|SUCCESS| pw124334 [PATCH v6] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 22:39 UTC (4+ messages)
|SUCCESS| pw124312-124333 [PATCH v9 22/22] hash: convert RTE_LOGTYPE_HASH to dynamic type
2023-02-21 21:59 UTC (4+ messages)
` |SUCCESS| pw124333 "
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| dpdk-next-crypto daily Intel builds
2023-02-21 21:52 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124334 [PATCH] [v6] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 21:52 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124335 [PATCH] net/mana: use RTE_LOG_DP for logs on datapath
2023-02-21 21:46 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124294 [PATCH] net/af_xdp: fix integer handling issues
2023-02-21 21:45 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 14a61443b2f99f4d14f242c1f8636bfacbaaf32c
2023-02-21 21:44 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124303 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 21:42 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124306-124310 [PATCH v7 5/5] ipsec: fix usage of RTE_LOGTYPE_USER1
2023-02-21 21:39 UTC (4+ messages)
` |SUCCESS| pw124310 "
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| dpdk-next-baseband daily Intel builds
2023-02-21 21:36 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124294 [PATCH] net/af_xdp: fix integer handling issues
2023-02-21 21:34 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124294 [PATCH] net/af_xdp: fix integer handling issues
2023-02-21 21:34 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124335 [PATCH] net/mana: use RTE_LOG_DP for logs on datapath
2023-02-21 21:33 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124294 [PATCH] net/af_xdp: fix integer handling issues
2023-02-21 21:32 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124294 [PATCH] net/af_xdp: fix integer handling issues
2023-02-21 21:30 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124312-124333 [PATCH] [v9, 22/22] hash: convert RTE_LOGTYPE_HASH to dynamic type
2023-02-21 21:25 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124334 [PATCH] [v6] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 21:25 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124335 [PATCH] net/mana: use RTE_LOG_DP for logs on datapath
2023-02-21 21:25 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124294 [PATCH] net/af_xdp: fix integer handling issues
2023-02-21 21:25 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124294 [PATCH] net/af_xdp: fix integer handling issues
2023-02-21 21:24 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 14a61443b2f99f4d14f242c1f8636bfacbaaf32c
2023-02-21 21:23 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124294 [PATCH] net/af_xdp: fix integer handling issues
2023-02-21 21:21 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] (Testing) |SUCCESS| pw(124335) sid(27129) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD6571-20230222045127) net/mana: use RTE_LOG_DP for logs on datapath
2023-02-21 21:20 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| dpdk daily Intel builds
2023-02-21 21:20 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124312-124333 [PATCH] [v9, 22/22] hash: convert RTE_LOGTYPE_HASH to dynamic type
2023-02-21 21:18 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124335 [PATCH] net/mana: use RTE_LOG_DP for logs on datapath
2023-02-21 21:18 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124294 [PATCH] net/af_xdp: fix integer handling issues
2023-02-21 21:17 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124294 [PATCH] net/af_xdp: fix integer handling issues
2023-02-21 21:15 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124294 [PATCH] net/af_xdp: fix integer handling issues
2023-02-21 21:14 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124335 [PATCH] net/mana: use RTE_LOG_DP for logs on datapath
2023-02-21 21:14 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124334 [PATCH] [v6] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 21:13 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124294 [PATCH] net/af_xdp: fix integer handling issues
2023-02-21 21:12 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124306-124310 [PATCH] [v7, 5/5] ipsec: fix usage of RTE_LOGTYPE_USER1
2023-02-21 21:11 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124335 [PATCH] net/mana: use RTE_LOG_DP for logs on datapath
2023-02-21 21:10 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124294 [PATCH] net/af_xdp: fix integer handling issues
2023-02-21 21:08 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw123879 [PATCH] net/hns3: support disable IOVA as PA mode
2023-02-21 21:07 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(124335) sid(27129) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD6571)net/mana: use RTE_LOG_DP for logs on datapath
2023-02-21 21:07 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124334 [PATCH] [v6] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 21:06 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124302 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 21:05 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124297-124299 [PATCH] [v1, 2/2] net/octeon_ep: support port kind
2023-02-21 21:04 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124306-124310 [PATCH] [v7, 5/5] ipsec: fix usage of RTE_LOGTYPE_USER1
2023-02-21 21:04 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124297-124299 [PATCH] [v1, 2/2] net/octeon_ep: support port kind
2023-02-21 21:04 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 14a61443b2f99f4d14f242c1f8636bfacbaaf32c
2023-02-21 21:02 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124297-124299 [PATCH] [v1, 2/2] net/octeon_ep: support port kind
2023-02-21 20:57 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124294 [PATCH] net/af_xdp: fix integer handling issues
2023-02-21 20:57 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124334 [PATCH] [v6] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 20:55 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124297-124299 [PATCH] [v1, 2/2] net/octeon_ep: support port kind
2023-02-21 20:53 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124312-124333 [PATCH] [v9, 22/22] hash: convert RTE_LOGTYPE_HASH to dynamic type
2023-02-21 20:53 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124297-124299 [PATCH] [v1, 2/2] net/octeon_ep: support port kind
