 3/3] test/power: add unit tests for uncore API
2022-09-20 11:00 UTC (2+ messages)
[dpdk-test-report] |FAILURE| dts daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 10:58 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |FAILURE| dts daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 10:58 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |FAILURE| dts daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 10:58 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116489 [PATCH v2 3/6] app/procinfo: add module info dump
2022-09-20 10:55 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116488 [PATCH v2 4/6] app/proc-info: add dump of Rx/Tx burst mode
2022-09-20 10:55 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116490 [PATCH v2 5/6] app/procinfo: fix some wrong doxygen syntax
2022-09-20 10:55 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116487 [PATCH v2 1/6] app/procinfo: add version dump
2022-09-20 10:53 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116486 [PATCH v2 2/6] app/procinfo: add RSS RETA dump
2022-09-20 10:53 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |FAILURE| dpdk-next-net-mrvl daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 10:38 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| dpdk-next-net-mlx daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 10:26 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116474 [PATCH] net/iavf: fix outer checksum flags
2022-09-20 10:19 UTC (2+ messages)
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| dpdk-next-net-intel daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 10:15 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| dpdk-next-net-brcm daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 10:04 UTC
|WARNING| pw116477 [PATCH v3] usertools: rewrite pmdinfo
2022-09-20 9:59 UTC (2+ messages)
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| dpdk-next-net daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 9:53 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116480 [PATCH v4 1/3] power: add uncore frequency control API to the power library
2022-09-20 9:50 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116481 [PATCH v4 2/3] l3fwd-power: add option to call uncore API
2022-09-20 9:49 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| dpdk-next-eventdev daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 9:41 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |FAILURE| pw(116478) sid(24729) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD4235)[v3] net/iavf: enable inner and outer Tx checksum offload
2022-09-20 9:33 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |FAILURE| dpdk-next-crypto daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 9:21 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116478 [PATCH v3] net/iavf: enable inner and outer Tx checksum offload
2022-09-20 9:14 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |FAILURE| dpdk daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 9:05 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116475-116476) sid(24727) job(DTS_AUTO_1633) [V2, 2/2] tests/ice_dcf_switch_filter_pppoe: optimization script
2022-09-20 9:02 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116475-116476) sid(24727) job(DTS_AUTO_1633) [V2, 2/2] tests/ice_dcf_switch_filter_pppoe: optimization script
2022-09-20 9:02 UTC
[dts-test-report] |FAILURE| pw(116472-116473) sid(24725) job(DTS_AUTO_1632) [V1, 2/2] tests/vm2vm_virtio_net_perf: add tso=1 parameter when start virtio backend side
2022-09-20 8:56 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116469 [PATCH v1] ethdev: add indirect action async query
2022-09-20 8:39 UTC (2+ messages)
|SUCCESS| pw116468 [PATCH v1] ethdev: add async flow connection tracking configuration
2022-09-20 8:39 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116472-116473) sid(24725) job(DTS_AUTO_1632) [V1, 2/2] tests/vm2vm_virtio_net_perf: add tso=1 parameter when start virtio backend side
2022-09-20 8:33 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116472-116473) sid(24725) job(DTS_AUTO_1632) [V1, 2/2] tests/vm2vm_virtio_net_perf: add tso=1 parameter when start virtio backend side
2022-09-20 8:32 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116467 [PATCH v2] drivers: remove support to limit XAQ in cnxk event driver
2022-09-20 8:19 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116472-116473) sid(24725) job(DTS_AUTO_1632) [V1, 2/2] tests/vm2vm_virtio_net_perf: add tso=1 parameter when start virtio backend side
2022-09-20 8:08 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116472-116473) sid(24725) job(DTS_AUTO_1632) [V1, 2/2] tests/vm2vm_virtio_net_perf: add tso=1 parameter when start virtio backend side
2022-09-20 8:07 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116472-116473) sid(24725) job(DTS_AUTO_1632) [V1, 2/2] tests/vm2vm_virtio_net_perf: add tso=1 parameter when start virtio backend side
2022-09-20 8:06 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |FAILURE| dts daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 8:03 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |FAILURE| dts daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 8:03 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |FAILURE| dts daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 8:03 UTC
[dts-test-report] |WARNING| pw(116470) sid(24724) job(DTS_AUTO_1631) [V1] tests/pvp_vhost_user_reconnect: use the iperf test result as the expect value
2022-09-20 7:54 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116470) sid(24724) job(DTS_AUTO_1630) [V1] tests/pvp_vhost_user_reconnect: use the iperf test result as the expect value
2022-09-20 7:52 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116470) sid(24724) job(DTS_AUTO_1630) [V1] tests/pvp_vhost_user_reconnect: use the iperf test result as the expect value
2022-09-20 7:52 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |FAILURE| dts daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 7:42 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |FAILURE| dts daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 7:42 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |FAILURE| dts daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 7:41 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| dpdk-next-virtio daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 7:40 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| dpdk-next-net-mrvl daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 7:26 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| dpdk-next-net-mlx daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 7:14 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| dpdk-next-net-intel daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 7:03 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| dpdk-next-net-brcm daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 6:52 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116452-116453) sid(24718) job(DTS_AUTO_1629) [V3, 2/2] tests/telemetry:add cases to check laser power in dpdk