2023-02-21 20:53 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124334 [PATCH] [v6] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 20:51 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 14a61443b2f99f4d14f242c1f8636bfacbaaf32c
2023-02-21 20:49 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124312-124333 [PATCH] [v9, 22/22] hash: convert RTE_LOGTYPE_HASH to dynamic type
2023-02-21 20:47 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| dpdk daily Intel builds
2023-02-21 20:47 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124297-124299 [PATCH] [v1, 2/2] net/octeon_ep: support port kind
2023-02-21 20:46 UTC
[dpdk-test-report]|SUCCESS | dpdk|b0f7935508| Intel-Testing
2023-02-21 20:45 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124297-124299 [PATCH] [v1, 2/2] net/octeon_ep: support port kind
2023-02-21 20:45 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124297-124299 [PATCH] [v1, 2/2] net/octeon_ep: support port kind
2023-02-21 20:43 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124286 [PATCH] [v2] app/testpmd: fix flex item compilation error
2023-02-21 20:43 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124335 [PATCH] net/mana: use RTE_LOG_DP for logs on datapath
2023-02-21 20:43 UTC (3+ messages)
|SUCCESS| pw124297-124299 [PATCH] [v1, 2/2] net/octeon_ep: support port kind
2023-02-21 20:43 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124312-124333 [PATCH] [v9, 22/22] hash: convert RTE_LOGTYPE_HASH to dynamic type
2023-02-21 20:40 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124297-124299 [PATCH] [v1, 2/2] net/octeon_ep: support port kind
2023-02-21 20:39 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124312-124333 [PATCH] [v9, 22/22] hash: convert RTE_LOGTYPE_HASH to dynamic type
2023-02-21 20:36 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124306-124310 [PATCH] [v7, 5/5] ipsec: fix usage of RTE_LOGTYPE_USER1
2023-02-21 20:33 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 14a61443b2f99f4d14f242c1f8636bfacbaaf32c
2023-02-21 20:32 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124312-124333 [PATCH] [v9, 22/22] hash: convert RTE_LOGTYPE_HASH to dynamic type
2023-02-21 20:32 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 14a61443b2f99f4d14f242c1f8636bfacbaaf32c
2023-02-21 20:28 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124306-124310 [PATCH] [v7, 5/5] ipsec: fix usage of RTE_LOGTYPE_USER1
2023-02-21 20:26 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124297-124299 [PATCH] [v1, 2/2] net/octeon_ep: support port kind
2023-02-21 20:25 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124286 [PATCH] [v2] app/testpmd: fix flex item compilation error
2023-02-21 20:23 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124297-124299 [PATCH] [v1, 2/2] net/octeon_ep: support port kind
2023-02-21 20:20 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 14a61443b2f99f4d14f242c1f8636bfacbaaf32c
2023-02-21 20:20 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124297-124299 [PATCH] [v1, 2/2] net/octeon_ep: support port kind
2023-02-21 20:20 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124303 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 20:19 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124200 [PATCH] ipsec_mb: expect ENOTSUP in ipsec_mb_create()
2023-02-21 20:17 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 14a61443b2f99f4d14f242c1f8636bfacbaaf32c
2023-02-21 20:17 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124297-124299 [PATCH] [v1, 2/2] net/octeon_ep: support port kind
2023-02-21 20:16 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124304 [PATCH] [v5] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 20:16 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] (Testing) |SUCCESS| pw(124334) sid(27128) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD6570-20230222034626) [v6] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 20:15 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124334 [PATCH] [v6] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 20:13 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 14a61443b2f99f4d14f242c1f8636bfacbaaf32c
2023-02-21 20:13 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124306-124310 [PATCH] [v7, 5/5] ipsec: fix usage of RTE_LOGTYPE_USER1
2023-02-21 20:12 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124286 [PATCH] [v2] app/testpmd: fix flex item compilation error
2023-02-21 20:10 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124306-124310 [PATCH] [v7, 5/5] ipsec: fix usage of RTE_LOGTYPE_USER1
2023-02-21 20:09 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124297-124299 [PATCH] [v1, 2/2] net/octeon_ep: support port kind
2023-02-21 20:08 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124286 [PATCH] [v2] app/testpmd: fix flex item compilation error
2023-02-21 20:03 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(124334) sid(27128) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD6570)[v6] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 20:02 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124306-124310 [PATCH] [v7, 5/5] ipsec: fix usage of RTE_LOGTYPE_USER1
2023-02-21 20:00 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124306-124310 [PATCH] [v7, 5/5] ipsec: fix usage of RTE_LOGTYPE_USER1
2023-02-21 20:00 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124302 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 19:59 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124306-124310 [PATCH] [v7, 5/5] ipsec: fix usage of RTE_LOGTYPE_USER1
2023-02-21 19:58 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124304 [PATCH] [v5] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:55 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124306-124310 [PATCH] [v7, 5/5] ipsec: fix usage of RTE_LOGTYPE_USER1
2023-02-21 19:54 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] (Testing) |SUCCESS| pw(124312-124333) sid(27127) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD6569-20230222031735) [v9, 22/22] hash: convert RTE_LOGTYPE_HASH to dynamic type
2023-02-21 19:52 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124286 [PATCH] [v2] app/testpmd: fix flex item compilation error
2023-02-21 19:52 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124286 [PATCH] [v2] app/testpmd: fix flex item compilation error
2023-02-21 19:50 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124302 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 19:48 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124304 [PATCH] [v5] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:47 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124301 [PATCH] [v4] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:47 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124312-124333 [PATCH] [v9, 22/22] hash: convert RTE_LOGTYPE_HASH to dynamic type
2023-02-21 19:47 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124301 [PATCH] [v4] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:47 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124286 [PATCH] [v2] app/testpmd: fix flex item compilation error
2023-02-21 19:46 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124301 [PATCH] [v4] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:44 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124301 [PATCH] [v4] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:41 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124302 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 19:40 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124286 [PATCH] [v2] app/testpmd: fix flex item compilation error
2023-02-21 19:39 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124300 [PATCH v4] net/ark: support for single function with multiple port
2023-02-21 19:39 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(124333) sid(27127) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD6569)[v9, 22/22] hash: convert RTE_LOGTYPE_HASH to dynamic type
2023-02-21 19:39 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124301 [PATCH] [v4] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:36 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124301 [PATCH] [v4] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:35 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124286 [PATCH] [v2] app/testpmd: fix flex item compilation error
2023-02-21 19:34 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 14a61443b2f99f4d14f242c1f8636bfacbaaf32c
2023-02-21 19:32 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124304 [PATCH] [v5] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:31 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124304 [PATCH] [v5] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:31 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] (Testing) |SUCCESS| pw(124306-124310) sid(27126) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD6568-20230222030136) [v7, 5/5] ipsec: fix usage of RTE_LOGTYPE_USER1
2023-02-21 19:31 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124301 [PATCH] [v4] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:30 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124304 [PATCH] [v5] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:30 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124301 [PATCH] [v4] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:26 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124301 [PATCH] [v4] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:24 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124302 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 19:23 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124301 [PATCH] [v4] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:23 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124303 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 19:21 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124304 [PATCH] [v5] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:20 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124301 [PATCH] [v4] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:20 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124304 [PATCH] [v5] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:20 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124301 [PATCH] [v4] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:19 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(124310) sid(27126) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD6568)[v7, 5/5] ipsec: fix usage of RTE_LOGTYPE_USER1
2023-02-21 19:17 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124302 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 19:16 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124304 [PATCH] [v5] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:16 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124303 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 19:16 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124288-124293 [PATCH] [v2, 6/6] net/nfp: fix the set IPv4/v6 DSCP flow action
2023-02-21 19:11 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124302 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 19:10 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124301 [PATCH] [v4] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 19:10 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124324 [PATCH v9 13/22] kni: replace RTE_LOGTYPE_KNI with dynamic type
2023-02-21 19:06 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124325 [PATCH v9 14/22] sched: replace RTE_LOGTYPE_SCHED with dynamic type
2023-02-21 19:06 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124326 [PATCH v9 15/22] examples/ipsecgw: replace RTE_LOGTYPE_PORT
2023-02-21 19:05 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124327 [PATCH v9 16/22] port: replace RTE_LOGTYPE_PORT with dynamic type
2023-02-21 19:05 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124328 [PATCH v9 17/22] table: convert RTE_LOGTYPE_TABLE to dynamic logtype
2023-02-21 19:05 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124329 [PATCH v9 18/22] app/test: remove use of RTE_LOGTYPE_PIPELINE
2023-02-21 19:05 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124330 [PATCH v9 19/22] pipeline: replace RTE_LOGTYPE_PIPELINE with dynamic type
2023-02-21 19:05 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124331 [PATCH v9 20/22] hash: move rte_thash_gfni stubs out of header file
2023-02-21 19:05 UTC
|WARNING| pw124332 [PATCH v9 21/22] hash: move rte_hash_set_alg out header
2023-02-21 19:05 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124288-124293 [PATCH] [v2, 6/6] net/nfp: fix the set IPv4/v6 DSCP flow action