2022-09-20 6:44 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116452-116453) sid(24718) job(DTS_AUTO_1629) [V3, 2/2] tests/telemetry:add cases to check laser power in dpdk
2022-09-20 6:41 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |FAILURE| dpdk-next-net daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 6:40 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116452-116453) sid(24718) job(DTS_AUTO_1629) [V3, 2/2] tests/telemetry:add cases to check laser power in dpdk
2022-09-20 6:40 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116452-116453) sid(24718) job(DTS_AUTO_1629) [V3, 2/2] tests/telemetry:add cases to check laser power in dpdk
2022-09-20 6:40 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116452-116453) sid(24718) job(DTS_AUTO_1628) [V3, 2/2] tests/telemetry:add cases to check laser power in dpdk
2022-09-20 6:37 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116452-116453) sid(24718) job(DTS_AUTO_1628) [V3, 2/2] tests/telemetry:add cases to check laser power in dpdk
2022-09-20 6:34 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |FAILURE| dpdk-next-eventdev daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 6:29 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116464-116466) sid(24720) job(DTS_AUTO_1627) [V3, 3/3] tests/ice_rx_timestamp: ice support rx timestamp
2022-09-20 6:21 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116464-116466) sid(24720) job(DTS_AUTO_1627) [V3, 3/3] tests/ice_rx_timestamp: ice support rx timestamp
2022-09-20 6:20 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116464-116466) sid(24720) job(DTS_AUTO_1627) [V3, 3/3] tests/ice_rx_timestamp: ice support rx timestamp
2022-09-20 6:19 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116464-116466) sid(24720) job(DTS_AUTO_1627) [V3, 3/3] tests/ice_rx_timestamp: ice support rx timestamp
2022-09-20 6:18 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| dpdk-next-crypto daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 6:18 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116464-116466) sid(24720) job(DTS_AUTO_1626) [V3, 3/3] tests/ice_rx_timestamp: ice support rx timestamp
2022-09-20 6:16 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116464-116466) sid(24720) job(DTS_AUTO_1626) [V3, 3/3] tests/ice_rx_timestamp: ice support rx timestamp
2022-09-20 6:14 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116464-116466) sid(24720) job(DTS_AUTO_1626) [V3, 3/3] tests/ice_rx_timestamp: ice support rx timestamp
2022-09-20 6:13 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 7bcd45ce824d0ea2a9f30d16855613a93521851b
2022-09-20 6:12 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(116464-116466) sid(24720) job(DTS_AUTO_1625) [V3, 3/3] tests/ice_rx_timestamp: ice support rx timestamp
2022-09-20 6:11 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| dpdk daily Intel builds
2022-09-20 6:06 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 73655c6414914c99a33010e9e7bdae9cafd24404
2022-09-20 6:01 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 73655c6414914c99a33010e9e7bdae9cafd24404
2022-09-20 5:50 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 7bcd45ce824d0ea2a9f30d16855613a93521851b
2022-09-20 5:50 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 7bcd45ce824d0ea2a9f30d16855613a93521851b
2022-09-20 5:50 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 7bcd45ce824d0ea2a9f30d16855613a93521851b
2022-09-20 5:43 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 7bcd45ce824d0ea2a9f30d16855613a93521851b
2022-09-20 5:41 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 7bcd45ce824d0ea2a9f30d16855613a93521851b
2022-09-20 5:40 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 7bcd45ce824d0ea2a9f30d16855613a93521851b
2022-09-20 5:34 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 7bcd45ce824d0ea2a9f30d16855613a93521851b
2022-09-20 5:30 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 7bcd45ce824d0ea2a9f30d16855613a93521851b
2022-09-20 5:26 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 7bcd45ce824d0ea2a9f30d16855613a93521851b
2022-09-20 5:22 UTC
|FAILURE| pw116462 [PATCH 8/8] test/memarea: support backup memory test
2022-09-20 5:19 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 7bcd45ce824d0ea2a9f30d16855613a93521851b
2022-09-20 5:19 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 73655c6414914c99a33010e9e7bdae9cafd24404
2022-09-20 5:19 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 73655c6414914c99a33010e9e7bdae9cafd24404
2022-09-20 5:13 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 73655c6414914c99a33010e9e7bdae9cafd24404
2022-09-20 5:11 UTC
|FAILURE| [GIT MASTER] 73655c6414914c99a33010e9e7bdae9cafd24404
2022-09-20 5:09 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 73655c6414914c99a33010e9e7bdae9cafd24404
2022-09-20 5:07 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 73655c6414914c99a33010e9e7bdae9cafd24404
2022-09-20 4:58 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 73655c6414914c99a33010e9e7bdae9cafd24404
2022-09-20 4:56 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 73655c6414914c99a33010e9e7bdae9cafd24404
2022-09-20 4:55 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 73655c6414914c99a33010e9e7bdae9cafd24404
2022-09-20 4:53 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116448-116451 [PATCH] [v4, 4/4] net/ice: support buffer split in Rx path
2022-09-20 4:46 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116451 [PATCH v4 4/4] net/ice: support buffer split in Rx path
2022-09-20 4:39 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116448-116451 [PATCH] [v4, 4/4] net/ice: support buffer split in Rx path
2022-09-20 4:39 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw116448-116451 [PATCH] [v4, 4/4] net/ice: support buffer split in Rx path
2022-09-20 4:29 UTC
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