2023-02-21 19:05 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124312 [PATCH v9 01/22] gso: don't log message on non TCP/UDP
2023-02-21 19:04 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124313 [PATCH v9 02/22] eal: drop no longer used GSO logtype
2023-02-21 19:04 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124314 [PATCH v9 03/22] log: drop unused RTE_LOGTYPE_TIMER
2023-02-21 19:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124315 [PATCH v9 04/22] efd: replace RTE_LOGTYPE_EFD with dynamic type
2023-02-21 19:03 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124300 [PATCH] [v4] net/ark: support for single function with multiple port
2023-02-21 19:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124316 [PATCH v9 05/22] mbuf: replace RTE_LOGTYPE_MBUF with dynamic type
2023-02-21 19:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124317 [PATCH v9 06/22] acl: replace LOGTYPE_ACL with dynamic type
2023-02-21 19:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124318 [PATCH v9 07/22] examples/power: replace use of RTE_LOGTYPE_POWER
2023-02-21 19:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124319 [PATCH v9 08/22] examples/l3fwd-power: replace use of RTE_LOGTYPE_POWER
2023-02-21 19:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124320 [PATCH v9 09/22] power: replace RTE_LOGTYPE_POWER with dynamic type
2023-02-21 19:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124321 [PATCH v9 10/22] ring: replace RTE_LOGTYPE_RING with dynamic type
2023-02-21 19:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124322 [PATCH v9 11/22] mempool: replace RTE_LOGTYPE_MEMPOOL with dynamic type
2023-02-21 19:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124323 [PATCH v9 12/22] lpm: replace RTE_LOGTYPE_LPM with dynamic types
2023-02-21 19:03 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124300 [PATCH] [v4] net/ark: support for single function with multiple port
2023-02-21 19:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124294 [PATCH] net/af_xdp: fix integer handling issues
2023-02-21 19:01 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124303 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 19:01 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124300 [PATCH] [v4] net/ark: support for single function with multiple port
2023-02-21 19:01 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124302 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 19:00 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124286 [PATCH] [v2] app/testpmd: fix flex item compilation error
2023-02-21 19:00 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124300 [PATCH] [v4] net/ark: support for single function with multiple port
2023-02-21 18:59 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124301 [PATCH] [v4] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 18:58 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124288-124293 [PATCH] [v2, 6/6] net/nfp: fix the set IPv4/v6 DSCP flow action
2023-02-21 18:57 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124306 [PATCH v7 1/5] ip_frag: use a dynamic logtype
2023-02-21 18:56 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124307 [PATCH v7 2/5] reorder: use a dynamic logtype
2023-02-21 18:56 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124302 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 18:56 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124308 [PATCH v7 3/5] latencystats: use dynamic logtype
2023-02-21 18:56 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124309 [PATCH v7 4/5] vhost: use logtype instead of RTE_LOGTYPE_USER1
2023-02-21 18:56 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124303 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 18:53 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124303 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 18:53 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw123871-123872 [PATCH] [2/2] net/ice: support mark action in switch
2023-02-21 18:50 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124304 [PATCH] [v5] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 18:46 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124300 [PATCH] [v4] net/ark: support for single function with multiple port
2023-02-21 18:45 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124300 [PATCH] [v4] net/ark: support for single function with multiple port
2023-02-21 18:45 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124300 [PATCH] [v4] net/ark: support for single function with multiple port
2023-02-21 18:43 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124300 [PATCH] [v4] net/ark: support for single function with multiple port
2023-02-21 18:43 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124300 [PATCH] [v4] net/ark: support for single function with multiple port
2023-02-21 18:42 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124303 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 18:42 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124294 [PATCH] net/af_xdp: fix integer handling issues
2023-02-21 18:41 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124294 [PATCH] net/af_xdp: fix integer handling issues
2023-02-21 18:41 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124300 [PATCH] [v4] net/ark: support for single function with multiple port
2023-02-21 18:41 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124288-124293 [PATCH] [v2, 6/6] net/nfp: fix the set IPv4/v6 DSCP flow action
2023-02-21 18:41 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124300 [PATCH] [v4] net/ark: support for single function with multiple port
2023-02-21 18:40 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124300 [PATCH] [v4] net/ark: support for single function with multiple port
2023-02-21 18:39 UTC
[dpdk-test-report] (Testing) |SUCCESS| pw(124304) sid(27125) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD6567-20230222020822) [v5] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-02-21 18:38 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw124303 [PATCH] config: added support for NVIDIA ARM implementer ID
2023-02-21 18:37 UTC
|FAILURE| pw124300 [PATCH] [v4] net/ark: support for single function with multiple port
2023-02-21 18:37 UTC
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